Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 666: Closed door

Since you are arrogant, you will naturally relax your vigilance. That's why Roddy showed a heartfelt smile to the mages next to him, even if the other person was uncomfortable.

Roddy's load from Everta is actually not much. Because this is only the first diplomatic visit and contact, and large-scale trade has not yet begun, a dozen horse-drawn carriages will be enough to pack the various "special products" he brought. Among them, Roddy also played a trick: he did not mark the Rahman parliament with rare things such as "cobalt gold mines" and "charged crystals" on that "Karlyn trade manifest". Instead, they were handed over to Houdini.

So this group of people is actually called "lightly on the battlefield", but in about 20 minutes, the large troops have been loaded, he and five welcoming mages are walking forward, and the entire team slowly begins the "trekking" along the road. .

At the same time, Houdini didn't know what happened to Roddy's team. He is now standing in the port's port processing office, frowning at the port official in front of his head and looking down at a stack of logbooks, saying, "What do you mean? The parliament only needs logbooks?"

"Yes, this is the decision of the parliament. After turning in the logbook and the minutes of the negotiations in the Karen Kingdom, your work is done. Master Houdini, there is nothing for you here."

The port officials in front of him are not strangers. Before Hudini led the fleet, the other party made a special trip to invite him to eat at the expensive restaurant "Castec Fireplace" in the city. At that time, this guy was full of words. This kind of flattery, I do n’t know now when I came back, it was cold as if I had never met. This contrast caught Hudini off guard so much that he stood here for a long time.

We must know that when such a large state visit comes back, it is necessary to make a public speech in the "Parliament". Not only to report on the visit, but also to explain his impression of the Karen Kingdom. In any way, his speech can dominate Rasiman's emphasis on the future of the Karen Kingdom. Therefore, the speech of this speech Houdini Can be described as well-intentioned and prepared for a long time.

Being able to speak at a meeting can be said to be a kind of political qualifications. If you choose any position in the future, it will be a lot of highlights ... but now, even I have been deprived of this qualification!

"What's next? Master Houdini, if you're fine, you can go first."

The rushing words awakened him suddenly. Houdini shook his fists with both hands and slowly let go of what he wanted to say, but eventually turned to leave.

At this point Roddy's team had gone in the other direction. Houdini was not worried about what moths would appear at Rasiman's reception. He just now felt that ... his original good mood had become dim.

Brunka College did not arrange a special team to welcome him, and Houdini had already anticipated this, so he had to call a horse-drawn carriage like Roddy out of his own pocket and exchange his students with the Karen Kingdom. Health "together.

Of course, he did not forget to let the transporter pull the ton of "cobalt and gold mines" under strict supervision anyway. This thing was not written on the business-to-business trade list, and no one in Rasiman would have thought that Roddy would put Such valuable things are directly handled by Houdini.

Finally, Master Houdini, who has finally returned to his hometown, is thinking about the next plan: he wants to go back to the college first, talk briefly with the dean of the college, and then explain the advantages and disadvantages to the members of the college and disclose to them The real discovery was, at least in Houdini's mind, whether it is a cobalt-gold mine or a charged crystal, which one is enough to give Brunka College more power to speak in parliament.

With them, it may not be a problem to return to the parliamentary seat by then!

Such an idea is not in conflict with his cooperation with Roddy. After all, Brenca College is cultivating his alma mater, and Houdini's thoughts are perfectly normal.

However, after he walked along all the way, and finally returned to Brunka, he found that those familiar with him were deliberately dodging himself.

He naturally did not know that during this time, because of the "daily buckle" of the members of the Ballena Academy, remarks about Houdini's "treason against the enemy" naturally spread throughout the streets. The main thing is ... I know that Houdini is a member of the Brunka Institute, but the members of the college did not dare to refute each other in the parliament, and they did not even dare to come back to rumor it. Tiger, actually makes most people take this ridiculous responsibility as a fact!

Unknowingly, Hudini just felt like he was running into a wall, and he managed to hold himself personally, asking whether the dean and the members of the parliament were in the college, but the answer was "None of the college seniors are here today" ...

This is simply impossible. Houdini is not stupid enough to take such words seriously, he understands that this is just rhetoric, and I guess I will go directly to the top of the magic tower to find them, and he will be turned away.

"Forget it, then I won't find it."

He smiled reluctantly, and everything he was about to say had been choked back. After simply arranging the magicians of the Karen Kingdom, Houdini returned to his home with some loss.

Most wizards are single, as is Houdini. Because of his high status in the college, he was placed in a separate courtyard. However, when he stopped the team carrying the cobalt gold ore in front of the yard ~ ~, he frowned and took an envelope from the door.

The content of the letter is a notification of the internal decision of Brunka College to cancel Houdini's eligibility for housing. However, Brenca College did not do too much, only to "downgrade" the treatment of Houdini, and ordered to move to another neighborhood called "Tan Yake" before mid-October.

Houdini was no stranger to that place, he lived there before becoming a "high-level lecturer". It is equivalent to saying that Blenka College has reduced his treatment to the "intermediate lecturer" stage, which is the penultimate level of more than ten grades of the college.

The leaders believed that doing this had saved Houdini's face, but did not realize that this behavior was basically equivalent to "humiliating" a wizard who returned from a good end to complete the task, and even directly denied the power of self-defense ...

Who would openly accept this arrangement?

Houdini stood in front of the courtyard and suddenly felt a little ridiculous. When he was at Everta, he saw that Roddy and others faced the threat of war every day. Every day people died, and every day there was pressure from all sides ... And what about Rasiman? Indiscreet and goofy, it is obviously a peaceful time, but it is necessary to face the stunned and humiliated arrows from its own people.

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