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Baili Qingfeng immediately Turn on the computer to log in to your chat account.

It seems that the popularity of the Golden Ten 2 Star Palace has not subsided. During the day, there are actually several people in the group chatting.

Moderator Aotian Sword God, deputy moderator Dong Fang wins, kill every ten steps, and mint cool and falling cherry blossoms …

and many more!

Mint cool and falling cherry blossoms?

No, it’s mint desolate, the word Baili Qingfeng almost missed it!

“A newcomer in the group? Welcome welcome!”

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the chat group, the number of people in the group actually increased from 9 to 2 people, 1 more.

He is finally not the newest in this group, and he has transformed from a new one to a veteran.

“Thunder Dominator is here. Let me introduce you. Mint is one of my distant cousins, and Sakura is from Upright Sect. The famous ladies in our circle are … my childhood sweethearts, 2 girls, Everyone will pay a little attention in the future. From now on, they are the tenth and eleventh elders in our group. I plan to let Mint sit in Pisces Star Palace and Luo Ying sits in Aquarius Star Palace. “

Aotian Sword God introduced Baili Qingfeng.

When introducing Luo Ying to listen to the rain, his tone was obviously a little weird, it seemed …

With a hint of fear in intimacy?

After introducing the two people, he confronted them again: “Thunder Dominator is the real big guy in our group, and I don’t need to worry about falling cherry blossoms, Mint, you have to pay attention to your temper and the tone of speech.”

“Wǒ ィ mon speaks in a ruthless manner.”

Mint sent a sullen message.

Baili Qingfeng looked, it took a while to understand.


Is it the dialect of the moderator Sword God family?

Moreover, there are actually girls in their group, but there are still two?

“Hello there.”

Luo Ying greeted the rain with a little reservation.

“Hello, hello.”

Baili Qingfeng hurried back.

“Is that 亻 ┽ 大 大 大 大 娤, neodymium 娤?”

At this time, Mint asked desolately.

“Cough, cousin, don’t talk nonsense.”

Aotian Sword God quickly interjected to stop Min Desolate and said, “At the same time, Brother Thunder Dominator is different from us, even if I admire Brother Thunder Dominator.”

“Is there not many people who can admire Brother Sky? Oh, 3 years ago, the Flood Dragon showed up, made waves in Beihanzhou, slaughtered the city, and dismissed the big brother after being killed by the innate sacred emperor. Gu, Quick Wind Sword test the world with one star, one man one sword sweeping the 1 major Academy of North Hanzhou, can not afford to admire the words of proud Brother Sky, and the god Miro is known as the incarnation of God, 36 years old, but It ’s Body Refining, Qi Refining, Refining Spirit 23 Great Accomplishment. It has an unlimited future, and is also rated by Brother Sky as arrogant … and this Mr. Thunder Dominator … is it really so extraordinary? “

At this time, Luo Ying listen to the rain seemed to ask with a curious tone.

“The leader of Thunder Dominator is beyond your imagination. I can tell you perfectly clear that Thunder Dominator has killed the temple sacrifice in the front!”

Aotian said Sword God solemnly vowed.

“Temple worship !?”

This time, the other side was finally shocked: “Which temple’s sacrifice?”

“No, don’t listen to the moderator.”

Baili Qingfeng quickly denied.

“But didn’t you all upload the divine symbol picture that only sacrifice can master?”

Aotian Sword God said.

“Yes, I did upload these pictures, but I did not directly kill the temple sacrifice, but assassinate and assault.”


“Yes, you should know that the temple sacrifice is protected by the temple Swordsman. How powerful is the temple Swordsman? Their Strength and their Sword Technique make me marvel. Under the protection of these temple Swordsman, the frontal sacrifice of the temple sacrifice is simply death-seeking. Tao, so I can only sneak attack in secret. The first temple sacrifices me while the temple Swordsman is not ready to kill, and the second temple sacrifices … “

Baili Qingfeng thought of his perfect assassination. For a time, he couldn’t even care about low-key essence. He couldn’t help showing off: “I was trying to assassinate that temple, but I racked my brains, and after high-speed calculations in my brain, I was accurate I figured out his trajectory, and then lurked in the river under a canopy bridge that he must pass. In order to ensure that the temple sacrifice was not noticed, I converged my breath to the extreme, staying in the river for more than an hour, a move I did n’t dare to move, and fully used the assassin ’s latent technology to the fullest, you know, at that moment, I felt like I was integrated with the river and became a part of the river, and my assassination technology was also in The extreme mysterious and abstruse was promoted to Grandmaster Rank in a wonderful state, and a perfect assassination was completed. The temple was sacrificed and killed for 1000 miles … “


“Is this why you can kill the Death God Temple and get a dividend symbol?”

Mint desolate, falling sakura listening to the rain 2 people posted 2 comments, the tone seemed very bland.

“Assassination is an evil way, after all, it is said that those Peak masters can completely integrate their own potential with the external potential, and where they are is equivalent to a field. In this field, any lurking or hiding will have nothing It is stern, there is no fear of assassination, even if you have not mastered such realm, those successful cultivators of Refining Spirit also radiate their own “gods”, and feel all around at all times. They are 100 meters away, and they will be aware of it outside 1000 meters, so … few people in this world specialize in assassinations.

Luo Ying Ting Yu commented in a relatively fair tone.

“My Martial Practice time is very short, and I do n’t have any other Sword Technique. Naturally, those experienced cultivators are not opponents, so I can only practice assassination more, so that I can use the weak to defeat the strong, lest you fall into a passive position when you can’t deal with an opponent you can’t deal with … “

Baili Qingfeng humbly accepted the evaluation.

“If you know your deficiencies, you should make up for it. Although Brother Sky normally looks a little out of place, in the bones is still a very proud person. He respects you so much. You ca n’t let Brother Sky Disappointed. “

“I know.”

Baili Qingfeng’s cautious nodded: “Actually, I also noticed that I had some shortcomings in head-to-head confrontation recently. I just got a Sword Technique recently, so I plan to take the time to learn it and make up for the disadvantages of too poor battle strength.”

“Well, if you do n’t understand anything, you can also ask Ao Brother Sky. You should know the identity of Ao Brother Sky? Several people in the group are for this reason. Sword Technique. Although his contact method is not Peak because of his uncle ’s reason, but proud of looking at numerous books, Brother Sky is definitely a theoretical master. If he is willing to give you pointers, he will definitely make your Sword Technique cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds. “

The falling cherry blossoms listen to the rain.

“Yes, yes, I have always felt that Aotian Sword God moderators are the most reliable. No matter what questions I ask, the moderators can give immediate answers. They are knowledgeable, kind, and being able to know the moderators is really my greatest. Blessed. “

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely, his tone was full of sincerity.

“Boss Thunder Dominator is too rewarding. I am honored to be.”

Aotian Sword God looked for a chance to add.

“Brother Sky, you are too arrogant.”

Luo Ying heard the rain and said to Baili Qingfeng again: “Thunder Dominator, can you want to prove that you are still a visionary and visionary person, proud of Brother Sky, although it is a bit out of tune now, but that is because he is still young Young, when he grows up, he will definitely be able to take a subduing a region. Eighty-nine will be in charge of the entire East Divine Continent branch of Heaven’s Mystery Building. At that time, you will follow him. High position and great wealth will be a good future. “

Baili Qingfeng only knows that Heaven’s Mystery Building is a very powerful force, and there is not much concept about how strong it is, but listening to them every time the entire East Divine Continent is classified as a branch, the scale of this force is absolutely amazing.

“The moderators are great! The moderators 6 6 6!”

“Lak Sakura, don’t talk nonsense, everyone in our group is a friend, all brothers who are gathered for the ideals in their hearts!”

Aotian Sword God was a bit dissatisfied and drank the cherry blossoms and listened to the rain.

“Proud Brother Sky …”

“You have to make it clear that you are forcibly joining our group. Now that you have added it, you have to put yourself in the right position, consider yourself as a member of the group, and work hard for our like-minded ideas! You can’t do that, then I have to kick you out of the group. “

“Brother Sky, don’t be angry, I … I’m understood, and I also hope that the development of our Golden Ten 2 Star Palace will be more orderly in the future …”

Luo Ying heard the rain and said with some grievances.

She never argues with Aotian Sword God, she already knows Aotian Sword God’s personality thoroughly, she knows that it doesn’t make any sense to fight with him according to reason, she can put on a wronged face with no difficulty to eliminate his anger Invisible.

It turns out that this move works.

Aotian Sword God’s tone really softened: “It’s good to know, pay attention to the tone, don’t bring your bad habits over you, not just you, mint too.”


Mint was desolate and looked like he was innocent.

“Well, you are here, Brother Thunder Dominator? I translated the Sword Technique you want. This is the advanced Sword Technique of Swordsman in the temple!”

At this time, the quantum Wargod suddenly popped up, with a slightly excitely said: “I heard my grandfather say that some of the strong and innate talented temples Swordsman will take the advanced Sword Technique early in order to become the temple Knight! And Rivers Momentum is one of the advanced Sword Techniques of the temple Swordsman. If any temple Swordsman can practice this Sword Technique, he can be included in the Knight group of the temple, and become a reserve Knight in the Knight group … This kind of Peak Sword Technique, It ’s hard to get even at the level of a big brother? ”

“Isn’t it? The process for me to get this Sword Technique was very difficult. The temple with this Sword Technique, Swordsman, 2 other temples, Swordsman, and a temple sacrifice. I managed to assassinate that temple sacrifice, those 3 temples. Swordsman chased after me very much. I had to assassinate another temple, Swordsman, and later found that I could not escape the pursuit of the other 2 temples, Swordsman. I had to stop and fight with them, nine deaths and still alive killed these two temples, Swordsman. “

Speaking of this, Baili Qingfeng’s tone was lingering in his heart: “These two shrines Swordsman are very strong, and one of them has a divine technique, which seems to be called the blood worship divine technique? It’s scary.”

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