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On the 3rd day, Baili Qingfeng used the same method to forcibly rush into the battlefield, killing 30 cavemen warriors and fleeing.

On the fourth day, people in the cave prepared a lot of arrows and other long-range weapons.

However, Baili Qingfeng, who has been cultivation, is not afraid of firearms. The cavemen shoot a lot of arrows, but they still pose no great threat to him.

After slaying dozens of cavemen warriors, the cavemen retreated.

On the fifth day, the Grotto soldiers could not come down.

Although Baili Qingfeng can see clearly, there are at least 100 forty-fifty cavemen warriors on the stone wall, but these 100 forty-fifty cavemen are standing on the stone wall, each and everyone holds Bow and arrow, watching Baili Qingfeng appearing under the city wall with a wary look, did not rush out to kill him.

As a last resort, Baili Qingfeng had to go around the city wall, find a direction, and rushed up.

This city wall can’t be said to have any technical content. It is almost equivalent to a pile of large stones built into the shape of a city wall. It looks quite narrow on it, and it can’t show many cavemen warriors at this time. Baili Qingfeng beheaded the cavemen to reach 40.

In the end, all the cavemen warriors jumped off the city wall and retreated outside the stone city wall. Over 100 people gathered to form a battle array and looked at him …

each and everyone ……

shiver coldly? There is no fearless and dauntless of the heroic cavemen.

Taking a look at the six arrows in his body, Baili Qingfeng is not good today to strike the battlefield of 6 cavemen soldiers and leave again.


It is day 6.

It was also the eighth day that Baili Qingfeng came to this World.

Baili Qingfeng came to the stone city wall early and stood, waiting for those burrow people on the stone wall to be angry, rushed down and killed him as a human, but didn’t expect ……

be quiet.

The city wall looks very quiet.

Not only quiet, Baili Qingfeng naked eye looked, did not see any cave people on the city wall!

“These cavemen have abandoned this Transmission Gate stronghold that leads directly to the city of Charya?”

Baili Qingfeng stumbled slightly.

But for a moment, he quickly set his eyes behind the stone city wall.

The retreat of more than 100 Grotto soldiers at the same time naturally left a lot of traces.

Adhering to the idea that if these cavemen fighters cannot be cut and killed, once they have the opportunity to sneak into the city of Xia, the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, and Baili Qingfeng follows these traces and quickly pursues Go up.

After chasing, they chased for 40 kilometers.

After chasing for more than 40 kilometers, the environment in front is no longer a dull underground environment, and a stone wall of equivalent to civilization appears in front of him.

Compared to the unfinished stone wall, this stone wall has not only completed its construction, it looks solid and flat, and it is full of historical wind and frost.

“City of the Grottoes …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the 6-meter-high city wall, and expression gradually became serious.

The Grotto people’s tribe is only 40 kilometers from the Transmission Gate in Charia, which is definitely not good news.


In terms of the size of the city, this is not so much a city as a tribe piled up with stones.

The tribe is small in size and can inhabit more than 1000 people. If you take into account the space required for each residence, this tribe has only eight-nine 100 people.

“Less than 1000 people are also an amazing number. Once these burrowers rushed into the city of Xia, the 9th Division couldn’t stop it. Instead, they had to be sent for reinforcements. One day less, nearly 1000 burrowers were in Xia One day of slaughter in Asia … absolutely horrible casualties of hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of thousands! “

Baili Qingfeng clenched the Chen golden sword in his hand.

He thought of the disaster that Xia Haizhou caused by the breakout of the 3rd Army in the cavemen of Misso not long ago, and expression gradually dignified.

“This tribe must be extinct!”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the not-high city wall in front of him, and a flash of consciousness flashed on his face, which was a sign that the power of Heart was about to inspire: “Since I have broken this tribe, I must do something. For myself, not for Chen Jin, but for the peace and stability of Xia City, for the peace and prosperity of the 10000000 million people in the Xia city group, for the tragedy of Xia Haizhou not to be performed in Xia again, for those who love me, I love Relatives, friends, even if this time to impact the cave people tribe waiting for me will be dragon’s pool and tiger’s den, waiting for me will be fighting blood, waiting for me will be nine deaths and still alive, I have no regrets, Whatever it takes! Because … “

Baili Qingfeng’s voice suddenly exhilarated: “This is my duty! This is my mission to this world! Even now I do not have the ability to take on this great mission, but the words that do not forget the mission Inspiring me at all times, making me move forward, making me fearless, making me invincible! Let me be invincible! “

“铛dang dang! ”

When Baili Qingfeng came outside the tribe and saw the city wall, the cavemen on the city wall watchtower also found him, and a rapid bell rang from the tribe’s tower.

Soon, the Grotto people’s tribe became chaotic as if they were detonated, and countless Grotto people rushed out of the tribe!


“Human # ¥ @% !!!!!”

“*% ¥ Kill him!”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng actually hunted down to their tribe from the location of the Transmission Gate, all the cave people have cleared the comprehension, and they are irrevocable. In this case, there is only death fighting!

All the people in the cave completely forgot the fear that Baili Qingfeng had dominated outside the high wall a few days ago, holding a tomahawk, a sword, and roaring and rushing out, the number …

A lot!

300? 400? Even 500!

Among the 4 500 people in the cave, there are very few sturdy warriors, but there are more than 100, and the remaining three-four hundred are old and weak!

All people in the burrow of the tribe are soldiers!

This is a battle for civilization!

This is the race of race!

Complete the eggs under the nest!

No one survives the extermination!

It has nothing to do with right or wrong!

Hundreds of cavemen strangled Baili Qingfeng as if they were in a torrent, and the two men and women immediately collided fiercely, and then they battled hard.

Under that sense of sacred mission, Baili Qingfeng inspired Heart’s power, battle strength was significantly enhanced, rushed into the crowd, assassination with swords, sword light flashes, and set off foul wind and bloody rain!

However, even if the power of Heart and the increase in white form make Baili Qingfeng’s battle strength comparable to that of a Wargod, the base of the caveman is too large. After killing dozens of cavemen, he has already It was scaly all over.


Without any hesitation, Baili Qingfeng broke out!

The biggest difference between humans and wild beast is that humans make good use of their wisdom!

As a Shire Xueba, Baili Qingfeng is one of the well-known figures.

Baili Qingfeng knows that human speed and physical strength are far beyond those of crypts. He wants to use this advantage to the extreme, and when it breaks out, he rushes out of the siege of hundreds of crypts.

These cavemen knew very well that once Baili Qingfeng escaped and recovered and waited for them, it would be like a stone wall, desperate to re-interpret again and again, all the cavemen would go crazy and kill them.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“Kill this human!”

“That World only deserves to be our hunting ground for food!”

The burrow people roared.

Blue Sky Yellow Springs!


30 kilometers, 40 kilometers, 50 kilometers, 60 kilometers!

each and everyone The cavemen sacrifice their lives, run 2 Baili, howl, run, brace, and die until they die!

Along the way, at least more than 30 people in the caves ran out of the last Strength in the process of running and hunting, dying exhausted, and falling down in tragedy, but …

This is not despair!

Desperate is all the cavemen 2 Baili’s desperate pursuit not at all who completely exhausted Baili Qingfeng’s physical fitness!


In endurance, no one can support the moment when Baili Qingfeng really falls!

Infinite endurance, unlimited endurance, forming the horror that suffocates all cavemen, and dominates all cavemen who hunt and kill him!

“Ahhh !”

“We cavemen will never lose to the humans in the Golden Land!”

“why why!”

The grotto people growled in sorrow and despair, watching each and everyone chasing fewer and fewer companions …

Finally, at a certain moment, Baili Qingfeng started to fight back!


Take advantage of these physical exhaustion and fall into the collapsed cavemen to fight back!

2 Baili, that is, 100 kilometers, lasted more than 4 hours of hunting, and Baili Qingfeng zero total total beheaded and killed over 100 people in the cave.

But the counterattack at this moment is the beginning of the real slaughter!

Those who have exhausted their physical fitness and even ran to the spitting blood cave, how can they resist Baili Qingfeng’s anti-killing that has almost maintained the peak of Asia? ?



One person, fighting against more than three-four hundred people!

The bones cast the throne, and the blood path rendered peace.

“God die my iron teeth!”

“God, please open your eyes, lower the flames of hell, burn this devil, and save our Ironfang tribe!”

“No! No! No!”

All people in the burrows fell into boundless despair.

One man one sword, vertical and horizontal, the direction of the sword edge, Blood Slaughter Baili.

100! ? 2 100! ? 300! ?

How many burrowers have been killed? Baili Qingfeng can’t remember it.

He didn’t remember either!

In the face of human beings, he has the mental preparation to bear the sins of slaughter, not to mention the humans who regard humans as food! ?

“Kill! Kill! Kill! As long as Xia Ya can be at peace, as long as the world is peaceful, as long as it can make humanity Yongchang, even if it falls into infernal hell, the suffering of the slaughter perpetually eternal, I Baili Qingfeng, no regrets!

Baili Qingfeng screamed, the edge of the sword was directed, and uttered Nine Heavens!

“Fear it, alien!”



sword light flashes.

The last caveman warrior who was exhausted was deterred by Baili Qingfeng Refining Spirit Secret Technique.

Blood light, mixed with the terrified skull of the Grotto Warrior, reflects his sacred and determined face …

Falling into the sky!

This violent pursuit of the world ended with all the cavemen who hunted down Baili Qingfeng.


(Everyone is very powerful, and the wind will not let you down. According to this speed, there will be 4 more tomorrow, so will there be 5 more !?)

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