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“Do not!”

“Master Nabu!”

“Assassin …”

The 3 shrines Swordsman watched Baili Qingfeng assassinating the singer who burst into the water suddenly, each and everyone was frightened and angry!

Especially when they could see the assassins clearly, an unprecedented anger suddenly burst from their chests!

“En !? Human! Human assassin !? Dead!”

“Kill this human!”

“a debt of blood must be paid in blood !”

The 3 shrines Swordsman roared, and the sword carried on his body suddenly scabbed, and the sharp sword edge reflected a faint golden light across the air. It was obviously only a 3-handed sword, but the 3-handed sword was intertwined with an inescapable net, just like a golden light giant hood dropping from the sky, just like a towering mountain on Mount Tai, making it come to town.

Sword edge, sword light, and Sword Force are merged into one, so that Baili Qingfeng’s Sword Technique relies on speed and Strength’s ordinary person to evade and avoid it.


Baili Qingfeng, who was blocked by Hengjian, felt that it was not 3 swords that he was blocking, but 3 mountains!

Three towering giants with a weight of 3 tons, the kind of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood Strength that impacted his body turbulently, let him fall down on the spot and fell heavily on the wooden bridge !!


That unleashed strength penetrated the wooden bridge, which caused the wooden bridge to crack open on the spot. At a time, Baili Qingfeng’s figure fell again, and the momentum fell into the river, splashing a lot of water splashes.


“Human, damn it!”

Two of the remaining 3 Swordsman shouted without the slightest hesitation, roaring down from the wooden bridge and plunging into the river.

The body of that dropping from the sky carries a towering mountain of horror. When they fall, it looks like not a person, but a shooting star!

A meteor of destruction enough to bring about species extinction!

“pu pass!”

Baili Qingfeng side The surface of the water seemed to be detonated by a mine, and a large number of water splashes into the void.

And when the water splashes, his body looks like he was driven into the soil and nailed into the river.

“No, the Swordsman Strength of these temples is too strong, and they stand against each other against Strength, simply because they are short and hitting each other! If you use the saying in online games, add Strength all, and you are used to using the Tomahawk to attack the enemy. The cavemen are equivalent to Berserkers, but Strength is weak, but I am an Assassin. Let the Assassin and Berserker be stronger than Strength, is n’t it courting death? I have to change my tactics … especially if an Assassin is about to be killed by 3 Surrounded by two Berserkers! “

Baili Qingfeng flashed this idea in his mind. Seeing that the two temples Swordsman were about to form an encirclement, he was in a straight shape, and immediately emerged from the river, and flew up the river.

“Want to escape !? Die!”

Another temple on the shore, Swordsman, was obviously to prevent this moment. When he realized that Baili Qingfeng wanted to go ashore, he shouted and cut out with a sword!

It was only a sword that was cut out, but the Strength contained in it was tearing the void, and the fierce friction between the word edge and the air formed bursts of air. At the same time, there was majestic wind pressure, even if Baili Qingfeng could avoid this The sharp edge of a sword and the wind pressure contained in the sword are enough to recapture him into the river and fall into the encirclement of the other 2 temples, Swordsman.

At the critical moment, the innate Fiendgod Zuz was conceived by him from Spirit World.

Just like the ancient god Zuzhun was carrying a mighty thunderbolt on his body. At the moment of appearance, lightning and lightning had already begun to converge in his hands, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a scepter to transcend time and space, equivalent to thinking. Speed, fiercely smashed into the Spirit World of this temple Swordsman!

“hong long long !”

The Swordsman spirit of the temple shook the quake, and the huge sword swept away, and the sword edge that was cut down had only instinct.


Sword light Broken!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Baili Qingfeng’s non-slaying sword is like a lightning that tears the void, and bursts the sword edge of the temple Swordsman against it, and pierces straight forward, aiming at the temple Swordsman, which is not protected by armor. Facial assault.

However, the sword edge cut off by Baili Qingfeng against the temple Swordsman had already made the temple Swordsman deterred by the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, and then faced with the sword he followed immediately, the stimulation of life and death instinct made him instantly Struggling from the blow of Thunder Scepter, at the moment when this sword was about to penetrate his skull, the skull suddenly went off at the crucial moment …


The fire is shining!

The sword edge that did not kill the sword passed the Swordsman’s helmet in the temple, and the two rubbed to form a sparkling spark, which fell into the air.

The stigma and fierceness that almost died under the sword of Baili Qingfeng also made the temple Swordsman thunderbolt anger, accompanied by angry roar, his left hand suddenly blasted to Baili Qingfeng near him, fist strength shocked, really To be smashed by his fist, with the strength of the Caveman Strength, even if Baili Qingfeng trains God and Demon Purgatory Physique with enhanced defense, he will be killed in half a life.

“Primordial Qi Technique!”

At the critical moment, the vitality of Baili Qingfeng within the body erupted, avoiding the shape of the body, and at the same time, the whole person, like the leaf duckweed, pulled out the two with the help of the Swordsman fist strength of the temple. Distance, then …


The assassin’s essence is that it won’t hit 1000 miles away!

At the moment he has completed the assassination, and it is still a perfect assassination with a set of lurking and attacking. Doesn’t he run in the encirclement of the enemy and 3 temples Swordsman, a caveman, and more than 20 cavemen? The soldier died?

He’s not a brutal warrior who doesn’t have a mind but only uses brute force!

“Block him!”

The shrine Swordsman immediately clearly understood Baili Qingfeng’s intentions, and roared in his mouth.

Instead of requiring him to order, the 2 Grotto Warriors have daredly greeted him, keeping the tomahawk in their hands in close cooperation, one up and one down, aiming at his body and cutting down.

“En !? Temple Swordsman can hold my Refining Spirit Secret Technique, how can you two cavemen warriors do?”

Baili Qingfeng expression cold, the innate Fiendgod Zuz ’s illusory shadow once again jumped out from behind him, as if walking from reality into reality, hitting two cavemen warriors, even if he did not perform the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter , Still deterred them in their place, as if facing the deity directly, being beaten by the infinite Divine Power emanating from the deities.


Sword light flashed.

Baili Qingfeng’s figure flew over the side of the two cavemen warriors, taking away a cluster of blood light, with no difficulty tore the encirclement of people who have not yet formed in these caves, and quickly left.

“Chasing! Chasing! This man assassinated the cloth man and couldn’t kill him. Don’t all of us want to explain to the temple!”

“Master Garu, this human being has mastery of magic, our warrior …”

The sacrifice apprentice named Blacktooth seemed to want to intercede for the warriors of their tribe, but without saying a word, he had been kicked to the ground by Swordsman, a temple named Garu: “For your Ironfang tribe, the temple has been Lost 2 sacrificed adults and committed such major sins. It is more than enough for the temple to even uproot your Ironfang tribe. If your ironfang tribe cannot seize the humanity for redemption, only your ironfang tribe will die. ! “

Black teeth in ones heart trembled.

The Ironfang tribe really can deal with this human need to use the Temple’s Strength?

He had long heard about the greed and brutality of the people in the temple, but out of respect for the Great Great Divinity, he still had a beautiful fantasy in his heart, but at this moment, the fantasy was finally broken, and his ignorance attracted the intervention of the temple forces , It is likely to cause the entire Ironfang tribe to become history.

“Call everyone in Ironfang and chase!”

Garu scolded him, but he stayed with the other two temples, Swordsman, and never dared to leave.

The cave man possessed civilization, possessed words, and naturally possessed extraordinary living wisdom. He had already seen it. Although this human being who possessed powerful sorcery was weak, he could fight on his own without paying attention, and he fell into Dangerous, and to ensure safety, their 3 shrines Swordsman must never act alone.


Baili Qingfeng is running wild.

As he ran, he was still remembering the bits and pieces of the perfect assassination just now, the kind of patient lurking waiting for the prey, the moment the prey appeared, assassinate it in one fell swoop, and then watched all around everyone shocked and angry, but they took him Nothing looks like …

It’s really exciting!

“This is the true way of Assassins! If the Assassin profession has experience, then after my painstaking study and practice, I should have been promoted to Grandmaster Rank Assassin from the previous professional-level Assassin … but, not yet When I’m proud, there are Grandmaster-level assassins, True Immortal-level assassins … there is a long way to go, and I have to accumulate a little more professional experience … No way, I only have one year of Martial Practice. The combat experience is extremely shallow, facing For these powerful enemies, head-to-head confrontation is impossible. They cannot confront head-to-head for a lifetime. Without their skill and experience, their martial skills can only be ambushes and assassinations. “

Baili Qingfeng has always been very precise about his positioning and he is very cautious.

He glanced behind him …

The Grotto Warrior is chasing him, but I do n’t know why, these Grotto Warriors faintly give him a kind of cowering, without a soul feeling, unlike the heroic fearless of those Grotto Warriors he encountered at first. Baili Qingfeng couldn’t even attract much interest to counter them.


His interests were all attracted by the 3 shrines Swordsman.

They are so mighty, so powerful, so fierce, they wear high-grade armor, hold high-grade war swords, they also master the Peak Sword Technique, cultivation out the mighty Sword Force …

Only the assassination of this kind of powerhouse is right for his Grandmaster Rank assassin’s personal shot!

At that moment, Baili Qingfeng was running wildly, and after leaving the cavemen warriors for a moment, his eyes quickly fell to a lush vegetation area.

“A sudden assault from the water is an assassination, and a sudden jump from a tree is an assassination! The second assassination site is here!”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes brightened.

I left some traces on purpose, and then hid directly in a tree, and made some camouflage with leaves very professionally.

Soon, a squad of ten cavemen soldiers chased the woods.

I don’t know if it’s Baili Qingfeng’s illusion. Captain of the cavemen warrior seems to have glanced into his hiding place, but his next words prove that he should not see his camouflage.

“The enemy should have escaped into the woods. Let’s search ahead.”

While speaking, this caveman Captain and his team members hurriedly left the trees in Baili Qingfeng’s hiding place and went deep into the woods.

During the entire process, Baili Qingfeng held his breath, and the atmosphere didn’t dare to breathe, vividly and thoroughly of the assassin’s forbearance.

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