Dream Guide

Chapter 72 The meeting of old friends was actually in a dream

The staff brought many large glasses boxes.

Mei Yiqiu recognized it at a glance. It was the latest VR headset produced by China's H·W Company.

Frederick took the lead in putting on the headset, and then said: "Please put on the helmet, everyone. There is a red button on the right hand side which is the switch. Professor Dardova used CG technology to restore the deciphered Mr. Lester's thinking matrix information It has become an image, you can take a look."

Mei Yiqiu and others put on their headsets, and their eyes suddenly fell into darkness.

He pressed the switch on the right side, and a blue light flashed horizontally, like the oldest supernova explosion in the depths of the universe. Then, a huge blue three-dimensional matrix appeared in front of you, extending to infinity.

Green straight lines kept falling from the top of the matrix, inserting from the left and right sides, or shooting like arrows from a distance, carrying long strings of numbers composed of 0s and 1s. There are also some serpentine series of numbers interspersed in the gaps of the matrix, like twisted barrages.

Dardova appears at the edge of the matrix. He tapped a point in the matrix with his finger, and that point lit up like a star. Then, the series of disordered numbers quickly gathered in a certain area as if they had received some instructions, and began to line up neatly according to certain rules.

Then, these concentrated digital symbols that crowded each other slowly turned into the shape of a green human face.

Faces are becoming clearer and clearer. First the outline of the face, then the raised bones and muscles, and finally the facial features.

Mei Yiqiu quickly recognized that this was Evans Lester.

"Hello, China Mei!" Evans Lester greets Mei Yiqing

"Chinese Plum" was Lester's nickname for Mei when he was at Princeton University. Apparently this latest VR device has added a new function to identify the user, and Professor Dardova, the creator of VR, happens to know the nickname Mei Yiqiu wanted.

"Hello, Mr. Lester." The VR effect was so realistic that Mei Yiqiu responded unconsciously.

"I am Evans Lester, for sure."

Mei Yiqiu knew that this was just a CG-restored image of Evans Lester, so he stopped talking and listened quietly to Mr. Lester's words——

I'm Evans Lester, that's for sure.

I'm using the Mind Matrix now, which is something I invented. I want to say, sorry, this thing doesn't work very well, so you all don't like it. But now I have to use it to convey a message to you. Only in this way can I prove that it is the real me who is speaking now, and not someone else’s fake or forced me.

I don't know how much longer I can hold on.

Maybe ignorance and perfunctory can allow me to spend a happy old age. But I am a scientist. I have been thinking about the fate and future of mankind all my life and devoted all my time and energy to it. I can't pretend not to see something that could destroy humanity.

This thing has been lurking in my brain for a long time. I can't get rid of him, I can't eliminate him, it's even hard to prove his existence. Please forgive me for using "him" instead of "it" because he looks exactly like me.

Anyone who understands the Thought Matrix and Leicester's signature should know that I am currently in a deep state of self-hypnosis, so what I say is exactly the same does not mean that he has a body exactly like mine, but refers to "consciousness".

In fact, he and I share the same body.

He has all my memories. He knows what I am thinking and doing; he knows my wife, daughter and friends; he knows that I like to eat French foie gras dipped in Chinese Laoganma hot sauce... In short, he knows everything about me. If his mode of thinking were not so different from mine, I almost thought he was me.

Well, let me think, when did he start showing up. It's possible that I can't remember clearly, or I didn't notice him at first, and he must have been very weak at that time.

He is lurking in my body, brain or neural network (forgive me for still not being able to figure out how human consciousness and we coexist), stealing my memories bit by bit, and slowly growing stronger.

Later, he became my shadow and lived and grew with me. I didn't realize his existence until he stood up on his own and tried to occupy the magpie's nest and drive me away.

At that time, if I had been more decisive, I might have been able to kill him.

In a lifetime of studying quantum and cosmic science, I have learned a few ways to control my self-awareness and spiritual energy. I also tried to prove that there is a superposition of dimensions between the spiritual world and the material world, but the relevant paper was not published because it had obvious flaws. Professor Mei Yiqiu from China can vouch for this. We discussed the energy characteristics of independent consciousness bodies together at Princeton.

I became interested in researching "him".

I thought this was a gift from God, allowing me to take another big step forward on the road to science in my lifetime.

Facts have proved that I was wrong, he was not sent by God, he was Satan!

One thing I have to say is that except when in deep hypnosis, I can only see him in dreams.

All my physical parameters were normal, but the nightmare of fighting him every day made me haggard. Britney asked me if I was too stressed out about the unified field theory problem.

No! The basic problems of unified field theory have been solved, and the rest, if not perfected in my lifetime, will be done by others. I saw many outstanding young people - Frings, Jack Young, Mulwed, Joe Miyamoto, Barclair..., they are all talented enough to complete this final feat.

And I now have a more important research to do - who is "he"? Where does it come from? What is "his" or "their" purpose?

I study him every day and try to solve the above questions. And every day he was influencing me, holding me back, trying to drive me out of my body.

He is getting stronger and stronger.

Now, when I am not hypnotized, I can no longer tell whether the decision I made was made by "me" or "he". This is why I had to use the Mind Matrix code you call the "Lester Signature" to deliver the message.

But my research was not without results.

Now, I have no time to come up with all my arguments, nor do I have the opportunity to do relevant experiments. I must tell you the truth directly - he is an invasive creature, and he is definitely not the only one.

We often imagine that there are life forms similar to humans in the universe and call them "aliens".

But in fact, the term alien is inaccurate, or at least narrow-minded. This term wishfully classifies extraterrestrial life as "human beings" living on extraterrestrial planets, while ignoring that life in the universe does not necessarily look like humans, nor does it necessarily look like animals, or may even be any kind of Forms we can understand.

Argentina lost, the coal boss went home, croak...

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