DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 468: What is dropped is the most expensive

The next time, the battle began to repeat the previous rhythm

Because the mystery hasn't cooled down yet, I want to advance with some difficulty. Zhao Dingguo and Lao Li and Yan Yuelan started to continue to open the fog to catch people. Although the effect of gank was normal, it was almost killed by the squatter hero squatting behind him. But after all, they involved a lot of energy to prevent

During this time, the werewolf's equipment has been upgraded again.

Moreover, while the **** line was good and the natural disaster was neglected, the werewolf took the little wolf again and sneaked away the second tower of the natural disaster. In this way, the natural disaster team only had one lone second tower on the road. , Safe space for money and tp points available for friendly support are compressed

The situation is becoming more favorable for the guards

During this time, Zhao Dingguo's equipment also improved to some extent. Although they are all in pieces, the most expensive is just a drum of war, but the overall strength is still stronger than the natural disaster. , The heroes of the guard began to spontaneously go home to supply, ready to force the next high

Once you win, maybe you can break through the two paths and push the enemy into despair directly.

Just as Zhao Dingguo was about to gather, the werewolves who hit the wild in the wild area also got their own broken bone hammer and watched the flying messenger send the scroll of the broken bone hammer and a tp to the body. It ’s very arrogant to draw the sword and look around the world

Put it into the ordinary regular season. At this time of the battle, there is nothing to boast of a broken bone hammer. This piece of equipment is not a godsend. It can only be said that it is slightly better than ordinary mid-range equipment. Medium, a piece of equipment with a price of three thousand yuan can definitely be called a large one

However, no one expected that something extremely sad happened.

Just when the werewolf wanted tp to return to the spring, and then set off with Zhao Dingguo, a distant arrow of the moon **** shot over, and the figure of the mermaid guard suddenly appeared from the air, and launched the mermaid crush Seeing that the werewolf who was about to leave tp was interrupted for a second, the arrow of the moon **** whistled, hit him accurately, and formed a perfect small cooperation

The werewolf was still puzzled for a moment, but then realized that the opponent might have eaten an invisibility, or the white tiger opened a big move. In short, he just found him when he came to search in the wild.

It ’s a bit bad now

There were not only White Tigers but also Legion Commanders following the Murloc.

At the end of the stun of the arrow of the moon god, the legion commander had already rushed over. He even added a forcible attack, fearing that the werewolf would drive away, so he went directly to the duel.

If it is one-to-one, with the current equipment of the werewolf, it is definitely a complete tragedy. Unfortunately, there are also Murloc Guards and White Tigers next to him who have been damaged by the Murloc. The output of the three makes the werewolf's blood volume drop. He didn't even support the effect of the duel of the legion's big move due to his own death. So he immediately suspended the incident. Suddenly Zhao Dingguo was preparing to push. He couldn't catch it at all. Even if he immediately dropped off the road tower, the opponent was neat and neat. Opportunistic killing cannot save a werewolf

The commander of the legion that won the duel added 10 points of attack and was glad to have accidentally picked up the equipment dropped by the werewolf

"Ha ha ha ha ha werewolf this sb"

This phoenix said only a few minutes, and the legion that had clearly seen the name of the dropped equipment repeated it again.

It turned out that the werewolf dropped nothing else. It was the most valuable piece of equipment that had just arrived, the bonebreaker.

Although the equipment of this value is not enough to change the disadvantage of the natural disaster, it greatly reduces the advantages of the werewolf's hard-built equipment and boosts the morale of the natural disaster. If something like this happens again or again, there are Guardians of the Murloc and Phantom Lancer Such a powerful late-stage natural disaster might reverse the situation directly.

On the World Channel, the unscrupulous taunts of the Scourge also appeared.

The werewolf, who realized what he had lost, could no longer be described as furious. It was almost ashamed to be compared with this guy who had been robbed of the Immortal Shield and the bonebreaker first, Lao Li ’s Dot luck is pediatrics

"* Phoenix and Murloc, I x your family ..."

The werewolf, who couldn't care about it, began to yell and yell at his ears. Although Zhao Dingguo sympathized with this, he could not help but frowned.

Anyway, I ’m a senior member of the **** circle. I do n’t even have that quality?

However, when the werewolf scolded the natural disaster, the mystery in the voice channel also began to scold people. Before the Phoenix grabbed the shield, it could be said that the other party was surprised. Although the mystery was a little tangled, it didn't say anything, but the bonebreaker that just came out was also dropped. , The mystery could not sit still, and began to scold the werewolf's back, and if the werewolf did not directly tp, so that he was shot by the white tiger's moon god's arrow, maybe there is a chance to escape

"You said lightly, how do I know that they just happened to have invisibility? If the river's reconnaissance guard is still there, can I not pay attention?"

The werewolf, who was not angry, immediately turned the muzzle, and there was a vague accusation in the tone that he could not do home.

I have to say that at that time, Zhao Dingguo really did not have the river channel to buy it, but there was no time to make up for it. However, now that things have happened, it would be meaningless to make unnecessary quarrels, and only let the natural disaster see the joke. Even if they added a bonebreaker, Zhao Dingguo can still fight with their previous level and equipment advantages.

Discouraged by Zhao Dingguo, Lao Li, and Yan Yuelan, the two were finally able to distinguish between the two in a timely manner.

They are also very clear that even if they lose the bonebreaker, the current situation can not be said to be inferior. The item drop mode is less than the last moment. It has never been said that the conclusion of the coffin may be casual and careless. Give the opponent, and then they will be leveled in one battle, and then reversed this kind of thing. It has appeared more than once in the item drop mode.

The legion commander could kill him and break the bonebreaker, and the guards could of course kill him back again.

Thinking of this, the slightly more comfortable two began to reluctantly calm down and continue to work hard for the next battle. However, the Scourge seemed to feel that with the bonebreaker, his own can reverse the upper hand with this equipment. , The five heroes of the Scourge assembled on the lower lane, approaching the second tower of the guard.

They have a good idea, they also want to win a team battle in front of the second tower, and then try a wave of direct high ground

However, under the conditions of tower guarding, there are the enemies of the mystery and the king of the sand, and the second-level God of Destruction of Zhao Dingguo. In the face of an army with a broken bone hammer, they still have great advantages. Pay attention to the size of the Phoenix. It is not a dream to kill the opponent again.

With such confidence, the five guards gathered in the second tower of the lower lane because the opponents did not have any group control, so Zhao Dingguo did not have too many scattered positions. However, although the natural disaster and the natural disaster side attacked with great fanfare, it was really time for the fast tower. , But carefully, seems to be still guarding against the mystery, everything is not unusual

For Dingguo, a powerful hero who can control the battlefield with his own hands, Zhao Dingguo is quite assured. As long as he is not cut in the back, the Scourge will not dare to press the offensive point easily. Even if he can drop the guard in seconds, Will only cause them to die

However, as the first wave of soldiers entered the tower, the Scourge hero suddenly blurred, and then quickly disappeared.

Zhao Dingguo was stunned, and immediately realized that the opponent's white tiger had launched a big move. This proof was that when the werewolf was caught, the white tiger and the army should be fogged-of course, this proof is meaningless at the moment, but they are guarded by the tower. With a large range of true vision effects, even if the opponent makes a sudden advance, once it rushes into the true vision range, it will still show up. Even if it succeeds with a sudden first move, it is meaningless under the group control of the rear mystery.

Unless, they can quickly cross the true vision range of the tower and directly attack the mystery patrolling behind.

Zhao Dingguo thought this was impossible, but as the first legion that rushed into the tower exposed his body, Zhao Dingguo suddenly felt a little more uneasy. At the moment, the mysterious figure under the real vision effect was in their shocked gaze. The sudden flicker disappeared

When it appeared again, it was already in front of the mystery

The reaction of the mystery was slow for a moment, or he was hesitant for a moment, and the legion that was jumped in by the jump knife was directly large and medium.

Compared with the long cooldown of Enigma, the legion's duel is only 50 seconds.

"Grass, where did this guy jump?"

The mystery of the duel was instantly frightened ~ ~ but then realized that he couldn't do anything to watch the opponent ’s posture, obviously at any cost. If he could be saved by his teammates, this would win. It's hard to see each other's posture ...

The mystery that was consciously set aside for two seconds, took a moment to take a look at the equipment of the legion that had been hiding in the last leg while advancing down the road, and found that the bonebreaker from the werewolf was gone. The mystery moved, Suddenly know why the legion can silently take out the jump knife in such a short time

No doubt, the other party sold the bonebreaker from the werewolf at half the price, and then matched it with their own money.

For the decisiveness and willingness of the natural disaster, the mystery called out in his heart

In the presence of himself and the Sand King, even if the Legion did n’t have a proper output space, even if it had a bonebreaker, it might not be able to deal a few hundred more points of damage. As a jumping knife, the legion has the first hand to limit its capital. There is no black hole control field for the mystery. It is much more difficult for the sand king to zoom in perfectly, and one will be interrupted by accident

For one legion, change the size of the two heroes of the teamfight, for one word, worth

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