DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 167: Progress of the pedigree mission

Hidden Spike made a smarter choice.

Before this teamfight, he had anticipated that such a situation might occur in advance, so he left enough money to buy live work. Although this will affect the speed of installation, in most cases, a life is always stronger than a piece of equipment. In order to join the battlefield as soon as possible, Hidden Spike was too lazy to even rush those few steps, and directly launched tp to the melee barracks.

With his joining, the crumbling Scourge line of defense was a little firmer.

However, the strength of the guard is not changed by stabbing a person. After the phantom stab triggers the heavy strike damage to kill the ice girl and Zhao Dingguo again use the disarming skill to abolish the output of the god, the hidden thorn finally feels deep weakness. Before the equipment was up, his output was not as high as expected. Among the guard users present, except the witch doctor is relatively easy to kill, none of them can be killed by him in two or three times!

What's more, with the improvement of Zhao Dingguo's level, he started to upgrade the three skills of Frozen Seal!

This skill can create a magic mark of snow and ice condensation, which can form a large area of ​​ice and snow that can greatly reduce the enemy's attack speed and movement speed. With the influence of this powerful Frozen Seal, melee output such as Hidden Spike is greatly limited!

Besides, even witch doctors have stealth skills, and can save their lives at critical moments!

For this reason, Hidden Thorn had to sigh, it was not easy to kill a guard. Fortunately, at this time, most of the blue cats who had recovered their status also rejoined the battlefield. Relying on the excellent cutting ability of the spherical lightning, he cooperated with the hidden stab to delay the battle again. However, the soldiers who were constantly coming from the guards took the opportunity to attack the barracks. The two trebuchets greatly accelerated the process!

This scene, of course, people on the disaster side have noticed. But they are already struggling to deal with the guard's offense. Where can they draw their hands to clear the army?

In this way, even if they rely on the advantages of local warfare to forcibly defeat the guards, the barracks on the high road will still be broken after all!

The two roads were broken, and the difficulty for the natural disaster side to reverse the situation has greatly increased. Up to now, even the most conservative guard users have determined the victory of this battle.

After laying the foundation, in the next sweeping battle, the black short youth stopped cooperating with Zhao Dingguo. But now the victory has been set, it can be said that he is the same without him. By displaying heavy soldiers in the disaster-stricken highlands, Zhao Dingguo so firmly dragged the users of the Scourge Super God, relying on two elite soldiers to eventually bring them down. When the defense towers in front of the last two frozen thrones were also destroyed, the Scourge finally gave up resistance!

It doesn't make sense to drag on!

Without the low level of the natural disaster, the highlands on the lower road were quickly broken by the guards. The three-way super soldiers generally flooded into the natural disaster base camp and destroyed the Frozen Throne at an unimaginable speed.

At the same time, the Super God platform gave a battle report!

"The d04218th battle of the death team battle is over! The comparison of the **** points between the two sides of this game: 1034 vs 1060!"

"The Guards Corps finally wins!"

"Because it is a death team battle, after defeat, 200 (based on the current hero nameplate level) + (50 * the number of death team users participating in the death team battle) will be deducted. If the user's current victory is insufficient, it will be permanently wiped out. If victory , You can choose to bring any of your skills, equipment and props into the real world! "

"Detect that the super-god user with id 037205 belongs to the Guardian side, and get the mvp in this field, and get a random skill scroll of Juya Haimin!"

"Congratulations to the super **** user with id 037205 for winning the death team battle. As a reward, you can bring any piece of equipment / skills enhanced on the super **** platform into the real world, please make it in ten seconds Choose, otherwise the platform will draw randomly. "

Still a countdown of ten seconds.

There is nothing to hesitate about, Zhao Dingguo definitely brought the phase shoe that was redeemed before the death group battle to the real world.

Seeing that his basic equipment in the real world was complete, Zhao Dingguo was quite excited. However, it wasn't this that pleased him most, but the mvp and the random skill scroll that he finally got! It was said before that with the excellent performance of Juya and Renma in this team battle, this mvp was almost booked in advance. But to whom exactly, I have to say two. Until the moment the Frozen Throne was destroyed, Zhao Dingguo was still thinking about this issue!

Now it seems that he can breathe a sigh of relief!

After contacting the information about the main plane in the Illuminati, Zhao Dingguo combined his experience and speculation to fully understand the reward of the death team battle. Just win the battle, without additional evaluation, you can choose to bring an enhancement to reality. There is an additional evaluation, and if some hidden conditions are met, there is a greater probability of obtaining a random skill corresponding to the hero. With two evaluations, you can get a Bronze Badge, and then specify a skill to learn!

As for what will happen to all three additional evaluations, Zhao Dingguo is unclear for the time being, but I think it should be a more advanced badge!

In this way, Zhao Dingguo got an mvp, which means that he has at least one skill of Juya Haimin.

He summoned this hero's soul before the battle started, of course, it makes sense! When he first encountered the death group battle, Zhao Dingguo learned from Lao Li that the hero's soul summoned in the death group battle should be as close as possible to his future bloodline. Zhao Dingguo had originally selected the Blackbird and the Silencer, but later accidentally obtained the pedigree card of the Invoker, which allowed him not to care about similar issues. Moreover, he chose Juyahaimin because of the consideration of speeding up the completion of the bloodline task!

He clearly remembers that the second step of the pedigree that has been carried out is to arbitrarily learn two of the three systems of ice, thunder, and fire, and master the corresponding magic system to specialization!

Among them, Zhao Dingguo has learned the primary ice system magic system, so he also needs a corresponding ice system skill.

In ta, there are more than one hero with ice skills, but they can never be said to be too many. Originally, the intelligent heroic ice girl was a good choice. Considering that she already has a centaur, Zhao Dingguo still chose the giant tooth Haimin. Choosing him can not only cooperate with teammates, but also because of the combination characteristics is likely to get mvp, and then learn ice skills, it can be said to serve two purposes!

In this way, Zhao Dingguo is one step closer to completing the second step of the pedigree task!

For Zhao Dingguo, he now has a basic three-piece suit, phase shoes and ancestor war drums, and a big magic wand is just a little behind. As long as you spend a little bit more to win, you can directly get accessories in the real world. Since there is no need to worry about the equipment in a short time, he began to consider accelerating the pedigree. As long as there is the blood of the Invoker, his strength will be improved several times in a short time!

Therefore, the focus of the next period of time, Zhao Dingguo will focus on pedigree.

After the ten-second countdown, Zhao Dingguo returned to the hall of Super God Space. Here, he just casually passed by the black short young man with complicated mood, then disappeared into the air even under his gaze, and returned to the real world!

Compared with the previous death team battles, the style of this death team battle is slightly different. Zhao Dingguo also tried the routines mentioned in the Illuminati materials for the first time, and it turned out that they were really useful. In addition, the problem of internal conflicts caused by additional evaluations in the death group battle also caused Zhao Dingguo to reflect on what to do in the future in the future.

It is foreseeable that with the increasing number of Battle God points, more and more people will realize the benefits of additional evaluation. Correspondingly, there will be more and more people who will hit some unexpected thoughts!

How to handle the relationship with them will become an important factor restricting the team to victory!

However, because of the advance of the death team battle this month, it means that the next death team battle will be a long time later, and it is likely to experience five or six regular season games. For Zhao Dingguo, this time is not short and can change a lot of things!

Of course, it is not necessary to consider it too far. For now, let's take a look at the gains of this death team battle.

In fact, there is nothing to calculate. It is nothing more than bringing the phase shoes into the real world and getting the scroll. Thinking of this, Zhao Dingguo took the scroll out of the nameplate space and decided to use it. Because there is no pedigree to learn big tricks, this draw is equivalent to one of three choices. It ’s just that the final result does n’t know whether it is good or bad. He got the first skill of the giant teeth sea people—the ice shard!

The skill damage of the first level is generally not high ~ ~ So this ice fragment is more effective for five seconds and can block the enemy's attack or escape. But anyway, this is Zhao Dingguo's first hurtful skill, which is of great significance.

After studying for a while with his eyes closed, Zhao Dingguo has initially mastered the method of releasing it!

However, his experiments in the house also caught Lao's attention. When he knocked on the door and saw the new ice-based skills condensed by Zhao Dingguo, he couldn't help but recognize the source of this skill: "Is this the skill of the giant teeth sea people? It really is my optimistic person, so You can get extra evaluations in the death squad casually! But why do you suddenly think of using the giant teeth sea people? "

Zhao Dingguo did not say that he was working to complete the bloodline task, but provided another reason: "The teammates chose a centaur, so I chose Haimin to cooperate with him!"

Old Li also heard of this combination and nodded when he heard it. But just as he was about to say something, there was a knock outside the suite!

Who is coming at this time?

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