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Baili Qingfeng killed this caveman within a short while, and a rush of footsteps came from a distance.

“The enemy reinforcements are coming !?”

As he looked up, he was seeing four Grotto Warriors rushing forward with a relatively slow speed.

Look at them …

It seems that I have been running and never stopped. It is just that their physical strength is a lot worse than that of the 2 Grotto Warriors, so they have fallen behind and have not caught up until now?

“The Grotto people are afraid that a group of reinforcements is on their way. I must kill as many reinforcements as possible before the arrival of the reinforcements, in order to weaken the strength of these cave people.”

Baili Qingfeng read this, and confronted without the slightest hesitation. The congenital Fiendgod Zuz came to his imagination. The thunderbolt, which only existed in Spirit World, shook and roared in the sky.



After a dozen breaths, Baili Qingfeng exhaled a long breath.

Looking at the corpses of the four elite cavemen warriors, and then looking at the corpse warrior in plate armor, he finally relaxed a little.

As soon as his body relaxed, he immediately felt pain in his chest.

His entire chest was penetrated by the sword-like caveman warrior. Even if he avoided the key points, the wound would be enough to kill anyone. Baili Qingfeng relied on his own perseverance to support him, and glowed a strong desire to survive. Then, he pulled himself back from the death line, and then stimulated the human body’s potential by special circumstances such as breaking and standing. After another hour, he was able to stabilize the injury.

“Nine deaths and still alive, this battle is really nine deaths and still alive, it is extremely dangerous! If there are more people in the cave, you do n’t need too many, as long as you can surround me and make me escape Their siege will wait until my fate is ten deaths without life! “

Baili Qingfeng gasped, and expression was full of calmness.

At the same time, he also realized that the World of the Grotto is not simple.

In addition to ordinary cavemen warriors, elite cavemen warriors, cavemen warriors, there are actually cavemen singers who can sing. This kind of singer inspires the enthusiasm of the cavemen through war songs , Making the caveman into a violent state, becoming brave and fearless, even the effect of his Refining Spirit Secret Technique has been greatly disturbed, so if he encounters such an opponent in the future, he must immediately Beheaded, can not give him a chance to sing songs.

of course……

If possible, he intends to order a Walkman that can be used in this World, and use Heart Strength to fight against Heart Strength.

It ’s really because the Walkman is too fine to make, the portable speakers can also be, the louder the better, the time to put some divine music to interfere with each other’s war songs, if not smooth, it can still attract those burrowing people’s boiling blood Uncontrollable, and then exploded?

This is a tactic, you have to write it down.

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, while the cavemen’s reinforcements had not yet arrived, he quickly returned and confiscated the armor and weapons of the Blood Ge, the plate armored cavemen, and even the equipment of the elite cavemen soldiers. Did not let go.

He was well prepared before coming to this World. There was a bundle of very good quality ropes in his bag. He tied these weapons, the Battle Armor, and dragged them away.

The only problem is…

The equipment of the 2 Grotto Warriors and 4 Grotto Warriors is a bit heavy, weighing 100 kg, and the 100 kg Chenjin has become several 100 kg under the increase of high gravity. He moved it with his physical strength. Walking was quite exhausted.

After spending a while, Baili Qingfeng ran back to the battlefield where the Grotto Singer and 2 Grotto Warriors were beheaded, and found his fine golden sword.

Looking at the cave man singers with a lot of rune painted on his body, Baili Qingfeng searched him, and soon, he found some unknown medicinal materials, sundries, and a book.

Yes, books.

An animal skin book with some animals, plants, and Baili Qingfeng’s familiar and unfamiliar text.

“I never imagined that this man in the cave was also a hobby learner, carrying books to read at any time, no wonder he actually mastered the means of stimulating Heart Strength, such as war songs … Knowledge is Strength!”

Baili Qingfeng put the book in his backpack, and along the route that the cave singers and the others came along, he took a 100 kg Chen Jin to find a place to hide, so as not to run into the reinforcements who came.

After all, he is now a seriously wounded man. He must recover his injuries before he can continue to fight with the Grotto soldiers, and develop his physical advantage of wandering.

He didn’t plan to go anywhere until the injuries were healed.

In this case, he raised a whole day!

It wasn’t until many of the glowing plants and ore in the Crypt World went dark, and then turned on again that he walked out of a cave where he was hiding.

As he untied the clothes that he used to bandage the wound, he quickly revealed the white and tender skin inside, leaving no scars.

For a while Baili Qingfeng sighed slightly in relief.

Putting the clothes aside, Baili Qingfeng continued to eat with compressed biscuits with water.

Looking at the compressed biscuits in his hand, Baili Qingfeng expression was a bit regretted: “The kangaroos did not show up last night. Didn’t they live in this area? Compared to biscuits, the barbecue is more plump.”

After eating, he did not dare to delay, and continued to rush with Chen Jin.

It’s 100 kilometers away.

After 100 kilometers, he finally saw some traces of the activities of the cave people.

When he moved forward a dozen kilometers again, those 6 meters high, the Colosseum-like stone wall buildings appeared in front of him.

It’s just different from the previous scene of only 100 cave people. At this time, the number of cave people gathered in the Colosseum was 2 300.

“All Grotto soldiers should be here.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it, found a pit and put 100 kg of Chen Jin into it, then loaded lightly, holding his Chen Jinbao sword, and appeared outside the stone wall.

As soon as he appeared, the cave man on the stone wall quickly shouted, and the field was chaotic.

Not long after, there were eight-nine Ten Cave men warriors rushing out of the stone wall and besieging towards Baili Qingfeng.

“Some more …”

Baili Qingfeng watched and turned and ran according to the previous tactics.

Behind, eight-nine ten Grotto soldiers chased after each other.

The two sides chased and fled, and ran for more than ten kilometers.

After more than ten kilometers, the physical strength of the cavemen warriors was obviously exhausted, and eight-nine lifespans were several hundred meters long.

“Very good, almost.”

Baili Qingfeng turned around and rushed towards the nearest caveman warrior chased by a Refining Spirit Prominent Divine, then stabbed with a sword …


Sword light pierced and blood shot.

Take it away easily!


He used the same method to make according to law.

2rd, 3th, 4th …

In the blink of an eye, there were already 20 people in the cavemen who died under the sword of Baili Qingfeng.

Seeing him so fierce, the remaining cavemen fighters gathered and began to form a battle array. After having enough thirty-forty individuals, he smashed forward and began the strangulation of Baili Qingfeng.

thirty-forty people …

The scale is not small!

Baili Qingfeng gritted his teeth and came forward, and fought fiercely with these thirty-forty cavemen.

each and everyone The cavemen warriors fell, but then those cavemen warriors who followed them joined the battlefield, and the whole battlefield seemed to become a meat grinder, with blood, sword light, and axe shadows constantly permeating and colliding!

In the process, each and everyone cavemen were beheaded and killed by Baili Qingfeng, and the wounds on Baili Qingfeng gradually increased.

When the caveman warrior who was dead under his sword had forty-fifty back and forth, his wounds were too large to affect the performance of battle strength.

“The injuries are too severe to sustain!”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly broke out, and the innate Fiendgod Zuz carried the infinite Divine Power, sweeping the sword light from his assassination, forcibly tearing the battle formed by the cavemen warriors, and began to run wild!

“Roar! Roar! Kill him …”

“The invaders of the golden land, the meat is tender and tender, this is good food …”

After making such a huge sacrifice, how can the remaining cavemen soldiers willingly let Baili Qingfeng escape?

each and everyone The soldiers roared and joined the pursuit of him.


The next screen became familiar again.

After running for half an hour, Baili Qingfeng slowed down the efficiency of escape, leaving the cavemen soldiers to catch up scattered, chase one, kill one, chase two, and kill a pair …

Soon, the remaining Grotto fighters were killed a dozen more, and they stopped involuntarily, forming a battle formation in fear of the advance, and no longer dare to scatter and pursue Baili Qingfeng.

And Baili Qingfeng …

He was bathed in blood and seriously injured, and he did not dare to attack the battlefield of more than 30 cavemen.

Both eyes were staring at small eyes for a while, and finally …

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t hold it anymore. It was too uncomfortable to be covered with blood all over his body. He had to go back to the bath to change clothes.

So he turned and ran away.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng running away, many cavemen fighters were relieved of sighed in relief.

But when they saw the scene of corpses everywhere across the field, they also became sad and sorrowful, converging to the dead bodies of the war dead.


Less than an hour after 2nd day, Baili Qingfeng appeared under the stone wall on time.

It seems that due to the heavy losses, the cavemen warriors on the stone wall are sparse, but when they saw Baili Qingfeng, they still roared and heroically pursued them.

Just compared to the last time, this time there were 90 people, forming 3 battle lines, surrounded from 3 directions, Baili Qingfeng rushed into any battle line, as long as that battle line trapped him for a moment, there were 2 left The battlefield can quickly reinforce, killing him with 90 people.


The idea is beautiful.

Baili Qingfeng launched a killing ring in one battle line. When almost passing through that battle line, the other two battle lines came together.


Baili Qingfeng broke through.

From the 70 cavemen warriors, a gap was ripped apart and used to break through.

In the process of hunting and killing more than a dozen cave people, the cave people had to regroup and form a battle.


As time goes by, the day goes by.

Baili Qingfeng became a lively dragon and animated tiger again after a night’s rest.

He … is here again.


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