Demon Sage

Chapter 549

Creating a god?

Donald was still thinking about the meaning of the word until he got on the train.

To a certain extent, the series of things he once did in Renas was to create a god, to expand his reputation by killing the villains in Reinas, and to kill Serveit Talos Instead, he gained official support, and finally made his name popular among the people through statues and deliberately spreading rumors.

In the end, a black robe saint’s divine image was created and recognized by all.

Because of this, Donald’s first reaction when Sharis proposed the “God-making plan” was that Ryan Empire also wanted to establish a spiritual pillar for the people through some things, so as to stabilize Today, there is a chaotic situation of belief caused by the blockade of the starry sky.

But then I felt something was wrong. Ryan Empire tried so hard to block the starry sky, just to pave the way for the spiritual support of his own people?

It’s a bit of a fuss, isn’t it?

You must know that even Donald can successfully set off a god-building movement with a team of several people in a medium-sized city. It is undoubtedly easier for Ryan Empire to do the same thing. After all, they are the orthodox officials. , said that Divine Vestige appeared somewhere, wouldn’t anyone believe it?

Next, as long as the propaganda is carried out in the non-belief area for a period of time, several high-level officials will come out to the platform, and the number of custodial believers will explode.

Then here comes the problem.

Does this hypocritical thing deserve the attention of the chosen people and even the gods and come to Enther City to check it?

According to Xia Ruisi’s statement, this is the message that circulated within the major sectors. If it was really just a show, simply impossible would cause such great attention.

So Donald quickly realized that he might be thinking wrong, and the “creation of gods” here is probably its literal meaning.

Create a Supreme Existence!

Is it really possible?

From Donald’s point of view, when this idea came to his mind, he felt that it was completely a fantasy story.

If the diving ability is created by man, then it cannot be called God!

This is a paradox in itself!

“That’s why we’re going to Unther to find out. I want to see what those blasphemers are trying to do.”

Charles leaned against the car window, sitting across from Donald, while Barlow went to the other car next door.

“Hey, keep your voice down and communicate with your spirit. This is a non-religious area. I don’t want to get off the train and be surrounded by a group of investigators.”

Interrupted Sharispo Some excited speeches, the sound insulation effect of the car is not as good as expected, I took out a random copy of the newspaper on the desktop, distracted, and said on Spiritual Plane again,

“Let’s not care. Is your news true, if Ryan Empire is really going to create a god, do you think they will let outsiders know about the whole process?”

Anyway, for the strength of the Empire’s Anomaly Bureau, Donald even I haven’t seen it for sure, and I have some numbers in my heart.

Be aware that there are two Awakening Level powerhouses in just one city in Demingham.

Although part of this is due to the particularity of the city of Demingham itself, since two dominant-level aliens can be stationed in a city, it is enough to prove that Ryan Empire has high-end battle strength There is enough confidence.

If today’s god-building plan is real, Donald can almost foresee how much human and material resources Ryan Empire will invest in it.

Breaking in hastily, let alone Sharis, a divinely chosen person with some “water” strength, even Donald himself may be fatally threatened.

“Do you think I’m the only one who went to Ense?”

She also stretched out her hand and took out a newspaper. She rubbed the smooth surface of the paper with her left hand, and her expression suddenly changed. Seriously,

“I said it just now, I’m just watching, some guys are ready for disaster!”

“You mean there are other The…”

Turn over the newspaper, Donald’s eyes didn’t stay on the page for too long, just a cursory glance and then changed to another place, while his face remained calm, his heart It has been choppy.

“Of course there will be. Didn’t I say that I got this news from somewhere else? I admit that my ability is a little weak, and the frontal combat can only be said to be average, but I am good at seduction. , there are very few who can beat me.”

Charles looked at Donald’s behavior of flipping through the newspaper with some surprise, Spiritual Plane’s conversation did not stop,

“Similarly Yes, among the people I know, there are guys with average auxiliary abilities, but destructive power can be called terrifying, they are pure fanatics, and any blasphemous behavior will be attacked by them!”

“ It looks like you’ve foreseen chaos in Unther City and want to fish in troubled waters?”

Putting the finished newspaper aside and drawing a new one.

“In fact, the goal I originally wanted to achieve in Unther City has been completed, so whether you believe it or not, I am indeed going with the intention of investigating Ryan Empire’s god-building plan, Even if I encounter an unavoidable danger, I will immediately choose to protect myself and quit… Although it means to belittle myself, the weak have to correct their posture, don’t they?”

Looking at the man opposite, Xia Ruisi took a sip of coffee, leaned back on the sofa, and relaxed naturally.

“You went to Unther to find allies?”

Donald looked thoughtful nodded.

At the moment when Ryan Empire is carrying out the god-building plan, the gods and sects are facing great pressure. Even if there is a loss, it will not be too serious.

However, for some small sects not recognized by Ryan Empire, this is undoubtedly a devastating blow.

On the one hand, there is no church, no imperial recognition, and even the sect that it should have.

On one side are the “official gods” who are personally supported by Ryan Empire and will carry out extensive operations.

For people in small places, faith comes from the needs of life.

The food production is reduced, and they believe in the earth goddess.

The weather was bad and they prayed to the god of the storm.

Sin breeds and they look to the God of justice.

It is easy for them to believe in God, and because of this, it is easy for them to “transfer love away”!

Now that the Empire can satisfy them, why spend time praying to a god who doesn’t know exists?

Because of this, in Sharis’ original plan, she wanted to find someone in the same situation as herself in Unther City, and Miriel of Rock Castle was the one she had made an appointment with. one of our allies.

Who would have thought that a more powerful Donald would appear halfway through, not only possessing a city with a population of nearly 300,000, but also killing the demon who occupied Miril’s body.

The secret confession of the two sides during the second alliance made the alliance between them stronger and made Sharis begin to consider whether to continue to find allies in Unther City.

Or what kind of ally to look for.

“I have a few friends that I know who are going to have a meeting in Unser City, which is one of the reasons why I have to rush to Unser City before the fair. Their information channels are better than mine. It is much more extensive, and there may be orthodox sects involved, I want to know what those ‘great characters’ are going to do!”

The alliance is another matter, in fact Xia Rui Silk does not want to miss any key information nowadays.

Because what’s going to happen in Unther City will likely determine the next changes in Ryan Empire.

“so that’s how it is … so let’s split up, you go to other Chosen people to find out about the situation, and I use my channel to find a way to find out What the hell are the upper echelons of the empire thinking.”

“Aren’t you going to act with me?”

Charles thought Donald would go to that party with her, but the latter said she would The split action made her a little puzzled.

“My identity is not suitable for entering your circle. When the time comes, it is difficult to explain my identity when I really want to be questioned, and don’t forget my current identity. The level I can reach may give I’ve provided a lot of valuable information.”

Spreading out the newspaper she finally found in front of Charis, she tapped the largest page with her index finger.

“The patriarch girl from the Talos family comes to Unther City!”

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