Dream Guide

Chapter 32 It’s always hard to let go of love, when the plum blossoms are green

Aoki became very interested in this academic conference in Copenhagen, but he was not qualified to attend. It was of course okay to bring an assistant with Mei Ziqing's qualifications, but he couldn't be so shameless as to ask the professor to take him as an assistant and leave Mei Ziqing at home.

Before leaving, the professor generously introduced a business deal to Aoki.

"You know I hate dealing with rich people. They always think they are great people in the world and dream of using their money to change the world. They like to talk to you about artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and future space cities, and tell you How much money have they invested in these fields, and they still say that hundreds of millions are nothing! It sounds really great! But when you ask them to invest some money in my biological laboratory, they always push back and ask you when you can make a profit. .”

"Oh, fuck profits! Damn rich people! In their hearts, they only like houses and gold. If humans enter the space age, their first thought must be the minerals on the moon and Mars, and then they will not be able to dig out They build houses in mining areas and trick you into buying them, but they print the title of 'Great Entrepreneur Who Changed Human Society' on their golden business cards."

The professor's voice was loud and angry, and he banged his pipe on the table.

"When this kind of person comes to my door, I should refuse, but there are always some favors that make it difficult for me to retreat. I'm going to Copenhagen, please help me go and have a look. Anyway, things in the psychology and spiritual fields are not difficult to deal with. You, maybe you can even make a lot of money! You don’t have to be polite at all with these rich people!"

When Mei Ziqing sent Aoki out, he reminded Aoki: "I gave them your contact information, and they will find you. But when will you move the studio here? The professor has mentioned it several times, and I hope you can Move it to the laboratory, it’s pretty empty here anyway!”

"Oh, I'll think about it again."

Compared to the laboratory, he prefers the atmosphere of the old street of Liuying Lane. Although it is philistine, it is more lively. Although he is a very lazy person, he does not like a lifeless or mechanical world.

"Who is he? What needs to be done?" Aoki wanted to know about the business.

Mei Ziqing said: "Actually, I don't know much about them, because the professor doesn't like these people, so I don't dare to ask more questions. Anyway, he is just a very rich man."

"Okay, then please take good care of the professor, thank you!"

Mei Ziqing is a very intellectual woman, with a sweet appearance, gentle demeanor, and a gentle voice. I heard that she was Japanese. After hearing Mei Yiqiu's lecture at Waseda University, she was so shocked that she followed Professor Mei to China and gave her a Chinese name.

Aoki felt that someone as slovenly as Mei Yiqiu who couldn't care about anything but academics really needed a beautiful woman to take care of him.

In fact, since Mei Ziqing came to the laboratory, both the doors and windows of the office and Professor Mei's body have become much more glamorous than before.

"It should be, don't worry!" Mei Ziqing bowed to Aoki at the door and said goodbye, showing a sweet smile.

After leaving Mei Yiqiu's laboratory, Qingmu wandered aimlessly on the street, his mind still full of the symbols composed of the two triangles. Suddenly the triangle turned into a pyramid again, and he saw sand flowing inside; A mummy wrapped tightly in white cloth crawled out of the shaft, and then the mummy turned into a woman with an unclear face.

He remembered that day that the woman said he was in her dream, but he had never seen him in his dream. He knew that the material of dreams was memory. If the woman had never seen him, how could she dream of him?

When he couldn't figure it out, Aoki simply stopped thinking about it and just regarded it as a dream. Anyway, if that woman has any background and has anything to do with him, she will definitely come back to him.

The scorching sun hung in the sky, but Aoki was unaware of it, walking on the street calmly.

He took out the last cigarette from his pocket and threw the old cigarette box into the trash can on the roadside.

He finished the last cigarette quickly and walked into the nearby canteen: "Hey, here's a pack of Paramount."

"There is no Paramount." The fat middle-aged proprietress of the canteen was blowing on the fan and watching TV. Next to her, a woman in cool clothes and makeup thicker than her clothes was buying drinks.

When the woman was paying, the proprietress looked up and saw Aoki. Suddenly she stood up and pointed at him and said, "You...you..."

Only then did Aoki remember that he had met a mother and daughter at the door of this canteen. The mother had her bag robbed, and the little girl was pushed to the road by the bag thief and was almost hit by a car.

"Oh, no? Then just grab a pack." The expression on Aoki's face did not change.

The landlady waited for a long time and nothing came out, so she turned around and took a pack of Furong King from the shelf and said, "Thirty-five."

"Um..." Aoki didn't reach out to pick it up, "Can't you just get a cheaper bag?"


The landlady was stunned for a moment, thinking to herself, you are the one who said it so casually! She saw that Aoki didn't look embarrassed at all, and felt that this man's face was probably thicker than the corrugated paper used to hold cigarettes!

Unpleasantly, he took King Furong back and threw over a bag of Great Harvest: "One dollar and five."

"Uh... let's take care of Honghe." Aoki said.

The woman next to her suppressed her laughter and almost spit out a mouthful of orange juice. She looked at Aoki with the eyes of a beggar on the street.

The landlady threw a bag of Honghe impatiently on the counter again: "Six dollars and five."

Aoki scanned the QR code posted on the wall with his mobile phone and paid six yuan in advance. A voice came from the mobile phone: Six yuan has been received from Zhilibao.

The landlady said: "It's six and a half yuan, which is fifty cents short. Do you have money or not?"

The woman said: "Lady boss, just think of it as a discount. If you don't miss the fifty cents, just think of it as a beggar at the door!"

The landlady said: "If you want discounts, go to a big supermarket. I don't have them here."

Aoki calmly took out a 50-cent steel coin from his pocket and put it on the counter. He said, "I just feel that this coin is too heavy and I want to spend it."

The landlady took the money with a dark face. The woman cursed, "Sick!"

Aoki was not annoyed. He took apart the cigarette, took out one and put it in his mouth. He took out a shiny Dupont lighter, flicked it twice with his right hand, popped open the top cover with a "ding" sound, lit a fire, and inhaled comfortably with the flame. He took a puff of cigarette.

The crisp metal collision sound of the Dupont Longsheng lighter echoed in the shop together with the smoke.

The proprietress sat down unmoved and started blowing the electric fan, but the woman obviously knew the product and stared at Aoki with astonished eyes, as if to confirm the authenticity of the lighter.

Aoki held a cigarette crookedly in his mouth, wandered up to the woman, looked at her spectacular breasts intentionally or unintentionally and asked: "How old are you?"

The woman was stunned for a moment: "What did you say?"

"I asked you how old you are?" Aoki stared intently.

The woman's face, which was covered with thick makeup, suddenly became shy.

A sports car stopped on the side of the road with double flashes.

"Forget it, I have to leave." Aoki put away the lighter, put his hands in his pockets, and was about to walk out.

The woman's eyes shone brightly, and she said coquettishly: "The Lun family, thirty...six...D!"

"Oh, it's already thirty-six. Happy Lunar New Year!" Aoki kicked his way to the door.

The window of the sports car was rolled down, and a drink can flew out and fell accurately into the trash can on the roadside. Without any intention of stopping, it drove away with a bang.

Please collect it! Please recommend!

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