Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 667: Trouble

The good mood when he arrived at the port has completely disappeared. Houdini took a deep breath. He tried to pinch the letter a few times, but his eyes flashed for a long time. He clenched his teeth to resist the impulse of his heart, or put away the letter and continued to let The porter moved things into the yard.

When everything was cleaned up and the courtyard was quiet again, Houdini sat alone on his favorite deck chair, silently watching the flowers in the yard that had died because of months of unattended care, wondering what.

There was obviously the best temperature and sunshine here, but he felt a little cold all over.

After a short rest, he got up a little tired, picked up his dissertation on the biological variation of the El shark, put on casual clothes, and walked to the "Dark Blue" journal submission office not far away.

I thought I would be busy for a long time, but I never thought about taking a break. Houdini thought about submitting the dissertation first.

Rasiman's submissions can be sent by mail or directly at the door. With the exception of several large and influential journals, the offices of most magazines are consolidated in the same area. Therefore, the mages who live in Du Ruier City often choose to submit articles directly, because when they submit such articles, they will first get the opinions of the “receivers”. If they are lucky, they can catch up with the reviewers for on-site review. Efficiency will be much higher.

Houdini wrote this thesis because he did feel that such abnormalities needed to be researched, not just to "scratch points." So he didn't care about the hard work of the journey, and came to this building group called "Thinking Pool".

Various magazines and books and newspapers have set up offices here, and Da Na in various fields is hidden in it. Therefore, even in this kind of place, even the magician will not arbitrarily exude Houdini after crossing several alleys. I quickly found the submission office of Deep Blue, and then respectfully handed in my paper.

The contributor was not the mages he knew. He was not in the mood. He didn't want to discuss any academic issues now, so he planned to turn away. But the mage who got the dissertation raised his eyebrows and yelled at him:

"Wait, are you Houdini? Houdini of Brenca? The one returning today?"

"it's me."

Houdini turned in confusion, thinking that the other party had any questions, but seeing the other party handed back the paper directly

"Dark Blue rejected your manuscript. Please come back."

"Wh-what do you mean? Why?"

"There is no reason why any of Laceman's savvy journals will not publish a traitor to a traitor."

This made Houdini hold back. He didn't understand what the other party said for a while, but soon his lips trembled with anger. However, he wanted to say something, but he was speechless for a while because of the disgusting expression and disdainful look of the other party.

"Hold it."

Seeing that Houdini didn't answer, the mage simply reached out and stuffed a stack of manuscripts into his hand, then returned to the station, and continued to flip through the books.

In the end what happened?

Houdini stuck his breath in his chest, making him blush and white. After getting out of the door, some desperately wanted to cast the paper three times in a row, but after all, he didn't do it.

For Rasiman, after all, he has a sincere heart. Even if he had received all the accused replies at that time, even if the Brenca Academy no longer trusted him, Houdini still thought he had a chance to explain ...

But now he suddenly realized a problem: even people who didn't have much contact with him had such a big bias and estrangement. What happened here is probably not clear in a few words.

Who is your enemy? Houdini hasn't figured it out yet.

What did they do? Houdini didn't know.

What to do next?

Houdini understands that this is the question he should think about now.

The Brunka Academy, which was supposed to be a "backer", was deaf. He was completely uninterested in going cold and sticking his hot butt, so after standing in the alley for a few minutes, he took a deep breath and walked towards the usual It is used to receive the "Nabble neighborhood" of his foreign envoys.

At this time ... ask Roddy.

He thought so, because it was not far away, he entered this lively area within a few minutes walk. But the chaos surrounding him surprised him a bit: It was usually deserted here on weekdays. Why was there so many people suddenly?

Generally speaking, foreign businessmen will not bring caravans to stay here, because the hotels here are beautifully furnished and expensive, and only those small countries around Rasiman will be invited to live here by the parliament. That is, come here. The "guests" who live in the parliament pay for themselves. Now looking around, Houdini immediately recognized the clothes and carriages unique to the five surrounding countries passing by in front of him ...

Houdini instinctively realized that there was a problem, he quickly stopped the pedestrians on the road and asked a few words, only to realize that the "Crown of the Twilight Autumn" was actually ahead of schedule, and it was held half a month later!

To this day, he immediately understood how this happened. As a Rasiman, he naturally understood the idea of ​​the upper level to show Guowei's ideas through activities, but ... why no one mentioned this from the beginning to the end?

Obviously, this attitude has explained what the Rahman parliament thinks of him.

Houdini felt like the bustling countries in front of him were making a huge joke!

For Rasiman ~ ~ he has always had naive expectations. He had imagined that ... when he returned with honour, everyone would understand his pains and recognize his contribution to the country.

However, when he stood on this land, he realized that the reality was so cold: no matter how hard a little "researcher" himself could be, he could not defeat the core members of the university.

Houdini stepped back two steps, sitting weakly beside the flower bed. At this moment, the sadness is greater than the death of his heart. He stretched out his hand to cover his face, and after rubbing it a few times, the old man with reddish eyes stood up again. His eyes were no longer easy-going, but more It's never been cold. He looked at the hotel on this street and found no trace of Roddy's team. Recalling the Parliament's attitude towards himself, Houdini's face was even more gloomy.

As a "Prophecy" mage, he was not worried that he could not find anyone. After pulling out his magic wand and casting, the results of the spell made him inexplicably sighed.

"If you want to bully, just bully me like an old bone. But you should never mess with him ..."

"It's really a big deal."

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