Dream Guide

Chapter 73 Although this person has passed away, his name will be passed down through the ages.

On the basis of carbon-based life, we once made the hypothesis of silicon-based life; in the world of quantum physics, some people have also proposed the concept of quantum state life. But no matter which one, it is still inseparable from the understanding that the foundation of life is composed of "matter".

But why must life be material?

There are so many things that we don’t know in this huge universe, in that vast expanse of void, and in the dimensions outside the void that overlap with us but are invisible to us.

When we think about "alien", why do we have to think that they must come in a spacecraft traveling at the speed of light or faster than light speed? Why didn't "biu" suddenly appear?

That's what "they" are.

Maybe there is a wormhole in a corner of the earth, maybe a time tunnel has shifted near the earth, maybe there are cracks in the space between several dimensions...

Maybe there is nothing, they don't need any passage at all, as long as they detect the coordinate position of life, they can biu over.

Let me think about whether I have experienced anything special during this time. Mr. President invited me to a dinner at the Waighthouse, but I didn’t go; Ronald Cohen invited me to a painting exhibition, and for the sake of Leonardo da Vinci and Picasso, I went. The painting was really good, but it seemed There is no doubt...

Oh, by the way, Silva said they found some ruins on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean and showed me a model of an hourglass and a pyramid, which was very interesting. When they find out more, I'll take a look.

Nothing else, let’s just say “him”.

You see, he's watching me now and trying to stop me from getting the matrix information to the machine.

He's bothering me, what a trouble! When you decipher it in the future, you will encounter interference, and this thinking matrix may be much more complicated than before.

I don't know what to call him and them, but I basically understand their characteristics.

They are a "parasitic consciousness". In other words, they have no body themselves, no memory storage, only consciousness. This kind of consciousness can exist independently from matter for a short period of time (it is currently impossible to judge whether it can be separated for a long time). Then it can find a "body" suitable for parasitism and steal the host's memory, and then drive away or kill the host's consciousness.

What's scary about them is that they don't need to fly tens of thousands of light-years away in a super-light spacecraft to declare war on us, and they won't grow up parasitic in our digestive tract or fat tissue like bugs.

They sneak into your brain silently, occupy your consciousness, and control your thoughts and behaviors.

You and your family know nothing about this.

Your kids still like to sit on your shoulders and watch baseball games, your wife still cooks for you and loves you, but you are no longer an alien.

In ancient Eastern legends, there is a record called "seizing the body", which means that one person's body is occupied by the soul of another person.

But this record is not scientific.

Our brain is like the hard drive and memory of a computer. All human memories, except genetic information, are stored here. If the brain dies, the separated consciousness cannot remember the events of his previous body, and there will be nothing wrong with the person who has been taken away from him except for changes in temperament and thinking patterns.

Well, maybe you think there is nothing scary about this, because it seems that your memory is still there, your body is still there, and humans will continue to reproduce, no different from now.

However, what I want to tell you is that each species has different ways of survival and evolution, resulting in different behavioral characteristics of their populations. In order to survive, we humans will consider the living space of future generations, and a large number of people will study and explore the destiny of mankind and the mysteries of the universe. So, our progress is obvious.

But they don't need to.

They don't need to consider how long the earth can survive. Once energy is exhausted or the environment deteriorates, they will leave your body and go elsewhere.

They are not worried about the fate of mankind. They are not interested in human genes and memories. Their only purpose is to strengthen their own race in the process of parasitism.

Perhaps you will never know where their original dimension or home planet is, because you can't determine how long they have been floating in the universe, how many times they have been parasitized, and how many races they have destroyed. They have no memory, and even if you could catch them, you wouldn't know their past.

I'm also not sure how they reproduce. Judging from the aggressive nature of the population, they are not immortal, so there must be some kind of reproduction method that we don't know about. Maybe it's schizophrenia, or the rebirth of consciousness.

I can't guarantee that what I say is true. I can only analyze this matter as rationally as I can, treating it as a warning to mankind and my last contribution to the cause of science as I die.

I am certain that I am not the only one who has encountered the invasion of "parasitic consciousness". As for how many people have been successfully "seized", and how many people are fighting like me? I have no idea.

This is the scariest part.

We have no way of knowing who is still the same person and who is an alien. Unless my thinking matrix code is popularized all over the world, let everyone do a "Lester Signature". But that's obviously impossible. Even in the scientific community, my invention cannot be popularized. It requires too much mental and mathematical requirements on people.

To take a step back, if you suspect that someone is no longer himself, what can you do? Kill him?

The ethics and legal means of human society are helpless in this regard.

Humanity is facing a huge test! Maybe not only humans, but your pet cats may encounter the same problem.

How to defeat them and win this war depends on you, my friends!

Now, I'm going to take the first step.

I have to admit, I can't beat "him". He is getting stronger and stronger, so powerful that he controls my daily life. When I am not deeply hypnotizing myself, I am no longer myself. Therefore, I can only choose to die with him.

I will send the information to Dardoba. He knows the characteristics of my thinking best and can obtain the coordinates of my consciousness to crack the code.

I believe in him, not only because he is a good friend of mine, but also because he has just made a new breakthrough in the mathematical axiomatization of quantum field theory not long ago. This proves that he is still the same excellent scientist. If he is parasitized, those parasitic consciousnesses will not care about quantum mechanics and mathematics. They will only use your knowledge and power to strengthen their tribe.

This point also applies to the identification of other scientists.

In addition to him, the list I think is trustworthy includes: Silva, Hans, Mei Yiqiu...

When Mei Yiqiu heard her name, she felt like crying. He raised his hands to cover his face, but he only touched the cold metal case of the large VR headset.

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