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Swordsman gasping for breath was hunted down by 2 shrines behind Baili Qingfeng.

They are not without confrontation with the powerhouse of human beings, but unless there are human masters who are stronger than them, no one can be as strong as this.

They can’t figure out how long they have run.

One hour? An hour and a half? Or 2 hours?

This pursuit is not a marathon race that is harmonious and friendly for everyone. In order to keep up with the assassination of human assassins, they and everyone can do their utmost to run wildly.

But now, their 2 individual strength has consumed almost, and that human …

It seems that there is still a little bit before falling down …

It seems as long as they can bite their teeth again, they can exhaust his last point of physical strength, so as to catch up with him, completely kill him, and carry his head to the temple to lead the sin.

“Grey … Grey … I … we can’t chase anymore …”

Hongyan was breathing heavily, wishing to lie down on the ground without moving.

“It’s almost … it’s almost … this … this human being can’t sustain it anymore, I don’t believe human beings can physically outperform our burrow people …”

Grey’s face was full of perseverance, clenching his teeth.

“You said that an hour ago … but now … he hasn’t fallen …”

“That’s because his will is amazing … the will of our cavemen is absolutely … will never be lost to humans!”

“10000 one … 10000 one he is disguised …”


Grey-eyed looked at Baili Qingfeng’s tiredness that seemed to fall down at any moment, and a little fear came out of his heart for no reason: “No … impossible …”

“Slow down … rejuvenate … I … we have to prevent this …”

Hongyan panted.

“It’s all up to this step …”

Greys were unwilling.


The human performance in front of me is indeed a bit weird, but everything is really designed by this human …

Now, Grey’s speed slowed down.


Swordsman speed of 2 shrines was slow and Baili Qingfeng felt something.

Immediately he stopped running.


Wiping the sweat that he took out with great effort, he straightened the body that seemed too tired to stretch his waist straight, turned around, and stared at the two temples Swordsman.

Seeing this scene, the 2 shrines Swordsman suddenly became cold.


The so-called physical weakness of human beings seems to be almost caught up by them, which is really disguise! ?

Aren’t you an assassin?

Do your attributes point to physical strength?

An assassin has better physical strength than a Berserker?

“Sure enough, although you cavemen have amazing Strength, you still ca n’t match our humans when it comes to speed and physical strength. I have to write this down and compile it into a volume of precautions to fight with cavemen. To deal with your cavemen, but we humans can use this method to consume you. “

Baili Qingfeng smiled.

The two shrines Swordsman looked at each other with a certain determination on their faces.


As this human said, the speed of the cave people is not as good as humans, so …

Kill this human, the crisis naturally disintegrates!

At the moment, the two temples Swordsman no longer spoke, staring at Baili Qingfeng indifferently, seizing every minute to restore physical strength.

Seeing this, Baili Qingfeng no longer wastes time. Immediately conceives the innate Fiendgod Zuz. The strong Thunder Strength is constantly brewing in this Fiendgod. The Refining Spirit Secret Technique is also accompanied by cohesion.

However, Baili Qingfeng, who condensed Thunder Scepter, did not take an immediate shot. Instead, he continued to accumulate power. There is a tendency to transform Thunder Scepter’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique into a super Thunder Scepter, which will knock people to death.

“Can’t let him go!”


The shouting shout of the shrine grey garner, struggling to fight against Baili Qingfeng! The other temple, Swordsman Hongyan, did not know what secret method was used, his face became a blood red, and it seemed to be holding some secret technique.

No one comes first.

The heavy potential brought by the sword edge slash and the tragic trend that never returned during the charge completely covered and suppressed Baili Qingfeng’s figure, and it was intended to perish with him, burn both jade and stone!

“hong long long !”

thunderbolt is empty!

In the hands of Baili Qingfeng, the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter, which gave birth to the ultimate, scratched the void, illuminating the void, and instantly shattered the thinking of the gray ashes, and the brain was blanked by strikes!

Even though Grey and the others are extremely resistant to the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, this enhanced version of Thunder Scepter is still enough to deter them from breathing for half.


Sword light Broken!

While Thunder Scepter smashed, Baili Qingfeng assassinated without skill in the hands of the sword.

Be like Thunder!

Fast as lightning!


When his sword was killed in front of Huijia, the blood-stained temple Swordsman Hongyan broke out violently and charged at full speed. When he killed Baili Qingfeng’s side, he was spit a mouthful. of blood!

Yes, blood!

Spit blood if you can’t win!

This kind of operation made Baili Qingfeng, who had intended to fight a sword stabbed by Hongyan, also kill Grey Jia, but dare not care.

Stabbing with a sword, he can still see the injury, but this skill of vomiting blood without a word …

He is really hard to resist.

Baili Qingfeng’s body flickers, avoiding the blood light that spit out, but the movement in his hand is not slow. At the time of the body’s retreat, the non-killer sword in his hand suddenly slams out, like a tear. Cold light in the fissure, pierced through the gray skull of the super-thunder Scepter.


blood light

Do not kill the sword half of the sword body submerged in it.

However, with Baili Qingfeng’s sword-throwing and killing, the efficiency of avoiding blood splashing will naturally be worse. Although most of the blood was successfully avoided by him, some blood was still contaminated by his body …

“si si !”

Bloody, Baili Qingfeng’s clothes seemed to have been corroded with sulfuric acid.

After corroding his clothes, the blood was permeating along his pores into his within the body like life, like a cluster of fire, causing his blood to boil, and most of the blood in the body ignited him. burn to ashes!

Without waiting for Baili Qingfeng to take the time to run Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3, so as to differentiate and disintegrate the blood that has penetrated within the body, the red rock running the mystery followed the culling, and it was not afraid of death, and Taking the time to spit out mouth spurt blood, forcing Baili Qingfeng to retreat …

And the movement of the body will naturally accelerate the blood movement within the body. The feeling of the blood as if it is burning seems to have become real. He can clearly feel that his body temperature is rising sharply.

“Can’t you touch his blood!”

Baili Qingfeng expression


“hong long long !”

The innate Fiendgod Zulz’s illusory shadow manifested again from behind Baili Qingfeng, grabbed one’s hand, and a large number of thunderbolt lightning shot out. Among the bright white lightning, a Thunder Scepter was condensed by him. Looking down at the red rock strikes.

Since you can’t touch the blood …

I will not give you the chance to vomit blood!

Hongyan’s heart was fiercely, and his mind seemed to be torn apart!

However, his strong will and desire to survive have made him struck by the Refining Spirit Secret Technique for a moment, struggling to survive.

At the moment he was struggling, Baili Qingfeng’s fist strength was already aimed at his skull strikes with the wind pressure of assaults the senses.

In the face of this fist, Hongyan actually didn’t dodge obviously, instead …

Back, head!

Relying on wearing a helmet and a mallet, fiercely smashed at the fist strength blasted by Baili Qingfeng.


skeleton is broken!

The right hand of Baili Qingfeng was smashed by the flesh on the spot, and Yin Hong’s blood spilled freely.

And Hongyan …

It’s just as bad.

Even though there is a helmet to counteract the fist strength of Baili Qingfeng, there is an interaction between Keli and his head. There is also a dizziness in his head, and the red blood splashes from his forehead, making him look very shy.

“Human, I don’t believe you can carry the Strength from the Great True God! Worship the blooddivine technique! Burn!”

The dizzy shrine Swordsman roared frantically, and the redness of his body seemed to have reached the extreme, and the whole person liked a grilled red prawn.

And as he inspired this blood worship divine technique to the extreme, the blood burning sensation of Baili Qingfeng within the body became more obvious. The blood no longer seemed to be blood, but turned into a fiery fire. Exhausted fire was completely burned.

This weird means …

Beyond Baili Qingfeng’s understanding!

“I don’t believe you don’t have to pay any price for this blood-divine technique!”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes were shining.

“hong long long !”

Innate Fiendgod Zuz’s illusory shadow appeared again, Thunder Scepter condensed, and strikes down again.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng did not attack again.

His Refining Spirit Secret Technique can only cause a bit of shock to Hongyan. When he attacks, the opponent has already struggled from his Refining Spirit Secret Technique. With the power of the Battle Armor, he only needs to avoid lethality. The key is to save his life under his fist.

Since he can’t kill him for a short time, then …

When Hongyan was deterred by his Refining Spirit Secret Technique, a new round of thunderbolt once again condensed in the hands of innate Fiendgod Zuz. When Red Rock was struggling, he struck again.

“hong long long !”

The deafening roar kept blasting in Spirit World.

3rd Strike, 4th Strike, 5th Strike …

After being deterred by the Refining Spirit Secret Technique and unable to inspire blood worship, Hongyan finally panicked.

“No! No! Stop!”

But Baili Qingfeng ignored it, and Refining Spirit Secret Technique continued to smash without half a stagnation.

6rd, 7th, 8th …

When Baili Qingfeng relied on continuously’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique to frighten Hongyan for a breath, the blood on his body became more and more intense. By the second breath, he was already bleeding from his body, and by the third breath …

The shape of Hongyan is like a funnel, and there is a blood mist around it …

There is no need for Baili Qingfeng to take out the 9th Refining Spirit Secret Technique, and the inexhaustible divine technique has already exploded his entire life.

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