Dream Guide

Chapter 31 Symbols hide true meaning, how many dimensions of time and space

"Okay, now let's talk about your symbol."

Professor Mei Yiqiu finally got to the point.

He picked up a pen and drew an equilateral triangle on the paper: "This triangle represents the space we are in." Then he drew an inverted equilateral triangle on it, with the vertices of the two triangles connected, "This triangle represents the other side." One space. Now, although the two spaces are connected, they are not connected. Moreover, there is only one point where the spaces are connected."

"Do you know the meaning of 'point' in mathematics and physics?" The professor asked and answered. "In geometry, 'point' cannot be defined. Trying to define a point will lead to repeated definitions and reverse logical definitions. the abyss. But in space, we can think of a point as a 0-dimensional object."

"0 dimension means no dimension, not even the lowest dimension. Remember, the singularity of the universe is not a point in the mathematical sense. A singularity is in any dimension. It is not 0 dimension." The professor emphasized, "Matter and energy are universal Exists in all dimensions of the universe, but does not exist in 0 dimensions. If two triangles are connected not by a point, but by an edge, we cannot determine how they affect each other, because we cannot determine how the two triangles interact with each other. Whether each triangle represents a plane or a three-dimensional one, it is certain that there must be extensive exchanges of matter and energy between them. But now, the two triangles are only connected through a 'point', which is a dimensionless space, no matter can pass through this point.”

"It seems that the two triangles are not related in any way, so what is the significance of them being connected together?"

At the critical moment, Mei Yiqiu fell into his old habit of showing off.

Aoki helplessly added a meaningless sentence: "There is always meaning when they are connected together!"

"Yeah, of course it makes sense." The professor was probably happy because someone was listening to his theory seriously, "Because if they are separated and become two isolated universes, it really doesn't make sense. Only through one The 'points' are connected. Although no matter can pass through them, they are still one and belong to the same universe. And as long as they are in the same universe, no two spaces will not influence each other."

"Then how did they affect it?" Mei Ziqing was not criticized by the professor for interjecting before, and now she became bolder.

The professor said: "As a living being, you should not forget that our universe also has such a thing as 'consciousness', which is similar to what metaphysicians call a soul. Consciousness has no mass and is independent of matter. We have it , but know nothing about its principle. Only this massless thing can pass through the 0-dimensional point and reach another space."

"Oh, I understand." Mei Ziqing cherished the opportunity to speak like a student, "You just mentioned dreaming, which means that human dreams are also another real space, and there is a connection between it and our real space. 'point', and only our consciousness can go into the dream through this dimensionless point. So, when we dream, it is not illusory, but our consciousness has traveled to another space?"

"Well, it can be understood that way." The professor seemed to be considering his words to make it easier for his students to understand, "But dreams are still illusory for us, because our consciousness does not completely leave our bodies. Go somewhere else, otherwise we won’t be able to wake up. Just like the quantum superposition state, when we dream, our consciousness should exist in two spaces at the same time.”

"Of course, some people may be exceptions." The professor winked at Aoki mysteriously.

Mei Ziqing obviously didn't understand this passage very well, but the professor seemed unwilling to go further. Instead, he picked up a pen and added a vertical line through the vertices of the two triangles.

"If you view this symbol as an hourglass, this line undoubtedly represents the passing time. But the so-called passing is only relative to a single space. If you view the two spaces as a whole, you will find that time There will be no increase or decrease in the total amount.”

As he spoke, he picked up the hourglass on the table, turned it over in his hand, and then turned it back again. The sand in the hourglass flows from one end to the other, and from that end back to this end, but no matter what, they are just the same and will never change.

"Are you saying that time in dreams and reality can be interchanged?"

"It's not just the displacement of time, it also includes space and everything. Just like this hourglass, the sand inside represents the time in this space, and also represents all the materials that enrich it. When time passes to the end, there is a grain of sand here There is nothing left, and unless the hourglass is turned upside down, this space will lose its meaning.”

"Just as each of us will die at some point, death means that 'my' time has come to an end. In the eyes of others, the world still exists, but for the deceased, the world has no meaning, and this space also It collapsed.”

"But the consciousness has entered another space that has been 'filled'. Only by turning the hourglass upside down can we start over?" Mei Ziqing thought it was amazing, "That's why the pharaohs in Egypt thought of building two identical pyramids. Waiting for some mysterious force to turn the hourglass upside down?"

"This is just an inference about the mirror pyramid and this symbol. It can also be regarded as a hypothesis. Maybe the priests in ancient Egypt mastered some method of controlling dreams, and they got inspiration from it, so they built things like pyramids." Professor He replied, "When I come back from Copenhagen, I may get more useful information and evidence."

"So, this symbol was passed down by the priests of ancient Egypt?" Aoki asked.

"It is difficult to determine when the symbol originated," the professor said. "We can only determine the symbolic meaning of this symbol: space, time and our consciousness. If we do not count the legendary worlds such as the underworld and heaven, Entering it, apart from the reality we are in, the only independent space currently known to human beings that can be reached by consciousness is the dream state."

"So, it must be related to dreams?"

"At least it has something to do with dream imagery."

"Is there anything more specific, such as related to a certain organization or religion?" Aoki knew that the professor was very knowledgeable, so he thought about it and said more specifically, "Have you ever heard of an alliance related to dreaming and awakening? It seems Is there another profession to become a dream mentor?”

The professor shook his head and said: "I have never seen this mark before, nor have I heard of the alliance you mentioned. But what you said made me think of something."

The professor took several puffs of cigarette and adjusted his thoughts.

"In fact, long before Jung, someone had proposed the concept of the collective subconscious. If it goes back even further, shamans in China and Europe have already been able to skillfully use group consciousness for mental control. In ancient legends , people are confused by the night charm, and after falling asleep, everyone has the same dream, and this dream can continue. After that, people cannot distinguish which is reality and which is dream."

"In order to prevent this from happening, some wise men came forward to teach people how to distinguish the difference between reality and dreams. They and their followers called themselves awake people. Their mission is to protect mankind and not be led into the same world. A dream. It is said that they do not need to know each other. They only meet in dreams to teach disciples and complete their missions."

Mei Yiqiu's large pipe was still burning, and the smoke from his mouth filled the entire room.

Aoki seemed to see a new world through the gray mist. There is a 0-dimensional connection point between this world and him. He only needs to pass through it with his consciousness to see everything there clearly.

[Note: I was imprisoned in Chapter 32, so I will post part of it here:]

Aoki became very interested in this academic conference in Copenhagen, but he was not qualified to attend. It was of course okay to bring an assistant with Mei Ziqing's qualifications, but he couldn't be so shameless as to ask the professor to take him as an assistant and leave Mei Ziqing at home.

Before leaving, the professor generously introduced a business deal to Aoki.

"You know I hate dealing with rich people. They always think they are great people in the world and dream of using their money to change the world. They like to talk to you about artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and future space cities, and tell you How much money have they invested in these fields, and they still say that hundreds of millions are nothing! It sounds really great! But when you ask them to invest some money in my biological laboratory, they always push back and ask you when you can make a profit. .”

"Oh, fuck profits! Damn rich people! In their hearts, they only like houses and gold. If humans enter the space age, their first thought must be the minerals on the moon and Mars, and then they will not be able to dig out They build houses in mining areas and trick you into buying them, but they print the title of 'Great Entrepreneur Who Changed Human Society' on their golden business cards."

The professor's voice was loud and angry, and he banged his pipe on the table.

"When this kind of person comes to my door, I should refuse, but there are always some favors that make it difficult for me to retreat. I'm going to Copenhagen, please help me go and have a look. Anyway, things in the psychology and spiritual fields are not difficult to deal with. You, maybe you can even make a lot of money! You don’t have to be polite at all with these rich people!"

When Mei Ziqing sent Aoki out, he reminded Aoki: "I gave them your contact information, and they will find you. But when will you move the studio here? The professor has mentioned it several times, and I hope you can Move it to the laboratory, it’s pretty empty here anyway!”

"Oh, I'll think about it again."

Compared to the laboratory, he prefers the atmosphere of the old street of Liuying Lane. Although it is philistine, it is more lively. Although he is a very lazy person, he does not like a lifeless or mechanical world.

"Who is he? What needs to be done?" Aoki wanted to know about the business.

Mei Ziqing said: "Actually, I don't know much about them, because the professor doesn't like these people, so I don't dare to ask more questions. Anyway, he is just a very rich man."

"Okay, then please take good care of the professor, thank you!"

Mei Ziqing is a very intellectual woman, with a sweet appearance, gentle demeanor, and a gentle voice. I heard that she was Japanese. After hearing Mei Yiqiu's lecture at Waseda University, she was so shocked that she followed Professor Mei to China and gave her a Chinese name.

Aoki felt that someone as slovenly as Mei Yiqiu who couldn't care about anything but academics really needed a beautiful woman to take care of him.

In fact, since Mei Ziqing came to the laboratory, both the doors and windows of the office and Professor Mei's body have become much more glamorous than before.

"It should be, don't worry!" Mei Ziqing bowed to Aoki at the door and said goodbye, showing a sweet smile.

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