In just two seconds, Chen Yi thought about many things.

Song Liguo cheated on Tao Peijuan and gave birth to Song Pingquan. The main reason was that Song Lishun was unable to have children. The pressure from the surroundings made the relationship between the newlyweds worsen day by day.

The motive of Tao Peijuan's behavior cannot be traced now. It is speculated that it was due to love, the reason for having a child, and it does not rule out that Song Liguo took the initiative. In short, his brother-in-law committed adultery.

Fu Rongrong cheated on Song Pinghui and gave birth to Wang Guogui, and her nephew and aunt committed adultery. Judging from Fu Rongrong's character and her cheating on Song Pingquan, this was a personal reason. She was just such a person, and there was little interference from external factors.

Because of this relationship, Fu Rongrong learned from Song Pinghui that Song Pingquan was not Song Lishun's biological child, and it was Song Pingjun who told him about this.

Since then, all three members of the Song family have been involved in the reviled ethics.

So, how did Song Pingjun know? The source of the information can only be Song Liguo or Gong Yujuan, with Song Liguo being the most likely.

And the most important thing is who stole Wang Baogui.

At present, it is possible.

After thinking for two seconds, Song Lishun's voice sounded: "You are surprised, aren't you? I am also surprised that there is something about Song Pingjun involved."

"Fu Rongrong was already in a state of madness at that time. She told everything she knew, including her affair with Song Pinghui. When I learned that she and Song Pinghui were also related, I completely lost my mind."

Chen Yi: "Is this your motive for poisoning them?"

Song Lishun looked at Chen Yi: "Captain Chen, you are a smart man, can't you understand? Fu Rongrong didn't tell anyone about my infertility, and she didn't dare to tell anyone. What does this mean?"

Chen Yi: "It means there are many people who know that Song Pingquan is not your biological son, but there is only one Fu Rongrong who knows that Wang Guogui is not your biological son either."

Song Lishun said coldly: "Yes! They are not only messing with my wife, but they are also trying to steal the family property! Otherwise, why did Wang Guogui disappear for no reason? It's just to make Song Pingquan the sole heir to prevent any accidents before my death!"

"Perhaps, that bastard Song Pingquan already knew that they were colluding, colluding!"

Chen Yi was silent.

Song Lishun didn't ask a single question before killing him. The truth will never be known. He can only rely on inference to find the highest possibility.

Song Lishun must have thought a lot in six days, and he was willing to talk to the other party about this matter.

"Where's Fu Rongrong, is she involved?" Chen Yi asked.

Song Lishun: "She was not involved. Who knows whether she is telling the truth or a lie."

Chen Yi: "I have said everything that needs to be said. There is no need to lie before dying. Besides, she is a wife and a mother. She is the first heir no matter what, and she will not abandon her son Wang Guigui."

Song Lishun thought for a while, nodded and said, "That's true. Then she didn't participate. The second and third children did."

Chen Yi: "Song Linan is not sure. He has no connection with this matter. If you want to understand this matter, you can only focus on Song Liguo, Song Pingjun, Song Pingquan and Song Pinghui."

"Want to hear my guess?"

Song Lishun seemed to have forgotten his identity as a murderer, and his tone became polite: "Of course, Captain Chen, please tell me."

Chen Yi: "First of all, the only person who knows that Song Pingquan is not your biological son is Song Liguo. He told Song Pingjun, and Song Pingjun told Song Pinghui."

"Now there is a question. Does Song Ping know all about it? Let us first assume that he knows."

"Song Pingquan knew that he was not your son. After Wang Guogui was born, he panicked and conspired with Song Liguo to steal him away. In this way, the only heirs were him and Fu Rongrong. Fu Rongrong was not afraid. A woman doesn't understand The factory will operate profitably, and there will be plenty of ways to operate it when the time comes."

"Then, Song Liguo told Song Pingjun that the number of collaborators reached three."

"Finally, why did Song Pingjun tell Song Pinghui? It can only be speculated that Song Pinghui is the easiest to attack and has the lowest risk because he has the best relationship with Fu Rongrong."

"The number of cooperators reached four, and the four reached an agreement to steal Wang Baogui to maximize the benefits of the inheritance, and finally divided it equally."

"Assume that Song Ping doesn't know anything. If Song Ping doesn't know anything, the number of collaborators is three, Song Liguo, Song Pingjun and Song Pinghui."

"I personally prefer that Song Pingquan knows. If he doesn't know, it doesn't make much sense for the three of them to do this."

After listening to Chen Yi's words, Song Lishun said: "In other words, except Song Linan, the whole family is interested in my family property."

Chen Yi: "The disappearance of Wang Guobao back then was most likely caused by someone inside your Song family, and there are so many people who know about Song Ping's whole life, so your suspicion is very reasonable. There is no answer to this matter, and there are many possibilities. , there is basically only one thing that is certain: they are waiting to die."

"If you die and leave hundreds of millions of assets, they can divide them however they want."

Song Lishun chuckled: "They have no chance."

Chen Yi: "Continue to talk about the process of how you killed Fu Rongrong."

Song Lishun: "The clues you found are correct. I killed her in the machinery factory area. After dismembering her body, she threw it into the crusher and used it as feed and threw it into the trough."

Chen Yi: "Where are her clothes and shoes? Where were the clothes you were wearing at that time?"

Song Lishun: "It was burned cleanly."

Chen Yi: "Where are the murder weapons and corpse dismemberment tools?"

Song Lishun: "There are so many things in the innermost shelf of the utility room that I can't tell them apart. You can go find them yourself."

Chen Yi recalled the architectural layout of the breeding farm. There was indeed a large utility room in it. Due to time constraints, the technical investigation had not been completed yet. Even if Song Lishun did not explain, the results would be available in a few days.

"Let's talk about the second case."

This case can be divided into two cases. The murder of Fu Rongrong is one case, and the poisoning of seven people is another case.

Song Lishun said calmly: "After handling everything, I returned to the hospital. In those days, I kept thinking about Fu Rongrong's words. The more I thought about it, the more I felt... what she said was true, including the fact that my ex-wife Tao Peijuan was pregnant for more than fifty days. "

"At that time, Tao Peijuan seemed to... indeed hang out with Song Liguo a lot, and she got pregnant not long after, bitch!"

This is the mentality of skepticism. As long as there are doubts, things that were originally normal will become abnormal.

Tao Peijuan and Song Liguo's chatting and laughing turned into flirting, their chance encounters turned into deliberate, and they were just hanging out after not seeing each other for a long time.

It cannot be verified, but the result is an indisputable fact.

"Since they are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. Six days later, I asked everyone to get together and mixed the poison into the wine and condiments..."

Hearing this, Chen Yi interrupted: "What kind of poison? Tell me clearly."

Song Lishun: "Rodenticides, we have a lot of them in our breeding farms."

Chen Yi: "Continue."

Song Lishun: "I have already talked about the subsequent process. The only difference is that Fu Rongrong is not here. The explanation I gave them was that she was traveling."

Chen Yi: "I've said it before and I'll say it again. Now is the formal interrogation."

Song Lishun didn't care: "Okay."

The voice echoed in the interrogation room, and the recorder carefully recorded every word Song Lishun said.

When the seven people were poisoned, Song Lishun called the emergency number as quickly as possible to ensure that he was safe.

He entered the situation with his own body, was poisoned himself, and diverted the police's suspicious eyes from him. I have to say that it was quite hard and risky.

He is seventy-four years old and has just undergone a kidney transplant. It is actually difficult to guarantee the final result. The possibility of perishing together cannot be ruled out.

Chen Yi asked about this, and Song Lishun said that Lu Jialiang had helped him calculate the dosage. It would be okay to eat less and it would not be life-threatening.

This doctor really provides one-stop service.

"Did he know you were going to kill someone?"

If you know, you are an accomplice.

Song Lishun: "I didn't tell him that I wanted to kill someone. I only asked him if he could take rodenticide. If so, how much could he take? He...has gone abroad now, right?"

Chen Yi did not answer.

After the case is concluded and the necessary procedures are completed, you can leave Ping County.

The detection was not difficult, but the inside story was a bit complicated. Before coming here, he had never thought that the Song family would have so many "talents", and he had never thought that Song Lishun's two children were not only not his biological children, but were actually a generation apart.

Reality is really more nonsense than the movie.

What was originally an ethics story has now become a legal story.

Now, only the grandchildren are left in the Song family.

"Do you have anything else to say?" Chen Yi was about to leave the interrogation room, and he didn't need to worry about the rest of the matter.

Song Lishun was silent for a moment and said, "Can you find me a lawyer?"

"Lawyer?" Chen Yi frowned, "Song Lishun, you killed eight people. Even if you bring in the best lawyer in the country, it won't mean much. Do you know what eight lives is? And Fu Rongrong didn't even have a body. .”

Song Lishun was under seventy-five years old. He had to sentence Fu Rongrong to death because of his cruel methods, not to mention seven other lives.

From now on, Song Lishun's life has entered a countdown.

Song Lishun smiled bitterly: "Captain Chen misunderstood. I am not looking for a lawyer to defend myself, but to notarize my will."


Chen Yi raised his eyebrows. Now the Song family only has his grandnephew left. According to the inheritance law, Song Lishun has no wife, son or brother. The grandnephew can inherit on his behalf.

Do you want to donate them all?


Song Lishun: "I want to leave all my family property to Wang Guigui."

Chen Yi was slightly stunned, very surprised, and asked one more question: "Why?"

Wang Guobao is the child of Song Pinghui and Fu Rongrong. Doesn't Song Lishun express his anger?

Song Lishun sighed: "It can be regarded as the incense of the Song family. It is not easy for me to accumulate this little wealth over the years. Someone has to inherit it. The reason why I gave Wang Baogui is very simple. First, he is a good boy. Second, I took his kidney away, just as compensation."

"Others are not worthy!"

At this moment, Song Lishun was real and had managed to put aside Wang Baogui's life experience.

Regardless of his life experience, Wang Baobao has the qualifications to get all of Song Lishun's property.

As for Song Liguo and Song Linan's other grandsons, he probably doesn't even want to take a look at them now.

Chen Yi nodded: "Okay, I will help you find a lawyer, and I will leave after this is done."

"Thank you." Song Lishun smiled, but the smile quickly faded, and he sighed: "Hey, it's actually good to be a confused person. If Wang Baogui is not found, dying in the hypocritical sadness of his family is also a good choice. Is it right?"

Chen Yi could not comment.

Not knowing whether to worry or not is a blessing. Whether the truth matters or not depends on yourself. For Song Lishun, the truth is indeed very cruel. For those who are half buried in the soil, perhaps not knowing is the greatest luck. Unfortunately, he is not lucky. .

Then again, Tao Peijuan and Fu Rongrong did something that was against morality, which eventually led to the death of a family of nine.

The arrangement of fate, the cycle of cause and effect, it is better to be kind, the butterfly effect is still very scary, otherwise you will regret it too late.

After the case was over, the county leaders arranged a dinner, which was not only a catch-up, a farewell, but also a celebration.

This case is classified as a confidential case, and it may only become known to people many years later. People in Ping County will not know for a long time what happened to the Song family and why it was almost destroyed overnight.

There will definitely be speculation, but it is not the police's responsibility to take care of it. As long as they don't create negative public opinion by making nonsense online, let them do it.

Two days later, Song Lishun completed the notarization of his will. The dozen factories and working capital under his name were all owned by Wang Guigui, and not a penny was left to his other nephews and grandnephews.

Chen Yi could feel the residual anger in Song Lishun's heart. The elder's mistakes had affected the younger ones. The Song family could have been rich and prosperous for a lifetime, with at least three generations of food and clothing, but now they could only rely on themselves to work hard, even after losing their parents.

The child was innocent and ignorant, but Song Lishun would not think so. Since he was a member of the Song family, he had to face reality.

Maybe he also thought about making a free donation, but finally decided to leave it to Wang Guigui.

That kidney was really important. It affected Song Lishun's inner thoughts. Wang Guobao didn't know if it was a blessing in disguise.

The criminal investigation detachment left Ping County, and the county bureau leaders showed up at the door. Xu Wenbing drove several kilometers. For him, solving the case was one aspect, and getting to know Chen Yi face to face was also one of the rewards.

"There is a mystery. It's not perfect."

On the way, Chen Yi talked about this matter.

In most cases, the cause and effect can be found out, but this case involves a large number of people and there is no evidence, so it is impossible to know the truth.

After all, guessing is just guessing, no matter how likely it is, it is still guessing. There is always a small probability of events happening.

For example, Wang Guobao's disappearance has nothing to do with the Song family. The deceased of the Song family had no other dark thoughts except moral corruption and adultery.

This is all possible.

Chen Yi asked Song Lishun about the disappearance of Wang Baobao, but he didn't get any clues. The child just disappeared suddenly, and no one knew where he went.

Shi Xin said: "Song Lishun killed everyone so quickly that no one was left alive. Even if he leaves one behind, the truth will be revealed. At least it will be close to the truth."

Chen Yi: "It doesn't matter anymore. He has to kill just for adultery. Even if there is no attempt to seize family property, he will kill."

When Xin nodded, this was Song Lishun's main motive, and it actually had little to do with the family fortune.

If there was no such thing as adultery, Song Lishun would not choose to kill someone.

The day after returning to Yangcheng, Chen Yi went to the provincial department to report the investigation process and results of the case. Even with Wei Jianfeng's experience, he was shocked by the bizarre blood relationship of the Song family, and it took him a long time to turn around.

To put it bluntly, this is internal strife within the family and has little impact on society.

Chen Yi also wanted to see Wang Baobao, so he did not stay in the provincial office for long and left quickly.

Wang Guobao is about to be discharged from the hospital. He still doesn't know that all his biological parents have died, leaving only his half-brothers and distant cousins.

“Give them all to me??”

Wang Guogui was dumbfounded.

Chen Yi: "Let me estimate it for you. Counting all the factories and houses, the total value is about 120 million."

For Wang Baobao, this was an astronomical figure, and he was so shocked that his mouth opened wide.

"Why...why?" He had a lot of doubts in his heart.

Chen Yi patted him on the shoulder: "I think it's better if you don't know. Something big happened to the Song family and many people died. Just pretend that you have never met Song Lishun."

"Of course, it's just a suggestion. If you really want to get to the bottom of it, we can talk, but you can't spread the word. We still have to go through a process."

Wang Baobao frowned tightly. He had no feelings for the Song family. He was even more willing to trust Chen Yi than the Song family.

Farewell to Wang Baogui, Chen Yi walked out of the hospital, but the other party ultimately did not choose to get to the bottom of it.

Chen Yi didn't try to figure out Wang Guobao's mental journey. The matter was over, and it didn't matter what Wang Guobao thought.

If the assets were to be liquidated, the huge sum of more than 100 million would be spent as long as Wang Guigui did not take drugs, gamble, or indulge in exaggerated luxuries such as luxury yachts and airplanes.

If he deposited money in a bank, the regular interest alone would amount to millions a year. He could just spend the interest and be completely fine.

After losing a kidney, Wang Baobao's life completely changed. As for what kind of person he will become in the future, we don't know.

It doesn't matter whether it is a feasting and indulgence or a steady realization of one's own value.

Wang Guogui, who instantly became a billionaire, has the confidence to make any choice.

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