DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 430: A major turning point in the Western Front

PS: The first one is sent.

The helicopter flew back to the building of the Illuminati headquarters.

On the way, the key dropped by Sanhua's dusk-level master had been forced to open it. In the end, Zhao Dingguo's teammates picked up an ogre axe.

Although with the gradual calming of Aktura, the price of the ogre's axe dropped slightly. In terms of average transaction price, this is still equipment worth two thousand win points. If it is assigned by one person, it is undoubtedly a fortune, even a master at dusk must be happy for a long time. But for seven people, the money was just average.

"Three hundred wins per person. I'll call you after it's sold."

The person who unlocked the key was also helpless. Who asked the members of the three groups to participate in the killing together with the foreign aid of the five groups? If the seer has a share, he can only do so.

This number can only be said to be better than nothing. He didn't take it too seriously, nodding his head casually even though it was over. As the helicopter formation landed in Pearl City, Zhao Dingguo and others also resumed their work—reporting personal consumption, filing detailed reports of the battle with the headquarters, and corresponding aftermath. The death of the three masters was not a trivial matter. As a teammate who played together, Zhao Dingguo is also obliged to help.

As for the allies of Shen Caiwei and Zhenshishi, they parted ways halfway and took a helicopter back to Zhenshishi headquarters.

Honestly, for this operation, three experts changed one person to Xie Qian, and the Illuminati also had different ideas. However, with Xie Qian officially joining the Illuminati. After disclosing the details of the secret realm discovered by Sanhua to the high level, such scattered complaints and dissatisfaction quickly disappeared.

It turned out that the mystery discovered by the Sanhua organization was the war mystery formed at the end of the Second Master's War.

Its scale is not too big, but the name is not small on the theme, its full name is Master Currywood Fortress. As the name suggests, at the end of that chaotic war. There are various professional mage heroes and aboriginal masters gathered there. Before the end of the Second Master War, the fortress was exiled to a different space by the last Master. Since then, countless people have tried to find it back. But never found anything.

The people in Sanhua accidentally bumped into the nodes while doing ordinary tasks, and just happened to find this secret place.

"What's the benefit of Mage Fortress?"

After learning the details of the mystery. Zhao Dingguo could not help asking.

He knew that the Illuminati now had some quota in a secret place and could stably produce the plate armor. But what's in Mage Currywood Fortress?

Lao Li paid attention to this matter earlier than Zhao Dingguo. He had already inquired with Zhang Tianshao, and Wen Yan explained: "Mage Fortress must have dropped the equipment related to the mage. News from Tian Shao, There are quite a few types of equipment produced in it. The most common are intellectual cloaks and mage robes. A few powerful elite monsters can also directly drop magic staffs. Although wasteland wastes a lot of energy, but at present, . Only the Sanhua and us know the news of this mystery. After driving away Sanhua, Master Currywood Fortress is ours! "

Anyone who is on this mission is eligible to participate in the wasteland team.

After hearing Lao Li's introduction, Zhao Dingguo couldn't help expecting a bit more. However, this expectation quickly turned into helplessness.

Legion warfare in full swing. After the weather was completely clear, the Aboriginal Army had already started a full-scale firefight, and it was impossible to engage in firefights. In this case, the super-god organizations and super-god users of the two camps are also available in various ways to try to help their own camps to gain greater advantages. In the current battle of the camp, the Illuminati may not find the strength to open up the wasteland.

and. If you want to compete with Sanhua for a secret place, you must start a war again.

At this time, it is impossible for the three major organizations to let go.

Zhao Dingguo's idea is undoubtedly correct. In fact, after learning the news of Master Currywood's Fortress, the Illuminati adopted a strategy of keeping the soldiers alone. The high-level team only secretly sent a team to pay attention to the movement of Sanhua. As long as they did not officially station in the Master Fortress, the Illuminati would ignore it, and instead focused their energies on the Western Front legion war.

Affected by high-level officials, Zhao Dingguo also added some concern to the situation on the western front.

Because before this legion war, camp-type wars also happened. Therefore, the masters of the two camps have guarded against some common methods. On the other hand, it is impossible for such a large-scale war to keep the information completely confidential. Both sides must have undercover agents in the hostile camp. When conventional methods are not effective, the final battle can only be a long drain.

This consumption lasted until early July.

The first regular season game in July has passed. Although Zhao Dingguo played well this time, two teammates were indeed very powerful. Relying on their strength to turn the tide, Zhao Dingguo finally completed the reversal and won the first battle of July. Although only the most basic win points, but such a starter is enough.

With this good sign, the stalemate of the Western Front battle also ushered in a major turn quietly.

It was the early morning of July 10th, and it was already two o'clock, so the real world was silent. Even if it is a super user, most of them have already rested at this time. At this time, Zhao Dingguo calmly got up from the bed, and then teleported into the main plane.

The meeting place with other teammates was a remote valley ten kilometers away from the main position of the Western Front Guard Corps.

This is four days ago, the top of the Illuminati explained his secret mission on a single line. What exactly this task is to do, Zhao Dingguo was initially unclear. But the director explained that it is necessary to leave the theme time of this week, Zhao Dingguo knows. At this time, what can make the high-level care so carefully must be the corps war of the main plane!

Things are also as speculated. After meeting at the scheduled location, Zhao Dingguo saw the vast majority of the Illuminati's core combat power. Except for the necessary staying power, the number of people gathered by the Illuminati this time was about sixty. Even the chairman and the chairman were personally involved, and Director Ling and Director Ouyang, who were familiar with Zhao Dingguo, were among them.

Such a scale made Zhao Dingguo nervous and anticipating.

Several masters who knew everything in advance quickly patrolled the surrounding area. After confirming that there were no others, President Manlou officially notified the members present of the purpose of this special operation: "Protect three Aboriginal * Divisions, sneak in On the back of the Scourge of Voodoo City, a magic array was built 350 meters outside the city, and after the magic array began to operate, it was responsible for resisting the first wave of attacks by Voodoo forces! "

Despite some psychological preparation, when the chairman announced the task, it caused a low level of uproar.

Until the Legion War, within a few kilometers outside Voodoo City, the Aboriginal and Supernatural Organizations were closely monitored. If it is an individual, diving into 300 meters is possible. However, how can it be possible to **** aboriginal mages for the full number 60? Not to mention the first wave of attacks from Voodoo forces!

Are you sure this mission is to die?

Although Zhao Dingguo did not follow the noise, he also set his sights on the chairman, waiting for his explanation.

As other experts worry, the task of the Illuminati is too difficult. If the three major organizations can make a shot, such as the 21 twilight masters who have the brilliance, they may have confidence in Zhao Dingguo, but now ...

"You are quiet."

Apparently, President Manlou had anticipated this scene. He stretched out his hands and pressed for a moment, and then said, "I understand your concerns. Please also believe in the Illuminati. We worked hard to apply for this mission from the Presbyterian Church of the Guards Corps It ’s definitely not for everyone to die! After all, whoever comes here is a member of our confidant who is absolutely reliable and can be trusted at the crucial moment! "

His words had an intangible appeal, and immediately calmed the masters gathered here.

The president glanced around and nodded in satisfaction, saying, "This task suddenly seems to be impossible, but there is no absolute thing. I did a lot of work with the vice president and they finally came out with enough The plan to ensure the safety and smooth completion of this task. Once the task is successful, not only will the organization gain great benefits, but you will also receive direct rewards from the Presbyterian Church. As to whether you are convinced, the process of waiting for you will be clear. "

Then, he beckoned the chairman and motioned him to explain in detail the tasks to be performed today.

It matters! ~ Zhao Dingguo immediately raised his ears and listened carefully to the chairman's explanation.

With his explanation one by one, Zhao Dingguo understood something about why the Illuminati dared to take the initiative to take over this difficult work. It turned out that their biggest reliance was to buy a group of members responsible for patrolling outside Voodoo City tonight. Moreover, the members of this squadron are from a large organization that is relatively well-known in the Scourge camp.

With their help to cover, Zhao Dingguo will be able to open the fog of tricks and sneak into the distance of 350 meters outside the city.

At this point, the three Aboriginal mages will use the scrolls prepared in advance by the Guards Corps to create an enchantment that can temporarily shield the surrounding environment. Without the True Sight gem, the enemy would not be able to spot the anomaly here. As for how to implement it, Zhao Dingguo believes that the senior management must have thought it out. All they had to do was wait for the three Aboriginal mages to repair the magic formation and block the counterattack of Voodoo City for a short period of time.

Once the enchantment takes effect, the Guards will immediately launch a full-scale attack on the front, and fight for the destruction of Voodoo City in World War I!

The general plan is like this, but after careful consideration, it seems that there are still many loopholes. Zhao Dingguo was preparing to ask a question, and didn't want to be preempted by a guy at dusk. (To be continued)

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