Douluo: Rebirth of Ye Lingling

: One hundred and sixty-nine: Qinghe, drink less, I will have a bridal chamber later

The feast begins,

It was only at this time that Ye Lingling noticed that the first prince of the Star Luo Empire, Davies, and the prince concubine Zhu Zhuyun had met in Wuhun City, Wuhun Hall, and Pope Hall.

It's just that Davis is expressionless at the moment,

Zhu Zhuyun reluctantly smiled at Ye Lingling.

Ye Lingling replied with a gentle smile.

Let Zhu Zhuyun feel like a spring breeze.

Just for a moment, Zhu Zhuyun had a terrible idea of ​​wanting to become a man and marry Ye Lingling.

Xue Ke came to Lu Lian quietly,

He whispered to Lu Lian who was eating and drinking at the moment, "Lu Lian, come and play with me."

Lu Lian glanced at Ye Lingling beside him, as if waiting for Ye Lingling's approval.

Ye Lingling stroked Lu Lian's ponytail gently, and said, "Go, just don't make trouble."

A pair of dark eyes instantly turned into a pair of lovely crescent moons, nodded,

At the same time, Xue Ke also said to Ye Lingling, "Thank you, Huangsao." The two little girls left hand in hand.

Ye Lingling was looking at Xue Beng, who seemed to be in a good mood at the banquet, and the killing intent in her heart was forcibly hidden by her.

She now has almost nine levels of certainty that Xue Beng is also a rebirth.

At this moment, Ye Lingling thought coldly in her heart, "If I wasn't a rebirth, I wouldn't have guessed that Xue Qinghe would marry me would be such a sinister scheme. First, Xue Xing was used, and then I was used, but I didn't. Come to think of it, I brought Dugu Yan in together, you want to get Dugu Bo's support, I'm afraid you're thinking of shit."

At this time, Ye Lingling had never thought about how the Xue Beng prince in his previous life had such a smart brain,

Originally a piece of trash waiting to die, he actually went away and became Tang San's tool for personal revenge without knowing it.

At this moment, the prince Xue Beng thought, "Since Ye Lingling and Duguyan are both going to be killed by Qian Renxue soon, the fragrance and jade will soon perish. In this way, if I go to toast a glass of wine, it is also for me. Make up for your apologies."

Thinking of this, Prince Xuebeng stood up and held a half glass of red wine, walked behind Ye Lingling and Duguyan in small steps, bowed first, and listened to him say, "Two imperial sisters, we used to have in the Royal Academy. After the festival, we will be a family from now on, I hope the two imperial sisters don't care too much about the original matter, I am here to accompany the two imperial sisters, "

Ye Lingling was stunned when she heard Xue Beng's polite words, and thought, "After Xue Beng's rebirth, he seems to have some shrewdness. The purpose of encouraging me to marry Xue Qinghe is nothing more than to cause my death. Dugu Yan hated him, and then Xue Beng wanted to learn Tang San's trick, fooling Grandpa Dugu and letting Grandpa Dugu work for him? Hehe, Xue Beng, **** you."

Ye Lingling's heart was cold, but she said with a smile on her face, "Since we are all family from now on, we naturally don't need to be too polite." After speaking, Ye Lingling dropped a piece of water between his fingers and melted into the water. of pills into his own cup,

He picked up the half-filled wine glass, shook it slightly twice, and said to Xue Beng, "Prince Xue Beng, toast to you."

Duguyan also raised the wine glass and whispered to Xue Beng, "My sister won't care about you in the past, but you have to be careful in the future, don't let your sister catch you and harm anyone, or your legs will be interrupted. ."

The Great Emperor Xue Ye was a little far apart, so he didn't hear it.

"Cough, what the two sisters-in-law said is." Shao Chongming also raised his glass and said slightly flattered.

"Bang," a soft collision of wine glasses came to everyone's ears. Ye Lingling didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and the red wine in her wine glass suddenly disappeared from the glass. A drop jumped into the wine glass of Prince Avalanche, and no one noticed this scene.

Avalanche picked up the glass and drank it,

Xue Beng thought, "It's a practice for the two of you, right?"

Then Xue Beng started to toast Dugu Bo again,

Dugu Bo thought of his granddaughter's wedding day,

Naturally, there are not many rejections.

In doing so, Xue Beng is also practicing for Dugu Bo.

It's just that Xue Qinghe's head is a little big at the moment, and he can't help but think, "I'm getting married today, and I won't talk about the inexplicable knot, let's not talk about marrying two together,

One is Dugu Yan, and the other is Ye Lingling.

This is definitely not a joke with me, if it is a Dugu Yan, it's okay to say,

After all, she is practicing poison attack, which will take two years.

But what should I do with Ye Lingling, and what Dugu Bo said before asking me to use the share that I have spent on Dugu Yan in the past two years on Ye Lingling, my God, it's terrible, what can I do with it? what. "

Thinking of these things, Xue Qinghe had a headache, and he couldn't help thinking, "Let's drink more bars, let's pretend to be drunk tonight, and think of a way to hang around for the past few days. If you want to touch my two princesses, you must Catch Dugu Bo first, or stab blood, the methods of Yu Long's two uncles may not be enough."

Xue Beng noticed Xue Beng's gulp of drinking, but Xue Beng did not speak.

Prince Xue Xing saw all of this in his eyes, and felt quite happy with his plan, and at the same time was more certain that Xue Qinghe liked to be walked down the road.

"Qinghe, come and eat more dishes and drink less wine, you will have a wedding room later," Xue Xing said with a hypocritical concern.

At this moment, Xue Qinghe could not wait to kill the **** Prince Xue Xing.

But he still held back his anger and said with a smile on his face, "Thank you, Uncle."

Xue Ye and the queen felt that the time was almost up. After looking at each other, they held up their wine glasses and said to the people on the table, "Let's drink here tonight, Qinghe, why don't you take the two princesses down? Rest, come on."

Xue Ye even blinked at Xue Qinghe a few times,

Dugu Bo also looked at Ye Lingling with a pair of caring eyes, and said with a smile, "Girl, you have to strive for success, try to hold two in a year, and five in two years."

Ye Lingling heard blushed and wanted to drip blood. She lowered her head shyly, and pulled Duguyan's arm twistingly, signaling her to hurry up and leave together.

Only Duguyan knew, "Hehe, Prince Gou wants to touch Lingling unless the old lady is dead."

Ye Lingling came to Xue Qinghe's side and said cowardly, "His Royal Highness, please help you back to the palace."

Xue Qinghe could only pretend to be drunk, and was supported by Ye Lingling. His top-heavy appearance did not let others see any trace of pretending to be drunk.

Seeing that his granddaughter was finally taken care of in the future, Dugu Bo got up and said to Xue Ye, "Your Majesty, it's time for this old man to go home."

"Respectfully send Dugu Your Majesty."

Everyone in the room spoke up.

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