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dragon’s blood fruit.

The main material of the blood of the brave, dragon’s blood.

Dragons in this World belong to the Legendary lifeform with amazing battle strength, but because they are treasures and delicious meat, they are often hunted by the Peak powerhouse, so that they are almost extinct now. Dragon Beast is currently active in the World.

Dragon Beasts are Peak beasts that have inherited Dragon Bloodline. The moment they inspire Bloodline, they will enter the ranks of Fierce Beast. They have extremely powerful battle strength. Even the existence of the Temple Swordsman level is not easy to hunt. Thing.

Several temples Swordsman teamed up, or sent a wolf Knight team to hunt down Dragon Beast, and then continuously drenched and fertilized with Dragon Beast blood to cultivate the dragon’s blood tree. The growth of a dragon’s blood tree often requires several Dragon Beasts. There are less than ten dragon’s blood fruits that can be produced.

Relying on dragon’s blood and neutralizing some beast blood and medicinal materials, a blood of a brave can be made.

And in front of you…

There are 40 3 dragon’s blood fruits in front of Baili Qingfeng.

“It seems that I came at the right time. This blood-bone tribe is not as good as the Ironfang tribe. It is impossible to support a team of 3 wolves, Knight. But this team of wolves, Knight, is here. The eight-nine is for these dragon’s blood fruits … Maybe, this blood bone tribe is rooted for the so-called Blood Wolf city? Right now, the dragon’s blood fruit is about to mature, and Blood Wolf sent a wolf Knight to protect him Dragon’s blood fruit, on the one hand, after the blood bone tribe picks up all the dragon’s blood fruit, then take these dragon’s blood fruit back to the city? “

Baili Qingfeng pondered for a moment, he felt that there was a possibility that eight-nine had touched the truth of the matter.

“So, in other words, there are ten eight-nine and a dragon’s blood fruit plantation nearby …”

With this idea in mind, Baili Qingfeng directly packed these dragon’s blood fruits that looked a bit like tomatoes, and then turned around in this small tribe.

If this tribe is specifically responsible for planting dragon’s blood fruit, then they will often go to dragon’s blood orchard to check. If they walk for a long time, they will naturally go out of their way …

After judging for a moment, Baili Qingfeng quickly walked out of the city along the road, and after walking less than 300 metres, came to a bush.

The shrubs on the periphery of the bushes are very messy and mixed, but the marks on the ground that were trampled by the cavemen are the best signs. After walking through this shrub, it was less than 20 meters. Nine dragon’s blood trees are scattered on the ground in front of Baili Qingfeng.

The dragon’s blood tree is a small tree less than 2 meters high, except for some dark infrared branches and ordinary plants not at all. What ’s unusual is that the six leaves of the nine dragon’s blood trees in front of it look a little yellow and bear. The dragon’s blood fruit was also picked, which should be the 9 6 trees that were packed into a backpack by Baili Qingfeng.

There are 3 dragon’s blood fruits hanging on the 25 dragon’s blood trees, it just looks like …

Never cooked through.

“Unfortunately, I ca n’t wait for the dragon’s blood to mature in this tribe. This tribe is obviously a small tribe planted specifically for Blood Wolf City. After the escaped cavemen warriors spread the news to Blood Wolf City, Blood Wolf City The army is bound to come out, and then … “

Baili Qingfeng thinks of Wolf Knights’ description of the power of Blood Wolf City …

Hundreds of thousands of people in the cave!

Founding power!

Even sending only 10% to deal with him can bring together an army of 10000 people.

10000 people …

He can only kill 100 at a time. It takes an hour to kill 100 …

It takes 10000 hours to kill enough 100!

That’s more than 4 full days of endless bloody battles!

Think about it all terrifying!

No win, no win.

At least he has to wait until he reaches martial artist Level 9 and can kill 1000 Crypts at a time before confronting Blood Wolf.

With a strong fear of Blood Wolf City, Baili Qingfeng picked up all the dragon’s blood fruits, regardless of whether they were ripe or not.

After picking the dragon’s blood, he returned to the tribe again, little by little collected the spoils of war.

This battle was divided into two parts: the ten wolf knights and the bloodbone tribe. The front was too chaotic and too long, which caused a lot of trouble for Baili Qingfeng to count the spoils of war. The jins from many cave people were collected.

The number of burrowers he beheaded from the city to the outside adds up to less than 400. The gold from these burrowers is around 1400 kg, but the 3 wolf Knights provided him with 400 kg of gold. The sum of the two has reached the number of 2.

These Chen Jins plus several temple Swordsman …

Although it did not reach the nearly 2 tons of the last time, it is not much worse.

For this figure, Baili Qingfeng seems quite satisfied.

It is a little far away from the Transmission Gate. It is not easy to transport things over 1800 kg. Baili Qingfeng is Wargod, but in this high gravity environment, it can only move 4 500 kg at a time.

“It’s not easy to make money.”

Baili Qingfeng wiped the sweat on his face, and looked at a wooden cart built by him on the spot, and sincerely felt that the working people’s life was difficult.


When Baili Qingfeng managed to build a wooden board car to classify Chen Jin, a roar came.

“There is meat to eat.”

Hearing the screams, Baili Qingfeng was a little excited. Immediately holding the non-killer sword, he walked towards the city wall.

But after walking for a while, his figure stopped.

There was too much roaring.

The night in the Crypt World is particularly dark, but even without vision, Baili Qingfeng can sense a little, and at least 100 beasts have come outside.

These fierce beasts were attracted by the bloody smell from the corpses of the cavemen. They were tempted from time to time during the day. At night, they slammed into the city at night, and the number was more than Baili Qingfeng imagined.

Feeling more and more all around wild beast, Baili Qingfeng gave up the futile beheading, and found a place to hide, relying on the Refining Spirit realm to reduce his own blood and blood fluctuations, simply came out of sight and upset.

A hurried night passed quickly.

2nd day Baili Qingfeng came out of his hiding place and glanced around the city, and suddenly found that this humble city became a mess, not only can you see a lot of animal traces, but also added a lot of blood. Obviously, I came yesterday There are more than one beast in this city. As for the purpose of these beasts …

You can guess one or two by looking at the cleaned corpse people in the city.

“In the past, although I would encounter wild beast every night, it was not many in number, just a few dozen … I was attracted by the bloody smell last night … I am afraid that there are no less than 1000 heads …”

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

This World night is more dangerous than he thought.

For a while, Baili Qingfeng didn’t dare to delay, he put a lot of Chenjin on the wooden board, and pulled this simple wooden board and left.

There is a wooden board truck. Baili Qingfeng, who could only carry 4 500 kg Chenjin at one time, doubled his delivery volume, and was bound to be besieged by the Blood Wolf City. He took these Chenjin for half a day. After traveling for more than 100 kilometers, I found a secret place to drop Chen Jin and then returned to drag the second trolley Chen Jin.

Throughout the day, he spent this hard-working, hard-working work atmosphere.

Tieya Tribe is about 300 kilometers away from Bloodbone Tribe, and 300 kilometers away from Transmission Gate 40. Baili Qingfeng is dragging a scooter. Natural efficiency is not fast. It took him 5 days to tow back to Transmission. Gate.

Then began to drag the second car Chen Jin.

On the way to drag Chen Jin back to the Transmission Gate, he encountered 2 waves of cavemen who came to hunt him down. The first team was a team of eleven wolf Knights. Unfortunately, this team was not as elite as before. The ten-three wolf Knight team was directly controlled by Baili Qingfeng, and then killed after one after another. There was not even a wolf Knight who could successfully escape.

Sending such a wolf riding team that is worse than the previous one to chase and kill himself, Baili Qingfeng said that he completely did not understand what the Blood Wolf City governors were thinking.

The second squad was a bit sharp.

The half-wolf Knight squad is responsible for the raid, and an elite 100-person cavemen warrior square is responsible for the siege.

This battle, the real murky heavens dark earth, Sun and Moon lost radiance, blood flowing into a river, corpses everywhere across the field …

In the end, Baili Qingfeng relied on his extraordinary standing and unyielding will, and finally killed all the hunters with a hunger of 100 regrets. He was also killed by 6 of the wolves that had been hanging far away. Four were left by assassination and raid.

Since these two waves of followers, Blood Wolf City has never sent anyone. After 2 days, he returned smoothly to the Transmission Gate.

At this time, the amount of Chen Jin on his scooter has increased from the previous 1800 kg to nearly 3000 kg.

The 100-person pursuit team sent by Blood Wolf City provided 1000 kg of Chenjin.


Baili Qingfeng knocked down Chen Jin of the second scooter in that Colosseum-like building, and watching these mountain-like Chen Jin accumulates the hardship and sweat of his fifteen-day journey into the World of Crypts A sense of accomplishment sprang up.

“Sure enough, labor is the most glorious, relying on my own hands, hard work, little by little to collect the chenjin, and not far away 1000 miles, to transport these chenjin from the bloodbone tribe to the transfer point, although it was a bit bitter and tired , But … I feel a heartfelt satisfaction, which is a fulfillment from the heart. “

Baili Qingfeng had a faint smile on his face.

Tired for half a month, he planned to take a good rest for a few days in the next 4 days. Now he put his backpack and took out a book from it.

With the lesson of doing nothing most of the time last time, Baili Qingfeng brought a physics book with great cleverness this time.

He took a leave for ten or nine days, and the course would definitely fall. While completing the task of the Cavemen World team in advance, he turned over and looked at the textbooks, so as not to go to school to keep up with the learning progress of the classmates. Already.

A flash, 4 days passed …

The day when the Transmission Gate opens.

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