Douluo: Rebirth of Ye Lingling

: One hundred and sixty-six: The Chinese cabbage of the Medical Holy Family will be arched by that p

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Xue Qinghe was wearing a big red dress, looking at the big red dress in his hand,

With question marks all over his head, he left the hall where there were not many people.

At this moment, many people in the hall know that,

It turned out that His Royal Highness Prince Xue Qinghe made his concubine today,

They also had to admire Emperor Xue Ye, who really knew how to play.

In the hall, Davis got up, walked under Xue Ye, and asked, "Your Majesty Xue Ye, have you really told His Royal Highness this matter?"

Xue Ye wanted to get angry, but when she thought that today was her son's big wedding day, she held back her anger and said, "The orders of the parents are the words of the matchmaker."

"Your Majesty, I took the liberty." Davies suddenly understood, Damn, how many heads does he have? If Xue Ye cuts him off at that time, it will at most be a fight between the two countries. There is no benefit to him, what can he do.

Prince Xue Xing glanced at Xue Ye and praised with a sullen smile on his face, "Brother Huang has done this really beautifully. Maybe Qing He is still having fun at the moment."

"When he finds out about the two concubines that the emperor married for him, he won't be as happy as that." Xue Ye inadvertently revealed another piece of news, that is to say, the two concubines.

Xue Ye was startled when he heard the words,

Without thinking, he suddenly said, "Brother Huang, what did you say just now, two?"

Xue Ye laughed and said, "Yeah, two people, one is Dugu Bo Dugu's granddaughter, Dugu Yan, and the other is the granddaughter of medical saint Ye Renxin, Ye Leng Leng."

Zhu Zhuyun glanced at Davis next to her. From Davis's eyes, she could see the envy, jealousy, and eagerness in her eyes, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, for the men of the Dai family, they are all lustful. she understands,

After all, what is the White Tiger Martial Soul?

But she can only get along with Davis in a clean way for now,

Her purpose is to be queen.

She couldn't help but think of the two concubines that Xue Qinghe was about to marry,

I envy these two.

Because once Xue Qinghe ascends the throne, then one of them will naturally become the queen.

And her time is running out.

Although Davis had already heard from Xing Luohuang that Xue Qinghe married Dugu Yan and Ye Leng Leng,

It is false that he is not jealous,

Ye Leng Leng and Dugu Yan, the grandfathers of the two have opposite reputations in the soul master world, one is notorious, the other is famous.

But I can't stand the strong background.

After Prince Xue Xing heard this, his head went down a bit.

"Wait, that's right, shouldn't it be only Ye Leng Leng? Why did Dugu Yan also join in?"

Then Xue Xing's brain fell into a high-speed operation,

"Dugu Yan, the granddaughter of Poison Douluo, if she told Dugu Bo that she and her best friend would not be favored by Xue Qinghe, then she would definitely turn their face, maybe even in a fit of anger. Qinghe was poisoned to death, and he couldn't blame it at all. It was Dugu Bo's connection with Xue Ye. What's the matter with me? Dugu Bo might even poison you Xue Ye at that time. , Haha, the entire Heaven Dou Empire will be mine at that time, so if you want to get rid of him, it will be an easy thing to do."

Everyone above the hall fell into different thoughts.

The little three who know how to observe words and expressions have already seen that Emperor Xueye is intentionally preparing to pass the throne to Xue Qinghe.

After all, he has already helped Xue Qinghe find two strong backers.

In this way, it is indeed able to breathe a sigh of relief for the turbulent Heaven Dou Empire.

In the prince's mansion of Prince Xuebeng,

When the Queen's maid came to spread the word, I saw a group of maids, maids, and eunuchs in the Prince's Palace sitting in the courtyard of the Prince's Palace, making strange movements.

Of course she doesn't understand, this is the radio gymnastics tailored for them by Prince Avalanche,

Prince Xue Beng saw that the maid next to the queen was coming, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly greeted him with a pleasing smile and said, "I don't know if Sister Xiaoyu is here because her mother is looking for me?"

The maid named Xiaoyu looked at Xue Beng with contempt in her heart, but said with a kind smile on her face, "The Empress please come, today is the wedding day of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"The slave and maid leave first. Your Royal Highness, you have to hurry up. If you miss it in time, the empress will blame it. Don't hurt me." Xiaoyu left after finishing speaking. Stay here longer.

She was afraid of being tied to the bed by the dude, Prince Xue Beng.

Xiaoyu left, Avalanche's head buzzed,

I thought to myself, "Xue Qinghe got married today, and I didn't even know what happened yesterday. No, I have to go check it out first. Did Xue Xing lie to me? You bastard."

Xue Beng glanced at the few people who were sitting in the radio gymnastics in the courtyard, and continued to say, "Get me moving, maybe you will teach others in the future, understand?"

After speaking, Xue Beng didn't care about the attitude of the maids, maids, and eunuchs in the courtyard, and went straight to his bedroom, ready to change into better clothes. After Xue Qinghe got married, he went to Xue Ye. The Great Emperor resigned and waited until the people from Shrek Academy ended up in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. He gave the gift to a few people before leaving.

The same buzzing as Xue Beng's head is Princess I saw that in the princess mansion, after the queen's maid politely said to Princess Xueke, the little princess Xueke was stunned in place. ,

"Brother Prince, is he going to marry a daughter-in-law? But why did you only notify me today? Shouldn't you have notified me in advance?" Xue Ke asked the maid who came to report the letter to go back and stand there, looking stunned very cute.

She also asked who the elder brother of her prince married, but the maid didn't know.

So Princess Xueke had to go back to the princess room and let her maid come to help her dress up, and she would go to meet her royal sister-in-law beautifully.

Because at this moment, Xue Ke has an inexplicable thought in her heart, that no matter who her royal sister-in-law is, she is definitely a strange woman.

She heard from a maid just now,

The prince and brother of his own family are all confused.

Then it means that one of my strange women, the Queen's Sister-in-law, has pitted her brother too.

When it comes time to marry a wife, you don't know who you are marrying.

She couldn't help but make Xue Ke have a kind of admiration for her royal sister-in-law,

At the same time, he also thought that his royal sister-in-law was definitely someone with a strong background.


Heaven Dou Imperial City, Ye House

There were two pairs of red sedan chairs outside, which led to a lot of people watching the fun.

Some of the surrounding officials said, "Hey, I don't know that the Chinese cabbage from the Medical Saint Family will be smashed by the pig. I have to say that the guy who can smash the Chinese cabbage from the Medical Saint Family is absolutely sure. It's the smoke from the ancestral grave."

------off topic-----

I have worked hard to save the manuscript in the past few days, and I will update it in a few days. Thank you for your support.

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