Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 433 Breaking out of the cocoon

Michaela actually doesn't mind that much that she can't grow up.

Although you will always be young, it also means that you can always grow.

By a child's standards, she is perfect, and Michaela hopes to maintain this perfection and become an adult.

He believed that the opportunity to grow up was the moment when he was crowned a god.

At that time, whether it is your own body, the law, or the world, the final flaws will be made up and true perfection will be achieved.

Although you are young and weak, as long as you have not grown up, there is still hope for everything and everything is still beautiful.

There is still hope...

Michaela hugged her shoulders, her fair and tender skin peeling off at her fingertips. Rough bones protrude, and the skin is as pitted as coral stone.

The tall and ferocious adult burst the child's skin, with childish fragments hanging on his body. He hugged his knees and sat there blankly, tears tearing his eyes and dripping on the wreckage named Mikayla.

Michaela's golden needle expelled Chapolili, but what remains unchanged is that everything is still changing towards ruin. Are those harsh and annoying words of Chapolili a prophecy, a curse, or the inherent rules of this world?

It's so cruel... Michaela murmured.

Stepping on the soft cocoon silk, Wuming walked toward Mikaela with a big hatchet on his back.

It's like being in a broken giant egg, surrounded by endless white cocoon silk. There is a break above the head, and the light shines down to illuminate the surroundings.

Cruel? Are you talking about me? Wuming greeted Michaela laughingly.

Michaela's body trembled and she returned to her childish appearance, her thick blond hair covering her face.

Michaela turned around and saw the handle of the hatchet behind Wuming at a glance, and Monger's head was staring at him intently.

The surrounding eggshells cracked, and fine dust fell from the walls.

Wuming also noticed the changes around him:

Ah ha, it really has a special effect on you.

Wuming lifted Mengge up and inserted it into the ground:

If you were a god now, this would probably be considered a god-killing weapon.

...How did you convince Mengge? Michaela's expression was a little tearful.

Wuming smiled: The experience gained from Chapolili is also an essential skill for us businessmen -

“Loans are a big deal!”

Hearing Wuming's deafening voice, Mengge's reaction was the biggest. He kept twisting Wuming's hand: What? Huabing? Are you fooling me?!

Although we are just painting a pie, as long as we work together, the pie will become a reality. Wuming patted Mengge's head and comforted him, This is not an illusory dream, but a virtual image that can become reality... .”

Wuming grabbed an ominous horn with a thick and thin angle on his head and lifted the Meng hatchet. The hatchet deformed, and the Son of Omen's legs turned into sharp blades, turning into a trident densely covered with omen horns, like a giant cannon aimed at Mikaela.

If you create a happier illusion for Monger, maybe I will have to spend more time. Wuming said, Now, wake up, Michaela, and let go of the dream.

Looking at the ferocious trident, the ground in the giant cocoon shook. Mikaela's body swayed, almost losing her balance, and her eyes became even more sparkling.

...I originally hoped that you could understand my human side, longing for the one I recognize, to become the king who recognizes my laws... Michaela hugged her shoulders,

Since you don't agree with me no matter what, then go to war with my godly side.

The shaking earth cracked, the giant cocoon peeled off countless fragments, and golden light cannons emerged from the gap, blasting towards Wuming from various angles.

Wuming dodged and discovered that the beams were not energy, but entities.

They were miniature golden trees, with bright crowns at the top.

Michaela said: I am unwilling to fulfill Meng's wish and cannot bear to give you more suffering. But other people's world is not like this. Countless people are still longing to return to the good days, and countless people are still missing the return. The golden tree that will never come. They will identify with my world and will risk their lives to protect 'their own world'. Can you compete with their will and lives?

Didn't you try it before? Wuming moved among the tree trunks that looked like branches. Of course I can't withstand everyone's will, but I don't need to fight against them-

Wuming stepped on an overgrown tree trunk and ran wildly, jumping over the trunk that was pierced from the side, and kept approaching Mikaela with the trident:

In this huge spider web, your core is the most vulnerable.

Under Mikaela's feet, the earth rose, and a huge double helix rose into the sky. Unbiased, the ground is arched, and the rich tree canopy turns into cloud steps, taking Mikaela to the high sky beyond the reach of mortals, constantly staying away from Wuming and Mengge.

The double-helix sacred tree continues to grow from the ground, becoming taller and stronger.

Wuming dodged a golden tree trunk and stepped on the growing double helix holy tree. He was driven by the momentum of growth and was quickly thrown into the sky.

Golden tree trunks were constantly interspersed along the way, and Wuming was also flashing and moving in mid-air, walking on the trees. The canopy of the pilgrim tree approaches.

Your control over dreams is too great. Meng shouted in a hurry, You can actually compete with Mikaela in dreams.

It's a dream anyway. The technical gap is not the key. The rest needs courage to make up for it! Wuming laughed, Isn't it just a big tree hole? There aren't even cursed frogs here.

Before he finished speaking, a circle of cursed frogs had already landed on the tree trunk. Their huge eyes stared at Wuming, and their mouths were bulging.

Wuming looked at the cursed frogs, his feet suddenly became weak, and he almost fell off the tree when his feet slipped.

The cursed frog's mouth opened, and the mist spurted out, smearing the nameless face before it could stop.

Wuming subconsciously closed his eyes and waited for death. When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was a layer of blood mist instead of the deadly yellow mist.

The cursed frogs all around exploded and turned into blood mist.

Mengge stared angrily at Wuming’s hands:

Zero Zero Zero! Anyone who stops me from running will die!

Okay, okay. Wuming was overjoyed, Let's go find that 'Nite' who died in public.

What is NEET?

There is a god in my hometown who doesn't like to see living people.

After Wuming finished speaking, he suddenly dodged sideways to avoid the tree trunks that were growing under him. The trident was inserted horizontally and got stuck on the tree trunks and rose up. He stepped on the tree with his halberd and climbed up along the trunk. Wuming continued to accelerate, and millions of golden light pillars flashed around him.

He finally saw the crown of the holy tree, jumped hard, broke through the dense leaves, and jumped up to the cloud steps. Holding the trident high, he rushed towards Mikaela.

Michaela stared at Wuming who was flying towards him, and stretched out her hand to squeeze.

Tiny golden trees shot from all directions, blocking all routes of Wuming while bombarding Wuming in the center.

Faced with this unanswerable attack, Wuming's response was to put down his weapon.

Wuming relaxed his body and rushed toward Mikaela in free fall. He did not dodge or dodge, and allowed the golden trees from all directions to hit him.

There was a roar, and the intertwined golden trees collided with each other, squeezing the space where Wuming was.

But there was a sway of branches, and with the sound, Wuming fell from the branches, was impacted by the branches, and fell not far from Mikaela.

Wuming was unharmed and patted the leaves on his body.

Michaela bit her lip and choked:

Why are you so cruel to me...

The reason why Wuming was unscathed is simple - Michaela stopped. Just as he didn't want to cause him pain in the dream, he couldn't bear to inflict nameless fatal injuries.

Wuming understood this accurately, and Michaela also understood that Wuming was taking advantage of her own heart.

Seeing that his concession was only met with Wuming's pressing step by step, Michaela called him cruel.

Michaela started fighting with Wuming, because both Wuming and Meng were the ones who restrained him. They fought in embarrassment and were defeated step by step.

Michaela said: I am also a man of God recognized by two fingers. There is no problem with my laws. In a world where everyone can achieve happiness, why on earth do you oppose me?!

Michaela covered her face and sobbed:

Outside, I can only live like a parasite, relying on others. Once there is no one else to rely on, I can't even do something as simple as holding Melina...

That's the problem. This is not the law you choose, but a safe haven for you to escape from. If this is your choice when you mature, I will respect your choice. Wuming said, But you are not like that now.

The nameless trident hit hard, Mikaela waved a branch to block, and the two of them clung to each other.

Because of Michaela's young and short stature, Wuming possessed him and pressed down, and a shadow enveloped him.

Wuming said: Do you feel that you can't use your strength? You are suppressing yourself and resisting yourself.

That's because you two... Michaela was furious and had tears in her eyes.

Wuming swept his leg and tripped Mikaela. Before Mikaela had time to react, he swept the trident, and the blade was already in front of Mikaela.

Mikaela couldn't dodge and was slapped in the face. It made a crisp sound and was thrown away.

Wuming frowned and glanced at the trident - the sound and feel of the hit just now were wrong.

The trident's blade became softer, swinging back and forth after the few strokes just now.

Meng murmured in explanation: Seeing him cry, I can't bear to... can't get hard.

Michaela stood up, her blonde hair messy.

Not only was it messy, a piece of scalp was broken, and the soft blond hair fell out with it.

When Michaela saw the fallen scalp, she quickly covered her head and restored her appearance.

You don't accept your own appearance, and you are distracted and maintain this false appearance. Wuming looked at Mikayla's appearance, This is all a burden.

Wuming's bow tensed, he rushed over and brandished his spear, stabbing and slapping Mikaela:

Give up those reservations and humanity, otherwise you will definitely fail. You spend a lot of energy on self-denial, hiding yourself in the shadows like an insect. How can you practice good law like this?

Michaela was shattered into pieces under the nameless Monger offensive, with some pieces falling off each time, revealing the rotten and swollen folds inside.

A branch was thrown towards Wuming and wrapped around the trident. Wuming took advantage of the situation and turned the spear body around, shaking off the handle. The tail of the handle was detached, stretched out by pulling on the chain, turned into a flail, and struck Mikaela.

Meng's head flail was equipped with an ominous horn, and it hit Mikaela like a mace.

Michaela saw Monger's head approaching quickly, and even stuck out her tongue.

No! Michaela screamed, and a huge shock wave blew away Monge and Wuming.

In the smoke, a tall and ugly figure gasped and looked at Wuming and Meng with fear.

That's it! Wuming pointed at Mikayla, This is your true appearance, why should you escape? The idea of ​​your holy tree is not to hope that everything will grow according to its original shape, no matter how ugly or beautiful it is.

But this is not my true form! Michaela shouted, holding her head and feeling the pits on her bald head.

There's nothing you can do about it, you've grown up already. Wuming said.

I don't want to...I don't want to...don't want to grow up, Michaela said.

When you grow up, there will be no fairy tales in the world? Wuming said.

Yes, this is a beautiful world like a fairy tale. Michaela said, This is where I can grow up perfectly and give everyone a perfect ending.

But doesn't perfection mean to refuse to grow and change? Wuming said, After perfection, there is only downhill road.

Wuming said: Besides, are you really perfect? ​​Don't you still hate your ugly body? Don't you want to change your ugliness in reality instead of in a dream? If you think this is perfect, you don't need to If you change, won’t you never have the chance to become beautiful?”

You can't change back. Michaela said, Fate has blocked us demigods. All noble people are despised by fate. It is a spider web woven by regression and cause and effect. We demigods are trapped in the spider web. , no one can escape.”

Michaela covered her head and tried to change back:

If you understand the Golden Law, you will understand that it is a blockade of fate. I will always remain in this embarrassed state—

Then just live in embarrassment. Wuming said.

Michaela stared at Wuming and stopped changing.

It's better to stumble forward than to huddle in a cocoon and never hatch. Wuming said,

Michaela, your ability is to be loved by all things, no one can hurt you. But why can Meng and I fight with you here? It's simple, because we don't think about hurting you. Just think about' It's for your own good', so I can fight you.

Wuming smiled: Melina talks about your parents' ways every day. I didn't expect that one day others would say the same to you, right? You are an unlucky child, you really need to be educated well.

He rushed forward, raised his trident, tripped Mikaela, and pinned him into the dirt.

Wuming said: And I don't know anything about the Golden Law. I also have a deep understanding of the history of the junction. The Valkyrie unleashed corruption in Galid, but no one criticized her. The only thing she was criticized for was her Appearance. I already understand the standards of the golden people——

Wuming poked Michaela's ugly and swollen nose and said:

You are all Yangou, right!

Seeing Mikaila's dull expression, Wuming shook his head in disgust:

Too superficial!

Michaela had tears welling up in her eyes and did not refute.

Wuming looked at Michaela, whose eyes were filled with tears, and her eyes were swollen and became even more ugly, and sighed:

Of course you are not a naughty dog, you are very kind, you are just too sensitive and have high standards for yourself. Think about it carefully, will you dislike hybrids and bad omens? If you become ugly, you will save me Will those people dislike you? If you think rationally, of course they won’t dislike you, it’s just that you are intuitively ashamed to face them, and the only hurdle you can’t overcome is yourself.”

Wuming stared at Michaela:

You said you know me, and you must know that I am ugly. But you don't hate me.

I know your heart...

Then in this border area, is there anyone who doesn't understand the heart of Holy Tree Michaela? Wuming smiled, Master Mi has a kind heart, who doesn't know about this border area?

Wuming wiped away the tears from the corners of Michaela's eyes:

We still have a future and a chance. Maybe we can find a way for you to recover in the future. Even if you don't recover, it doesn't matter. No one will despise you because you are ugly. Think optimistically, although you are ugly, you You have grown up after all. If it weren’t for you growing up, you wouldn’t be able to complete the golden needle and save your sister, right?”

Wuming stretched out his hand to Mikaela:

It's time to grow up.

Michaela stared at the hand stretched out to him.

He stretched out his hand tremblingly—that ugly, pitted hand. He touched Wuming—and then shook his hand away.

Michaela stood up and stood still, pursed her lips.

...I am a god recognized by two fingers. Michaela was stubborn, I am not wrong.

Isn't the law pure gold? Is it a dream? Wuming said.

I'm not wrong! Michaela repeated stubbornly, You said you would accept my ugliness. Then why can't you accept my current ugliness - the ugliness that hides the world in falsehood.

Michaela stared at Wuming:

You never gave me an explanation why you were so resistant to my dreams.

You want to know? Wuming said, Oh, this involves my business secrets...

I know everything about you. I've never heard of any trade secrets. Mikayla said.

Oh, you don't know everything. Wuming raised his head proudly and looked at the world.

After becoming a businessman, I have been thinking about investment methods. If it weren't for the purpose of forcing you to come out and do activities, I would not have revealed it. Well, you are a genius and you have easily become the best employee of this caravan, so I reluctantly Let me tell you—

Wuming cleared his throat, straightened his body, and said with a bright voice:

“Eggs—can’t be put in the same basket!”

Wu Ming's words were deafening and profound, with a reverberating sound that lingered in the air.

Michaela stayed for a while and asked:


No more. Wuming said.

What kind of trade secret is this? Michaela said, Isn't this common sense?

Wuming was angry: Are you questioning the boss's wisdom? Subordinates are not allowed to talk to their boss!

Seeing that Michaela stopped talking, Wuming softened his tone:

In my hometown, there is actually a similar escape method. Draw a picture, and people can enter the world in the picture and escape the suffering of the outside world. I don't understand your law - but I have seen it. I know the disadvantages of this thing where.


Painting needs people's protection. Wuming said, Why does it need protection? It's simple, because painting is too fragile. You can smash it, wet it, and burn it clean with just two balls of ashes. .Vulnerably—like a dream.”

Wuming said: Your dream is like a painting. It is limited to the dream, and it is indeed perfect. Its imperfection is that there is a world outside the dream. That world can destroy your perfect dream at any time.

Wuming held up a basket full of eggs:

That's the way your route is. Once it's broken, you'll lose all your money.

Didn't I say at the beginning that there is nothing wrong with your plan? The problem is that you regard it as the only solution and hinder other routes and plans. This is a taboo in investment. Wuming stretched out his index finger and approached. Michaela,

After you get out, I will not prohibit your plan, but it must be limited in scope. You can pull the weak and desperate people into dreams and take good care of them. But you, a master who understands life, don't forget, the cocoon room It is to allow the life within it to grow healthily and robustly, and the meaning of its existence is so that one day, life will be strong enough to break out of the cocoon.”

After listening to Wuming's tirade, Michaela said calmly: My dream embraces all life, and the outside world can also take care of it. My dream can be very stable, and I don't think there will be any danger from the outside world.

Can a danger that you can foresee still be called a danger? Wuming said, The key to expanding the scale is to have more room for trial and error. Basket, basket!

Just as Michaela was about to say something, the sacred tree suddenly shook and the surrounding area began to sway.

What happened... Michaela looked at Wuming with sharp eyes, Are you stalling for time?

Wuming was also confused: What didn't I do?

He lowered his head and asked Monger: Did you do it?

No, Monger said.

Michaela's figure seemed a little blurry, became translucent, and flickered.

Wuming said: Would you like to look outside?

Michaela was silent for a moment and waved her hand.

In mid-air, a shaky perspective appeared, walking in a field of ice and snow.

Then Wuming saw the piece of ice.

The coffin has been pulled up and is staying in the ice, lying quietly.

The owner of the perspective opened the coffin door.

The giant cocoon was still lying in the coffin, but the cracks in the giant cocoon became even bigger, and Michaela's body inside became more twisted and ugly. Both hands were curled up and hugging her knees, quietly huddled in the giant cocoon.

The sight immediately found the reason.

In the coffin car, in the giant cocoon, a black cat was lying on Mikaela's body, biting Mikaela's body, swallowing the torn flesh and bleeding out.

The black cat noticed the person who opened the door, grinned at the owner, and his eyes flashed with a green light.

Wu Mingruo had some realization: How long have you imprisoned us?

Two months. Michaela's voice was weak.

Then the child must be going crazy with hunger - this cat can actually go without eating for two months? Or was it eating something else before? Wuming clicked his tongue and shook his head.

He looked at Michaela and teased:

A stable dream, huh?

Michaela seemed to suddenly relax, and her original persistence and confidence seemed to flow out with her blood.

He slumped down on a chair made of vines:

Why is this happening...

This is the difference in scale. Wuming said, When the world becomes ruined, heroes are worthy of sitting on the throne. From the first day I came here, I felt that the scale of the junction was huge, far greater than my hometown.

Wuming held Mikaela's hand:

You shouldn't waste this beautiful land and this huge world.

Wuming asked: Are you willing to emerge from the cocoon and become a butterfly?

Michaela turned her face away:

I will just turn into a fly...

So what, flies are more powerful than maggots. Wuming said, Are you willing to become a fly, baby maggot?

I don't want to! Michaela said one word, and he pushed Wuming away.

The oil and salt won't come in, you unlucky kid. Wuming clicked his tongue.

Michaela smiled miserably: If I lose, I will lift the dream. You are indeed stronger than me. Under your leadership, the junction should be able to break through those set sad fates.

That's a good feeling. Wuming said.

But I won't go out. Michaela said, Let me have a sweet dream in my own world.

Michaela huddled on the wicker chair:

The world doesn't need my laws, and there's no need for me to appear again, right? What the world needs is you, not me.

But I need you. Wuming said.

Michaela suddenly raised her head and looked at Wuming.

Wuming said: The people in the Holy Tree also need you very much. I promised you would go back. If you didn't go back, would they still allow me to do business? Then they would tear me apart alive?

Wuming said: Out of my own selfishness, I definitely want you to come out. You are very talented and can easily become my best employee and bring in huge revenue. It is such a waste to just shrink in your dream. And I am a Businessmen are the best at squeezing the value out of their employees.”

Don't you think I'm ugly... Michaela said softly.

Wuming touched his chin: What you understand about me should be through other people's perspectives and my own perspective, right?

Michaela nodded subconsciously.

Wuming said: In other words, you probably don't know my whole face. Although some people have seen my face, it hasn't been long, and they have never seen my whole face.

Wuming said: One day, if I have a chance, I can let you see what I look like without my armor. Once you see my whole face, you won't ask this question. Who would think that the money tree is ugly? , it’s true if you can earn runes.”

Take off your armor... Michaela murmured.

He sat on the wicker chair and remained silent for a long time.

I'm going out. Michaela said, Use my true body.

Okay! Wuming applauded, Having the courage to accept experience is the responsibility that adults should have.

Mengge cocked the handle of his halberd, raised his legs and asked:

what about me?

Michaela and Wuming suddenly fell into silence.

Michaela said: Let me give him a perfect dream.

Mengge shouted and said to Wuming:

You promised me! I have done meritorious service for you, and I have shed blood for Michaela!

Businessmen, you have to be trustworthy... Wuming touched his chin, Michaela, your first experience as an adult is about to come. After we go out, let's hold a handshake party for Monger!

don't want!

This time it was Michaela's turn to yell.

Then everything around him instantly collapsed.

Wuming opened his eyes and felt a chill.

He was standing in front of the coffin, looking at the black cat.

So it's my perspective. Wuming suddenly realized.

Wuming looked around: This shouldn't be a dream anymore...

Wuming used the method of controlling dreams and tried to conjure something in his hand, but found nothing.

Wuming looked at the giant cocoon in the coffin and smiled.

Letting herself out alone means that Michaela is no longer on guard, and the other people who were pulled closer to the dream should also start to wake up.

Wuming stepped forward, took the black cat, and handed the black cat a piece of dried meat. Then he stepped forward and knocked on Mikaela’s giant cocoon:

It's time to get up, the sun is out.

The blood of the giant cocoon is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the giant in the cocoon and its nameless eyes.

After a while, the blood rippled and the giant cocoon peeled off.

An ugly, rough, but broad and thick hand that truly belonged to an adult stretched out.

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