DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 102: Killed 0 miles away

PS: On the lineup, Odin said a few words here.

The discussions of the book friends are incisive and correct, but it should be noted that your views are based on the perfect lineup. In fact, this book is only a dawn-level battle at this stage. If the CW lineup is taken out now, it is reasonable and not to mention, how can the protagonist still have room for improvement in the future? So don't use harsh requirements to blame certain plots and content that now seem unreasonable!

Although the novel originated from DOTA, it will not be completely the same everywhere in the end!

Uh ...

赵 After Zhao Dingguo had selected their heroes, it was not far from the start of the battle.

As the absolute late of his own side, Yan Yuelan's ghost is naturally the way to go, which is the advantage of the Scourge. The prophet decides to play an assist. He buys an animal messenger and shares it, and at the same time follows the ghost to the road.

Goblin's goblin tinker!

赵 In Zhao Dingguo's lineup system, the goblin tinker needs to quickly play flying shoes worth 2500 gold coins, in order to quickly provide support to any line when needed. Therefore, he needs economic foundation very much in the early stage, and it is the best choice to come to the middle!

The clockwork of Zeus and Gaoyue, who had been with Zhao Dingguo, came to the bottom.

Generally speaking, in the ordinary sense of the global stream lineup, there are any three to four of Zhao Dingguo's combination, which is the standard global stream. But Zhao Dingguo in the previous running-in, they decided to carry out the global flow to the end, so they came up with such a somewhat extreme lineup!

Can you do it? Now is the time to test the results!

With the attack of ghoul soldiers, Zhao Dingguo and Gao Yue's clockwork followed the troops.

Because it is an inferior road, Gao Yue tried his best to control his hero, crookedly blocked in front of the ghouls, and procrastinated them as fast as possible. This method of jamming can help them control the line, which was also used in the previous SOLO Zhongyan Yuelan. As for why we should control the **** line, there are many more reasons. Zhao Dingguo understands that the most intuitive and important one is to make them safer on the disadvantaged road!

The slower the marching line advances, the closer it is to their natural disaster defense towers, and the key moments will naturally retract the towers faster!

At this time, the heroes in the middle have already taken the lead!

"Their mid lane is Shadow Demon!"

Yang Fei guessed that when he saw the opponent's lineup, it might be this opponent, but his goblin tinker was not under great pressure from Shadow Devil. As long as the two parties have the same strength, he has a lot of confidence to suppress the Shadow Demon.

Immediately afterwards, there were hints from the ghosts and prophets on the road.

Jianwei's lineup on the road is a homeless swordsman and a demon sorcerer. These two heroes work together to control and erupt well. If Yan Yuelan and Lao Li are not careful, it is also possible to be killed by each other.

Now that the other two routes have been determined, the enemies of Zhao Dingguo's lower lane will also be determined.

His Zeus and Takayuki's clockwork, face the white bulls and mysteries of the Guards!

英雄 The hero of Bai Niu is actually called the Spirit Breaker. Named after looking like a white-skinned tauren, his weapon is a uniquely shaped lantern for the soul. As a power-type late, he has a strong ability to kill. Once developed, like Zeus of Zhao Dingguo, prophets of Lao Li, etc., as long as they dare to appear on the front, it is a dead word. So the best way is not to let him fight, and suppress it as much as possible!

As for the mystery, this is an intellectual hero who promotes and controls the field.

Because of the hero's unique skills, in some of the strategies that Zhao Dingguo saw, they like to let the mystery go to the wild area to play wild. Then waited for more than ten minutes to come up with a jumping knife, a big jump at a critical moment to help teammates win. However, the guards in this game did not do so at the beginning. They are probably worried that after the mystery drills the wild area, it is difficult for White Bull to have a melee power on the line in the late stage, so let the mystery appear on the line with White Bull!

The short soldiers handover will begin soon!

The melees of both sides are constantly controlling the hero's position, and shuttle between the soldiers, complementing each other. From time to time, Zhao Dingguo checked the mystery, consumed his blood, and took the time to kill some empty blood soldiers to supplement the economy.

Both sides are a long-range and a melee match, but after a few waves of soldiers passed, Zhao Dingguo was more dominant.

Gao Yue's clockwork goblin possesses the ability to illuminate a rocket and can fire missiles with a large damage range. Zhao Dingguo also has the arc lightning ability that can jump. With two AOEs in place, they are more likely to suppress opponents. The mental body recruited by the mystery transformation skill is just restrained, not only can't play its role, it will also give them extra money and experience!

This undoubtedly makes the existence of the mystery a bit awkward!

His conversion skills are very mana, which is constant at 170 points from the first level. For many heroes, this value is enough to support two or even three skills. Even if the mystery is an intelligent hero, it can't support it a few times in the face of such a high consumption monster. And Zhao Dingguo brought three purification potions when he went out, he didn't worry about his magic power!

At the very least, suppressing the mystery is no problem!

After eating clockwork and Zhao Dingguo's skills one after another, the mystery tangled for a while, and decided to give up protecting the white bull and go to the wild area to make money by himself. This way, both people are developing normally, but neither is good. It is better to give up one and let the other person play key equipment!

There is no doubt about the significance of the jumping knife to the mystery. If he can hit the jumping knife earlier, it will not matter if the development of the white cow is almost.

After making this decision, the guard's advantage road is left with only one white bull.

In the face of Tiger's clockwork and Zeus, the White Bull without his teammates' protection had to be careful. He is more honestly staying beside the soldier line, just to have some experience, then not to take the opportunity to play a monster in the mysterious place. Before his supplies were exhausted, Zhao Dingguo and Gao Yue did not dare to rush to the tower to kill them. They could only clear their troops quickly, taking advantage of the lack of guard heroes to endure the durability of the tower.

But at this moment, Gao Yue's clockwork goblin suddenly hit a lighting rocket!

What surprised Zhao Dingguo was that the target of the missiles fired by Wuthering was not a new wave of Shuren soldiers just arrived, but flew straight towards the middle!

"Is it?"

Some surprised Zhao Dingguo quickly clicked on the map ~ ~ to switch his vision to the middle.

It turned out that the goblin tinker who had reached Level 4 first was always looking for a chance to consume Shadow Devil's blood. Immediately after the opponent made a mistake, he immediately fired a laser with good damage plus 100% blinding (missing MISS attack), and began to fight against the shadow magic. When the opponent's blood was not much and quickly withdrew, Yang Fei released the thermal missile in time!

技能 This skill is very similar to the clockwork goblin's lighting rocket. It is probably from the goblins' family. Both skills are far-off missiles. It's just that the latter's damage is low, but there is an advantage in range and distance, and Yang Fei's heat-conducting missile damage is higher!

However, Yang Fei slightly deviated from his own damage and Shadow Demon's health estimates, so that after a missile, the Shadow Demon had a dozen blood left to escape!


Yang Fei, who had thought that one blood had arrived, was greatly sorry, but when he watched the enemy empty blood and escape back to the tower, a small missile flew obliquely out of the wood in the right rear, just secretly Xing Xing's shadow demon take away!

first drop of blood!

Gao Yue, who was making money in the lower lane, relied on his keen sense of smell and excellent prediction, and used a missile to make up the Shadow Demon's knife thousands of miles away. Not only got the kill reward, but also an extra one blood reward of 200 gold coins. Although Yang Fei in the middle of the road lost his blood, but also mixed with assists and experience, allowing him to take the upper hand in the face of the shadow magic!

More importantly, the Shadow Devil just applied himself a healing ointment before the clockwork missile arrived. As a result, only a little life was restored, and the continuous healing effect was interrupted by the missile. One blood loss and one ointment lost, the Shadow Devil is undoubtedly a big loss!

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