Douluo: Rebirth of Ye Lingling

: Ninety-seven: The Clan of the Jade Double Standard

The angle of the Blue Silver Tyrannosaurus Spear pierced into the back crest of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex very tricky.

The huge dragon body was twisted in pain, and Ye Leng Leng quickly turned away from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex who was pierced by her spear.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex was wailing like a gecko pinned to the ground at the moment, and the dragon claws kept trying to prop up its body hard.

But Ye Leng Leng first stabbed it on its dorsal ridge with a tricky angle, breaking its dorsal ridge bone, making it a gecko that can only be incompetent and furious.

Under the sunlight, the corpse of Chi Yandie, which had been bombarded by the blue-electric Tyrannosaurus Rex with the blue-electric lightning cannon, revealed a little bit of vermilion-like skeleton, but it was like a crystal.

Ye Leng Leng was overjoyed to see this, and walked towards Chi Yandie's body.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex was at the end of its power at the moment, and Ye Leng Leng was not at all afraid that it would suddenly erupt.

After all, the Blue Silver Overlord Spear nailed it to the ground from its back crest.

He took out the pair of ice silk gloves and put them on his hands, and dug out the spirit bone from Chi Yandie's body.

Looking at the appearance of the spirit bone, Ye Leng Leng was elated. It was a piece of spirit bone that looked like a rib, but was not a torso bone. He held it in his hand and observed it carefully.


"If it looks as good as Chi Yandie's wings, it's not bad."

Afterwards, he smiled and put the soul bone into the soul tool.

Soul bones are very precious in the soul master world.

The first is the torso spirit bone, and the second is the head spirit bone. The rest of the limbs are not as precious as the head spirit bone and the torso spirit bone. Of course, except for the age and the type of spirit beasts, these all refer to the spirit beast spirits produced by the same spirit beast years. bone.

Of course, the external spirit bone is different. Its preciousness is naturally rare, needless to say, and there is another advantage, that is, it will grow with the growth of the spirit master. This is what Ye Leng Leng thinks. One of the reasons why soul bones are good.

When he looked at the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus again, he saw a look of hatred in its eyes, looking directly at Ye Leng Leng, it finally defeated Chi Yandie and grabbed this territory, but never thought that it would still be The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

Benefited from this ugly human being in front of it.

The 20,000-year-old blue-electric tyrannosaurus is actually somewhat wise.

It knows that the human being in front of it should be for its soul ring.

But it is powerless.

"Haha, yes, this 20,000-year-old Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Beast, although its age is a little shorter, it fits my martial spirit very well and is suitable for my sixth spirit ring." A rude voice It reached Ye Leng Leng's ears, which made her curious as to which **** was so arrogant.

Seeing that the four of them had strong muscles and some damaged clothes, Ye Leng Leng guessed in his heart that these people must have fought with senior soul beasts and escaped.

Seeing the four of them, Ye Leng Leng's heart also sank, and the other party didn't seem to put her in his eyes at all.

The eyes of the other four were all on the dying 20,000-year-old Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Beast.

Lying on the ground, the blue-electric tyrannosaurus rex, with blood bubbles in its nostrils, was already taking in more and out less.

Ye Leng Leng saw the greedy eyes of the other four, and stared at the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex without any concealment.

There was a cold and stern smile in his heart, "You dare to think about my soul beast, what do you think?"

Ye Leng Leng, who was not far from the head of the Blue Lightning Overlord, summoned the Blue Silver Overlord Spear again, and in front of the four, he stabbed the Blue Lightning Overlord with a single shot in the head.

"Stop it, asshole."

"Stop, let go of that soul beast and let me come."

But Ye Leng's cooling didn't give a few people any face at all. After the spear pierced the blue electric tyrannosaurus's head, he twisted his wrist, and the tip of the spear pierced into the blue electric tyrannosaurus's head naturally stirred the blue electric tyrannosaurus rex's brain. Broken.

Seeing this, the four of them were furious.

In their team, there was a five-ringed spirit king who was at the 60th rank and became a spirit emperor by one spirit ring.

There is a rank 70 soul saint, but which soul saint suffered serious injuries, it is obvious that he encountered a powerful soul beast before and was forced to cover the other three from the injury. The wound can even see bones and pain. Unbearable, he didn't speak, just a gloomy old face that dripped water.

Ye Leng Leng pulled the spear out of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex's brain and held it with one hand.

The tip of the spear swept the ground, looked at a few people, and slowly sneered,

"First of all, this soul beast was hunted by me. If you want to find the soul beast, you can go to other places. If you are yelling like this, just move the entire Star Dou Forest home. The entire Star Dou Forest is yours, you can do whatever you want, wouldn’t it be better?”

Hearing Ye Leng's sarcasm, several people were furious, and the sixty-level soul king who needed a soul ring even said,

"The soul beasts in the Great Star Dou Forest are originally unowned things. You just don't take us seriously. I think you are." There is a way to kill

This 20,000-year-old blue-electric tyrant dragon soul beast is really suitable for him, but he never thought that it would be killed by Ye Leng Leng in front of them.

"Is your surname Tang?" Ye Leng Leng was a little curious. Could this be the famous double standard Tang in Douluo Mainland, his clan? He asked suspiciously.

After all, in this situation, this soul beast was already considered her prey, but others were ignoring her and immediately wanted to **** this soul beast. It's just a joke.

The 60th-level Soul King, who was furious, roared, "The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is possessed."

Seeing this coldly, Ye Leng understood why the other party wanted to **** the soul beast from her.

I have to Even a 10,000-year-old soul beast, a Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, can be the eighth spirit ring of a Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Dragon Soul Master, let alone a 20,000-year-old Blue Lightning Tyrant. dragon.

"It turned out to be a member of Yu Shuangbiao's clan, I understand." Ye Leng Leng said with the blue-silver Overlord Spear pointed at the man behind the spirit possession.

"Do you know me?" The man who possessed the spirit of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon asked suspiciously.

Ye Leng Leng was almost shut down after being reorganized, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The man replied doubtfully, "If you don't know me, how do you know that I'm Jade Shuangbiao?"

Ye Leng coldly cursed in his heart,


"The ghost knows your name is Yu Shuangbiao, I just read the book, when your family's theoretician Yu Xiaogang went to the Sylvez Great Soul Arena, he set a set of requirements for the Fierce God team and the Shrek Seven Devils. Another set of requirements, isn't this the double standard of jade?"


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