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Shire University.

It seems that Baili Qingfeng said that he hoped to continue to see these familiar sceneries of Shire University. Compared with the previous campus, the newly established Shire University has a very high degree of reduction, even if it is less than 80%, 90% is definitely there. Except that most of the buildings, trees, and green plants look a little nuanced, some seniors who have graduated only 2 years ago return to Shire University again. I am afraid that they will not recognize the school. Each campus has experienced destruction.

Baili Qingfeng was walking on the road, holding a book in his hands, and looking at the to-and-fro students on the main road, his face was full of longing for such a peaceful, peaceful, youthful life.

From time to time, his eyes would fall on some students wearing swords.

In the past six months, the cabinet ’s vigorous promotion of Martial Dao has achieved significant results, especially for those successful martial artists. As long as they can achieve Level 2, the salary can be a few hundred yuan more than others. If you can get Level 100, you can get a profit of over 3 if you are attached to some heavy tax companies.

You know, in Xia, where the average house price is only 1000 yuan per square meter, the salary of 1000 yuan a month is already a high income.

In this case, the atmosphere of Martial Dao across the country is conceivable.

The Speaker Nabo himself is a member of the Cabinet lineage, and he spared no effort to promote the popular Martial Dao. As a result, the city of Xia has now become a well-known Martial Dao city in the whole of Shia. In terms of the atmosphere of Martial Dao, even the capital of Hill Hill Can’t compare.

“Students all seem to have a lot of spirit. Although it can be seen from their performances, the formal martial artists who have developed their strength are a minority, but as long as our policies continue to be promoted, after 3 years, It will usher in the explosion period of formal martial artists. Ten years later, Level 2 martial artists will spring up like bamboo shoots. After a few decades, the number of Level 3 martial artists will probably reach thousand. Even at 1000000, with such a huge base, even if one of the 100 people succeeds in the Grandmaster, he will be able to give birth to 1000 to 10000 Grandmaster-level powerhouses. “

Baili Qingfeng’s face was full of relief.


As Baili Qingfeng moved forward quietly, a voice came.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that Mormi, who had been in a bedroom with him, came over, and accompanied him was a woman dressed in a beautiful fashion.

The woman looks medium and upper, but she is very good at dressing up. With reasonable makeup and clothes, the charm is not inferior to that of Shiyi and Gu Yingying.

Look at the two of them holding hands, don’t guess to know the identity between the two.

“Qingfeng, I haven’t seen you for a long time since you moved out of the dormitory and transferred.”

Mormi greeted with a smile.

Among the 4 people in the dormitory, Batu was a fair and reasonable character. It was easy to offend the person. Gull need not say. For a trivial matter, he fell out with Baili Qingfeng. Mormi, it ’s not a crime , The relationship with Baili Qingfeng is also negligent.

“I live outside, and I have a little less time at school.”

“Live outside? It’s ability to live outside.”

Mormy said and looked him up and down: “I remember as if I heard Guler said that you were in Martial Practice a year ago? And it seems very difficult to deal with? Would you like to join our ancient Sword Technique? We The ancient Sword Technique not only benefits well, but also … there are many senior sisters. “

“Ancient Sword Technique?”

Baili Qingfeng said slightly: “What other ancient Sword Technique?”

“Now Martial Dao, the promotion is reflected in all aspects, Martial Dao Club is just one of them. The start time of Shire University is half a year, but the number of Martial Dao Clubs in each school of other universities is at least 30. I want to register for Sword Technique, but Sword Technique has already been registered. Today, there are 2 more Martial Dao clubs. After all, the benefits given by the school are very good. Martial Dao related clubs are established, asking for money, asking for venue. To the venue, once you become a formal martial artist, you will get a lot of extra credits … “

Mormi said eloquently, at the end, what else came to mind: “It is said that the latest section of the education section has been released. This year, a student Martial Dao contest will be held, covering all universities and high schools nationwide, and promoted as a regular event. Those who are at the top of the competition can get generous rewards and excellent treatment. “

“Student Martial Dao contest?”

“Yes, the time is next month, and the publicity started last month. It’s very powerful.”

“Qingfeng Senior really started Martial Practice a year ago? With Martial Dao foundation, joining our ancient Sword Technique club will definitely be valued.”

The woman beside Mormy was also curiously asked.

“Trained a bit.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“The Martial Dao contest is a great opportunity if you have practiced martial arts, and you can only enter the competition through the Martial Dao agency. Since this is the first student Martial Dao contest, the rewards are very generous. Entering a special list of 100 people in the country, it is said that as long as they can enter the list of 100 people, Peak experts can personally give pointers and enjoy first-class resource cultivation. The future is unlimited, and at least they can get a Level 3 martial artist certificate. “

The woman was somewhat envious.

Any Level 3 martial artist can be called a social elite. As long as you have a nodded brain and take advantage of your Level 3 martial artist, you can earn at least 2 a month, and you can buy a house in Xia in 3000 years.

Mormi on the side also echoed: “Qingfeng, this is my girlfriend Penny, she is also one of the vice presidents of the ancient Sword Technique club. The vice president invites you to join in, how about it, grand enough.”

“You should know that our physics school has a lot of learning tasks, and I have to spend a lot of time reading to maintain my grade advantage …”

“The book is for reading, and the martial arts must be practiced. Moreover, our ancient Sword Technique has no mandatory requirements. It is sufficient to attend the party once a week, and other times are very casual.”

Mormi said.

“Is there no mandatory requirement …”

Baili Qingfeng considered that he did not join any society, which is not appropriate for a normal college student, so he responded: “If there are no additional requirements as you said, I can join.”

“You won’t regret it.”

Mormi smiled and said, “The president of our ancient Sword Technique company is said to be able to take the Level 2 martial artist certificate immediately. His presence has attracted many enthusiastic junior sisters. Among the dozen or so members, the proportion of women is men. Double, I remember you have n’t found a girlfriend yet, maybe your girlfriend has fallen into our community. “


These three words can’t help reminding Baili Qingfeng of Gu Lingying, who originally thought he was his girlfriend.


First love is bitter.


Isn’t this the life of an ordinary person?

After all, it is only a small number that can successfully enter the wedding banquet with smooth love and first love. He can also be regarded as having experienced an emotion that an ordinary person should experience.

“Qingfeng Senior has studied martial arts and will definitely be popular in the community. By the way, do you have a martial artist certificate?”

Penny said.

“Has a certificate.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Is there a certificate? Amazing, it is easier to find a girlfriend with a certificate. So, I have a roommate who looks much more beautiful than me and my family is quite good. She has worshipped the martial artist since she was a child. , Will never let you down. “

Penny said, looking towards Baili Qingfeng’s eyes obviously changed.

Although she is only a college student, she has already taken a lot of care.

Baili Qingfeng Martial Practice got a martial artist certificate in just one year. It can be seen that Martial Dao Innate Talent is not low. It is not difficult to get a Level 2 martial artist certificate before graduating from university. With a Level 2 martial artist certificate, job hunting will become It’s very easy. When you have a job, you can continue your cultivation. After 8 or 3 years, you will have great hope to become a Level 1 martial artist.

Definitely a promising man.

“I’ve been a bit more recent.”

“It’s okay, it depends on fate if you can really come together. You must know before you talk.”

Penny said with a slight smile.

“weng weng! ”

At this time, a roar of motors came from a distance, and then, a car whose value was extraordinary at a glance was driving into the campus.

Due to the fast speed, Mormi quickly hurried Baili Qingfeng and Penny to aside to avoid the vehicle.

“Will it open …”

Mormi was unhappy with the driver and drank, but at this time the car stopped at a parking space in front of them 60 meters, the door opened, and a man with a look of up and down, full of indifference, came out of the car. At the same time, there are 20 girls who are also good at dressing.

“It’s Qiu Shaofeng, Broken Water Sword Qiu Shaofeng.”

Seeing this young man, Penny exclaimed: “Qiu Shaofeng, Poplar, Marie, and Ronan are the most famous of all our universities in Asia and hope to win a place in the student contest and enter the 100 list Genius martial artist, they are said to have each obtained a Level 2 martial artist certificate and are trying to sprint towards a Level 3 martial artist. “

Qiu Shaofeng got out of the car and just glanced in the direction where Mormi was. There was some aggressive Mormi who didn’t speak immediately, and even a smile appeared on his face.

After waiting for Qiu Shaofeng to leave with 2 girls.

He was somewhat envious: “Qiu Shaofeng is a famous martial artist. In order to recruit him, Shire University not only waived all tuition and miscellaneous fees, but also directly gave generous scholarships, each period of 4000-5000, change In other words, he doesn’t just need to pay any fees. He can earn 4000-5000 in one semester, which is higher than the salary at work. “


Baili Qingfeng didn’t pay much attention to Qiu Shaofeng, he really paid attention to the issue of scholarship.

“You mean, Qiu Shaofeng is not only free of tuition, but also 4000-5000 for the first scholarship?”


Mormi repeatedly nodded: “Qingfeng, do you also receive a scholarship? Can it be estimated to be 100 in the first period? And it is estimated that your scholarship this year will be difficult to pass. The school has shifted its focus towards Martial Dao. It will allow Shire University to make a good face in the competition. The school has many Seeded Contestants, but Qiu Shaofeng and Martial Dao ’s vice president Marui are just two of them. There are more than a dozen of them. They all received scholarships. Willing to come to our university at Shire, as long as they can excel in the competition, there will be no shortage of rewards …

“It’s difficult to apply for a scholarship?”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

It’s not a question of money.

He is determined to be a 3 good student. The last scholarship has been cancelled due to the problem of leave. If he cannot get a scholarship in this period …

His first big goal in this World …

Isn’t it about to fail?

The problem is big.


(It seems that the automatic update time is set incorrectly.)

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