DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 469: I dropped the bone breaker, you dropped the knife

It can accurately see the advantages of the guard and give a targeted counterattack. The natural disaster opponent's strength is obviously not weak. [WWw.YZUU 点 m]

The reason for their early disadvantages is related to the collapse of the Phantom Lancer. After all, the cooperation between Huo Nu and Sha Wang Gou is still very strong, and in the early stage, they also directly bought the development dust to kill the phantom lancer. In this case, even if the masters in the evening come to play, they may not be able to get better.

What's more, in the item drop mode, the character of Phantom Lancer is also very poor. I even lost two pieces of equipment, and the quiet shoes did not synthesize after being dragged for ten minutes!

However, after the opponent's critical equipment was started, the strength of the natural disaster was truly manifested.

After the Legion successfully jumped into the big duel mystery, Bai Hu directly launched the jumping skills to give his teammates a group acceleration. At the same time, he himself became the second hero to enter the battlefield. Immediately after landing, he immediately launched the stars to fall, and at the same time began to move, ready to add another arrow to the mystery!

At this time, regardless of whether Zhao Dingguo or Yan Yuelan knew that the mystery had to be saved first. After all, although the Legion made the mystery so big, he sold the broken bones in order to jump the sword, the level was not high, and his output was insufficient. The mystery has bracers and a lot of health. If the rescue is timely, maybe there is still a chance.

Therefore, Yan Yuelan's Sand King pierced directly with a dig, stunned the Phantom Lancer who was driving towards the mystery at full speed. As for the mermaid guard she most wanted to limit, she sprinted fast because of White Tiger's acceleration and the acceleration skills she turned on. Due to the slight deviation in the grasp of the position, the fishman guard just exceeded the stun range.

This mistake announced the death of the mystery in advance!

Even if Zhao Dingguo stunned the Legion Commander who was still in a duel, it would not help. The phoenix rushed over with the impact of the phoenix directly hit the flame elf and harvested the life of the mystery.

He left the place in place, with an additional bracer!

The Legion Commander now has a few spare parts besides jumping the sword. Seeing the wristbands, the legion quickly exceeded the speed of the hand that had just jumped, and immediately discarded the power gloves on the body, and picked up the wristbands. []

No enigma. Zhao Dingguo suddenly felt much more difficult to deal with the natural disaster. In the face of the deepening damage of the Murloc Guards, any of their heroes were like paper. In addition, Phoenix is ​​still deliberately absorbing damage for his teammates, and is preparing to make a big move when his health is low. In the absence of a mystery to control the field, he need not worry that he will be connected to death.

At this moment, although Yan Yuelan's sand king wants to grow up, the other party is now scattered. There is no big trick to help traction, even if her big can be released safely. It can affect at most two people, and the damage may not be all-in. In this case, Yan Yuelan was also a little hesitant and wondered whether he should be released immediately.

However, just as she was about to make a decision, the mystery that had just died resolved her troubles with action.

Here's a hint from the Super God platform to both parties: The mystery is alive!

This news is a great encouragement to the guards. Buy a live mystery, there are big tricks in hand, TP can join the battle in three seconds. The Scourge has been entangled with them until now. And it was still fighting over the two towers, and it was too late to retreat. He rejoined, and the situation was completely reversed.

As for natural disasters. This news directly shakes their military hearts.

The Legion can jump the big duel mystery once, can it be performed again in less than ten seconds?

This is of course impossible!

In their astonishment, the guard tower of the guard illuminated a silver beam of light.

It turned out that after the mystery had made wristbands, pendants, shoes and other bulks on the body, they dared not go out for a while. Since he has not died, he also has an expensive deposit, which is enough to deduct and buy alive. At this moment, seeing that his own situation is unfavorable, the mystery is buying decisively. Then land directly on TP, abomination, withering at midnight, black holes shot one after another!

Seeing that the situation wasn't good, Fenghuang directly opened the big change egg, which was a disregard of the mystery's big move. []

The Phantom Lancer also sensed danger and fired his magical skills. With the traction of black holes. The lancer was pulled into the true sight of the tower. Where will Zhao Dingguo be polite to him? A **** annihilated to his face, then he didn't even look at it, and once again cooperated with the two to start beating!

This tragic phoenix thought that he was immune to the mystery, would he not die?

Although the werewolf did not know that he was scolded twice by SB. But if I think about it, I know that if he grabbed the shield and grabbed the bonebreaker, the opponent must have laughed at himself on the ground. Therefore, in the face of the phoenix, the werewolf's slap was a happy shot. Seeing that the phoenix, who was about to become an egg, died in advance, the werewolf took a breath, and his body was refreshed!

Yan Yuelan will not miss the great opportunity of the mystery big move, while the other side is gradually drawn together, quickly start to shake in the center. The perfect connection between the two big moves is enough to kill those guys who are not high-level and also equipped with ordinary equipment. The only tricky white tiger was lucky to escape. He ran down the guard's high ground, ran from behind the second tower to the middle of the second tower, and then turned into the woods in the wild. Already.

Although Enigma bought it once for this purpose, they were able to destroy four opponents. Zhao Dingguo was already very satisfied. Therefore, there was no more desperate pursuit of the White Tiger. After all, they have the jumping weapon, which is difficult to hunt down. If you are not careful, you may be shown by the other party!

What's more, if you kill a white tiger, you may not be able to get any good things. What is better than killing the other flight messenger?

I do n’t know if it ’s the other party ’s intentions, or I think they ’re stupid, but they only controlled the flying messenger to rush here after the people were almost dead. Although it flew from the edge of the map at the bottom of the woods, Zhao Dingguo had been paying attention to the other bird after taking a loss. At this moment, when he saw it came to his door, Zhao Dingguo greeted him and immediately launched an attack.

The man who controlled the flight messenger of the Scourge was aware of the exposure, but it was too late to run!

In no time, this flying messenger was killed by Zhao Dingguo. Scourges must wait a few minutes for resurrection if they want to use it again. Moreover, each of the five guards received a reward for killing the flying messenger.

"I wipe it, jump the knife! Hahaha, Legion, Legion, you have today too!"

At this moment, the werewolf suddenly laughed on the voice channel, and his tone seemed a little weird because he was too proud. Zhao Dingguo hadn't seen him so excited before even when he got the bone breaker.

Curious, Zhao Dingguo looked at him and found nothing unusual. However, he immediately noticed his own flying messenger beside the werewolf. After opening it, Zhao Dingguo suddenly found that there was a jump knife on it!

Can it be done?

"When the Legion Commander died, he exploded the jump knife he had just used!"

Lao Li has always been paying attention, so he can see the details of the whole thing. Just speaking, the expression on his face was still a little weird.

Dropping items is really a daddy mode!

The previous luck was undoubtedly on the side of the natural disaster. Whether it is accidentally found that the guards are hitting Roshan, or killing the werewolf and directly dropping the bonebreaker, this can be reflected. However, in this team battle, the guards who had fallen twice in the mold began to transfer. Although the Legion successfully dropped the mystery in seconds, but immediately afterwards, he himself gave away the jump knife that had not yet been warm. Although most of the money is not his own, the sudden conversion of hell-heaven-and **** is estimated to make his heart unbearable?

Changed to Zhao Dingguo as a legion, and then laughed at others, and immediately became a tragedy, and it will definitely be very painful.

It's no wonder that the other party knows that they may not be big, and they deliberately send flying messengers to try, the feeling is that the real guy is lost!

"Cool! Damn cool!"

The werewolf looked over the familiar jumping knife attribute that can be turned over for ten seconds, and was in a good mood. Later, he said on the voice channel that he would abandon the ownership of the jumper.

The Bonebreaker is gone, and it doesn't make sense for him to take a jump knife. Rather than sell it at half price, give it to the most suitable person. This jump knife, whether for the mystery or the sand king, has unparalleled value. Even the fire girl for Zhao Dingguo is better than in his hands!

"I don't want to!"

In front of the two team-fighting heroes, Zhao Dingguo's Fire Girl's need for jumping swords can be put behind, and the guards are not very lacking in a first-hand Fire Girl.

"Give the mystery."

Yan Yuelan thought about it and quit this piece of equipment. One is because the mystery has no money to buy, and she has more than a thousand herself, not far from jumping the knife; the second is that the mystery's several big moves are well put, and Yan Yuelan also recognizes him Strength.

"Then I'll be disrespectful!"

The mystery was no longer humble, and took the jump knife directly-in the item drop mode, the enemy's things can actually be used for people. Zhao Dingguo said this, they just determined the ownership.

"You can consider pushing them at the meeting ~ ~ Get them in a wave!"

The previous advantages are all back, and the werewolf now seems confident. Because of the huge victory and the fall of the opponent's jump knife, the somewhat stiff atmosphere on the side of the guard was harmonious again. Although the werewolf was a little bit sour, he also acknowledged that the enlargement of the mystery was the key and exaggerated.

The mystery didn't know if I heard it, anyway, when I talked to the werewolf, my tone was softer.

Compared with the harmony on the side of the guard, the natural disaster side is a blast!

After finally catching the werewolf and hitting the bone-breaking hammer, the team returned for the first time. How could they accept it? In addition to Bai Hu's ability to remain sane, the other three all pointed their finger at the Legion. Although everyone used to drop equipment before, but it was just some branches, wristbands, etc., can it be compared with a jump knife?

Such critical props were sent back again, and the natural disaster was half a fight!

Such accusations embarrassed the Legion. RQ

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