DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 177: Fight without declaration

Chapter 177 Fight Without Proclaiming

"... The Illuminati again stated that the disappearance of the deputy chairman of the Sanhua organization had nothing to do with my society!"

After Sanhua released a new tough power-on, Bright will respond quickly. The download of the TXT e-book just made all major organizations break their eyes. Although the Illuminati still refused to compensate, the response finally relaxed the conditions and expressed its willingness to start preliminary cooperation with Sanhua in some fields.

"What happened to the Illuminati?"

Some organizations with an early founding time recalled the drafting of the Illuminati, and compared it with the current one, and could not help but sigh. In a few years, the once-dominant Illuminati became so weak!

Several **** allies who have a stake in the Illuminati have called and asked, thinking that nòng knows exactly what the Illuminati thinks. The weakness of the Illuminati will undoubtedly have a negative impact on them. And some small organizations that are just vassals, after seeing the Illuminati is no longer strong, some can't help but have a different heart and start jumping up and down. Everyone wants to follow a strong boss, hún, from Tianshui to break with the Illuminati, and after turning to Sanhua, the Illuminati seems to be going downhill!

These small organizations have no loyalty at all. Seeing the momentum of rising water and rising ships in Sanhua, some of them could not help but started secretly contacting them!

However, the Illuminati did not seem to be aware of all this.

As if the boss had been doing it for a long time, they also became infected with some old bureaucracy, and the response was slow for several shots!

This indulgence will undoubtedly make more people at both ends of the rat begin to shake. There was even a small organization called Moonwell who blatantly betrayed the Illuminati and clamored for Sanhua. According to Zhao Dingguo's understanding, the strength of this small organization is not even as good as the Olympic Party and the Holy Sword Society. Only the president has just entered the dusk level, and barely can be said to be a master. However, his younger brother Hu Luàn received a lot of younger brothers, from the rising sun to the dawn, even the newcomers without the name plate of the tavern, the scattered pieces add up to three or four hundred!

For such an organization that is not even second-rate, Guangming will easily send out a main force unit, which can easily be wiped out.

However, the Illuminati only made a strong condemnation on the power, and two evening-level masters led the team to threaten Mén, but in the end they did not do anything.

This makes more people courageous!

For a while, the domestic super-god circles would jump out of such clowns from time to time. Some did trigger some bōlan, but more like a farce. Already stunned by the concessions of the Illuminati, they were ignited by the excited fanaticism, but they did not notice that in a húnluàn, several vital forces remained silent in silence!

The three detached organizations did not move!

The six dynasties, also ranked among the top organizations in the country, have three twilight powers, and occupy the real world capital!

The other **** ally of the Illuminati is also the first-class organization's Soulstone organization.

Located in Guangzhou, the tk organization known as the number one force in the provinces of Kunming, Fujian and Guangxi has not moved!

The domestic super-god circle is one of the strongest top three in the world, with many experts and numerous organizations. But there are more than a dozen of them who are qualified to count as first-class organizations. The three major organizations will not talk about it, and the old-fashioned organizations like the Six Dynasties, Zhenhun and tk have not responded, which is enough to explain a problem-they are afraid!

If the Illuminati is really as weak as it is now, it seems that any third-rate organization can make a name for it, then these wolves have already swallowed this féiròu. However, these real incumbent organizations remained silent in the hustle and bustle. It is not that they are unwilling to come forward, but that some wise guys in their senior management have deeply smelled the hidden and dangerous breath of the Illuminati!

The feeling of danger was so strong that after they unified their opinions internally, they strictly ordered their members to never participate in this event!

The dare to violate the order is to be kicked out of the organization, which is the most severe punishment!

They have been fighting with the Illuminati for a long time, and they know that compared to the Sanhua that seems to be playing with fire, the silent Illuminati at this moment is surging inside, and they really want to play with fire. Even the chairman of the Six Dynasties organization, the **** u on the world's super master list admits that the current state of light will be very abnormal, and it is estimated that it will go crazy!

This evaluation comes from the style of the Illuminati during its founding period!

u and the President of the Guangming Society are good, so I know that his xìng pattern has not changed. How can such a powerful twilight powerhouse allow others to bully themselves like this without responding?

Therefore, these veteran organizations are waiting for the moment when the Illuminati broke out!

Their silence was not just looking at the Illuminati jokes, but was laughing at Sanhua and couldn't see the situation clearly. These organizations are very curious to know what kind of surprise will be shown when the Illuminati of the Sword is re-launched after two years of gradually gentle means.

In the silent attention of several old-fashioned organizations, the unrestrained and unrestrained triumphs and pride, and the húnluàn in the circle, the huge light will move!

More than twenty high-level officials coordinated the time to enter the main plane and reached a secret stronghold outside the World Tree Base Camp within two hours. This is the sīren industry under the commander of the plot hero legion. No one knows except the most reliable confidant!

When everyone arrived as scheduled, the chairman and vice-chairman of the Illuminati, the chairman and the think tank all attended the meeting.

Here they announced a decision that shocked, excited, and incredible everyone!

That is, a war!

And it will be an undeclared battle!

"Given the arrogance and deception of the Sanhua organization, we have unanimously decided to launch a raid on the Sanhua organization at 7 pm the day after tomorrow! Except for the reserve of a team to protect the headquarters and various factors that cannot participate in the war, The remaining 310 official members will all participate in the fight. For the sake of confidentiality, we will formally convene members at 4 pm the day after tomorrow to block communications. At that time, the soldiers will be divided into two paths, all the way to the mén, and all the way to the airborne force from their rooftop. And launch an attack at the same time! "

The bicycle just said about the plan, it completely detonated the mood of the senior officials participating in the conference!

"It's time to fight. It's not a year since I saw Sanhua's group of people displeased!"

"President Yingming, for those who don't know how to move forward and backward, we must teach them a lesson!"

"The confidentiality measures must be done well so that the other party cannot be discovered in advance! For members who are absolutely reliable and passed the review, they can give the news first. Other members will be notified temporarily when they are not, and core members will pick them up if they are not at the headquarters. Make sure the attack is sudden! "

"So many consumables and scrolls were hoarded before, and finally it's time to use them!"

The high-level attendees at the meeting rushed to talk, there were those who challenged, some who proposed, and those who expressed their support, making the atmosphere of the meeting extremely warm. The weak response of the decision-makers in the previous meeting made them quite dissatisfied. It is now confirmed that all movements are using smoke bombs, paralyzing the nerves of opponents, they are naturally excited!

Of course, after the initial enthusiasm calmed down, some people expressed their doubts a little.

"What if the three major organizations intervene?"

This is also the most worrying issue for everyone!

The reason why Sanhua is brazen and unscrupulous is that it has not been determined that the three major organizations will not let them go to war? If you do n’t know the problem clearly, they rashly attacked it, which would be troublesome if it caused the three major organizations to intervene with force. Do n’t be too many, just come to five or six twilight strong, the Illuminati will be too much!

"They are sure to interfere!"

This sentence naturally caused a lot of suspicion, but the bicycle immediately calmed them: "But, did you forget to rank second, the organization between Glory and Bingyan?"

Some people who entered the high-level later were a little puzzled, but the people who joined the Illuminati first exclaimed.

They knew that no one knew the details of that mysterious, second-ranked super organization. However, the Illuminati had talked with them, and they had had more than one interest exchange in the past two years. If the president said they moved them, then Huiyao would also consider the attitude of such a super organization. Once the three major organizations cannot be absolutely neutral, the opportunity for the Illuminati will come!

"That's them!"

The President of the Illuminati nodded, and personally confirmed: "Their interference is affirmative, but we have fifteen minutes from the start of the battle! At that time, no matter what the situation may be, we must stop the attack immediately!"

"fifteen minutes?"

During this time, it will be enough to play in the two teams. It can be put on the battle of two large organizations with hundreds of members, which is not enough. However, they also know that this is the limit that the chairman can talk about. Under normal circumstances, it is likely that they have just started, the three major organizations have been found, and then quickly unified views and mediate in front and back, no more than five minutes before and after!

The extra ten minutes is the time for them to fully demonstrate their capabilities!

Seeing this biggest problem resolved ~ ~ Bicycles continued to talk about the detailed plan: "A group of assaults from the front will be led by me and the vice president, with the purpose of maximizing destruction and killing Members of the other party. The other group airborne from the rooftop will be personally led by the chairman in order to completely destroy them and upgrade to the small revival spring water of lv2! "

This is the most important goal of the Illuminati!

What exactly is a first-class guild? It is of course the most important thing to have a Twisted Strong, but in addition to having a resurrection spring, it is the other one of the two criteria!

The resurrection spring water in the real world was, of course, an unthinkable price of the large organization, and moved from the theme. Although there is no way to really resurrect it, once placed in the headquarters, within dozens or hundreds of meters nearby, they will enjoy the special xìng bonuses that are different at home. What's more, unless they are killed on the spot, if they are injured, their members can quickly retreat to the spring of resurrection, and then return to the state in a very short time and rejoin the battle!

Only organizations that can get and support the resurrection spring water can be regarded as true first-class forces!

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