Demon Sage

Chapter 548

The four corners of the brown red base extend vase-like legs, the upper right is a square coal burning device, a golden cylinder is embedded in the top, and a flywheel of the same color is externally connected to the connecting rod and the crankshaft.

The exquisite and beautiful model caught Donald’s attention, and Finger was also squatting on the window, tugging at it with his front paws, trying to get a closer look.

“How much is this?”

In the shop at the train station, Donald asked with a model of a steam engine

“You have a good eye, this is The new items in the store are only 6p.”

The young man behind the counter put down the brush in his hand and said with a faint smile,

“In fact, there are still some promotions in our store now. , if you spend 1 gold pound, we will also give you an autographed photo of Mr. Calvert Slona and a mechanical pen.”

“Mechanical pen?”

Donald had heard of quill pens and fountain pens, but had never seen this so-called mechanical pen, so he couldn’t help asking.

“That’s it, this is the commemorative model of the exposition released by Unse City this year, but I don’t usually see it.”

Bend down and take out a ribbon tied with a ribbon from the drawer under the window. A small gift box wrapped in a bow, open and take out the item inside.

From the appearance, it is just an ordinary pen. The waiter holds the small ring in the middle and turns it. After a slight click, the upper part is suddenly cracked, and the surface shrinks to both sides at the same time. Revealing the engraving underneath – a small robot.

“It is said that the engravings in the mechanical pens sold in different places are different, but now many people are trying to collect a full set of commemorative pens.”

“Is that so. …..Charles, why don’t you buy a model to collect as well?”

Donald turned his head and looked towards Charis, who was carrying a bag outside the store and was constantly taking out snacks from the inside and asked.

“There are ten minutes before the train departs, don’t you want to buy a newspaper?”

Charles was obviously not very interested in some mechanical creations, and glanced at it. Looking at the thing in Donald’s hand, he said.

After nearly half a month of travel, their current location is only two stops away from Unser City. If there is no accident, they will be able to reach Unser City before dusk. There is some urgency.

There is only one week left until the Uncer Fair begins.

shrugged indifferent expression, put down a gold pound on the window, took away the model and the mechanical pen, picked up Finger and walked out the door in the smile of the waiter’s thanks.


The whistle of the steam train came at this moment, and Donald’s eyes drifted to the direction of the platform, compared to the passing half a month ago. The environment in front of the city has changed greatly.

As the industrial center of the entire Ryan Empire, Enther City has an impact on the surrounding areas that is not even weaker than those industrial cities that the empire focuses on.

Take this train station as an example.

The merchandise store behind Donald sells mechanical models and some small items that are very rare in other areas, and the exterior facade decoration is no longer the common wooden structure in the past. The lights that can be turned on and off at any time and a mechanical panel that can be used to check the types and prices of commodities through buttons are enough to show that in these areas, the mechanical technology brought by the industrial revolution is in a period of vigorous development.

What really caught Donald’s attention was the little mechanical beasts that appeared beside some well-dressed men and women, such as a golden-looking mechanical rabbit in the arms of a lady not far away.

It’s neither a Rare Item nor some kind of offensive armed machine.

But that’s what drew Donald’s attention.

as everyone knows, the development of science and technology is actually largely derived from the needs of human struggle. This is an irrefutable fact. However, to see the level of industrial development of a city, it is necessary Judging by the popularity of these technologies among the people.

Can Donald make this mechanical rabbit in Reynus?

Of course there is no doubt that it can not only be built, but also very easy to do. If he wants, Victor’s team can make it for him in one night.

But the fact is that there is no such mechanical rabbit on the market at all.

The reason is very simple, Victor and his team are able to create a mechanical rabbit relying on Donald, which is the private laboratory owned by the mayor of Serveit Talos, and now Renas is still There are not enough mature and sophisticated industrial production lines and workers in this area.

Unless the scientists and students under Victor are asked to stop doing research, mass production is impossible.

However, in this city railway station, which is still some distance from Unther City, Donald saw quite a few mechanical pets along the way, and mechanical rabbits are the more common type.

Of course, this does not rule out the probability that since the Enser Expo is about to start, the influential people from all over the world will come here, but on the other hand, Donald did not see any surprise or surprise from the ordinary people around him. Surprised emotions, this proves that they have long been used to this kind of scene.

“I’m starting to wonder what kind of a city Unther is.”

Standing in front of the roadside newsstand, Donald’s fingers slid between the newspapers, not only Today, he plans to buy the newspapers of the last month!

“Industrial Revolution, Technological Change and all these weird dresses… Inventors, what a bunch of people who don’t know what to fear.”

Since leaving Rock Castle , Xia Ruisi seems to have returned to her original character when she was in Renas, with less grace and more cheerfulness and liveliness.

Donald said nothing on the surface, but he was somehow happy.

After all, traveling with a lady who always wears a calm and indifferent mask on her face is not as comfortable as traveling with a lively and cheerful girl.

The only problem is that Sharis in this state has more hobby than before.

Like the sweets bag in hand now, and the uncontrollable nagging or broken mouth.

Like most religious people, she doesn’t like the Industrial Revolution. She doesn’t mean to deny those highly practical technologies. She just thinks that many people only see benefits in the eyes of the Industrial Revolution. Reverence for the gods and kindness in the heart are no longer pure.

“The times have changed, and human impossible will always stay in the primordial state. Progress and even evolution are inevitable development.”

Include most of the newspapers in the space ring, leaving only one A recent daily newspaper, Donald walked to a nearby waiting bench to take a seat.

“The inevitable development…is it premised on abandoning the gods?”

Sharis always seemed very offensive on the topic of gods. Donald didn’t want to argue with her about this sort of thing, flipping through the paper while thinking about how to change the subject.

Soon he thought of a good topic.

“Arriving in Unse soon, I think it’s time to talk about what we are going to do this time, our goals are the same, and my identity may be in the grace of the secular area. The city provides a lot of convenience.”

Another alliance outside the rock castle took the cooperation between the two to another level, and because of this, Donald blunt asked his own questions. ,

“I hope that before arriving in Unser, I can have a detailed understanding of what is going to happen in Unser City, and at least allow me to start thinking about my next steps.”

“I don’t actually know much information. In fact, I heard it from others…I mean the news passed by our circles.”

Mention Ense, Xia Ruisi’s expression was a little hesitant, she frowned and thought for a while before continuing,

“God-building plan!”

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