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call! call! call! “

Baili Qingfeng gasped.

I do not know when he had returned to the tribe surrounded by the stone city wall.

It’s just different from the previous scene where hundreds of cave people gathered together to live. At this time, this tribe can’t see any silhouette of cave people.

Baili Qingfeng is only one person, and it is impossible to kill all the burrow people in the Tieya tribe, but the surviving burrow people have been killed by Baili Qingfeng without fear, and they dare not appear in front of Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng, the guts who lost their courage, looked far away, without the need to run Divine Power, it was enough to let them collapse and escape.

Just when Baili Qingfeng was going to borrow a caveman’s house for a rest, and then hunted down one of the nearby cavemen who had escaped, to prevent them from breaking into Charya and bringing the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, his His body stopped suddenly.

Gaze fell on the largest building in the tribe.

There, an old cave man with a few patterns on his body jumped out of sight.

That special outfit …


This caveman and singer looked at Baili Qingfeng quietly, beside him, there was an old caveman wearing armor.

The eyes of this caveman warrior are filled with an irreversible sorrow, and it seems to mourn for the terrifying calamity of their tribe.


World was originally weak are prey to the strong.

Their tribe played the idea of ​​the golden land, wanting to use the golden land as a hunting ground, and the humans who hunted the golden land as food, and even intended to further enslave and raise the extremely weak humans in the golden land to let them continuously The tribes provide food so that the tribes can support more populations, continue to grow and grow, and gradually grow into large tribes, large territories, and even establish a country …

Right now the powerhouse revenge that caused the golden land is obviously not strong, but relying on amazing endurance and resilience, it has dragged down and defeated the entire tribe …

This is retribution!

Or call the fate of the weak!


The cave singers saw Baili Qingfeng coming, and slowly said, “I have observed you, you know our language, but they are not proficient, so I speak slowly, and we should be able to communicate.”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a while, and seemed to understand what he said, and then spoke to the half-familiar burrow people, “As a singer, have you never joined the battle?”

It took a while for the people in the cave to guess the meaning expressed in Baili Qingfeng’s words, and slowly replied: “I’m not a real sacrifice, I haven’t mastered any war songs.”

“So, what do you want to say?”

“I would like to use a secret in exchange for you to give up the pursuit of the rest of the tribe. Those poor people have lost their courage to fight against you. Your strength has shattered their greed into the golden land …”

The cave man singer said.

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand, he didn’t understand.

So the cave man singer took out a clay pot, which contained a kind of red liquid.

“Blood of the brave!”

The Grotto Singer said: “This is a potion that can only be taken by the true brave. Without enough courage and Faith, it will explode. Once you can withstand the strength of the blood of the brave, you only need 4 servings. Can make an elite warrior become a warrior among the cavemen in a very short time, and I am willing to use the method of refining the blood of the brave to calm down your powerful anger against our Ironfang tribe.

Baili Qingfeng probably guessed what he said.


“I don’t trust you.”

Baili Qingfeng said, now, holding the sword forward.

The cave man singer side elderly warrior, without the slightest hesitation, picked up the blood of the brave and drank it.

The blood of the brave enters the body, and the burrowing warrior immediately becomes hot, a power that seems only available when he was young reappears on him, the power of rolling blood boils in him within the body, inspiring infinite Endless Strength.

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes flashed a strange color.


The Grotto Warrior roared, and Blood Fiendish Qi filled his body, forming a terrifying coercion.

And the giant axe in his hand suddenly rushed in the moment of coercion, carrying the tragic that seems to be able to cut off even Heaven and Earth, and beheaded to Baili Qingfeng with a will of burn both jade and stone.


Regardless of whether this caveman warrior really relies on the blood of the brave to give out a new Strength, in front of Baili Qingfeng, it still has no meaning.

The innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared behind him, next moment, a glowing white thunderbolt turned into a scepter of shatter void, and blasted the Spirit World of the Grotto Warrior into smash, all his braveness The tragic feeling was disappeared with this bombing.


Baili Qingfeng flies, sword light assassinates.


Blood splashes!

Draw a sword!

This old caveman warrior even inspired the strength of the heyday by the blood of the brave, and …

Strength has improved under the burning of the blood of the brave, but in front of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique of Baili Qingfeng, there is still no difference.

The equivalent to Body Refining Grandmaster’s Grotto Warrior is just an ordinary person in this World. In other words, a Divine Dao powerhouse who masters Refining Spirit Prominent Divine can cause interference to the Grotto Warrior. The nature is probably similar to Refining Spirit Prominent Divine. Same as Level 3 martial artist who raised the fist stage.

5th layer Prominent Divine can cause such effects, not to mention Baili Qingfeng’s 7-fold Divine Power?

The old caveman singer watched Baili Qingfeng kill this caveman warrior who has protected him for nearly ten years, with a trace of sadness on his face.

But a surprise from Baili Qingfeng made him understand that his plot against was successful.

So, after Baili Qingfeng slayed the old caveman warrior, he took out a parchment, and then took out a dagger from his body, just aimed at his heart and stabbed it.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the suicide elderly grotto singer, Slightly frowned.

This cave man singer really gave him a precious recipe for fear of him and then he died dead?

He does not believe.

The lessons of Jinglanzong are still vivid.

Baili Qingfeng After a while, it was confirmed that the singer and songwriter in the cave was really dead. He only stepped forward and put a sword on his head, lest his sacrificial means be sacrificed. When he passed, he would suddenly resurrect. Attack yourself into a zombie.

Even the zombie would be that’s all, 10000 mutation into zombie, let him return to Zia with the zombie virus, and the consequences would be serious.


After all, this is a normal World, and the illogical thing of resurrection not at all happens.

Baili Qingfeng stepped forward and picked up the parchment of the old caveman singer and glanced at it …

Do not understand.

He was really interested in the so-called brave blood.

When the caveman warrior took the blood of the brave, he obviously felt that the blood of the brave had penetrated into his internal organs, which not only inspired the vitality of his internal organs, but also restored him to almost the state of the heyday. Internal organs have undergone a round of enhancement.

Moreover, the intensity of strengthening is not small.

It is certain that the blood of the brave must have problems, but with his wisdom, he feels that he can completely improve it and eliminate its hidden disadvantages.

And once this problem is solved, this will be a precious resource of cultivation that is better than the effect of the liquid mine.

“Go back and go through the ethnographic encyclopedia and figure out what exactly is written on this parchment.”

Baili Qingfeng put away the parchment and went to look in this room. Soon, he found 6 blood of the brave.


The blood of the brave is less valuable than he imagined?

Putting the blood of the brave in the biggest house, Baili Qingfeng holding the sword began to clear up all around the wandering cave people.

These cavemen seemed to have been really guilty. Baili Qingfeng turned around the tribe and walked more than ten kilometers, and none of them were found.

Seeing those people in the cave really disappeared, while looking for those people in the cave, he also counted his own spoils of war.

Chen Jin!

A large amount of Chen Jin was converged from those cave people by Baili Qingfeng and concentrated in the cave people tribe.

Since the number of cavemen is almost twice as many as he thought, even if many cavemen are not real cavemen fighters, the amount of Chenjin he finally obtained still surprised him!

1984 kg!

Almost 2 1000 kg!

This amount…

Extremely amazing.

However, 200 million funds to meet the demand of the World Peace Commission is only his speculation. Now that he can successfully sell 400000000 million nearly 2 1000 kg of gold, he is of course better.

The next time is to carry these Chen Jin, and move Chen Jin piece by piece to the Colosseum where the Transmission Gate is located. At the same time, they are fixed so that they can be thrown to the opposite side of the Transmission Gate in a short time. .


While Baili Qingfeng was constantly carrying Chen Jin, a young cave man with a lot of rune painted on his body, hurried through the defense of three elite cavemen warriors.

Think of the wise man’s account, the face of this cave man is already full of sorrow and hatred.

“Black Rock Wise Man, please rest assured that even if I die, I will bring this news to the sacrificed Lord.”

“Sir, our iron tooth is just a remote tribe. Will sacrificing the adult help us?”

A grotto warrior asked anxiously.

“Yes, the sacrifice of the Lord will never allow the formula of the blood of the brave to fall into the hands of human beings, and will surely lead the powerful temple Swordsman around him to follow up, and this demon-like human has got the blood of the brave, waiting for him to detect the The benefits of blood will definitely come to our tribe in order to obtain materials. At that time, we can use the temple Swordsman and the hand of the sacrificed adult to kill it and sacrifice the spirit of the innumerable people of our Ironfang tribe. “

The young sacrifice apprentice had hatred in his eyes: “If the sacrifice adult can’t catch this human being, I will go to the temple 1000 miles away and report this passage to the golden land, only this way our Ironfang tribe Will never lose the chance to become a big tribe, or even the Ironfang Kingdom … “

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