DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 178: Shocking raid

"Sanhua is going to lose money this time!"

Hearing the idea of ​​destroying the opponent's resurrection spring water in the battle plan, the high level of the Illuminati seated here inadvertently raised this idea. For the Sanhua who always opposes them, this loss is absolutely unbearable for them, which makes them gloating at the thought.

For no other reason, the role of resurrection spring water is too great, and its value is beyond imagination.

To get a resurrection spring from the theme, you need to apply to the Presbyterian Church of the two camps. I will not talk about the various pre-missions and tasks. Just to get the resurrection spring water, they need to pay one million magic gold coins. Moving to the real world through the Super God platform will cost another 100,000 victory points. If that's the case, after the resettlement, you will have to pay another 5,000 win points each month to maintain the function of the resurrection spring!

This is just the resurrection spring water of LV1!

The higher the level, the stronger the strength increase brought by spring water, and the larger the scope of influence. Of course, the corresponding maintenance costs are also higher!

Like the Illuminati, the LV3 resurrected spring water has been vigorously improved, and the radius of the amplifying aura has exceeded 10 meters. Within this range, all users with nameplates can enjoy a powerful increase of life limit +300, all attributes +15 points. And once injured, within 10 meters of the spring, you can get the double accelerated recovery effect of 3% health per second!

Such an effect can be described as not powerful.

If the Illuminati broke out in a full-scale war with a powerful enemy, it would only need to gather at the headquarters. Relying on the powerful increase brought by the resurrection spring water, the combat ability of the Illuminati can be improved by a whole grade. The resurrection effect of the resurrected spring water is even worse. They just hit the spring water. Unless they can kill in seconds, they turn around and enter for ten or twenty seconds. In a blink of an eye, they rejoin the battlefield. It's simply an immortal existence!

Of course, the resurrection spring effect of LV3 is strong. But the winning points that need to be paid each month are as high as 15,000 points!

This is just basic maintenance expenditure. If the energy of the resurrecting spring water is consumed in a short time, it will need to pay an extra temporary fee!

Not a top guild, can't afford it!

Even with the huge wealth of the Illuminati, the profits earned each year in the external trading market and the theme. Most of it was put into the resurrection spring water. On several occasions, the senior members of the Illuminati couldn't help but want to abandon it. After all, if it wasn't during the war. Maintaining the resurrection spring water is simply a waste of money. But if you don't, it won't work. This is the essence of a large organization. Once the inter-organizational war really comes, it will be more than ten holy swords!

same. For their LV2 resurrection spring water. Sanhua also invested countless efforts and financial resources.

The Illuminati shot this time. If they do n’t fight, they will be beaten and hurt once the sword is turned on, so that they will feel **** and do n’t dare to have any thoughts about Guangming. Therefore, this resurrection spring water is naturally the top priority. Even tactical. If the resurrection spring water cannot be destroyed in the first place, then the other side will continuously enjoy the spring water restoration effect. Even if they take the lead in the raid, they may not be able to achieve the intended purpose!

"Anyone else disagree?"

The bicycle looked inquiringly and found that no one spoke again, and summed up this secret meeting on the main plane. But at the meeting, he suddenly thought a little bit.

"I remember, there is a little organization called Moonwell who is jumping very happily recently, is this?"

His words were immediately echoed by several people.

"It's Moonwell, an organization established last summer. The chairman is a dusk-level guy with average strength and ambition is not expanding rapidly. Unfortunately, management can't follow. After we showed weakness to Sanhua from the surface, he began to jump out. Noise constantly! "

"People who escape like this have betrayed us casually, it's nothing but a wall of grass! They must be severely punished!"

"I propose to send two dusk-level members to take the lead and lead our club members to set them flat. Some guys have been very unsettled recently. It's time to kill chickens and monkeys!"

"The other party is also three or four hundred people. Although the good and bad are not the same, but only if our branch goes, how much will be lost. I remember yesterday the boss of Soul Stone called to ask if they need help. Otherwise, let me give them a chance? Hundreds of people also sent hundreds of people, and then two dusk leaders. This is stable, and everyone can get some more in the end! "

The bike nodded: "That's it!"


On January 16th, exactly one week before the Spring Festival this year.

This is a day destined to be remembered by all Super God users. From this day on, the domestic Super God force circle has been unresting for several years. The super-god circle of the whole world has also been in chaos due to the potential connection of one way or another.

When there is war, it is bound to die!

Users who have the first three tavern nameplate levels do not need to mention it, even the twilight powerhouse at the top of the pyramid has fallen from time to time. In the end, no matter how good the memory is, it can't be counted as to how many masters have been hung up. But as long as those who are still able to get around know that this protracted chaos has finally achieved only one person's reputation!

And that man, now sitting in doubt in the suite sofa of the Illuminati branch building.

Opposite him was Lao Li and Yang Fei.

Yang Fei came here by helicopter at more than three o'clock this afternoon. He brought the two with a message-another **** alliance of the Illuminati, and the Soulstone organization had movement. Hundreds of chapter members in their meeting were suddenly summoned. It is said that it was a high-level specialized organization to arrange a lecture on GNK!

When the dissatisfaction between Sanhua and the Illuminati became more and more fierce, and it seemed that the concession of one party would be the result, the Soul Soul suddenly made such an action, which was very easy to make people doubt.

But why is it just a group of people in the branch?

"What about their headquarters?" Old Li asked Zhao Dingguo what he suspected.

In the past two days, when Zhao Dingguo discussed with Lao Li, they always felt that the concessions of the Illuminati seemed to be hiding something. If those weaknesses are only smoke bombs, and the real purpose is to use force, then the movement of the Soul Stone is undoubtedly very suspicious. Could it be that they are repairing the boardwalk and secretly Chen Cang came over to support it?

If the masters of the two organizations are united, it is not impossible to attack Sanhua!

"I heard that the high-level officials of Zhenshun Shi went to the six dynasties of the capital to visit the organization, including the chairman and the chairman. Everything seemed to be about to discuss further cooperation. The accompanying high-level passengers sat in the cabin of half a special plane, There are as many as fifty or sixty people, and it can be said that almost enough people have gone! "


Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li looked at each other and couldn't help wondering.

Since the leaders of Zhenhun set off in a high-profile manner, it is obviously a different kind of statement, that is, they will not interfere. Otherwise, neither the Soul Calming Stone nor the Six Dynasties could explain. But then, what is the Illuminati thinking? According to the information that Lao Li received from his patron, although the Illuminati's high-level officials did not seem to do anything unusual, they were actually preparing something.

Is it possible that they want to attack Sanhua with their own strength?

What Zhao Dingguo didn't know was that he really guessed right!

Although it is also the first-class organization, the Illuminati has kept a low profile in the past two years and has made great progress in strength. In addition, it is calculated intentionally or unintentionally. As long as the raid succeeds, it is completely possible to dispel China by surprise. When Zhao Dingguo walked to the balcony and looked at the dark outside, the Illuminati's combat machines were fully activated!

"Internal wartime dedicated communication channels opened!"

"Communication interference turned on!"

"The satellite base station invasion ... has been contacted by the Berlin chariot, the Komsomolskaya and the Chicago typewriter. By then, all the satellites passing through the battle area will be temporarily controlled by us!"

"One team is assembled, with a total of 160 people, including 21 members at dusk!"

"The two teams are assembled, with a total of 151 people, including 19 members at dusk!"

"The special team has arrived, for a total of fifteen!"

"The real-world response plan has been launched. Once the attack begins, the relevant area will be immediately blocked and the nearby residents will be cleaned up and evacuated."

A series of instructions were issued accurately and swiftly by the combat center of the Illuminati, and the results of the feedback were also continuously gathered for the reference of the Illuminati's high level. Seeing the time of the electronic clock approaching seven o'clock a minute and a second, all the preparations for the Illuminati were ready. Just after the president gave an order, more than 300 full members will immediately launch, arrive at the headquarters of Sanhua at the scheduled time, and then launch an attack in two ways!

Such a change can't be concealed by other forces ~ ~ but it can't conceal the three detached organizations!

No matter in the real world or in the super-god circle, the three organizations have sufficient strength and channels of information. Although the action of the Illuminati was concealed, they still got a little news. But after the second organization spoke for the Illuminati, Huiyao and Bingyan ignored the news intentionally or unintentionally.

Under their silence, the Illuminati revealed its fangs towards the unconscious Sanhua!

In fact, such a large-scale operation, even if the Illuminati would be kept secret, Sanhua could find some clues. You may not get specific news, but some precautions can be made in advance. However, under the influence of the president's optimism, the Sanhua executives agreed that the Illuminati was about to make concessions and share some of their benefits. In this case, the bits and pieces gathered from several aspects are abnormal and they are ignored by Sanhua!

This mistake brought an incalculable loss to Sanhua, and also let their development go back two years ago!

Listen to thunder in a silent place!

A short and extremely fierce large-scale war that shakes the entire supernatural force circle, so quietly played in the dark!

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