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According to the study of the cave people by the Great Peak of Humanity, the cave people’s civilization is at the top of the pyramid.

The internal structure of the temple is composed of sacrifice, high Priest and other priesthoods, and temples Swordsman and temple Knight and other violence force institutions. These two occupations are like one civil and one military in the temple. campaign.

However, due to the sacrifice mastering all kinds of extraordinary strength and spirit, the Swordsman is often dominated by the sacrifice in the temple.

At any sacrifice, depending on the level of identity, there will be more than one temple Swordsman close guard. Some temples in important positions worship the temples around them.

If the sacrifice encounters a dangerous death, each of the temples responsible for protection, Swordsman, will be held accountable, and those with serious malfeasance will be killed on the spot.

In this case, the three shrines Swordsman spared no effort in hunting down Baili Qingfeng, an assassin.

Although the three men did not dare to easily separate, and the terrain was not familiar, making their pursuit a little more difficult, but they also followed after the vanguard had left less than ten breaths.

Three shrines Swordsman, with sacrificed apprentice Blacktooth and a caveman warrior, one after the other strode forward.

But as soon as he passed the woods, one of the temples, Swordsman, was lightly paused, and even pulled the temple in front of him, Swordsman, which is going to follow the inertia: “Gray, the terrain here is a bit complicated, be careful …”

“Hongyan, you are too timid. The human Strength is weak. It is nothing but relying on the belief in Evil God. Evil God has given him a magic that’s all. There are 3 of us here, and he will not dare to come to 100 of them. Get our idea! “

That shrine Swordsman disdain.

However, Swordsman from another temple whispered: “The person in the Iron Tooth Department just searched over from here. There should be no problem. We should catch up as soon as possible and don’t be thrown away by that human because our unfavorable guards cause The death of Lord Bo is already a felony. If the murderer who killed that Lord is not yet able to be caught and hold his head to confess his sins, we will wait to be put into the fearless battalion and lead the team to attack the fiery steel monster in the golden land. Right. “

There was a shudder on the face of the Grey Swordsman in the temple. Apparently, they had suffered heavy losses when they attacked the front formed by the steel monsters, but he refused to lose face. Surrounded by the steel monster, the fragile human flesh has everything, their flesh and bones are loose and soft, much more delicious than wild beast meat. “

While speaking, his movement was not slow. He strode through the woods and chased Baili Qingfeng.

As for not catching up?


Humans may run fast for a while, but their physical strength simply cannot match their powerful temple Swordsman.


“I’m coming!”

Baili Qingfeng hid in the tree, motionless.

In my mind, I kept meditating: “I am a tree, I am a big tree standing in the wind and rain …”

Under this Strength, he seems to have really touched the unity of people and trees. Trees are people and people are the realm of the tree. His own breath is completely integrated into this big tree, so that the 3 walking below The temple Swordsman didn’t notice any abnormality on the tree.

Just as Swordsman, the last shrine, was about to walk past him, patience lurked like Baili Qingfeng, the Grandmaster Rank assassin.

Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique mysterious form!


The mighty power was instantly detonated from within the body 10000 energy cells, and the powerful power turned into a violent surging flooded the body.

Almost at the same time as inspiring Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, his body has been slammed down from the tree.


The non-slaying sword in your hand is like lightning, flying across the sky …


Extremely fast!

The thousand hammers, hundred refinements of the thorny sword shined unprecedentedly in Baili Qingfeng’s hands. At an incredible speed, he was assassinated. The last temple, Swordsman, had just noticed a difference in his head. , Suddenly looked up, that sword light has penetrated directly, without any lag …


blood light


Baili Qingfeng shouted in excitement.


“Stone Hammer!”

The reaction of the two temples Swordsman was not uncomfortable. The moment when Baili Qingfeng assassinated the temple Swordsman, unprecedented anger erupted on the two people, almost blowing their chests: “Humans! You dare to appear in front of us! Let me die! “


Magnificent potential!

Mount Tai’s potential!

The potential of destroying heaven extinguishing earth!

These 2 shrines Swordsman do not know in any way how to master the powerful Sword Force of any martial artist that Baili Qingfeng has contacted …

In other words, it is as if the Body Refining stream cultivation system is summarized by humans by learning the cave man to repair the Body Refining system, Sword Force …

It is also a human martial artist who learned from this World.

Two temples Swordsman slaughtered, Sword Force seemed to form a Formation, a Heaven and Earth cage.

Contained in the sword, Sword Force is aimed at the human body, human body Essence and Qi, and human spirit, and he is completely suppressed from the inside out.

This suppression is vague …

Let Baili Qingfeng think of resonance!

Resonance of sound waves!

But the temple Swordsman relies on his own Essence, Qi and Spirit to resonate with him on Essence, Qi and Spirit, making his own potential far superior to his potential of Baili Qingfeng.

In other words, the 2 temples Swordsman inspired the strong magnetic field of life through the “Force” method, suppressing his magnetic field of life, and trapped him, weakened Essence, Qi and Spirit Inevitable, there is nothing to hide.

Unless Baili Qingfeng’s life magnetic field can be stronger than these two temples Swordsman, or the technical use of “Force” is higher, in frontal confrontation, he never wants to defeat two people.

“Superb Sword Technique! This Sword Technique … skill close to Dao!”

Baili Qingfeng sighed sincerely.

His Essence, Qi and Spirit inspired by Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is actually no weaker than any of the 2 temple Swordsman, but …

He won’t use it.

Not to mention such high-end things as Sword Force, even Sword Technique, he will only have a basic set of Sword Art. In this case, even if his life magnetic field composed of Essence, Qi and Spirit is not inferior to the temple Swordsman, what can there be? effect?

Since the magnetic field of life cannot be used …

“hong long long !”

The innate Fiendgod Zuz came out of his spirit World in an instant, and suddenly rose into the sky, manifesting the world, the thunderbolt of lightning engulfed in him, sweeping and turbulent, sweeping the Heaven and Earth like prison. Sword Force crushed in one fell swoop.

Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter condenses on God and Demon Zuz’s hand, and hits the shrine Swordsman grayer fiercely at the next moment.

At the same time, Baili Qingfeng within the body Primordial Qi Technique inspired, and the ground on which the foot stood was shaken fiercely and collapsed half a foot.

And with the help of this Person and Sword Unite of Strength, the sword edge of the sword that did not kill the sword stabbed lightning, killing Swordsman Hongyan to the temple.

When the two sword edge collided, his chest slightly contracted, and a deafening growl was issued at the next moment.


Thunderclap Pulse!

The temple Swordsman Hongyan, who was approaching Baili Qingfeng, stunned, seemed to get instant interference, but only a moment later he was awakened. The sword in his hand intercepted Baili Qingfeng’s non-killer sword at an incredible speed. Block his attack completely!

2 The swords intersect, the fire is shining!

Baili Qingfeng forced Hongyan to turn into a defender without the slightest heart to fight again without a slightest hesitation.

What is Assassin’s Core?

One shot won’t hit you 1000 miles!

As a Grandmaster Rank assassin, Baili Qingfeng has already mastered this essence to the extreme!


“You must not let him run away! He has escaped so long, I don’t believe how much energy he has!”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng retreating, Swordsman, the Great Temple of Huijia and Hongyan 2, has no previous leisure.

In front of this human being, although the Strength is weak, the speed is amazing, coupled with Mastery’s magic, good at latent attack, sneak attack, Master Bo and their companion Stone Hammer were assassinated to death by him. If he ca n’t show him when he shows up, Hunted to death, and once he escaped from their sight, he ambush again …

It will be them who die!

“Human, if you are really a master, just stop and fight against us dignified!”

The 2 shrines Swordsman roared and followed.

“I’ve only been in Martial Practice for a year. I’m a new Martial Dao and I can’t be called a master.”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t look back and continued to run wild.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s oil and salt not coming in, the 2 Great Temple Swordsman gritted his teeth and burned in anger.

“Adult … this human … as if it were a mutant individual, endurance terrifying, if you chase … we can’t run this human … 2 adults in the temple should not run …”

Seeing the men and women chasing after each other, the caveman warrior quickly gathered in front of the sacrifice apprentice Blacktooth, full of worriedly said.

“Let’s go back!”

Black-tooth said solemnly.

“go back?”

“Three Temple Swordsman are dead, and the remaining 3 Temple Swordsman can’t run that human again, this scene … don’t you feel familiar?”

The expression on the black tooth face was a bit painful.

The Grotto Warriors suddenly thought of the nightmare they encountered in the Ironfang tribe a few months ago, opened their mouths, and took a while to say, “What can we do if we go back?”

“Move it.”

Blacktooth’s face was a bit of perseverance: “Only to move, leave here first, take refuge in a big tribe, and then use this news to exchange the big tribe resources for our foothold …”

“The two shrines, Lord Swordsman and the shrine …”

“I don’t think they can come back alive. As for the temple … we don’t go to Blood Wolf City … find a place to hide, as long as the information we provide is true, there will be tribes willing to keep us.”

Black teeth.

The wise man has always been a tribal wisdom Core, the weight is not under patriarch at all.

The Grotto Warrior saw that the Blacktooth Wise Man had made a decision, no longer hesitated, and quickly summoned all around to search for the Grotto Warrior in Baili Qingfeng, and headed towards the tribe at the fastest speed.

Anyway, there are only more than 100 people left in their tribe, and it doesn’t take much effort to really move.

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