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“The big brother is worthy of being a big brother, and his speaking ability is high.”

At this time, Sword Monarch, who disappeared after saying hello, emerged, and said quietly, “If I hadn’t deliberately checked the events in the past few days, I would almost believe it.”

While speaking, he directly sent a message to the group that seemed to be circulating only in some internal circles.

This kind of repost can only see one title, you must click in to see the content.

But even if it’s just a title, it still immediately attracts everyone’s attention.

“Shocked! The destruction of the ancient Sect of Hia inheritance 3 hundred or so years. This sect once gave birth to the land True Immortal. Is it a loss of human nature or a moral fall …”

As Sword Monarch posted this post, everyone was shouting.

“Sword Monarch Moderator 6 6 6!”

“Yes, yes, this is Sword Monarch, every time you see a shot.”

“I feel like something extraordinary has happened.”

After everyone answered a few words, they seemed to click into the post to check it out, and the group suddenly quieted down.

Baili Qingfeng also curiously clicked into the post, and found that the post actually jumped directly to the Sia section on the Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes forum.

This post …

Obviously, it is only described as the third person. The person who writes the post is not heavy. It is estimated that he is a marginal figure in the martial artist circle. He does not have access to Core information. The description of the post is unknown.

However, I have selected sects such as 10000 Liu Jianzong, Thunderbolt Sect, and focused on describing the inheritance and powerful power of 10000 Liu Jianzong.

When Baili Qingfeng read this post and reverted back to the chat group, there was already a picture of “萌 新 shiver coldly” in the group.

Followed by a bunch of numbers plus one, plus two, plus three, plus N.

“Boss … this … isn’t that what this post says is true? 10000 Liu Jianzong has provoked the big guy and was destroyed by the big guy?”

“Then there can still be fakes. The power mentioned in this post to destroy the 10000 Sword Sect is Thunderbolt Sect, and what is the name of the boss you can’t tell? Thunder Dominator! The boss may be the master of Thunderbolt Sect! “

“Worship big brother!”

“Hello to the big brother.”

One message popped from the group.

Due to the dissolution of the Veteran Core group, all the people in the group today are online except for the moderator Aotian Sword God, which makes the message refresh speed very fast, and it can’t be seen until Baili Qingfeng.

“Fake. The message on the post is fake. Don’t believe it.”

Baili Qingfeng quickly explained.


This message makes the messages in the group lightly paused.

It took a while before someone said, “This … shouldn’t it?”

At this time, Xiaoxian Xianzun also stood up and washed Baili Qingfeng: “The news is indeed false. I just went to search it. The leader of Thunderbolt Sect is Baili Changkong! Baili Changkong is an old man in his 70s Yes, but I’ve seen Thunder Dominator firsthand, at best it’s around 20, and it’s not the same person as Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master. “

“Not the same person?”

Sword Monarch, who had been confident and able to grasp the key to the problem every time, took a moment’s glance, faintly doubting: “Is it really not a person, is this news true?”

“is fake.”

Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation gave an accurate answer, and his words were chirped: “What is written on this message is too exaggerated, as if he said that there are 10000 Grandmasters in 9 Liu Jianzong, but no, 10000 Liu Jian There are only 7 Grandmasters, and the other 2 Grandmasters are shocking sects. There is also a text saying that 10000 Liu Jianzong three-four hundred were cut and killed. This is also wrong, not counting 10000 Liu Jianzong. In the case of 7 Grandmasters, there were only 10000 100 disciples, deacons, and guardians on the mountain at the time. There were only 94 132 disciples, deacons, and defenders. Among them, there were not many beheaded, only 1, and I counted it clearly! This kind of data related to human life, I will never remember it! “

Hearing Baili Qingfeng’s words, everyone in the group couldn’t help but feel awkward.

“So … that was really wrong?”

“The whole post looks unclear, and vague words like” about “and” yu “are used in many places. How can Thunder Dominator’s figures be accurate? At a glance, you know it is a popular article . “


Dongfang Winsom said, accusing Sword Monarch: “Sword Monarch, we have to trust us so much, and you have provided such” empty and broad “false data without any basis. You are very disappointed.”

“Yes, your image of 10000 things that seems to know everything about astronomy and geography is about to be ruined.”

Ten kills followed the make-up knife.


Sword Monarch

He always felt that something was wrong.

In order to cooperate with the big brothers, Baili Qingfeng naturally spoke with everyone about Sword Monarch: “Yes, right, Sword Monarch moderator, you are in my mind, but only second to a proud Sword God moderator-like figure, The post given by this time is really wrong. I ca n’t guarantee anything else. The data on this post is 100% wrong. The data I provided is correct. The 9 Grandmasters and 132 10000 Stream Swords. The disciples were all killed by myself, and I counted them clearly, and I would never make a mistake. “

“Yes, yes, this time I believe in Thunder Dominator, the data of the brothers are personally … & *% # @ ¥ ……”

The misty fairy who has become the trend of Thunder Dominator is also opening his mouth.

But he typed out half of it, and somehow, unfathomable mystery became a bunch of garbled characters.

The original group was still busy, and suddenly stopped talking to the other members of the Sword Monarch’s righteous condemnation.

There was a sudden cold field inside the group.

Baili Qingfeng was already seated in a chair. He laughed and watched the crowd attack the Sword Monarch moderator. The expression of a crowd-eating crowd saw that the group was quiet all of a sudden, and no new news popped up for more than ten seconds. This is a bit strange.

“Saw it !? You saw it !? You all saw it !? Don’t believe me !? How dare you believe me! Remember, I can’t be wrong! “

At this time, the Sword Monarch moderator suddenly sent a message.

Even across the screen, Baili Qingfeng can smell the pleasant and crazy taste of this message!

This scene looked straight at Baili Qingfeng’s heart.

Sword Monarch moderators will not be crippled by the general population. They have been hit too much and suddenly crazy?

“So scary!”

“Shiver coldly!”

“Have one’s hair stand on end!”

“Suck in a breath of cold air!”

“Drink a bowl of cold skin!”


A large wave of text and emoticons were sent out, and speed seemed to be swiped.

After this wave of text pictures passed, everyone at the same time Ait was Sword Monarch.

“Brother, I was wrong. I should not believe you.”

“Brother, please accept my penitent knee!”

“From now on, I have any judgments about the big brother Ruler. If there is any doubt, the day hits 5 thunder bang!”

Baili Qingfeng watched each and everyone big brothers bow their heads to the Sword Monarch big brothers. It is estimated that these big brothers also saw that the state of the Sword Monarch spirit was wrong, and they continued to stimulate him to cause his condition to worsen, so he chose Ning temporarily. The people resigned.

This harmonious and friendly atmosphere …

Baili Qingfeng was heartily relieved.

At the moment he also quickly said: “Big Sword Monarch is angry!”

At the end, he quickly posted a “Ximeng Shiver coldly” dynamic picture.


Sword Monarch sent an ellipsis.

East wins sent an ellipsis.

Quantum Wargod, Ten Steps Kill, Ethereal Fairy, Shadow Ruler, King of Black Hole began to add one, plus two, plus three, and adding N …

Baili Qingfeng looked at it, and couldn’t keep up with the ideas of the big brothers.

I have to say that the thinking channel of the big guys is not on the same line as his ordinary person.

Even though he has tried his best to make himself no longer ordinary, he still can’t figure out how deep the realms of the big guys are.


The topic seems to be a little bit awful.

What were they trying to say at first?

Research whether Aotian Sword God Moderator was interrupted?

No, it’s why the research group was dissolved.

At the moment he quickly asked: “Who knows what happened to the Aotian Sword God moderator? Everyone has a chance to meet here, should you just organize a wave to visit the moderator?”

“This … Brother Thunder Dominator, the origin of the moderator is not easy …”

Oriental Winning Moderator said a bit cautiously.

“I know, there seem to be several True Immortal in the land of the moderator’s house.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Either the Thunder Dominator go? It’s in Chiyan.”

“If the big guy comes, I can take care of the hospitality. Eating and drinking merrily will never stop disappointing the big guy.”

Xiaoxian Xianzun said quickly.

“Chi Yan Country? So far, I’m going to start school soon, and, in a few days, I’ll see if there are people in the cave, no time.”

Baili Qingfeng said with regret.

“I have a problem too, there is nothing I can do …”

“I can’t enter the moderator’s house.”

“My father and the moderator’s family have more or less friendship, but … I don’t …”

Others also lamented.

“Don’t worry, the moderator Heaven helps the worthy, nothing will happen, besides, it’s been 2 months now, what should have happened long ago, we still wait patiently for the moderator to come back online.”

In the end, Sword Monarch, who has always been stable, began to speak.

“After the winter vacation, if the moderator hasn’t come out yet, I’ll see him.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Then I chatted with the big brothers again, and saw that the time was unconsciously at ten o’clock, and I was so scared that I went off to bed quickly.

They will start school tomorrow, and he has to maintain a positive spirit to welcome the new semester.


(Three Alliance Leaders have been added in the past two days. Tong Tang, Ai Ai, Huan Yu, thank you for your support. However, it is true that there is a draft of Chengfeng, but at present the matter in hand has finally been dealt with a little, starting tomorrow Let ’s make up the Alliance Leader!

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