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“Scholarships are important to me, and I must get them.”

Baili Qingfeng was a little anxious.

Penny on the side glanced at the lightly startled, and secretly met Mormi with a wink.

Mormi whispered humorously: “Qingfeng’s family seems to be very ordinary. He was still working in summer and winter vacation as a freshman.”

Penny understood immediately.

“Can I also participate in that student’s Martial Dao contest in exchange for a scholarship? Although my Martial Practice time is only one year, I’m pretty good. I can definitely get a good position if I participate.”

Baili Qingfeng said.


Penny looked at Baili Qingfeng and hesitated for a moment before she said: “Of course, you can participate, and any student can participate. However, there are only 100 places in the finals of the National Student Martial Dao Contest. Ten of them can really win these ten places to stand out … It is estimated that they have the strength of Level 2 martial artist … Qingfeng You Martial Practice is only one year, even if Innate Talent is extraordinary, you have obtained a first-level martial artist certificate, you can imagine To be among the top 10000000 among the 1 million people in the entire state … I’m afraid … difficult … “

“I’m not a Level 4 certificate, I’m a Level 1 certificate.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “Their level 2 certificate can participate in the competition to have scholarships that only good students can have, and my level 4 certificate will certainly be able to.”

“4 … Level 4 certificate?”

Pan Ni froze and looked at Baili Qingfeng for a while, then slowly said, “Qingfeng, didn’t your Level 4 certificate have been taken by our Charity Artist Association? Have you taken it elsewhere?”

“Yes, I deliberately took the test at Hill’s Light.”

“Light of Hill …”

Penny looked like she understood it, and reminded her in a vague tone at the moment: “Well … want to participate in the competition, you can’t just go directly with a certificate, you still have to have strength. Otherwise, everyone is better than what. You can rank your credentials as soon as you light up, so … you can ask the director of teaching at Martial Dao. “

“Okay, I’ll ask now.”

Baili Qingfeng said, walking towards the office building.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng leaving, Penny was frowned: “You friend … Vanity is very strong. If I didn’t guess wrong, he probably has eight-nine from a pheasant institution to test a fake certificate, which is used to fool those. Layman, unfortunately, the mentors of the Martial Dao Academy have been professionally trained, and his false certificate will be taken away by the mentors at a glance.

“Fake evidence?”

Mormi was lightly startled, but then realized what he said: “Level 4 certificate, is it … a War Grade certificate? That is the certificate that most Peak powerhouses can only own, Qingfeng only has Martial Practice for one year, how can it not be so High-end documents … “

After speaking, he hurried forward: “Let’s grab Qingfeng, lest he make a joke in Martial Dao’s mentors in mind and leave a bad impression.”

“If you stop him now, he will only be embarrassed, and if he really understands that he has a few pounds and a few dollars, naturally he won’t take the fake certificate to the director to invite humiliation to oneself.”

Penny said, looking at the ladies watch on her wrist: “It’s getting late, let’s go to Sword Technique first.”

Mormy heard nodded and said nothing.

Baili Qingfeng and Mormi went directly to the office building of Martial Dao.

Before he got to the office building of the Martial Dao Institute, he found that there were actually many people waiting in line outside, and it seemed that he was going through the formalities for setting up the Martial Dao society.

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw it for a while.

Societies often need to be prepared for one year, and approved by the relevant sections of the school after the inspection, Martial Dao-related associations can even take the fast lane …

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and honestly came to the last queue in the crowd, forming a line.

He has always been accustomed to obeying order.

“Brother also came to apply for the establishment of the Martial Dao community?”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng lined up, an old man in front of him asked with a smile.

“No, but I would like to ask, if I can reach the final of the student Martial Dao competition, can I apply for a scholarship, and if so, I intend to register.”

“Martial Dao contest final?”

The man froze slightly, looked at Baili Qingfeng, and finally gave him a thumbs up: “With perseverance, we have only ten places in Xiahai Prefecture. You can reach the finals. You are all called as a student It’s not difficult to apply for a scholarship when I’m in the top ten of the state. “

“Really, that’s very good.”

“Do n’t be too happy. It ’s not easy to get to the finals. Nowadays, in order to be able to take the lead in this competition, many schools have specially invited some local pre-stigious families of great prestigious families. Like breaking the Water Sword Qiu Shaofeng, it is the first Senior Brother who cuts off the water. Martial Practice has been for many years. Poplar is also the grandson of the Old Master of Europe. He has been called the genius of Martial Dao since childhood. Marie is even more so. It is said that after the Grandmaster , The origin is almost against the sky, and Luo Nan is also well-known. These people have early obtained the Level 2 martial artist certificate. It is suspected that the young Junjie who is capable of Level 3 martial artist can take up 4 places. There are 4 left, and you don’t have to think about the strength of the Level 6 peak. “

Men’s road.

“I have got.”

Baili Qingfeng self-channel.

“you have?”

As soon as the man heard it, his eyes lit up suddenly: “What is the name of my brother, my name is Lin Aoma, I am 3 this year, and I have already recruited more than a dozen people who plan to form a Martial Dao society. You can either join us and I will let you be an associate How does it look? “

“I have promised people to join other Martial Dao agencies.”

Baili Qingfeng apologized.

“This way…”

Lin Aoma was disappointed.


At this time, Baili Qingfeng saw a youngster directly accompanied by a middle-aged man who looked like a mentor, and went directly to an office in front. There was no line at all.

This scene saw him frowned: “Which person cut the line?”

“That’s Tiexiang, a master of Xuanyingmen. It is said that he is the son of Xuanyingmen sect master. Innate Talent is overwhelming. He is the master of the 4 talents of Xia Ya second only to Qiu Shaofeng. . “

“Xuanyingmen, I know. There was also Zhang Qi, who joined Qilin Sword Sect, and was later killed by me, but this is not the reason for them to cut in.”

Baili Qingfeng said, already shouting at the two people: “Don’t jump in line, please follow the order of first come, first by one.”


Tie Xiang just glanced at him and was disinclined to pay attention to.

The other students did not say anything, and it seemed that they had defaulted to the behavior of two people in line.

Baili Qingfeng was about to say something. The door of the office opened, and a person walked out from it, saying “Next.”

Tiexiang will step into it right now.

“Can’t you come in order.”

Baili Qingfeng is a little speechless.

He wanted to come forward and argue, but …

Ordinary person should also be very powerless when facing this kind of thing, right?

Although he is not a pure ordinary person, but the other party ignores him at all, what can he do? Have to endure.

“Well, quality …”

Baili Qingfeng sighed.

“dīng líng líng !”

At this time, Baili Qingfeng’s cell phone rang.

As he connected the phone, 2 grandfather Baili Changkong’s voice came soon: “Qingfeng, have you gone to school?”


“Well, have you heard about the recent student Martial Dao contest launched by the Cabinet?”

“Of course, a student of mine naturally pays special attention to such things.”

“The trials will start in ten days. The local authorities have sent us a message. The judges will select a few from our Thunderbolt Sect. After ten days, the forces that have made good contact with our Thunderbolt Sect will come one after another. I have to be busy receiving these guests. If you do n’t have time to take care of this, it ’s up to you to judge. In addition, one of the 4 judges in the national finals, Thunderbolt Sect, also accounted for you. You also topped it out, and went to the capital to take the Wargod certificate. “

“I’m going to be a judge? No, I’m planning to sign up for the Martial Dao competition at the Martial Dao School of Shire University. This is related to whether I can get a scholarship this period.”

“You? Go to the Martial Dao contest?”

Baili Changkong on the phone thought she heard it wrong.

It took a while to calm down: “Dignified Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master participated in the student Martial Dao contest? You are not ashamed, I am ashamed.”

“What’s wrong with me, Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master? But I am also a student at Shire University. It fully complies with the rules of participation. What is shameful?”

Baili Qingfeng is righteous.

“In short, it doesn’t work, you want a scholarship, right? I’ll call Shire’s Lee Principal and the scholarship will not miss you every semester.”

“This is cheating. I hate this kind of behavior the most. My scholarship depends on my own ability.”

Baili Qingfeng frowns saying.

“Then you go to be a judge, as long as you are good at the judges and the inspections are strict, I believe Li Principal will also award scholarships for you.”

“Judges can still have scholarships?”

“I can’t lie to you? Should I call you now?”

Baili Changkong’s voice suddenly exaggerated.

“Faith, faith, naturally I can trust 2 grandfather?”

Baili Qingfeng said quickly.

“That’s it.”

Baili Qingfeng hung up.

As soon as he hung up the phone, he found that everyone’s eyes fell on him.

Even if several Martial Dao instructors in the office seemed to hear the movement, they came out.

As a Martial Practice person, it is impossible to have not heard of the prestigious name of Thunderbolt Sect. Especially after Thunderbolt Sect expelled Qilin Sword Sect, Thunderbolt Sect ’s popularity in Charia has reached a level that is as high as the sky. Baili Qingfeng’s words involved the words Thunderbolt Sect, and they immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Meet the Vice Sect Master.”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng interrupting the call, one of the middle-aged man immediately stepped forward to greet him.

“you know me?”

“Subordinate Zhou Tiannan, a member of Thunderbolt Sect, is now a mentor at the Martial Dao School of Shire University.”


Baili Qingfeng said, “Well, I want to find the director of teaching, I wonder if I can recommend …”

Immediately another middle-aged man came forward, saluting saluting greetings, “Alec sees Sect Master Guo.”

“you are……”

“Reporting back to Sect Master, the subordinates have been invited, and he is currently serving as the master of the martial arts department.”


Baili Qingfeng looked at the respectful head of the department, Alex, who was standing in front of himself, and his expression was a bit weird: “Don’t you want to tell me that the dean is also our Thunderbolt Sect?”

“Sect Master bright vision like a torch, and the dean’s position is part-time by Hong Tiange Elder.”


Baili Qingfeng.

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