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“The selection of places is not purely based on strength. It mainly depends on potential. It depends on whether there is hope for Grandmaster in the future. Qi Shaobai, Xu Youyou, Baisu, Baili Qingfeng, Ge Feibai. Although the battle strength is not obvious, the potential is very amazing. … “

Several staff members are patiently explaining to Qiu Shaofeng and the others.

“They are inferior to me now. How can they overtake me in the future? Wouldn’t they hear step by step?”

Among the crowd, the first one is the most powerhouse among students, Qiu Shaofeng.

He held the sword alone, stood proud of the crowd, and shouted sharply at the staff: “The list of 100 people is the Grandmaster pre-selection. I’d like to see who wants to block my Grandmaster’s way of Qiu Shaofeng!”

“This is the result of the judges, we still listen to the judges …”

Among the crowd, Bai Su, who is also watching the quota, wants to strive for it.

“En !? You dared to open up in front of me when I just entered the stage of nourishing and exchanging blood !? Well! I will kill you today and let those judges see who the real powerhouse is!

As soon as Qiu Shaofeng finished speaking, striding forward, he would kill Bai Su.

But before he had time to make a shot, the staff of a martial artist association suddenly stepped forward, shouted loudly: “This time the assessment quota was established by the biological grandson of Thunderbolt Sword Baili Changkong Old Master. You question the results of the judges, Did you take Thunderbolt Sword Baili Changkong Old Master in your eyes !? “


Qiu Shaofeng drank swiftly and kicked the staff of the martial artist association at one kick. At the same time, his feet broke out, his body flew, and he went straight to Bai Su to kill him: “Garbage! Today, I have to let you understand Talents are really qualified to be on the list of 100 people on behalf of Xia Haizhou! What talents are the real Dragons Among Humans, who are like Grandmasters! “

Although Bai Su tried his best to block his arms, how could he be able to stand up to the level 3 martial artist Qiu Shaofeng?

With the shock of his energy, he was directly hit by Qiu Shaofeng and hit a wall 6 meters away.

“Youngster, the so-called strong midfielder has a strong midfielder, one mountain and one mountain high. Since the judges chose these 5 people to run for the list of 100 people instead of you, they naturally have their reasons, and you should not be too arrogant.”

At this time, another old man said solemnly carrying his hands.

“I just don’t agree! I ca n’t use my strength to fight with martial stage restrictions. My real strength lies in the Sword Technique. If I play a sword, you can let them go together, and I will be able to bring them all together. beat!”

Qiu Shaofeng is full of unwilling Li shouted.

“Qingfeng Senior… stumped, stumped Qiu Shaofeng Senior was not on the ten-person list?”

Baili Qingfeng side Penny is a bit incredible.

Qiu Shaofeng is the most famous martial artist among all the students in Xiahai. He has the nickname of the student Number One Person. This and the others are not on the list of ten?

“His greatest strengths are physical strength and energy, but physical strength and energy and blood are easily replenished by taking only some medicinal materials. Don’t look at him now that he is not weak, but in the first stage of recuperating, use his temperament to at least ten In 3, if he was discouraged halfway, he would be stuck at the peak of Level 3 in his lifetime. Like most Level 1 martial artists, there is no hope of the Grandmaster. When it comes to the possibility of achieving the Grandmaster, he is far worse than the white plastic that was just hit by him.

Baili Qingfeng commented truthfully.

As a person in charge, since this incident is due to him, he naturally has to be responsible for the end. At the moment he came forward: “I am the occupant of one of the five places, Baili Qingfeng.”


Qiu Shaofeng, who was also aggressive, took a breath after seeing Baili Qingfeng’s appearance.

Baili Qingfeng, sitting on the judges’ seat, naturally sees clearly.

“I don’t accept it.”

It took a while for Qiu Shaofeng to come up with these 3 words. He looked at Baili Qingfeng, his face was full of unyielding: “You are the grandson of Thunderbolt Sword Baili Changkong, Baili Changkong as Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master, in Martial Dao of Xia One hand shrouding the heavens, you target me and keep me out of this list. Other judges are afraid of your identity and dare not go out to preside over justice, but I do n’t believe that there is no place in the entire Sia Kingdom where justice can be displayed. Quota, I go to Nasang, Mulang and Chihu, I do n’t believe all places are as dark as Xiahai! 30 years Hedong 30 years Hexi, do not bully extremely the youngster! You better pray for the national competition Your opponent will not be me, otherwise I will let you know when you are on the martial stage. Without your grandfather, you are nothing! “

After speaking, he took a deep look at Baili Qingfeng, as if to completely imprint his appearance in his mind, then immediately turned around and strode away.

“30 years Hedong 30 years Hexi …”

Hearing this sentence, Baili Qingfeng almost thought that he really did something wrong.

In his impression, anyone who can say such things will skyrocket in the future.


There is a difference between impression and reality.

Compared with the legend brought by this sentence, he still believes his judgment more.

“Will I be beaten? I always feel pressured, but if there is pressure, there will be motivation … Exactly because of the Three Great Holy Lands, I need to have enough pressure to urge myself assisted continuous cultivation. The appearance of Qiu Shaofeng may not be It ’s a bad thing, so that I wo n’t be defeated by him one day in the future. From now on, I will stop participating in any extra activities and do my best to spare all time for retreat and hard work.

Baili Qingfeng secretly resolved to work hard.

Baili Qingfeng is a do-it-yourselfer, and now he turned to Penny, Mormi, Xie Lisi and the others, apologizing: “You also saw what happened just now, Qiu Shaofeng was determined to be a general in the national competition. I defeated to prove that I was wrong. In order to be undefeated in Qiu Shaofeng, I have to practice in isolation for a long time. I can only apologize for the noon dinner … “

“Assisuous cultivation does not mean that we do n’t eat lunch. People are iron rice and steel. We go to cultivation after dinner.”

Xie Lisi smiled and frowned.

“Don’t use it. I plan to stop eating for the next period of time. When I’m hungry, I will drink thunder liquid and blood of a brave man. He must not be surpassed by Qiu Shaofeng.”

Baili Qingfeng said, turn around and leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xie Lisi stepped forward quickly, still with a sweet smile on her face, saying, “If Qingfeng Senior is really short of time, I can help Qingfeng Senior deliver a meal … We are all members of the ancient Sword Technique It is also necessary to help each other … “

“Trouble you too much, I’ll just let my disciple bring me the meal.”

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely, he has always been a person who does not like to trouble others.

Xie Lisi saw that Baili Qingfeng didn’t enter the oil and salt, and was about to find a way. Baili Qingfeng had turned directly and went outside.

Xie Lisi had to stop for a while, so as not to be overwhelmed.

“Sisi, it looks like you won’t get this Qingfeng Senior easily.”

The girl on the side said with a smile.

“Anyway, I’m not very familiar now.”

Xie Lisi laughed, and then glanced at Momir: “I don’t know what the hobby of Qingfeng Senior is?”

“Qingfeng … he likes reading and listening to songs.”

“Reading books and listening to songs? Sisi, this is not the same as your interests.”

“It doesn’t matter, I can learn.”

Xie Lisi said, looking at the direction Baili Qingfeng left, a flash of fighting spirit flashed in her eyes.

This Baili Qingfeng seems simple, she believes that as long as she can truly walk into his heart, she will be able to use “love” to tie him up, let him go east, go east, let him go west, he will go oo.

Taking control of a Grandmaster, or a prodigious Grandmaster, I think it feels exciting.


When Baili Qingfeng returned to his yard, Ge Feibai was already there.

In addition to Ge Feibai, Geshasha also came.


Seeing Baili Qingfeng, Ge Shasha is like Master in the same way as Ge Feibai.

“I’ve been busy retreat recently. I don’t have much time. Feibai, you first teach Salsa the basic Sword Technique.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Understand, leave it to me.”

Ge Feibai was confident.

Fighting with Miaodao one after another, his confidence has been erected, and there is obviously a kind of self-confidence and grandeur in dealing with people.

“By the way, I signed you up for the National Martial Dao Contest. One month later, you will be well cultivated this month, but don’t even be able to get on the 100 list.”

“Master, rest assured, discipline will not let you down.”

Ge Feibai patted his chest.

When Baili Qingfeng arrived at the yard and was setting up his pot to prepare the liquid for refining mines, a military vehicle came out of the woods. Soon, Ye Fusheng of the 9th Division ran over and greeted him from afar. “Consultant Qingfeng, we have sent you the herbs you need.”

“Oh? Has the medicinal herbs arrived? Just right.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the pot that he had just set up, and now he said to Ge Fei, “Go and buy me a big pot again, and the two herbs can be cooked together.”


Ge Feibai promised and left quickly.

Ye Fusheng also said aloud, “Consultant Qingfeng, would you like to leave some kids here to help you with some trivial matters?”

“No need, I have hands and feet, and I use others.”

Baili Qingfeng said, pointing to a room: “Let’s remove the herbs first.”

“it is good.”

Ye Fusheng grinned and greeted several soldiers, and quickly put 3 cases of medicinal materials into the yard.

Although the blood of the brave requires some auxiliary medicine, but there are not many types, plus the dragon’s blood of Baili Qingfeng, the blood of the brave can be limited, and 3 boxes of medicinal materials are more than enough.

After Ye Fusheng moved the herbs to the yard to leave, Ge Feibai also bought the cauldron.

When he finished the second pot again, a text message came from Baili Qingfeng’s mobile phone.

It was from Quango Wargod.

The shrine Sword Technique Mountain and Rivers Momentum is translated.

“With cultivation resources, Sword Technique, double happiness, and I can retreat quietly for the next ten days.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the text message, with a smile from his heart on his face.

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