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A wave of spatial ripples spread without any new ideas.

But when the Transmission Gate was completely opened, Baili Qingfeng faintly discovered a problem.

This Transmission Gate was not only delayed by 4 hours, but the size of the Transmission Gate did not increase.

Not only did it not grow, but it was slightly smaller, from the previous diameter of 2 meters to a size of 2 meters.

This change surprised him.

“This Transmission Gate … isn’t it going to lifespan?”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised: “Isn’t it that a Transmission Gate lifespan can often persist for more than ten years or decades? It is estimated from the growth speed of this Transmission Gate … It should be less than 2 years since its formation, if it starts to collapse now … the most Also insist on it for another 2 years. In other words, the Lifespan of the Transmission Gate is only 4 years? Is this the Transmission Gate with the shortest lifespan? “

Baili Qingfeng stared at the Transmission Gate for a moment, seeing that the Transmission Gate had stabilized, he was dragging a bundle of Chen Jin at the moment, and he must hurry to lose time in the Transmission Gate.

At this time, the Silhouette in the Transmission Gate flashed, and Baili Changkong actually shuttled from the Transmission Gate.

At the same time, there is Baili Skywalk.

Just compared to Baili Changkong, with the previous experience, he quickly controlled his body balance. Baili Tianxing was lying down directly, and he still had some fractures? Looks extremely embarrassed.

“I have reminded you that the gravity of Dongtian World is several times that of our World. Why not be so careful !? Well adapt to the gravity here, maybe you will cultivation often here in the future.”

Baili Changkong reprimanded Baili.

Baili didn’t dare to talk back, holding his teeth.

He knows exactly what it means for a martial artist to be able to come to this high-energy World cultivation.

“2 grandfather? Uncle? You are here just right, help me move things.”

Baili Qingfeng hurriedly greeted.

After that, he took another look at Baili Tianxing, who had to be cautiously, and changed his words: “My uncle will rest aside.”

“this is……”

At this time, Baili Changkong’s eyes were also attracted by the bundles of Chen Jin from Baili Qingfeng, and he couldn’t help but widen his eyes: “This … this is Chen Jin !? So many Chen Jin !?”

“This time has better luck. There are 3000 kg of Chenjin, and it sells out to be equivalent to 3 100000000 million funds.”

Baili Qingfeng smiled.

“3 … 3000 kg !? 3000 kg Chenjin !?”

Baili Changkong’s breathing suddenly became sharp.

It is no exaggeration to speak frankly, he is so big, he has never seen so much Chen Jin.

“The Transmission Gate only opens for a couple of minutes, and we will move Chen Jin over.”

Baili Qingfeng said that she had already picked up a bundle of Chen Jin and dropped it into the Transmission Gate.

“Good, good!”

Baili Changkong came forward with excitement, and hugged a bundle of Chen Jin with all kinds of learning, moved hard, and moved …

Baili Changkong’s face suddenly turned red.

Because of gravity, the War Grade powerhouse came to this World like an ordinary person. It is not difficult to survive, but it is really difficult for them to move a few 100 kg of Chenjin.

Baili Changkong broke out with strength, and moved a bunch of chenjin unceasingly a distance, after all, he was powerless to throw these chenjin back to the ground.

His body hasn’t fully adapted to the load brought by this world’s gravity, and I really dare to spare no effort to explode. If not, the whole person will explain here.

For a while, standing in front of this bundle of Chen Jin, he couldn’t help but some old faces flushed.

“Ah, I can’t afford it, so let me do it.”

Baili Qingfeng said that under the shameful eyes of Baili Changkong and Baili Tianxing 2, relying on 10000 energy cells, the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 can be used as a normal state, carrying this bundle of Chenjin to the Transmission Gate Lost in the …


In more than a minute, he had put all the 6 bundles of Chenjin he had put into the Transmission Gate, and at this time, the Transmission Gate was gradually shrinking.

“Okay, let’s go back soon.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Tianxing and Baili Changkong were embarrassingly nodded, followed by Baili Qingfeng, stepped into the Transmission Gate and disappeared into this World.

What Baili Qingfeng didn’t know was that when he left the World less than a day, he led the 2 teams of wolves Knight, and a full 600 cavemen warriors carried the flame of revenge into an inescapable net, encircling this area. .


Their anger was destined to vent nowhere.

Baili Qingfeng, Baili Changkong, and Baili Tianxing successfully passed the Transmission Gate and fell to Baili Qingfeng’s cultivation cave.

“Finally home.”

Baili Qingfeng still feels that the environment here is better.

The Grotto People World …

It’s too dim.

Especially at night, it was completely dark, there was no light source at all, and there was no way to read a book.

He couldn’t make a fire, the light source must attract a large number of fierce beasts.

He is not afraid of one, two dozens, dozens, but the number of beasts in this World is much more than that of the cavemen. Several hundred and several thousand are swarming up. Baili Qingfeng feels that even if he is a Level 2 martial artist It may not be able to carry it.

I really do n’t know what those wild beasts grew up on, and the lifeform chain is probably a mess.

“Uncle, the Transmission Gate will be very efficient in the past few days of cultivation. You can retreat for a few days.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Baili Tianxing.

Baili is heavy nodded.

Went to the Crypt Man World, he clearly felt his weakness.

There, even his basic activities were difficult to maintain, but his nephew was able to carry a bunch of Chen Jin with a bundle of several hundred kilos like a shot put. What is the difference?

“3000 kg Chenjin …”

Compared with the expression grave of Baili Tianxing, Baili Changkong’s eyes have been attracted by all the gold in front of him, 哆哆嗦嗦: “Full 3000 kg …”

“It is only 3000 kg. With the capability of the military, if it is specifically responsible for sniping burrowers, it should not be difficult to collect 3000 kg Chenjin.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“You do not understand.”

Baili Changkong shook the head: “The military department dealt with the cavemen fighters by bombarding them with artillery. When the cavemen were killed, Chen Jin would be greatly damaged. Moreover, for the cavemen, Chen Jin It is also a very important strategic material. Unless their morale completely collapses, they will flee with their partner ’s Chen Jin when they flee. On average, the Chen Jin that we can get by killing a caveman warrior is only 3000 kg. , 3000 kg … that’s 1 cavemen! “

Speaking of which, he glanced at Baili Qingfeng: “The masters of the 3rd Army Army went to investigate, and their guarded Mizo cave tribes are just a middle tribes of 3 to 4000 …”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised: “That’s it.”

“Your current status, I can tell you these are no problem. There are only 4 dangerous passages in our country, one in Misuo City, one in Fudan City, and two, one in Fengbolin, one In the Dawn Base north of the Hill of Light, these 2 channels, Misso City, Fudan City, and Dawn Base, are all defensive cavemen, and Feng Bo Lin is used to defend the beastly tribe, and in all defense lines, The most dangerous thing is the dawn base. “

“Dawn Base?”

“The tribes faced elsewhere are thousands to 1000 people, but the Dawn Base … is a 10000 people tribe!”

Baili Changkong had a dignified face.

Baili Qingfeng said …

Not much feeling.

Bloodwolf has hundreds of people.

“Once the tribe has 10000 people, there will be a special individual called sacrifices. The tribe with 10000 people is okay. The sacrifices are distinguished and they will never be involved in danger, but there are more than one tribe with 10000 people. , Often under the protection of elite troops, they hold the God-given Strength, can stimulate the courage warrior warrior courage, let them into a violent state, the violent cave man warrior is not only fearless and dauntless, always forward, Strength is You will get a significant increase. Some powerful sacrifices can even double the battle strength of those cavemen warriors! “

“Double …”

Baili Qingfeng expression is a little dignified.

This number is already amazing.

“The sacrifice of continually giving the soldiers the courage and strength to fearless death often brings great death and injury to the human guards, and even causes the war to fail. Once this happens, humans must organize elite troops to assassinate. The difference between human and human structures, the internal flow of the Grandmaster and Grandmaster’s internal bursts cannot be met before the sacrifice. Only the strong burst, let the Warlord and Wargod wearing the Battle Armor form a blade team to forcibly attack and kill a blood path. , Sacrifice! “

“Assassination on the battlefield?”

Baili Qingfeng is slightly excited.

This assassination …

Seems much faster than sneak sneak attack?

Take the first rank among 10000 troops?

Do you have a chance in the future?

“In order to ensure the success of the Warlord and Wargod assassination missions, Chen Jin Battle Armor is as strong as possible.”

Baili Changkong said a glance at the 3000 kg Chen Jin: “These Chen Jin, let’s digest it internally, I will contact the military department for you, the military department will definitely give you a satisfactory price.”


Baili Qingfeng did not insist on Chen Jin’s sales channels: “Anyway, I have to buy something from the military, and they can give me a discount at that time.”

“Well, you can make a list, and I will talk for you at that time. Even if you want to use arms, as long as you don’t take these arms to rebel, I can exchange you for the preciousness of Chen Jin.”

Baili Changkong said, stroking these chenjin, seemed to be in deep thought.

“Last 20 days.”

Baili Qingfeng also weighed on a lot of things.

Mountain and Rivers Momentum must have someone to translate, the blood of the brave has to find someone to cooperate with, and the lessons that have been left must be quickly filled up, as well as the special cash on the temple Swordsman who will be asked to handle the river crab master …

A lot of things.

“Forget it, one by one, it’s still early, first give a set of Battle Armor of the Swordsman to the Crab Master, and then collect the blood for medicinal material refining. Wait for the evening to ask the big brothers in the group to help translate Mountain and Rivers Momentum. “

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