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“weng weng! ”

Ripples rippled.

Baili Qingfeng’s body stepped out of the Transmission Gate and fell to the cave man World.

With more than one experience of entering this World, soon Baili Qingfeng has adjusted his status and stood firm.

It was Baili Changkong, who looked rather embarrassed after his body manifested, and almost didn’t fall on the spot because he couldn’t control his body.

Fortunately, as an old-fashioned War Grade powerhouse, his strength control on his own is far beyond those of the new War Grade, and he has quickly controlled his body.

“Nothing wrong, nothing wrong, Heavenly Immortal Realm, this is definitely a brand new hole Heavenly Immortal Realm!”

Baili Changkong took a deep breath, and there was irresistible excitement in his tone.

“2 grandfather, you have to go back after a while, or Space Passage will be closed.”

“I know I know.”

Baili Changkong said, looking at Baili Qingfeng, his face was full of exhilaration: “Qingfeng, you are really the True Dragon of our Baili family. Not only the cultivation base, but also the True Dragon-like luck, This time is a bit hastily. Next time, I will let Tianxing come to this World retreat cultivation. In this World cultivation, if supplemented by some medicine, I am afraid that in 2 or 3 years, he really hopes to enter the War Grade and become our Baili. 1rd War Grade powerhouse. “


Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Changkong took a closer look at the all around environment, and turned around reluctantly when the Transmission Gate began to shrink.

This time he came too hastily. The overall situation of Thunderbolt Sect still needs him to host. If it really stays here for ten or nine days, the whole Thunderbolt Sect is probably going to mess up, so even if he wants to make this hole Heavenly Immortal Realm explored clearly, and time did not allow him to stay.

“Qingfeng, give you a task to figure out the nearby terrain and the distribution of wild beast. It is best to map it out.”

“Okay, no problem, I remember there is a wild beast similar to a kangaroo. It tastes delicious.”

Baili Qingfeng agreed happily.

“All the hopes of our Baili family are delivered to you.”

Baili Changkong said, I’m afraid I won’t be able to pass through Space Passage anymore. He just stepped on it and disappeared into the Transmission Gate.

After Baili Changkong left, all around suddenly quieted down.

Watching all around the empty and silent environment, Baili Qingfeng was suddenly not used to it.

He still prefers to enter this World as he did for the first time, and the enthusiastic people in the burrow immediately waved a few hundred thousand worth of Chenjin and delivered it to him.


This time obviously there is no such good opportunity. I don’t know if I can find another gathering place for cave people in ten nine days time.

“At this time, there are two and a half missions to the Crypt World. The first mission is to collect Chenjin, and it is best to have another 2 2 kg, so that the funds required by the World Peace Commission are really abundant. The second mission Is to collect the blood of the brave, the minimum standard is 1000 points, there is no upper limit, the remaining half of the task … “

Baili Qingfeng sensed the innate Fiendgod Zutz illusory shadow of his Spirit World: “Take the Grotto people to sharpen my Refining Spirit realm. My Refining Spirit realm has reached the 7th peak, and I will continue to practice step by step and accumulate half a year to try It should be able to break through with a shock, but … can you break through earlier? Why not be earlier? Perhaps the process will be a bit dangerous, but if the sky will fall to the people, you must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles, and starve their bodies. Skin, empty body … In order to be able to break through to the Refining Spirit 8 as soon as possible, in order to better shoulder the heavy task of destroying the three major tumors of Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, and Snow Mountain 6, A little tired, what is it? “

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng tightened his backpack tightly.

all around nobody?

Are you in an exotic place?


To be successful, you must have the determination to work hard.

Loneliness does not defeat him, but makes his heart more tenacious and stronger.

With this idea in mind, Baili Qingfeng step by step headed for the previous cave man tribe.

But he didn’t wait too far, and seemed to hear a whisper.


Baili Qingfeng pupil suddenly shrinks, next moment an acceleration, quickly rushed to the humble wall.

Outside the wall, there are more than 20 people in the cave …

Seems to be retreating?

Not a retreat.


Leave this area.

Due to the obstruction of the city wall, Baili Qingfeng had not previously seen these people immediately. Until now, a man wearing an armor was reprimanding a person, because he was too sensitive to make him feel.

“These cavemen are back? And, of these 20 cavemen, there are actually 4 warriors in armor? And 2 … singers?”

Baili Qingfeng looks forward with extreme hope.

Soon the 20 cavemen were clearly seen.

There are 20 people in the cave who appear to be polarized. 2 of them, 4 of them wear a gorgeous armor that can be seen at a glance, and protects a singer in the center. Whether they are Essence, Qi and Spirit or 3 The level of equipment is far better than the remaining 4 people.

At this moment a well-equipped Battle Armor Swordsman was reprimanding a singer dressed in a cloth robe and another cavernous warrior with a rough armor. It seemed that they were telling lies and letting the great singer run for nothing.

On the other side, 20 Grotto warriors followed the guard, looking a little frustrated.

Baili Qingfeng’s gaze stayed on those three Swordsman’s excellent Swordsman for a while, and suddenly thought something, these three …

It’s the shrine Swordsman.

The temple Swordsman, who possesses powerful fighting skills, is better than the cavemen warriors.

Although the remaining two singers are all cloth robes, the one in the middle protected by the temple Swordsman is more delicate than the one being reprimanded, just like the official singer and apprentice.

“Singer is in big trouble … Singer interferes and deprives me of my Refining Spirit realm advantage. Even if I inspire Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, it is at best equivalent to one temple Swordsman and one caveman warrior. If two temple Swordsman Together, I can only flee as far as I can, let alone the 2 temples in the field, Swordsman … ”

Baili Qingfeng squinted slightly.

To deal with this wave of cavemen, the singer must be killed first.

“Looking at them, it should be to go back to the Grotto people’s tribe … Then, I can go to the Grotto people’s tribe first, find a secret place in the Grotto people’s tribe to lurk and assassinate the Grotto singer … “

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he sensed the singer’s breath carefully.

The last time the assassination of the 10000 Liu Jianzong Sect Master failed, he has been in a state of regret. When he went back, he searched a lot of assassination techniques on the Internet. Right now, it just comes in handy.

It’s time to show the real assassination technique.

The cave people’s tribe is not far from here, only tens of kilometers. At this moment, Baili Qingfeng’s physique is obviously stronger than the first time he came to the cave people’s World. It doesn’t take much effort to run dozens of kilometers. .

Within two hours, the buildings of the Grotto tribe had faintly appeared in front of him.



There are already people in this cave people tribe.

Baili Qingfeng frowned.

Is this trouble?

Is it necessary to destroy all the cave people in this cave people tribe first, and provide an environment for hiding?

But that bloody smell will be very heavy, which will definitely make the temple Swordsman and the singer doubt, which he still has common sense.

“You can only start halfway.”

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, and soon his eyes fell on a small river outside the Grotto people’s tribe.

There is a wooden bridge over the river.

The person returning to the tribe must pass through the wooden bridge. He just needs to hide in the river and wait for the singer to pass and then assassinate …

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng didn’t even bother to stain his shoes and clothes in this way. Immediately came to the bridge and chose a good location to hide himself in the water.

He is a professional at the moment, and the lurking means must also be professional!

Assassination in the water is a very high-end operation, which is performed in the movie.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng waited patiently.

The temple Swordsman and the cave people seemed to have to consider the speed of the singer. They didn’t go fast. Baili Qingfeng waited for an hour, and when they were soaked in the water, there was a sound in the distance.

“Blacktooth, your Ironfang tribe is very disappointing to this Boss. How precious is that Boss time? You actually asked him to wait 3 hours for a false invasion channel. You should know how serious the problem is. I give you the Ironfang Tribe for 3 months and 3 months. You must prepare ten blood of the brave and send it to the Blood Wolf City Temple where the cloth is inhabited, otherwise, the Ironfang Tribe will not be necessary. “

“Sir … you 10000000, believe me … Our tribe is really badly damaged by the humans that came out of the invasion channel … resulting in heavy losses …”

“It’s still quibble. The humans in that World are very fragile. We can only block the pace of our bloodwolf warriors by relying on some fire-fighting equipment. Without those fire-fighting weapons, the most powerhouse of them will be beheaded by our temple Swordsman How could they defeat hundreds of people in a tribe with one person? “

“grown ups……”


“Near! Close!”

Baili Qingfeng’s own breath converged to the extreme, recalling the induction of that formal singer’s breath, soon …

He clearly understood where the other party was.

When the singer crossed the bridge under the protection of 2 temples Swordsman, Baili Qingfeng, who was hiding in the river, suddenly broke out.

A sword!

Out of the sheath!


Sword light Broken!

This sword is like a thunderbolt!

This sword is lightning fast!

Baili Qingfeng interpreted his assassination Sword Technique to vividly and thoroughly.

“Be careful!”

“There are assassins!”

The Grotto Singer and Swordsman have just had time to exclaim, and the sharp sword light will be tortured by the singer who is protected in the center …

Blood light 迸射.

“Excellent! Operation explosion! A perfect assassination!”


(There are only 3 chapters today.)

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