Dear Comrade

Chapter 320

Dear Comrade the Leader Episode 320

Chapter 110. Battle of Ando Prefecture

At the time of the last air battle in Tumen, everyone looked down on North Korea’s air power and sent a squadron composed of low-class fighters like the J-10, but suffered a devastating defeat. Could.

However, the Operations Department of the General Staff of the Korean People’s Army had already foreseen such a situation to some extent and delivered details of the operation to respond to it.

-Wonsan Unit 1, Wonsan-1 Come out, this is a bird’s nest, and now it is confirmed that there is an electronic electricity over there. Our performance will be inferior to ours, but if you attack first, you may be immediately detected, so respond carefully to the engagement.

– This is Wonsan No. 1 Alright, bird nest. Disturbance bait missiles were fired first.

Pyu woo woo… … !!

With those words, ADM-21 missiles were fired from the wings of several North Korean KA-16s.

The jamming missile, which flies through the combat airspace according to a pre-designated route, and shoots flames from its tail as if it is good to be caught by an infrared detector, quickly becomes the KJ-2000, an early warning and control device operated by the Chinese military from the rear. 2000) was caught on the radar.

-The North Koreans have found a fighter plane! Ready to launch missiles!

– Fire!

Cuckoo Kook!!!!

‘Hmm, it’s just as expected by the operating department.’

Soon, along with a loud bang, the sabotage missile launched by the Korean People’s Army was shot down and turned into debris in the sky.

According to the radar of the U.S.-made early warning and control system, which is now monitoring them from the rear, the new, unidentified aircraft of the Chinese military, the J-11, did not budge from the downing of the jamming missile just before.

Only the J-10 squadron, a low-class aircraft that they had already engaged in, engaged in an engagement, and there was one conclusion that could be inferred from this.

‘I’ll put the J-10 in front of the team, which has relatively poor performance and is definitely inferior to the ally, and save the J-11, which is superior in performance, and only engage when I’m sure.’

– The Koreans are not spearmen! The Chief of Staff’s prediction was correct! The Koreans have a bait for disturbance!

– Don’t panic and fight calmly! This time, our side also has an early warning device and the number is similar! The armament over there is limited, and one shot must have been consumed just before! When the comrades withdraw from here, allies on the ground will have to fight in the face of the Koreans’ aerial bombardment! Be sure to win and come back!

As they were thinking that way, the radio of the J-10 pilots, who had squandered and consumed only precious missiles, roared in the Chinese military’s communications network.

As predicted by Wonsan-1, the Chinese Army’s basic strategy for air combat was to form a squadron with a mix of low-class and high-class aircraft, J-10 and J-11, and then the North Korean KA-16 would use weapons and fuel to fight the J-10. By the time it was consumed and reverse detected by the Chinese military’s electronic electricity, the J-11 engaged in combat and increased the engagement cost.

Such a high-low mix strategy is a natural configuration that is already accepted as common sense in the air force of any military powerhouse, and the strategy that should have been taken if the Chinese military commander had not underestimated the North Korean air force in the last air battle in Tumen. win

And when there were a small number of J-11s because it was difficult to mass-produce the friendly air force, and a large number of J-10s with poor air-to-air performance, it was a realistic and wise strategy.

However, even when it has already been revealed that the unilateral inferiority of the friendly low-class tactical aircraft compared to the enemy army is almost certain as it is now, the fact that this strategy came out… … .

‘It’s virtually the same as throwing J-10 pilots as our food, but some of them are pretty toxic too.’

-Including the Wonsan squadron, the Raseon squadron, and the Sinuiju squadron, come out with the squadrons in each operational airspace, this is a bird’s nest. The superiority of the friendly side compared to the high-class J-11 over there is still unclear. Avoid battles that consume armaments and send out the repaired ‘KA-16 Type C’ instead!

– Got it!

With that order, the North Korean Air Force squadrons flying from each airspace to the Chinese military firepower system in Ando-hyeon sent out a new aircraft, the KA-16 C, rather than the main types A and B.

And while the rest of the pilots lowered their altitude as much as possible to avoid the radar, the J-11, the real obstacle to the operational goal of air supremacy, went into battle and held their breath and waited.

* * *

-Rediscover the signal of the Koreans’ seismic plane! Enter the fight!

‘Damn, maybe this isn’t bait, is it?’

The J-11 pilot, Guangzhou-1, and Guangzhou-1 tilted their heads as they listened to the friendly early warning and control unit’s radio from the communication network, but nevertheless, they did not stop the friendly J-10 flying towards the signal under control.

The low-level aircraft was under the control of the J-10 with relatively inexperienced young pilots, the J-11 driven by veterans like him, or the KJ-2000, the same early warning and control aircraft, so the signal suspected as a bait was the J-11. Of course, the same order is issued to the J-10 to avoid engagement.

A few minutes ago, while waiting for the other side to wear out only their weapons and become naked, a startling thing happened suddenly.

Trusting the control of an ally called bait, to save fuel, the ‘bait’ approached one ally J-10, which was in the air, and slowed down to save fuel. things have happened

– No, you crazy… … !!!

-headquarters! Headquarters out! This guy is a striker! It’s not a bait missile… … ahhh… … !!!!

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Not only the J-10 pilots like the aircraft that was shot down suddenly, but also the KJ-2000 and Guangzhou 1, which were being controlled from the rear, were all desperate, but it was after losing the precious pilots and tactical planes.

The Chinese pilots, who had already started immediately analyzing the frequency of the bait missiles emitted by the Koreans in the first engagement, and believed that they could filter out the bait and the real enemy to some extent, could not help but be stunned.

It might have been a little different if the wreckage of a friendly J-10 that was shot down in the last air battle in Tumen City could have been recovered and the frequency information could be analyzed in detail, but it might have been a little different, but the Koreans knew this and shrewdly retrieved the wreckage immediately after shooting down and cleaned everything including the black box. It was after it was wiped out.

From the point of view of the Chinese military pilots, whatever the signal was, they had no choice but to avoid engagement and watch.

It would be nice if the one flying towards your aircraft right now is the bait, but if it’s something else, it’s too late if you sit and wait until it flies to a distance where you can see it with the naked eye.

And whenever this signal was detected, while running around with rapid evasive maneuvers, the Chinese army was consuming little by little fuel and armament, whether it was a J-10 or a J-11.

– Calm down! Once you get close to each one, check it by all means including the naked eye, but primarily respond only with the J-10! J-11 pilots should refrain from responding as much as possible! A little sacrifice is fine!

‘Visual check? Easy to say! The fact that it’s okay to make sacrifices… … .’

Guangzhou No. 1 wanted to spit at the words of the controller and battalion commander who were trying to calm the panicked flight members.

In modern air warfare that flies at tactical aircraft or missiles or at speeds higher than the speed of sound, in order to not trust radar and check with the naked eye, it is inevitably necessary to slow down to a certain extent and approach.

The problem is that Koreans too have a lot of air-to-air missiles flying at speeds higher than the speed of sound.

Moreover, even if the missiles are second to each other, it is not known whether the tactical plane over there is still superior or inferior in terms of specifications to the J-11… … .

A while ago, the command of the Chief of Staff ‘It’s okay to make sacrifices’, in a word, doesn’t mean ‘Let’s send the low-class aircraft J-10 to the role of visual confirmation, which is highly likely to be a trap, since it is not worth sacrificing a high-class aircraft’.

‘Can not help it! Since becoming a soldier, the military uniform is not a shroud. Since this is the case, the only option is to shoot down at least one of the Korean fighter planes so that the sacrifice is not meaningless… … !!’

Thus, the Guangzhou No. 1, who was prepared to close his teeth, hovered in the rear of the friendly J-10, which was approaching with a signal suspected of being a bait.

If that signal is a bait or a trap, the North Korean tactical plane that will surely shoot down the J-10 will be caught, and when that time comes, the J-11 it drives will step forward and catch it.

And at a glance, the Chinese military’s operations seemed to fit.

– Confirmation completed, again this time was the bait. What the hell did these cunning punks do? … huh? damn it… … !! Aaah!!


At 6 o’clock, a tactical plane that appeared to be on the North Korean side appeared at the 6 o’clock position of the friendly J-10 chasing the bait missile and flew the missile down.

On the display of the latest HUD, already deployed only on the J-11, an enemy tactic plane shaped like a black isosceles triangle was clearly visible in the distance.

And finally, the movement of the Korean tactics aircraft caught by his phased array radar was at first glance dull and slow, apparently inferior to his J-11.

Moreover, it was possible to confirm that it was a clear tactical aircraft, not a bait, as well as with the naked eye.

The shape of the black cockpit protruding from the top of the tactical aircraft even in the dark night sky proved that it was something other than a bait missile, a drone, or any other fighter that had ever deceived them.

“Vengeance for the comrades who died in heaven! Go away, you punks!”

As soon as the sign that the bandit had entered the missile’s range appeared, he pressed the fire button, and the Guangzhou-1 shouted so involuntarily.

The maneuver of the J-11, which waited for an opportunity at low altitude, soared swiftly, shot down the enemy plane, and caught up with the fluttering KA-16, was not ashamed of the name of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force’s pride of air superiority. .

And the Russian-made R-77 air-to-air missile fired from the J-11, which caught the bandit’s rear, flew quickly, hitting the bandit and undoubtedly turning it into dust in the sky.


‘It was shot down!’

Seeing the KA-16, the red flag that fell apart with the explosion, the Guangzhou 1 was so delighted.

However, then something else was detected on his radar rapidly approaching behind him.

beep… … ! beep… … !!! beep… … !!!

-yes? what is this… … .

-Guangzhou No.1! Now you’re exposed to bandit radar and electromagnetism! Immediately leave the airspace, eject the flare, and perform an evasive maneuver!

– Control tower, don’t worry. The previous engagement revealed that that bandit was clearly inferior in performance to our J-11. I dropped one a while ago, so even if we engage in a full-fledged battle now, the Pants will almost certainly lose… … .

– That’s not it! The other squadron’s friendly J-11s, who are now engaged in other airspaces, are also being pushed behind at the right time! You are about to enter the bandit’s NEZ (No-Escape-Zone)! Get away as soon as possible!

– What is that… … !!


In the next moment, communication from Guangzhou No. 1, which was responding to the radio, was cut off.

This was because an enemy missile that flew in in a flash crushed his aircraft and shot it down just like the North Korean KA-16 he thought he had just dropped.

* * *

-This is the Wonsan squadron, shooting down 5 J-10s and 2 J-11s! I’ll track the rest soon!

-Tumangang squadron, shot down 8 J-10s and 4 J-11s!

-Baekdusan Squadron, shoot down 5 J-11s! The enemy squadron is retreating!

– It’s the battalion commander. Currently, reports of the shooting down from each regional flight squadron are continuing. The sky is ours. Now, after receiving refueling from the aerial tanker, fly to the operational airspace with confidence and focus on the main mission, the bombing mission! Victory!

– Victory!

‘I won half with this, but I hope. Those type C guys are a bit pricey, but losing the war is a waste, and they don’t want anything… … .’

The Wonsan-1 thought so while answering the battalion commander’s radio to reply to the shooting down report of his squadron and approaching the American air tanker for aerial refueling.

By Type C, he was referring to the KA-16 variant that drew the Chinese high-class fighter jets (including the Guangzhou-1, which had just been caught by him and shot down after being shot down by an AMRAAM missile).

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No, to be precise, it should be said that it is an unmanned version of the KA-16, which has been modified to enable unmanned remote control of the first mass-produced model A.

Even in the United States, where unmanned control technology is currently ahead and behind North Korea in the world, remote control of fighter jets is still an experimental technology, and it is still an experimental technique to use a manned design at the time of development. It was the first time the aviation research team succeeded and even put it into practice this time.

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