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This Shire University Martial Dao Courtyard …

Is it Thunderbolt Sect?

Baili Qingfeng is speechless.

“Sect Master, or take a rest in it first?”

Alec cautiously asked.

As a member of Thunderbolt Sect, he understands the ferocity of this Sir Sect Master in front of everyone better than everyone except Thunderbolt Sect!

Especially when Baili Qingfeng used the power of invincible Wargod to kill 10000 Liu Jian Sects, slaughtered 10000 Grand Masters of 9 Liu Jian Sects, and transformed the Boss Gu of the inheritance 3 hundred or so years into history, all insiders of the entire Thunderbolt Sect Almost going crazy.

I am very proud of Thunderbolt Sect’s ability to have such a powerful Vice Sect Master, and honored. I am also deeply awed by this terrifying existence, which is said to have spared time to take a bath after killing 100 people.

All kinds of emotions intertwine, making him dare not be sloppy in front of Baili Qingfeng.

“no need.”

After learning that the judges could also receive scholarships, Baili Qingfeng no longer forced to enroll in the student Martial Dao competition.

I glanced at all around and constantly looked at his students in Martial Dao College with shock. He was also a little accustomed, but glanced at Tie Xiang who had cut in the line before: “You still have to pay attention to order, you are all in line. What can they cut in? This kind of poor quality person, but 10000000 don’t have anything to do with them, maybe they will be pitted someday, I will have to discuss with my 2 grandfather when I go back, to this moral quality Join our Thunderbolt Sect’s discipline code. In the future, all of us at Thunderbolt Sect will strive to be quality, moral and responsible 3 good young people. “

Although Baili Qingfeng’s tone was calm and calm, he could think of the horror who could destroy the entire 10000 sword sect with one person’s strength. Alec felt that the cold sweat on his forehead had flowed down: “Remember the Sect Master’s instructions , I will definitely implement these 3 elements to the end and use it as my life guideline from now on. “

Baili Qingfeng was satisfied with the nodded and turned away.

When Baili Qingfeng left, Alec stood upright and stared indifferently at Tie Xiang, who was a bit desolate: “You heard what we said about Sect Master. How are you, a highly intelligent businessman who can be admitted to Shire University? I do n’t have any quality. Does the university teach you how to cut in line? You can go! In addition, I will report to the senior management, Xuanyingmen … Whether it is worthy of support or a good test. ”

“Director, I … I know I’m wrong, please give me another chance …”

When Tie Xiang heard it, he panicked.

“hmph! ”

Alec dissatisfied and turned away.

Several Martial Dao mentors are also performing their duties.

When they left, they were together in small groups, each and everyone seemed quite excited, talking about the Vice Sect Master by Baili Qingfeng.

Not only did they talk about it, but after their mentors and the protagonist Baili Qingfeng left the scene, the students present couldn’t bear the shock and uplift in their hearts, and they said, “Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master! That’s Thunderbolt! Sect Vice Sect Master! I heard the Hall Master who taught me Martial Practice said, Thunderbolt Sect, that is Xia, and even Xia Hai ’s strongest sect, Martial Dao circle is not just in name only, but also in reality Ah, the Vice Sect Master of Thunderbolt Sect, what a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering great character !? “

“Not only Xia Ya, Xia Hai, Thunderbolt Sect belongs to the most Peak force in our entire Shia, Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, definitely exists on an equal footing with the governor.”

“That’s the Vice Sect Master of Thunderbolt Sect !? Looks so young! And … he looks like he’s a student at Shire University !? We’re studying at a school with Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master !? Am I dreaming? ? “

“I don’t dare to imagine that, that is Hegemon Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master in our Xiahai martial artist circle? There is no majesty in Vice Sect Master, and he even queues with us?”

“What do you guys know, the more great the character, the more humble and low-key they are, the more approachable they are. The Vice Sect Master has nothing to do with chatting with our group of students, and even makes us think he is a student like us. That’s what it means to return to the Natural State. “

“Yes, I’ve heard this statement too. It’s amazing … it’s truly a Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. He is kind and approachable. He is a student of Shire University like us? I almost believed it.”

The students were excited spiritedly and wanted to share the news with everyone around them.

He knew nothing of these Baili Qingfeng, at this moment he has successfully paid the tuition and completed the registration procedures.

After reporting his name, he met Mormi again and was taken by Mormi to the ancient Sword Technique.

As for whether Baili Qingfeng actually signed up for the student Martial Dao conference, he didn’t ask.

Others bragging, do you take it seriously, how awkward when being exposed?

How to be a human is a deep knowledge.

After joining the ancient Sword Technique, it was not too late. When Baili Qingfeng had dinner, he received a call. Seeing that there was no class in the afternoon, he immediately ran outside his house and saw 3 men in formal clothes in front of the grove. .

“Mr. Baili Qingfeng? Hello, I’ve been ordered to send an item for Mr. and ask him to check.”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng, one of the men in a suit similar to Martial Dao stepped forward and greeted him.

“Are they finally here? Where is the thing?”

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t wait to ask.

At present, the man opened a box from the car, and then took out a box that was half a meter long, 20 cm wide and high from the box, and handed it to Baili Qingfeng carefully: “Please check it.”

Baili Qingfeng can’t wait to open the box, inside the box …

It is an instruction manual and a tube of something similar to a medicament.

“10000 energy cells.”

With a smile on his face, Baili Qingfeng hugged him and said to the man, “I received something, many thanks, would you like to go upstairs and sit down and drink saliva?”

“No, our mission is done. Goodbye.”

The man said that he got into the car with great resilience and drove away quickly.

Seeing the man leave, Baili Qingfeng couldn’t wait to study the real formidable power of 10000 energy cells.

It seems that time is up.

As soon as he arrived in the yard, his cell phone rang again, and Heisen’s voice came from it: “Qingfeng, our first batch of equipment has arrived in Xia Ya.”

“Mr. Heisen has arrived in Charlie? Very good, I will take you to our laboratory.”

Baili Qingfeng said that if you put 10000 energy cells in place, you should immediately call Shi Yiyi.


He always felt that Shi Yiyi had a lot of troubles, and she was very unreliable in doing such a big event. But she went halfway and had a tired or drunk driving and so on. He called the Baili directly. Day by day.

Not long after, Baili Tianxing drove outside his yard, Baili Qingfeng got on the bus and headed to a good meeting point outside Xia Ya.

“Qingfeng, isn’t your personal assistant Shi Yiyi? Why, is there a conflict?”

Baili Tianxing asked with a smile while driving.

“No? But it didn’t take long for her to get a driver’s license. I’m a little worried.”


“Yes, can you change my driver?”

Baili Qingfeng asked, for a moment, he shook the head again: “Forget it, I have another personal assistant, and another driver, I have hands and feet, and actually need 2 people to serve, where is so delicate, I will go to the wire later Look for a driving school advertisement on the pole, sign up for a driver’s license, and then save money to buy a car. If there is something wrong, drive yourself. “

“This … is really not necessary …”

Baili twitched at the corners of his mouth.

“Yes, I have decided so. Uncle, which driving school do you think is good? The clearance rate is relatively high?”

“Driving school … Let ’s take a photo to me and send me your ID card. I will call and you will almost be able to get a driving license at night.”

“Uncle, you have to go through the back door? This is not appropriate. Driving is a big thing. I am responsible for my own life, and I am also responsible for the pedestrians on the road. A person who has never driven a car must learn from the system. . “

“You Wargod … with your reaction and eyesight, driving a car to school?”

“Of course, it may not take long to drive, but I have to memorize it so that I don’t even understand some basic driving rules.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Tianxing looked at Baili Qingfeng with a serious face and thought of the process of getting his driver’s license, and he couldn’t help feeling a little ashamed.

Soon the vehicles gathered at an intersection.

Here, a small fleet of 4 trucks and 2 cars is already waiting.

Baili Qingfeng got out of the car. Several people, such as Heisen who had a previous relationship, immediately welcomed him and gave him a warm hug: “I have abandoned all the research projects and turned to Qingfeng for you. I hope your project will not disappoint me. “

“Mr. Heisen is assured that if I successfully complete the research and development of this project, it will not only bring World peace, but also easily solve the increasingly serious energy problems in the international arena. It will definitely be a great achievement in the autumn of 1000.”

“I can trust you naturally, no matter how late, let’s go to the R & D site.”

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng said, leading the way with Baili Tianxing.

He has been to the Bikini Basin a few times and naturally knows the route.

Because Ye Fusheng also repaired the truth during the refurbishment of that military base, the road conditions were much better. The convoy traveled for more than two hours and successfully reached the military base in Bikini Basin.

There is also a squad left by Ye Fusheng to patrol and maintain order.

After a basic inspection, the vehicle entered the base, and various equipment bought by Hessen were moved from the truck to the laboratory.

However, the arrival of these devices is only the beginning, and it is foreseeable that the entire base will be completely lively.

From this moment, the work of the World Peace Commission is really on track.


(The next chapter will be later.)

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