Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 434 In the tree beyond Serui’s control

Michaela tremblingly walked out of the cocoon room, and the giant cocoon overflowed with blood as he moved.

When she stepped onto the ground, Michaela's body trembled slightly, as if she had not yet adapted to her new body.

You haven't exercised for too long, have your muscles atrophied? Wuming supported him beside him, What am I talking about? It's long past time to go out and do some exercise.

I'm cold, Michaela said.

In the ice and snow, he came out of the blood pool naked and stepped on the glacier. No wonder Michaela was trembling.

Wuming quickly put some clothes and cloth on Michaela and lit a fire ball to keep him warm.

Taking a few steps back, Wuming admired Michaela's true body: You are really tall.

Michaela now seemed like a slender little giant, not much smaller than the troll.

Michaela turned her back to Wuming and walked towards the glacier, looking at her body on the ice.

Holding a puddle of rotten meat in his hand, he started sobbing.

What's that in your hand? Wuming was curious.

It's Monger, Michaela said.

Wuming raised his head slightly and looked at the pool of blood and flesh in Mikaela's hand, which was full of blood bubbles and looked very similar to Blood Dynasty's flesh and blood.

Is this Mengge? Wuming couldn't believe it.

I drained his cursed blood. Michaela said, That's what happens after dehydration. You may need to soak it.

Michaela continued to stare at her own image and cried, It's so ugly.

Bigger is better. Wuming said, Okay, let's go back to the Holy Tree.

Michaela wiped away her tears, nodded, stood up from the glacier, and prepared to leave with Wuming, returning to the holy tree that she once longed for but did not dare to go back to.

Michaela looked at Wuming from behind.

Although I dare not go back alone, with you, maybe I will become a little more courageous...

Michaela whispered: I'm sorry for causing you a lot of trouble.

It's indeed a delay of two months. Wuming said, What do you mean, one person has delayed two months, and so many people put it together, you have to repay it well...

A figure appeared in front of Wuming and Mikaela, blocking their way.

It was Serui.

Serui's ethereal figure was projected in front of the two of them, looking at Wuming:

Great, you have finally recovered.

Finally recovered? Wuming was confused at first, then smiled, Ah, there is you.

Although it is said that Mikaela delayed everyone's time, but delaying everyone's time is equivalent to delaying no one's time.

Considering that most people's dreams are indistinguishable from reality, it is probably difficult to notice that their time has disappeared for two months.

Serui is obviously even more special.

Michaela's mental influence could not affect Serui, nor could he pull her into a dream even if he thought about it. From Se Rui's perspective, people all over the world were probably in a state of sleepwalking, and they stayed in this state of confusion for two months.

It's not a big problem. Our friend Xiao...Micaila did some experiments. Wuming said, Everyone else should be awake, right?

The problem is huge. Se Rui said seriously, I'll tell you on the way.

Se Rui asked the two of them to sit in the coffin, continued to bombard them with dense magic power, and drove the coffin on the snowy field.

Everyone is sleepwalking. Theoretically, we shouldn't have any problems, right? Wuming asked Serui, and at the same time he was also asking Mikaela.

That's not the case. Se Rui said, The whole world has been shut down for two months. I took advantage of this time to use my spare computing power to analyze the problems I encountered in the Holy Tree, and came to a very bad conclusion. conclusion.

When it comes to the Holy Tree, both Michaela and Wuming become serious:

What happened to the sacred tree?

Se Rui said: There should be no holy tree that can suppress other powers like the golden tree, right?

“The Sacred Tree is very tolerant,” Mikayla said.

Se Rui nodded: Then when I first entered the Holy Tree, my communication was blocked.

Isn't it because the distance is not enough? Wuming was stunned.

Although the holy tree is at the edge of the junction, it is not too far away and does not exceed the communication distance. Serui said, This is because of channel interference. Patch switched the channel and recovered. The cause of the interference was not immediately found at the time. This time we have time to complete the investigation.”

what reason?

Our communications network has been compromised.

Se Rui calmly said a terrifying word.

How is it possible? With your intelligence and computing power, how could you be hacked? Wuming said, I don't even know how you work.

Don't you know it's normal?

Why are two of my employees doubting my wisdom recently? Wuming was unhappy.

Serui said: It is difficult for ordinary people to decipher my communication, but this time the person who deciphered our communication was one of my sources.

Stargazer? Wuming said.

Se Rui shook his head: They are the dependents of corruption.

Do the Corrupt Familiars still have this ability?

My current basic structure was derived by Ser Lian from the insect swarm form of the Corruption Familiar. Although I am iterating on my own, I have not made major changes. Ser Rui said, The wisdom of the insect swarm cannot be underestimated.

The Corrupt Families were in the Holy Tree and blocked our caravan's communications, but then you switched the channel and everything was fine again... Wuming said, What are they trying to do?

The first shielding was for testing, Serui said. As long as it is proven that intrusion into communications is feasible, they will no longer need to use such an obvious method that will be discovered.

Then isn't our business secret... Wuming had murderous intent in his eyes.

How do we have any trade secrets? Serui said, Insects will not compete with you for business.

That's stealing our user information. Wuming said, If user information is leaked, that's a big deal - by the way, where's the Patch Coin? How's the Patch Coin? It's not damaged, right? If this thing If something goes wrong, our credit will be ruined...

These are all fine, Serui said. It was Millicent who was in trouble.

Millicent? She's not looking for the Valkyrie...

Wuming stopped talking, and he suddenly realized that he hadn't seen Millicent for a while.

To be precise, I haven't seen him since he entered the Holy Tree Pillar and got busy in the store.

Serui said: Actually, before everyone fell asleep, Letina came to me and asked me to help find traces of Millicent. She said that Millicent would never go on her own to complete the mission without telling her. At that time, I I couldn't find it, I thought it was deep within the sacred tree that was hard to reach.

Se Rui said: When I speculated that the Corrupt Families might be interfering with my communications, I analyzed that the purpose of the Corrupt Families was to steadily block my eyes so that they could carry out certain actions in the Holy Tree. Then I thought about Millicent, so I changed my search mode, and took advantage of the two-month gap to use many methods to search the Holy Tree.

An image appeared in front of two people:

This is a room disguised by mimicry magic. There are disguised corrupt relatives around to cover this room.

Wuming and Mikaela were attracted by the image. They stuck together and looked at the picture seriously.

The room was filled with scarlet fungi. In the small room, Millicent was hanging in the air by several iron chains like a roast goose, falling into a coma.

The clothes all over his body were in tatters, exposing large areas of skin, stained with white marks caused by corruption. Even the most private places are not immune to corruption.

Flies swarmed around her, seeming to take pleasure in the smell of corruption. There were many scars on her body, and a white thread with mucus attached to it penetrated her flesh and was stained with blood.

In the room, in addition to Millicent, surrounding her, there were four women wearing very little cloth. They were somewhat similar to Millicent. They all had eye-catching burgundy hair and white spots on their faces that were corroded by corruption.

Four women fell down around Millicent, sleeping on the scarlet carpet.

Millicent? What has she been through... Wuming couldn't understand, but felt that something terrible must have been done to her.

This must have been something lewd done to! Michaela became emotional.

Serui said: From the analysis of the scene, it is obvious that Millicent was abused by four other people.

Millicent disappeared as soon as she entered the Holy Tree... Wuming thought, Isn't it true that she has been tortured like this for three months...

That's not true, Se Rui said. In the past two months, everyone was dragged into a dream and no further action was taken. So it should only have been a month of torture.

Serui changed the image:

And this is the scene now...

Different from the previous static image, in the dynamic image, the four people on the carpet are all waking up from their sleep.

Four red-haired women climbed up from the fungus carpet and began to move their hands on Millicent. Millicent also frowned and slowly woke up.

Se Rui said: Because they just woke up from the dream, they haven't done anything yet. But I'm afraid that if time goes by, it will get out of hand.

What are you doing? Wuming looked at the image, Torture? It doesn't feel like it's strong enough.

She must be doing something lewd! Michaela said next to her.

Serui sat back to his original position:

These are all the results of my investigation. As for what the corrupt family members want to do, I don't have enough information and it's not clear yet.

Wuming looked at Michaela: What do you think?

Michaela thought for a moment:

To inspire despair in her, I guess. Let Millicent blossom into a big scarlet flower and let the corruption continue to spread.

Oh. Wuming nodded.

Oh? Michaela said, She is your apprentice. Aren't you anxious?

Mood problems are not a problem for Millicent. Wuming said, I said the child's temperature was seven, did you think I was joking?

Wuming had great confidence in Millicent and looked at Millicent in the image:

We just need to go back, she won't despair easily -

Wuming paused and saw one of the red-haired women with long and short hair, who covered her eyes, picked up a large tree spear and pressed it against Millicent's belly.

Is this...not a matter of state of mind? Wuming was a little unsure.

No? Michaela said.

Wuming asked Serui: When will we arrive at the station?

We'll arrive at Ceremony Town in a little while, Se Rui said.

Can't you draw a portal?

That requires pyroxene. I don't have a physical body, so how can I bring it to you? Se Rui said.

Is there anyone else who can rush over to the Holy Tree first? Wuming asked.

No, they can't stop corruption. Serui said, That's why they came to you.

Can't you? Wuming asked Serui, Theoretically, your 'eyes' and 'hands' have the same range. You can attack if you can see.

I'm monitoring, Se Rui said. I need to remain calm to prevent alerting the enemy. Otherwise, the Corrupt Family may interfere with my sight again. If the Corrupt Family is stimulated, I don't know if there will be any overreaction.

I'm a bit late... Wuming clicked his tongue, I'll go first, you can show me the way.

Michaela spoke:

Don't worry, I've called him and he's on the way.

He is worthy of being a god whose dreams can cover the entire border area. Wuming breathed a sigh of relief, Is the person you called reliable? Those Corruption Families are not weak at all, and they also have the poison of corruption.

Don't worry. Michaela grinned an unattractive smile, In terms of strength and resistance to corruption, there is nothing to worry about——

I woke 'her' up.


In the room filled with putrid fungi, Millicent's consciousness gradually returned.

She seemed to have had a sweet dream, feeling quite at ease and well rested.

But soon, the stinging pain on her body reminded her of what she had experienced in the past month.

Entering the Holy Tree, the excitement of approaching the mission, and all the major events she had encountered before, made her completely forget about the existence of the Corrupt Familiar.

It wasn't until she was called into the room by someone in the Holy Tree and saw the room filled with decaying fungi that she was suddenly ambushed. She didn't realize anything before she fell into coma.

Not only did the atmosphere of the Nameless Holy Tree feel comfortable, Millicent also relaxed too much of her vigilance in the Holy Tree because of some kind of blood affinity.

When she woke up, Millicent was already hanging up by chains.

The familiar damp smell in the room reminded her of many unpleasant things.

Opposite her, an old man in red robes was lying on the scarlet carpet, staring at her.

Looking at this old man, a familiar feeling came to Millicent's heart.

Gwe... Millicent said.

Millicent knew that he was her adoptive father.

He is also a corrupt relative that she hates very much.

What do you want to do? Millicent said quietly.

Millicent, my son. Gwei said, The flower buds have matured, and now it's time to bloom. Please bloom your big scarlet flower in the holy tree.

Here? At this moment? Are you kidding? Millicent said, I came here to return Marlenia's will and dignity, not to fall here.

Are you going to reject us too? Like Lady Marlenia. Gewei's voice was old.

This is my will and hers, Millicent said. I am her daughter, her doppelgänger. We will make the same choice.

Then you are wrong. Gewei said, You are the best bud, but you are not the only one.

Gewei stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The whole house was shaking, and a powerful dull chant echoed around.

There seemed to be a considerable number of corrupt relatives waiting outside the house, chanting pious hymns in unison.

The origin of the hymn was unclear, but a strange feeling suddenly appeared. Millicent's goosebumps immediately covered her body, and she was sweating violently.

During the hymn, four people walked into the room.

They were four red-haired women wearing a lot of cloth. The four of them couldn't make up a pair of intact eyes, and they couldn't even see their eyes. The disgusting white spots of decay, the familiar call from the blood.

He knew at a glance that she was his sister.

They are your sisters, said Gwei, but they have all agreed with our law.

Gwei stood up, walked out of the room with old steps, and looked back at Millicent in front of the door:

They will convince you.

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