DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 431: An elaborate match for the Illuminati

"What is the magic circle built by the Aborigines for?"

The twilight master who had not met Zhao Dingguo had asked this question, and this was what Zhao Dingguo was concerned about: "With a magic array, we can guarantee that the Guards Army will capture Voodoo City in one fell swoop? If not, then we risk Isn't that such a big risk? "

It seems that more than two of them are concerned about this issue, other members are also very concerned. M

What magic circle is really worth the effort of the Illuminati?

The director smiled and explained without hesitation: "There is not only one magic array that needs to be deployed, but there may be as many as two to three depending on the situation. The magic array that must be deployed is used to Those who shield the transmission of magic. Presumably everyone experienced it in the battle of Nanhuang. Compared to the level of the Naga, the Guards Corps is undoubtedly higher in the accomplishments of the related magic formations. Once the magic formation successfully works, at least Can block Scourge's teleportation for five hours! "

This magic array immediately dispelled Zhao Dingguo's suspicion.

Indeed, the main reason why legion wars can last so long is that they can be reinforced at any time. There may be only 200,000 soldiers of the Scourge Army in Voodoo City. With the large-scale magical assistance of many powerful men, once the Guards Army launched a comprehensive attack, 200,000 was not enough to kill. This is not like the ancient siege of the real world, which may be siege for more than ten days or even months.

Once the transmission was isolated, the Scourge had no reinforcements in a short time, maybe the Guards could really break the city in one fell swoop!

"The second magic formation. It is to protect the magic formation from being destroyed."

"Blocking a magic circle that requires multiple synergy together. Although it can be reluctant to operate even if one of them is destroyed after launch, the effect and duration will be greatly reduced. With the second enhanced magic circle, it can roughly Keep the magic circle safe until the teleportation blocking effect disappears. "

"The third magic formation is weakened against the enemy of the Scourge."

"This magic formation can echo the strength of the World Tree Base Camp of the Guards Corps. Create a purification enchantment. The aborigines of the Scourge Legion inside will have severely weakened combat effectiveness, the proportion can reach 40-50%! Of course. This magic formation It depends. If time permits and everything goes well, let's set up all three magical arrays. If it doesn't work. Just set up the first two to complete the task. "

This description made Zhao Dingguo quite satisfied.

However, someone asked another equally important question: "How much time is there between the start of the magic circle and the time when we can evacuate? How will we evacuate after being discovered by people in Voodoo City?"

People in Voodoo City are not stupid, and they certainly know what it means to block the teleportation. As long as they found a little sign, they must have rushed like crazy. With the sixty people of the Illuminati, how long can it be blocked? Even if the magic circle is officially operated, how can we escape after being watched by people in Voodoo City?

This is also the most concerned issue for all members who come to participate in the operation!

Whether the task can be completed or not. At least before the start, the back road must be arranged first. They are doing missions to gain benefits, but not the dead of the Guards!

The director obviously also has a countermeasure, Cheng Zhu said in his chest: "We have already communicated with the strong storyline paladin Chen, once the magic circle is fully operational. In the first few seconds, a specific space channel will be set aside. During this time, Saint The knight and his mage will launch the group's loyalty test skills, forcing us to pull back in three seconds-this is what Chen can do with just a Stanas river. "

"Even if we fail to sneak in, as long as the magic beacon is released, the Paladin will instantly summon. So regardless of success or failure. Everyone's life is worry-free." At the end, the chairman added another point.

"In that case, we have no doubt!"

After the two points of most concern were explained, other details members did not care too much. After all, in order to prepare for this task, the Illuminati officials must have repeatedly checked and reviewed numerous times. Zhao Dingguo didn't say anything, but waited quietly for the final arrangement of the senior management.

Taking advantage of this time, the director who has known for a long time is also highlighting some task details to them, as well as areas that need attention, so as not to cause accidental failure of anyone who eventually leads to the failure of the task.

The main plane is still around 12:30 in the night. It takes about three hours to set up a magic formation. After taking into account the infiltration time in the middle, they must complete all tasks before five o'clock-at night, it will be dawn, and Zhao Dingguo will increase a lot of inconvenience when they move .

"You guys, let's get started."

Seeing that the time was up, the chairman encouraged all the members, and waved his hands to welcome the three Aboriginal mages, as well as the long-prepared plot strongman, Paladin Chen. He and a group of Aboriginal divisions were long ago waiting by the side of the Presbyterian Church of the Guards. Seeing the plan start, immediately start to act.

Soon, the remote transmission was located.

The person responsible for the response is the one that was separated from the Scourge by the heavy rains at the beginning of the Legion War!

Because when they lost control, they were hundreds of miles away from Voodoo City. So despite being pursued and defeated by the Scourge, still as many as six or seven thousand soldiers survived. After receiving the search and rescue mission issued by the commander of the Western Front of the Guards Corps, several super **** organizations joined forces and really found the location of the remaining soldiers. Through various means, they finally helped the remnant unit restore contact with the Western Front Command of the Guards Corps.

At this moment, the army of 6,000 to 7,000 people had moved to the fifteen kilometers outside of Voodoo City in the dark.

This is almost the limit, and Rao is very careful. At this moment, it has also been discovered by the supernatural users of the Scourge camp. If you get closer, this team destined to be Zhao Dingguo's stepping stone will probably be wiped out by the aboriginal forces of Voodoo City before they can respond to the teleport!

However, the Illuminati executives, who planned the entire operation, calculated the time just right.

As long as there are no accidents, while responding to Zhao Dingguo's teleportation, this Aboriginal unit will perform various actions to deceive the enemy, and then successfully attract super user of Voodoo City. Due to the restrained attention, the security forces outside Voodoo City will certainly relax, and Zhao Dingguo will be able to sneak in.

With the action of Paladin Chen, the positioned mage opened a silver portal.

"Hurry up!"

President Manlou gave a low sigh, and the first one took the lead. Subsequently, at the urging of the chairman, Zhao Dingguo quickly passed the portal. When it reappeared, Zhao Dingguo found himself in a somewhat withered forest. Obviously, the vegetation here was attacked by the forces of the Frozen Throne and Voodoo City-although many plants have adapted to that power over a long period of time, and will grow better, but near Voodoo City This dense forest is clearly not among them.

"Master Samurai, welcome to you."

The treeman commander who temporarily commanded this unit was tall and mighty, twice the size of an ordinary treeman soldier, and his voice was very loud. Although he deliberately controlled his loud voice, it sounded loud at night. Fortunately, it is also empty and covered by dense forests. Do n’t worry about it being heard by supernatural users who are coming in from natural disasters.

"How's the situation?"

Since he had contacted this commander beforehand, Chairman Manlou opened his door and asked directly what was happening.

The Shuren Commander shook his head and said, "Twenty minutes ago, warriors from the Scourge Army have arrived. If you want to sneak under the Voodoo City, please go round the road, otherwise if you go straight They will definitely be found by their people. As for us, after supporting for half an hour here, we will move from another direction to attract the attention of Voodoo City-although we do not know how much effect it can have , But for the glory of the Guards, we will never fear or flinch! "

President Manlou nodded, but said nothing. He had some respect for this aboriginal Shuren, destined to be cannon fodder. This kind of sacrifice must be replaced by Super God users, and it is definitely not necessary to think about it, there may not be one among the thousand!

"President, the transfer is complete, and all members have arrived."

The chairman said, let Manlou nodded. After finally confirming something, he ordered all members to start sneaking in the fog of tricks, first walking for five kilometers in the direction of the lower Stanas River, and then moving towards the back of Voodoo City ~ ~ Although it will take some more roads, it is not a problem at the speed of SuperGod users.

The stealth assassin with deep stealth ability has already opened his way with the true vision gem.

Zhao Dingguo's two wings also have experts with stealth skills on guard to prevent accidental approach by supernatural users of the disaster.

For this mission, the Illuminati obviously also took pains. Besides, the mist of trickery along the way is a lot of money. However, the Fog of Deception has an acceleration effect of 15%, and the passive aura of War Drum can increase its movement speed by 5%. There are white bulls in the master of the field, his passive skills can increase the movement speed of allies by 18%. In addition, the doomsday master also devoured the Goblet leader early with his skills, and once again gained 12% of the group's accelerated aura.

With careful matching, the Illuminati masters superimposed the moving speed layer by layer without exposing themselves, and mentioned the extreme, fast like the racing Formula 1 car!

In order to keep up with their speed, the master in charge of the open road carefully matched his equipment. Although the price paid for this is great, this ultra-high speed minimizes their risks along the way. (To be continued) RQ

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