DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 168: Declined to cooperate

With a little curiosity, Zhao Dingguo went up and opened the book mí 群 4∴⑧㈥

Standing outside Mén was a twenty-seven-year-old young man who wore a gray plaid shirt and looked tǐng gentle. Seeing Zhao Dingguo's mén, he mō his head with his hands, lù smiled a bit.

"you are?"

Zhao Dingguo was a bit surprised, he was sure he had never seen this guy before!

After hearing Zhao Dingguo's inquiries, the young man took a half step forward, and Zheng introduced: "Hello, I am in the suite diagonally opposite, called Zhou Lei. My hometown is in Pinghu, but also a member of the Illuminati!"

"Oh ~ come in!"

When Zhao Dingguo heard him say this, he was somewhat impressed and let him in. After moving into the Illuminati branch building, he seemed to have met him in and out. But everyone was a stranger before, so he didn't remember it. I don't know why he suddenly went to mén today, why did he find himself?

"This is ... Boss Li?"

Zhou Lei, who had just walked in, found Lao Li and asked hesitantly. Although he had inquired about the situation before going to mén, it was the first time he saw him, so he was not sure.

"Hello there!"

Old Li seemed to be a bit impressed with Zhou Lei, nodded slightly, and actively extended his hand.

After the three of them gave a few words at random, they sat down with the guests and guests. With such a guest, the topic that Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li originally discussed was naturally not suitable for playing. Under the guidance of Lao Li intentionally or unintentionally, the two chatted casually about topics related to Tianshui and Sanhua, and finally asked him Come on.

Zhao Dingguo didn't believe that a strange super-god user was all right to find mén just for chatting!

Zhou Lei was actually reluctant to get ink, but he didn't feel right at first and immediately spoke. Now that Zhao Dingguo asks himself, naturally he no longer has to bother to think about it. Instead, he went straight: "Today I took the initiative to board mén. I heard that the brothers of Dingguo had already obtained full membership, so I came here to congratulate me and formally meet. On the other hand, there is a way to win, so come and ask the brothers Dingguo if they are interested! "

This is a bit straightforward.

However, he had a good impression on Zhao Dingguo before, and he looked like a cowardly big boy next door, so talking so directly would not cause him dislike.

Zhao Dingguo was only slightly surprised at the speed of the news. It seems that there is more than just Lao Li in the headquarters of the Illuminati. Any neighbor who is diagonally opposite will know the news that he has obtained full membership!

As for the second point, I am afraid that it is Zhou Lei's true goal in mén.

The point of victory is directly linked to the strength and life and death of Super God users. Who would be too much? As he said, Zhao Dingguo was really interested. He leaned forward on the sofa and asked seriously, "I don't know what the way is?"

Zhou Lei Shen yín asked for a moment, "The brothers Dingguo should have touched the main plane, haven't they? Which one do you choose on the main plane?"

There is nothing to hide from this.

Zhao Dingguo said directly: "In the guard camp."

In fact, this is also the choice of most of the super-organized users in China. Even if some super-super users set the initial transmission point in the natural disaster before, they learned more and changed their camp again. After all, the mainstream of the domestic circle is the guards. If you want to insist on choosing a natural disaster legion, you will undoubtedly annihilate the entire circle. Although Zhao Dingguo had early contact with the theme, but he chose the guard when he came up, which undoubtedly saved a lot of trouble!

"That's easy!"

After confirming this, Zhou Lei began to talk about the topic: "Actually, this news is not a secret. The main way is related to the southern guard Lei Ze of the guard!"

South shortage? Reiser?

After hearing from Zhou Lei, Zhao Dingguo moved.

Isn't he talking about the large regional task chain that he triggered? After all, apart from the Great Vortex and Naga, Nanhuang hasn't heard anything else recently!

Really guessed by him! Seeing Zhao Dingguo's serious listening appearance, Zhou Lei continued: "That was a few weeks ago. At that time, someone triggered a large-scale mission in the Nanhuang area. It is said that the Naga people somehow were in the center of Leze. The establishment of a large vortex teleportation array seems to be prepared to be detrimental to the Guards Corps. At that time, all the Super God users in the Nanhuang were given the task, and a friend who just stepped into the rising sun class just got it!

Zhao Dingguo nodded and asked, "Then what? Are you ready to recruit people to go deeper and destroy that great vortex?"

Zhou Lei hesitated and asked, "Do you also know the mission goal?"

Zhao Dingguo grinned, and no one knew better than him. He didn't comment on Zhou Lei's words, but just asked: "I heard that Leizer is one of the high-risk areas of the main plane. Even the twilight-level masters will lose out if they are not careful. As for these people, if you enter the central area, I am afraid to die ? "

Zhou Lei was a little surprised, but did not expect that Zhao Dingguo knew it. He nodded and said, "Indeed, but we have no intention of going deep into the core of Lezier, let alone a big whirlpool. You can hunt Naga monsters on the outside, just be careful not to be surrounded by the team Naga, safe xìng basically don't need to worry! "


For a while, Zhao Dingguo seemed to be different from what he knew.

Zhou Lei seemed to have guessed something and explained: "It seems that the news of the brothers in the country is not timely enough. Since the last invoker, Jia Ruo, led soldiers to encircle Naga, the situation in Nanhuang once again became worse. Those Naga didn't know how. It ’s as if the killing is not endless. A large number of Naga are constantly pouring out from the depths of Leizer. Even if there are already two story heroes in the outpost, the situation has not improved! "

Zhou Lei's words surprised Zhao Dingguo. Naga seemed to be playing hard!

Zhou Lei was also curious about what Naga wanted to do, but he had his own opinion: "Natural disasters have frequently attacked at the frontier recently. Perhaps it was a huā cost for the Naga people, and they wanted to make them a bit behind. Stress it. "

This is indeed very possible, and Zhao Dingguo also feels that the Scourge should be playing tricks behind his back.

Seeing that he had finished speaking, Zhao Dingguo had not yet given a positive response. Zhou Lei could not help but urge a little: "How about, Brother Dingguo? Have you thought about it? We plan to organize two teams to start together, a total of ten people. Among them The two captains are both rising, and the rest are our peripheral members. They are friends in the meeting, and they are definitely more reliable than outsiders. The reputation gained at the end is better than anything, and there are customary methods in the meeting. , Will definitely not make you lose! "

Zhao Dingguo thought for a while and asked a question: "How much can the profit of such a trip be?"

Zhou Lei is obviously not the first time to organize a similar event, only recalled and then smiled with a smile: "It's hard to say, mainly depends on luck, and the income also has reputation, increased favorability and other things. Calculate with the winning points. But in my personal feeling, if you do a discount, I probably go for a trip. Our team can generally get four or five hundred winning points! On average, nearly one person has one hundred points! "

A trip is only a hundred?

Zhao Dingguo's face remained the same, but his heart was a bit dismissive of this income.

In his own case, except for the first time when he first arrived, the income was less, which of the others was not a big profit? I wo n’t say that when I get skills and bronze hero badges, it ’s even more incalculable to live a **** mission!

However, he also knew that his experience was a bit bizarre.

Needless to mention the accidental descent card, the task chain that triggered Nanhuang is even more lucky. Relatively speaking, Zhou Lei said that the gathering team went out to hunt together and complete various tasks to win points, I am afraid that this is the normal experience of most super **** users!

However, since winning the death team battle and having all three pieces of basic equipment, Zhao Dingguo has made up his mind to get the bloodline as soon as possible. In this way, if the rush is fast enough, he can quickly get bloodline after he enters the rising sun. By then, his strength will undoubtedly improve! Now that he has set his goals for a period of time, he naturally won't be distracted.

Zhou Lei saw that Zhao Dingguo bowed his head and thought that he was tempted and prepared to persuade him again. Whoever wants the next moment, Zhao Dingguo gently rejected his proposal.

"No longer thinking about it?" Zhou Lei was slightly disappointed.

Among the group of Zhou Leila, several are likely to become full members of the Illuminati in the near future. He organized this event, not only to win points, but also to expand his network. After all, since the three super-gods organized the covenant, the super-god users have changed from the original solitary behavior to the current teamwork. Only by having a wide enough network of contacts can we go better in the Super God circle!

Zhao Dingguo ~ ~, who received formal membership treatment in advance, is undoubtedly the kind with a bright future!

However, Zhou Lei also knew that he had gone to mén for the first time. People didn't know much about him, and it was common for him not to cooperate. So he was not dissatisfied, but became more enthusiastic, and even made Zhao Dingguo a little embarrassed!

"It doesn't matter, everyone has their own things to do on the theme. This cooperation is not possible, and there will be opportunities in the future!" Zhou Lei said as he handed Zhao Dingguo a business card. There is his contact information above, which also includes a foothold in the main plane world tree base camp. He said politely that if there was any trouble, Zhao Dingguo could go to him!

For the kindness of others, Zhao Dingguo naturally took heart, and then politely sent Zhou Lei out of mén.

The so-called sale is not a benevolence. Zhou Lei and his friends can organize a hunting team, and it is estimated that they are as capable as Lao Li. Such a relationship, of course, Zhao Dingguo was also happy to end. However, it is the least technical thing to do something like this. After triggering the task of Nanhuang, Zhao Dingguo tasted the sweetness and was no longer willing to develop as slowly as ordinary users.

At least at this stage, he needs to make strides forward and go his own way!

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