Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 353 The final interrogation, complex cause and effect (combined chapter)

County bureau, case handling hall.

When the complete DNA test results were presented to everyone, Song Lishun's motive for committing the crime was already clear.

Because a kidney transplant and a paternity test, starting from Wang Baogui, were all fake.

Song Lishun had no sons.

As a man, regardless of murder, Chen Yi really sympathized with Song Lishun. Over the years, he married two wives and gave birth to two children. Both wives cheated on him, and neither of the children was his own.

Most people would collapse on the spot after learning about it, but Song Lishun couldn't go crazy after learning about it.

He had absolute authority in the Song family, as high as an emperor. His brothers and nephews pushed his self-esteem to the ground and trampled it hard. Maybe he was still laughing in his heart when he bowed his head but didn't look up.

Song Lishun would never accept it.

Therefore, he couldn't hold back the murderous intention in his heart. If it weren't for the lack of physical strength at the age of seventy-four, Fu Rongrong would not only be the one who was cut into pieces, and the case would be far more bloody than it is now.

Anyone who follows me and steals from my house will die, and no one can survive.

If his grandchildren, including Wang Baobao, were not in Ping County, I wonder if Song Lishun would have completely reduced the Song family to extinction. From his perspective, I am afraid he could not do it.

"What's going on with this family?"

He Xin held it in for a long time and didn't know what to say. He could only ask questions and listen to other people's opinions.

Xu Wenbing held his forehead: "Anyway... it's quite confusing. Song Lishun lived for more than seventy years, but in the end he didn't have a biological son of his own. The family property he worked hard for all his life was used as a wedding dress for others, and he was able to commit a shocking murder that killed eight people. No wonder."

"The case happened suddenly. He definitely didn't investigate this matter himself. It was probably Fu Rongrong who told him. He originally wanted to question Wang Guogui's biological father. I don't know what happened in the middle. He pulled out the carrot and brought out the mud, which revealed more hidden secrets. Come out."

After the words fell, the case handling hall fell into silence again.

Chen Yi remained silent. He was thinking about how to interrogate Song Lishun. The truth would depend on how much Song Lishun told him.

He is not worried about whether to plead guilty or not. Song Lishun is a man of good reputation. In addition to venting their anger, the eight people who killed Fu Rongrong should also have the idea of ​​​​killing them. In the future, no one will know that Song Lishun of the Song family is actually a loner and has no personality at all. One's own descendants.

If this incident spreads, the people of Ping County will remember it for a lifetime. Whenever they think about it after dinner, they will have to talk about it, but it is still for the purpose of ridicule.

Don't worry about things that don't concern yourself, everyone likes to talk about new things.

Looking at the history of the country, Song Lishun's experience is absolutely explosive. Even if he has a biological son, it would be good, but in the end there is not one.

"Song Lishun doesn't have time to do a DNA paternity test."

After a while, Chen Yi's voice sounded and he began to analyze the unknown doubts in the case.

Some details can only be guessed at, but some details can be inferred.

For example, how could Song Lishun be sure that Song Pingquan was not his biological son? He was not stupid. He was over seventy years old and had a stable mind. He believed it based on just a few words from others? Not too possible.

The meaningless words made everyone react for a few seconds, and they quickly understood. Xu Wenbing said: "Chen Zhi, you mean that Song Lishun saw the evidence?"

Chen Yi: "It's not necessarily specific evidence. Let's walk through the process."

"When Song Lishun learned that Wang Guobao was not his biological son, he suppressed his anger and completed the kidney transplant. After he recovered, he immediately went to see Fu Rongrong."

"Then, Fu Rongrong disappeared. We determined that it was on that day that he killed Fu Rongrong."

"After killing Fu Rongrong, Song Lishun returned to the hospital and was discharged again six days later. He poisoned seven people in Song Liguo."

"Judging from the process, Fu Rongrong must have said something to him to make him believe that apart from Wang Guigui, Song Pingquan was not his biological son. Now there are three possibilities."

"First, there is no evidence, just one sentence, and Song Lishun believed it."

"Second, Fu Rongrong has the paternity test reports of Song Lishun and Song Pingquan."

"Third, Song Lishun is infertile."

Listening to Chen Yi's words, everyone is obviously more concerned about the third point, because this is a new conjecture that has never appeared before.

"Unable to bear children?"

When did Xu Wenbing and others fall into thinking.

The first situation is unlikely, and Song Lishun definitely needs to verify it, which is the second and third situations.

If Fu Rongrong had the paternity test reports of Song Lishun and Song Pingquan, where did she get them? Who made the appraisal report? Song Liguo? In order to determine whose son Song Pingquan is?

If Song Lishun is infertile, can it explain why he has no biological children? After so many years, two wives, even if both wives have cheated on each other, can't they be so carried away and not have a child?

"It's all possible." He Xin said, "If Fu Rongrong has an appraisal report in his hand, the source must be related to Song Liguo. If Song Lishun is infertile... then this matter may be traced back to Song Lishun's ex-wife Tao Peijuan. She You have to know something, or guess something..."

Speaking of this, Shi Xin suddenly thought of another thing: "Maybe both women cheated because of their children?"

Chen Yi: "If Song Lishun is infertile, Tao Peijuan is possible, but Fu Rongrong is unlikely. Fu Rongrong has her own advantages."

"In this case, without interrogating Song Lishun for now, Captain Xu will try to find someone who is close to the Song family around the time Song Pingquan was born, including relatives and friends."

Xu Wenbing: "That must have been fifty years ago. Okay, I'll take someone to find out about it right away."

The next day, Chen Yi met an old man who was about the same age as Song Lishun, both in their seventies.

He was not a relative of the Song family, but a friend of Song Lishun. He had a good relationship with Song Lishun in his early years. Later, when Song Lishun became prosperous, conflicts arose due to the debt relationship, and he never had any contact with her again.

Borrowing money and lending hatred is very common in real life. You can talk about anything these days, but you can't talk about money.

"Song Lishun? If you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten that I ever knew this person."

In the courtyard on the first floor of the community, the old man touched the pet dog beside him, his voice sounded, and his eyes were filled with memories.

So many years have passed, even if there is any grudge, it has all dissipated in the long river of time.

"It's embarrassing to say that I still owe him a thousand yuan. Just because of this thousand yuan, I can no longer be friends. It was my fault. I really couldn't come up with the money at the time, so the relationship gradually became estranged."

"Later I went to return it once, but he didn't want it."

One thousand yuan was not a lot of money in the 1980s, when workers' wages were only a few dozen yuan.

Chen Yi handed over a cigarette and asked, "Uncle, when Song Pingquan was born, were you still on good terms with Song Lishun?"

The old man took the cigarette, nodded and said, "Very good, I'll accept the gift as well."

Chen Yi: "Song Lishun was seventeen when he got married?"

Old man: "Yes, I am seventeen years old. I just didn't get a marriage certificate. I only got a replacement when I reached the age."

Chen Yi: "It took five years to give birth to a child. Is Song Lishun stressed?"

The old man smiled and said: "There must be one. There is no one in the village who hasn't had a child for five years. They all got pregnant right after they got married and gave birth the next year. After the two of them got their marriage certificate, they didn't have any children. People around them spread rumors about it. Whoever has a problem is lucky to be pregnant."

Chen Yi: "Did the two of you quarrel because of this matter?"

The old man: "How can we not make noise? Our two families were very close to each other back then, and we could hear it even at night."

Chen Yi: "Have you ever heard some harsh words? For example, we want to drive Tao Peijuan out."

The old man shook his head: "Then I don't know. With my relationship with Song Lishun, I can only pretend not to hear."

Before leaving, the old man went back to the house to find a thousand yuan in cash and handed it to Chen Yi.

"After all, I owe him. This thousand yuan helped me a lot at that time. I know he is not short of money now, so forget it. It's just a worry."

"Tell him thank you for me. When I die, I hope he can come to see me and burn incense. If he dies first, I will go too."

People miss old times when they get old. It seems that the relationship between the old man and Song Lishun was really good back then, because it was a pity to have a falling out over money.

They are growing up, but if you lose one, you will lose one, and you will never find them again.

Chen Yi didn't say much and accepted the money and said he would take the conversation to the meeting.

County Bureau.

Song Lishun was taken to the interrogation room, and Chen Yi prepared to break through.

Based on the existing clues and speculation, the whole matter has a clear outline in Chen Yi's mind. Even if some details are different from the facts, it is enough to defeat Song Lishun.

Lu Yongqiang's multiple surveys of the breeding farm also yielded new results. The evidence was not directional, but it completely restored the incident.

The scene of the first crime was in the machinery factory area, where Song Lishun interrogated Fu Rongrong, where he killed Fu Rongrong, and where he cut Fu Rongrong's body into pieces.

Song Lishun was handcuffed and sat on a chair in the interrogation room. Chen Yi stepped forward and placed one thousand yuan in cash on the table in front of him.

"Your friend gave it to you, do you know who it is? He said that no matter who dies first, he hopes that the other person will put the incense stick on it as a farewell to the early friendship."

Song Lishun glanced down and chuckled: "Captain Chen has searched so far, including accounts from decades ago. I wonder if there are any other gains?"

When Chen Yi turned around, the police officer immediately moved a chair over and the two looked at each other at close range.

"It seems that Captain Chen has found out a lot. I'm listening." Song Lishun said.

Chen Yi: "Song Pingquan is not his biological son. Do you know this?"

Hearing this, Song Lishun clenched his fists and asked without answering, "Have you done a paternity test?"

Chen Yi was surprised: "You were not absolutely sure, so you poisoned him? Aren't you afraid of making a mistake?"

Song Lishun: "Captain Chen's questioning method was wrong again. I didn't kill him or them."

Chen Yi shrugged: "Okay, let me answer your question. Song Pingquan is indeed not your biological son. Do you want to know who his biological father is?"

Song Lishun: "I don't want to."

Chen Yi: "Because you already know, but the paternity test is the ironclad evidence. You think it's Song Liguo, but maybe it's not."

Song Lishun's eyes narrowed and he stared at Chen Yi: "Whose?!"

Chen Yi: "Song established the country."

Song Lishun was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to explode, he turned into a taunt: "Captain Chen, you are really childish, are you interesting?"

Chen Yi chuckled: "Of course, the purpose is not to trick you, but to see if you know who Song Pingquan's biological father is. Did Fu Rongrong tell you?"

Song Lishun was silent.

Chen Yi was not in a hurry this time. He took out his cigarette and lit it. He looked at Song Lishun who was silent. The smoke and smell soon filled the entire interrogation room.

When the cigarette was halfway burning, he said: "I gave birth to a son who is my brother, and another son who is my nephew. Are you comfortable raising a son for others for so many years? After you die, the family property will fall to In the hands of the collateral, maybe a wife will be given as a gift."

For a murderer who killed eight people in a row, the interrogation methods can be various, and Chen Yi will not be polite to him.

The effect was obvious. Song Lishun's face became visibly ugly and gloomy. Chen Yi even vaguely felt the faint murderous aura coming towards his face.

Murderous aura is not a constant aura, nor a fantasy substantive feeling, but a temperament displayed in an instant by body language, micro-expressions and other details.

There is definitely a difference in temperament between those who have killed people and those who have not.

Not to mention killing people, there are butchers who kill pigs and dogs all year round. Those bloody and violent animals are afraid to walk around when they see them. This is a real thing.

"How many people know about this matter?" Song Lishun said coldly, staring at Chen Yi with bloodshot pupils.

Chen Yi was not afraid at all and was very calm. He raised his hand and took a puff from his cigarette and said: "Only our police know about it now, but that won't be certain in the future."

Song Lishun leaned forward suddenly: "Threaten me??"

In fact, he felt like a mirror. If the police could detain him and detain him, they must have identified him as a major suspect in this case. Now they only lack the most direct evidence and confession.

In order to make themselves talk, these policemen will do anything, which is eight lives.

Chen Yi: "I'm not threatening you, I just want you to understand the fact that we have determined that you are the murderer in this case. The process has been made clear. After you learned that Wang Guogui was not your biological child, you were discharged from the hospital on the fifth day and interrogated Fu Rongrong. She got more revelations out of her that drove you completely crazy."

Song Lishun slammed the table: "Whose son is Wang Baogui?!"

"Huh?" This sentence made Chen Yi react immediately, "Fu Rongrong cheated on more than one person?"

Song Lishun: “Whose son is he??”

Chen Yi: "Whose do you want it to be?"

Song Lishun said angrily: "Don't tell me these useless things! It's either Song Pingquan or Song Pinghui. Which bastard is he?!"

Chen Yi flicked the ashes from his cigarette. Fu Rongrong was having fun with her, not only with her stepson, but also with her stepnephew.

"Song Pinghui."

Hearing this name, Song Lishun's chest was relieved. It was the relief after knowing the truth: "Okay...very good, everyone deserves to die!!"

Chen Yi: "Who deserves to die?"

Song Lishun: "You all deserve to die!"

Chen Yi: "Did you kill him?"

"I..." After saying one word, Song Lishun took a deep breath, looked at Chen Yida and said, "Captain Chen, can this case be kept secret? Even if I die, my reputation cannot be ruined!"

Chen Yi put out his cigarette: "You can't die for the time being. Didn't you take away Wang's precious kidney? His kidney is very young and healthy."

Song Lishun was silent for a moment and sighed: "Okay, if you mention this matter, I admit that I took away the child Wang Guobao by force..."

He didn't speak, maybe he didn't think of how to describe it, but judging from his tone, he probably didn't dislike Wang Guigui.

Chen Yi said: "Wang Guobao is an acquaintance of mine. After the hospital called the police, I rushed to ask about the situation immediately, but Wang Guobao was unwilling to tell. Even if I forced him to ask, he still said that he was voluntary."

Song Lishun was stunned.

Chen Yi: "You said you were his biological father, and he believed it. You said he was stolen from you in his early years, and he believed it. He hasn't enjoyed his father's love for many years. You gave him money and a house. He had a surprise in his heart. move."

"You are too anxious. If he had waited a few more days, he would have donated his kidney willingly."

"I guarantee you that the above words are true."

Song Lishun's wrinkled face became complicated, and he whispered: "He is a good boy, but it's a pity..."

Chen Yi answered: "It's a pity that he is not your son. I am very curious. If he were your son, would you take action?"

The purpose of Song Lishun's search for Wang Baogui was to get a kidney. This had nothing to do with whether he was his son or not. The only difference was whether the other party voluntarily took him or not.

Song Lishun smiled bitterly: "Of course not if it's his son. I respect his opinion."

On the one hand, wanting to stay alive is also difficult, but it is also difficult to do anything to his son.

Without if, Wang Guogui is indeed not a son.

"Do you admit to the murder? You just said it was confidential. I will ask the people in the county bureau to keep it secret." Chen Yi asked, his voice calm.

Song Lishun was quiet for a long time, and then two words popped out: "I admit it."

All the police officers watching the interrogation breathed a sigh of relief. If Song Lishun still refused to confess, I don't know how long it would take.

Chen Yi stood up, took the chair and returned to his original position. After sitting down, he said: "Now that I admit it, let's officially start having a good chat. Let's start from the first time you leave the hospital."

Song Lishun raised his hand: "Captain Chen, have a cigarette."

Chen Yi threw the cigarette case on the table. The police officer behind him picked it up and stepped forward to light it for Song Lishun.

After taking a comfortable breath, Song Lishun leaned on the chair and looked up at the ceiling slightly.

"I said that Wang Baogui was stolen. I didn't lie. He was indeed missing. That's why I was sure that Fu Rongrong was having sex with men outside my back."

"The first time I left the hospital, I went to find Fu Rongrong. I beat her unconscious and tied her up in the machine shop. I asked her about Wang Guibao. Haha, she was very happy. She cried and admitted that Wang Guobao was not my son."

"I asked who it was. She didn't tell me at first. Is it useful? After it hurt, she told me that her name was Song Pingquan."

"She actually dared to get together with Song Pingquan. At that time, I felt the blood all over my body filled my head, and I almost smashed her to death."

"I shouted angrily over and over again: My stepmother and my son committed adultery. How can I behave if word spreads out? Who would have thought that she would shout out one sentence when she collapsed."

"Song Pingquan is not your son at all. You have no son!"

"Can you imagine how I feel when I hear this?"

Chen Yi responded: "Yes, I am completely confused and my mind is blank."

Song Lishun: "Yes, my mind is completely blank."

Chen Yi: "Do you believe it?"

Song Lishun: "Of course I don't believe it. I asked her why she said that. She..."

The voice stopped suddenly, Song Lishun lowered his head and smoked a cigarette, his old face seemed to be even more decayed.

The three possibilities flashed through Chen Yi's mind, and the results were already there at this moment: "You can't have children?"

Hearing this, Song Lishun stopped smoking, and the smoke exploded in his throat, causing him to cough violently. He raised his head and looked at Chen Yi: "Have you already checked this matter? How?"

Chen Yi did not answer: "Speak more, ask less."

Song Lishun shook his head helplessly: "The police now are really amazing. Yes, she said I was infertile."

Chen Yi: "How did she know?"

Song Lishun: "Because we checked, Fu Rongrong and I had been married for many years and had no children. She took the initiative to take me for a check-up. I couldn't resist her, so I went. She got the check-up results and told me that there was no problem. In a few days... you’ll tell me I’m pregnant.”

"This woman is actually very smart. Only then did I know that she took me for a check-up after she became pregnant to confirm whether I was fertile or not, because she was not sure who the child in her belly belonged to."

"I was very busy at the time, so I believed whatever she said. It never occurred to me that I was infertile."

Chen Yi nodded slightly: "So, Fu Rongrong saw the test results and concluded that Song Pingquan is not your son?"

Song Lishun laughed out loud: "No, Song Pinghui told her about Song Pingquan. It was precisely because she knew that Song Pingquan was not my son that she took me for a checkup."

Chen Yi was somewhat surprised: "Who? Song Pinghui? How did he know?"

Song Lishun: "Song Pingjun told him."

After hearing this, Chen Yi needed to reorganize the connections between several people.

Sure enough, Song Lishun's motive for poisoning the seven people of Song Liguo was not just as simple as committing adultery to vent his anger. There was a more complicated cause and effect.

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