DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 101: Global Stream Lineup

In the next two days, Zhao Dingguo trained ten times with the temporary team formed by Yan Yuelan.

Among them, Yang Fei and Lao Li are both acquaintances of Zhao Dingguo. Except for Yan Yuelan, only one man in his early thirties didn't know. But according to Yan Yuelan, he is a casual user with a sacred score of about 1200 points, and has not joined any super **** organization! However, the strength of that man is not weak, playing GANK is quite fierce!

Such five people form a team to deal with the doubled gambling mode!

They trained three routines on the internal platform of the Illuminati, preparing to deal with different lineups.

Although I played only five games a day on average, training this kind of thing is not to say that the more you play, the better, but also take time to summarize and reflect. Sometimes, a battle may only take forty minutes, but the review of the situation after the incident is only one hour! With such high-quality training, and Yan Yuelan's unreserved explanation, Zhao Dingguo's understanding of DOTA has once again improved qualitatively! Of course, the tacit understanding among the five people also increased a little in the battle!

After waiting for the last two games, everyone including Zhao Dingguo expressed satisfaction with their full preparation.

Unless the opponent's strength is indeed far beyond them, there is a 80% chance that they will win this extra battle!

This is the win rate given by Yan Yuelan's approximate estimate!

The winning percentage of Bacheng is very high on the Super God platform. But no matter how safe it is to deal with small lives, no one can be too secure. So Zhao Dingguo took the time to come to the branch of the Illuminati. First, check the price of the primary ice magic system; second, by the way, mortgage his pair of speed boots that were obtained by extracting the real name key, in exchange for 600 victory points!

In this case, even if you lose in the end, you will not be wiped out!

After having enough deductive points, Zhao Dingguo naturally felt much more secure. However, when querying the pages of the primary ice-based magic system, Zhao Dingguo unexpectedly found that the price of the gadget was not cheap, less to say between 800 and 1,000 win points. As for the pages of advanced specialization, the price is several times more.

This made Zhao Dingguo ecstatic when he bemoaned the difficulty of completing the second step of the lineage task. Go to the inquirer Jia Ruo and talk for a while, and get a reward of 1,000 win points, this is not a small gain!

And this is just the reward for the first step!

With such a good mood, he is full of confidence in the next special mode battle. After the appointed time arrived, Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li both boarded the Super God platform at the same time, waiting for Yan Yuelan's invitation. The charismatic woman didn't make him wait long, and soon sent an invitation: "Super God user with ID 025639 will use your junior army team contract (temporary) for you, and it will last for a period of time, accept it?"

This is nothing to say, naturally accepted.

"Detected Super God user with ID 037205 joined the regular season and forced to enter the doubled gambling mode!"

"Super God platform Libra system is on, and strength evaluation is underway ..."

"Auto-match has been completed, the special mode battle of the D00047 inning of the regular season is about to begin!"

"This field mode: free selection mode for the entire lineup!"

"Because it is a doubling gambling mode, you will get 800 win points (based on the set bet 400) after victory; if you lose, 800 win points will be deducted, and those who have insufficient win points will be eliminated!"

After a series of routine reminders, Zhao Dingguo finished their preparations and started loading the screen!

获得 Before obtaining the pub-level nameplate, there is roughly only one battle mode for Super God users, which is the random shuffle mode. After entering the realm of dawn, there are more modes that can be encountered. This time, Zhao Dingguo's luck is undoubtedly good, and it is the best one expected. The five of them will stay in the same team and choose the hero they want!

In this way, the pre-drilled routines can be used to the maximum effect!

The loading screen ends soon, and the familiar tavern screen appears on the screen. Seeing the beginning of the selection of heroes, Zhao Dingguo could not help but take a deep breath. Even though he was consciously prepared, but it was about 800 wins, he was still a little nervous and worried.

It can be said that this battle is also a battle that can only win and not lose!

But for all SuperGod users, which battle is not always the case? It is impossible to think of 100% victory, and the result of the battle will not be transferred by the will of the person! What he can do is fully exert his strength as much as possible!

When I thought of this, Zhao Dingguo's heart suddenly calmed down.

Don't think about the results before the battle begins, just work hard to fight well!

"The opposing guards have begun to choose heroes!"

Yan Yuelan whispered in the voice channel. In the regular season of the Dawning area, they can already check the opponent's lineup through the nameplate function, instead of waiting until the line to determine the hero selected by the opponent. !!

I was reminded by her so that Zhao Dingguo also noticed that the other party took two cores first: Shadow Demon and White Bull!

It seems that the opponents of this doubled gambling model are also prepared in advance. They didn't hesitate much, and they quickly picked the remaining three heroes: Wandering Swordsman, Mystery, and Demon Witch Ryan!

This is a dual-core lineup, and it has control, a good outbreak, and a strong later period. Especially the mystery hero is a super big control field that is comparable to the shocking cow and the tide hunter. The most powerful thing is that he has four seconds in the field and ignores magic immunity. If he released a perfect big move, and then the shadow monster's big move soul soul to follow, other heroes casually hit a few times, Zhao Dingguo they finished playing directly!

Gao Yue coughed and asked, "How can we fight?"

He is the only person unfamiliar with Zhao Dingguo. He usually speaks with a sharp voice, which sounds strange.

Yan Yuelan carefully examined each other's lineup, and finally decided: "Remember the second lineup we played when we were running in before? Just use that! I played late ~ ~ Gao Yue took the clockwork, the rest You are free! "

"I understand!"

I heard Yan Yuelan, the strongest, speak, and Zhao Dingguo acted quickly.

The hero of the three generations of Li Hong, Colonel Yang Feina, was a goblin tinker, and Lao Li chose a prophet. Zhao Dingguo took a look and took the last hero, Zeus. Cooperating with Takayuki's clockwork goblins and Hazuki's ghost, they form their second set of lineups when they run in-Global Stream!

This is a lineup that takes the small range of GANK to the extreme!

Each of the five heroes has at least one full map range skill. For example, the prophet can be transmitted all over the battlefield; the clockwork has a missile of any range; the ghost's big move can instantly cut into the back of any enemy hero; the big move of the king of the gods Zeus, let alone Lightning will be split from the enemy! As for the goblin tinker, after the flying shoes, in accordance with his big move to refresh, you can also teleport support!

In other words, don't look at Zhao Dingguo. They only have one hero on a certain line. If necessary, they can instantly reinforce two or three heroes in just a few seconds. Others can also use the skills of the full map to form the advantage of playing more and playing less in a small area!

At any point in the map, GANK can occur in this lineup. If necessary, even two or three battlefields can be opened at the same time. This is the name of the global stream!

Such a routine that uses GANK to the extreme is obviously effective against the dual-core lineup of the Guards Corps. Especially in the late period when the opponent has such a fragile shadow monster and no escape skills, it is almost a death! Moreover, Yan Yuelan personally used the ghost of the late ghost, even if their global flow did not play too well, they can still compete in the later period!

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