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Su 1000 feels as if he was hit by a large truck with a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and the massive force of terror swept his body, crushed his chest ribs and crushed his internal organs, it seemed Crush all internal organs.

At a critical moment, the inner power flow body Inner Qi, which broke the human body’s limit, ran sharply. It went up, down, down, and down, and regained a bit of space in the impact of Baili Qingfeng, waiting for Baili Qingfeng to open his hands suddenly. Open, just like Yin Tianya, when he directly displayed his arms in his arms and killed his sister, his body had been moved by this space, showing his clever strength, as if Inner Qi was away, fiercely slap on Baili Qingfeng’s body …

“weng weng! ”

Yaojin Battle Armor shook slightly.

Good Battle Armor performance completely offsets this Strength.

Between square inches, the Su 1000 line could not inspire too much force to fight back.

However, the outbreak of the Su 1000 line did not really hurt Baili Qingfeng, but took advantage of this counter-shock force to pull out and retreat, and quickly flew away before Baili Qingfeng’s arms were wrapped around!

“en! ?”

Unable to reach a conclusion, Baili Qingfeng trembled in his hands, and his left hand ran away from Su 1000 in a lightning flash. When he noticed that Su 1000 was too fast, when he could not catch him, he suddenly turned into a fist, and the punch collapsed as if to collapse. Destroy the void, the air in the sky was compressed sharply, forming an astral qi, making a thunderous explosion!


It was hard to avoid Baili Qingfeng’s capture of the Su 1000 line, and then he could not avoid this Void Collapse Fist. His chest plaque smashed under the collapse of the void, and his strength struck him. His face turned pale!

“Baili Qingfeng!”

The limit that a human who can break the second limit can have is far beyond anyone’s imagination. Under the rib fracture, he received a Void Collapse Fist from Baili Qingfeng. Pain, body retreat, at the same time the sharp sword in his hand assassinated with lightning, with a burst of shattering torn void, pointed directly at Baili Qingfeng’s head.

That sword speed, that trajectory, that angle …

Let Baili Qingfeng, who has always been out of the sword, go straight to see.

Even if he was allowed to practice swords for another ten years, his understanding and application of Sword Technique would not reach half of the 1000 lines of Su.

“Assassination failed again! You can’t compare him with Sword Technique! You can’t give him space to perform Sword Technique!”

Baili Qingfeng flashed this thought in his mind.

A normal martial artist must turn his head, or dodge or dodge in the face of this sword, but Baili Qingfeng relies on the benefits of Yaojin Battle Armor and the precise calculation of trajectory, angle, and coordinates by the cultivation Void Sword Technique. As the sword was about to stab him in the head, he suddenly moved his head forward, smashed it, and smashed it, and then tossed away the sword that Su 1000 had stabbed.

At the same time, his forward-charging figure hit the ground, and with the eruption of strength, all split up and in pieces on the cement floor, his figure that had charged at full speed accelerated again!


Keep bumping!

Relying on the defense of Yaojin Battle Armor, and relying on the physique of the Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse, he will not be given a chance to use the Sword Technique, and run rampant!

“Big steel hand!”

In the face of Baili Qingfeng, regardless of the forced impact, Su 1000 who missed a sword took a deep breath. The violent Inner Qi tumbled and boiled within the body, as if rushing into the left hand violently, and turned into a smashing void. Palm, fiercely hit the body hit by Baili Qingfeng.


Nether Blast!

Baili Qingfeng ’s position in the palm of Su 1000 ’s palm seemed to detonate a bomb. The explosive formidable power madly compressed the air around it to form a high-frequency air pressure, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye was swept across the next second.

With such a hand, even though Baili Qingfeng, who is wearing Yaojin Battle Armor, feels shocked.

The palm force of the Su 1000 line seems to contain a very strong penetrability. Through Yaojin Battle Armor, it acts on his body, shaking his internal organs!

Fortunately, Yaojin has extremely amazing absorption effects on physical attacks and energy attacks. The palm of the Su 1000 line was directly prevented by Yaojin Battle Armor, and the remaining 90% of the force was blasted into Baili. For Qingfeng’s body, Baili Qingfeng, who is cultivation of Origin Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, which is good at defensive skills, can’t even crack the internal organs.

His body shook, and then he continued to slam towards Su 1000, the right hand of assassination and lightning assassination …

However, this sword has just been punctured and has been clearly understood by the Su 1000 line. It was intercepted halfway, and the forthcoming Sword Technique came to an abrupt end.

Instead, his left hand once again condensed a fist strength, carrying the onslaught momentum he hit, and fiercely smashed into the Su 1000 line!

The Su 1000 line responded extremely fast and immediately crossed the arms.

In front of his True Immortal powerhouse, Baili Qingfeng’s Sword Technique and boxing skills are as inferior as street children.

But he apparently forgot that even the True Immortal, who broke the second human limit, is still a flesh and blood, if he does not avoid, there is no cultivation. It is similar to Demon Hell Suppressing Physique. This is a defense-like Body Refining method, a small Child can kill him with a pistol.

He used the flesh and blood on his arm to stop Baili Qingfeng from wearing Yaojin Battle Armor …


The shattered sound of the skeleton echoed clearly, and taught the Su 1000 line that no matter how hard humans can practice, it can’t be harder than metal.

Especially the Peak metal like Yaojin!

The moment his left-hand skeleton was smashed, he had suddenly shaken his energy, but he just turned into a soft one. The badly wounded arm was like a poisonous snake, which directly entangled the fist strength of Baili Qingfeng. Toss …

Baili Qingfeng, who was charging at full speed, was suddenly fiercely threw away, carrying the terrifying inertial fiercely, and hit a telephone pole on the street, which broke the cement electric pole post on the spot.


Fire sputter.

Electric poles break and countless wires are broken. I don’t know how many households will lose power due to this.

If anyone is writing a document in front of the computer, he can only pray that he saves his work for half a day in time.

Baili Qingfeng was thrown off in one fell swoop and broke the utility pole. However, because Yaojin Battle Armor had a physical shock reduction effect, he was not at all injured. Instead, when he fell down, he left his hand on the ground and stood again.

Before he had time to stabilize his body, the su 1000 line that broke out had already reached an incredible speed.

There is no such majestic atmosphere as Body Refining flow martial artist, but speed and Strength are condensed to the extreme!

Every attack makes people have one’s hair stand on end, shudder!



Sword light Broken!

Even in Yaojin Battle Armor, Baili Qingfeng feels a crisis from the depth of soul!

This sword almost broke the limit of the speed of swords that humans can pierce with the increase of some Strength!

If you are shocked! Fast as lightning!

When Baili Qingfeng saw the sword edge of the sword clearly, the sword already carried a thunderbolt of 10000 Jun Sword Force and Feng Rui, fiercely tearing into Baili Qingfeng’s mind, at the critical moment, he only had time to give shape …


Spark 4 Splash!

Su 1000 lines of swords and Yao Jin Battle Armor fiercely rubbed and collided, tearing a streamlined armor body of Yao Jin Battle Armor on the spot to a gap, and unswervingly cut through Baili hiding in Battle Armor Qingfeng, take away a bunch of Yin Hong blood light from him!

Yaojin Battle Armor is broken!

“One with the World !”

Baili Qingfeng instantly realized the amazing key of Su 1000 Line Sword Technique.

One with the World !

Su 1000 is actually a master who understands One with the World!

Level 8 is promoted to Level 9, one condition is to pile up resources to let your physical condition reach the peak of this limit again, and the other condition is to realize One with the World.

Su 1000 can not only understand the mysterious of One with the World, but also easily integrate One with the World into the Sword Technique fight, this mastery and understanding of One with the World …

Even when he first saw the white clothed victory that year, he was inferior.

Compared to Baili Qingfeng’s shock, Yao Jin Battle Armor ’s amazing defense effect is to shrink Su 1000 ’s eyes and pupils: “You are definitely not Chen Jin Battle Armor! If Chen Jin Battle Armor, you have already been me Even if people wear armor, they can be cut with one sword! Yaojin! This is Yaojin! “

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t care about the pain on his body, and his body was twisted. When the Saber 1000 sword cut the Battle Armor and stabbed into the air, he moved forward again with his hands up, and also took the opportunity to exhibit the Body Refining flow martial artist again. Insider flow martial artist’s biggest killing trick-Strangling!


Su 1000’s eyes were light flashed, and they did not collide directly with Baili Qingfeng at all. Their body shape was twisted, and they crossed directly from Baili Qingfeng’s side while maintaining an amazing speed. They rushed to five meters away and were about to hit the roadside. In a residential building, his figure flew up very dexterously. With the right foot, he used his wall to twist and turned back to assassinate Baili Qingfeng!

Sword edge is broken, Sword Qi Rui Xiao!

Su 1000 will be a vivid and thoroughly of True Immortal’s powerful interpretation of breaking the 2 times limit.

The Sword Technique can’t be compared, the boxing can’t be compared, and the close-in cannot be used. The Refining Spirit technique is not useful.

Baili Qingfeng has to admit that Su 1000 is definitely one of the most difficult opponents he has encountered!

The sword hole of Su 1000 line penetrates the void, screams and assassinates, the harsh Sword Qi and the Sword Force blocking the void firmly suppress his entire life field, even though the life field condensed from Lesser Universe Cultivation Technique 1st Layer Celestial This situation cannot be reversed, and his best results are just relying on the collision of the life field and the life field to avoid the key point of the opponent’s sword.

However, this dodge was not good. The opponent’s sword was changed to stabbing and predatory. At that time, don’t be like being dealt with True Immortal of Aurora Empire 2 in the Oya Forest.

“Can’t hide, or the injuries could get worse!”

Baili Qingfeng had a decision in his mind.



Baili Qingfeng stabbed with a sword, the ultimate fast, the ultimate stability, the ultimate accuracy.

But this Sword Technique is too straight forward, without any changes, and may be unexpected, but if you encounter a faster, more accurate, more stable opponent than him, it is easy to be intercepted.


The sword was swung open.

Because the Su 1000 line is such a Sword Technique Great Accomplishment, but also a Kendo Grandmaster!

Strength, speed, Sword Technique, burst, secret method, defeat Baili Qingfeng!

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