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“weng weng! ”

Su 1000 lines of sword edge all around. Ripples spread, swinging Baili Qingfeng’s sword behind. His sword didn’t have a half-point effect, straight out …

Facing the sword punctured by the hole, Baili Qingfeng not only avoided, but his foot broke out violently, killing violently, and carried the wind to the Su 1000 line and swept away.


Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s dauntless tactic, Su 1000 line was sneaked: “Is it useful! The gap in strength is not something that courage and determination can make up for! Fighting depends on whether you have this qualification!”


sword light pierce!

Sparks fire!

This sword instantly penetrated Yaojin Battle Armor, penetrated the key points of Baili Qingfeng’s heart, penetrated his body, and a sword tip penetrated from the back of Yaojin Battle Armor …

A sword pierced through the body of Baili Qingfeng, and Su 1000 did not give him the slightest chance to pull himself to burn both jade and stone. At the same time when the sword pierced through the heart of his heart, he withdrew and retreated.


Bayonet sword, draw sword!

Action in one go.

But just as he pulled away with a sword, a shocking roar broke out suddenly!


Thunderclap Pulse!

The Thunderclap Pulse, which is close at hand, caused the characteristics of 5 internal resonances, madly hit Su 1000’s body, and made himself pale and hurt his lungs by the impact of Baili Qingfeng. The internal organs seemed to crack under the resonance of this sound wave Strength. Open, the blood escaped.

The retreat of the body was worsened by the severe pain of the body!

It’s such a puppet, Baili Qingfeng, who has penetrated the heart of the heart, but seems to be okay, has been culled, his hands suddenly snapped, and Su 1000 was hugged in an instant …

“Not good !”

Su 1000’s face, which was hugged in shape, changed dramatically, disregarding the general pain of internal organs cracking, Inner Qi was boiling, and the turbulent energy burst out from him, and he was about to break free from the arms of Baili Qingfeng.

“Primordial Qi Technique!”

At the critical moment, Baili Qingfeng within the body once again emerged a force, and directly opposed the explosive force of the Su 1000 line, at the same time, the energy broke out at his feet, hugging the body of the Su 1000 line like a hair Shells, moved towards a building behind them fiercely!


The air wave exploded and the stone debris flew!

That solid wall collapsed under the impact of Baili Qingfeng, exploded into countless masonry, and swept up a lot of dust.

Because Baili Qingfeng hooped Su 1000 line against the wall, the impact force first acted on Su 1000 line’s body, and the severe shock made the internal organs severely hurt. He couldn’t help spit a mouthful of blood.

Before he had time to continue to burst out of Inner Qi, the two had already hit the 2nd wall, the 2rd wall, the 3th wall …

“hong long long !”

The debris is flying and screaming!

The residential building in this old town seemed to be driven into a bulldozer, the smoke was permeating, and the masonry was shooting.

Under this series of impacts, Su 1000’s injuries worsened sharply, and large blood spewed out.

But even so, he still struggled fiercely to break the limit of the human body for the second time. In the moment of squeezing a space, he was like a snake, and he was already struggling from the arms of Baili Qingfeng. .

Seeing this scene, Baili Qingfeng hugged Su 1000’s body rushing down, and fiercely flew towards the ground.


Under the horrible momentum and inertia, two people’s bodies hit the ground and caused fierce friction, which cracked and cracked the solid ground slabs. The flat street seemed to plow a trench.

Baili Qingfeng didn’t know any high-end joint skills, nor did he learn any interception skills, but he has read a lot of lifeform books and knows the structure of the human body, especially when he created the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. Researched thoroughly.

Right now, he presses Su 1000 rows under his body. He immediately twists his feet with Su 1000 rows. He moves his hands up from behind and locks his shoulders. His shoulders are against his head, preventing him from having a good vision. , The chest was forcibly oppressed, and his broken ribs were again broken, crushed, and penetrated through the lungs.

“Baili Qingfeng!”

Su 1000 yelled in the mouth, struggling under his body and struggling fiercely, Inner Qi surging frantically, between every inch, every muscle in his body seemed to be bursting with energy.

This kind of inch strength and dark strength may knock an ordinary person to death with a touch. Even if those non-Grandmaster-level martial artists put their hands on him, they will be shocked by the wrist skeleton, which can be used to own Yaojin Battle Armor. For Baili Qingfeng, there is no use at all.

Baili Qingfeng’s chest squeezed the air in Su 1000’s chest, the joints on his body locked his four limbs, plus the force and truncation of the chest, shoulders, hips, and even every part of the skull, making He was tied up without any points of support and support.

True Immortal, who breaks the limit of the human body twice, although there is an Immortal ‘character, he still cannot escape from the puppets of human beings. He cannot lift himself and cannot create something from nothing.

If he continues like this, he will be hanged to death by Baili Qingfeng crushing his chest skeleton!

“Actually forced me to such an extent !?”

At the moment of life and death, Su Qixing, the master of qi and veins, is also an unprecedented decision!


Skeleton is broken!

One of his arms imprisoned by Baili Qingfeng actually bent, broken, and then braced on the ground.

Under this brace, his upper body stood upright, and his feet instantly gained support points.

With just one support point, Inner Qi, who was boiling to the extreme, covered his body as if he had found a way to vent, and the violent Strength raged violently. Standing on the ground was like being bombarded by a meteorite, cracking and crushing, and stone debris sputtered.

And Baili Qingfeng also felt that he was not a human being but a bomb when Suner Line 1000 broke out of Inner Qi!

A crazy bomb that is letting go of all directions!

“Can’t let him get away, otherwise I will die!”

Perceived that the Su 1000 line would rely on the power of Inner Qi to open himself and struggle from his interception. Baili Qingfeng’s body suddenly twisted and flung.

Relying on this twisting and flinging strength, it was actually the figure that just rolled up the Su 1000 line and just found a support point, and fell to the side fiercely again.

Su 1000 lines need space!

And Baili Qingfeng must not let him have any space!

“Damn! What a battle skill!”

Street fight! ?

Su 1000 line yelled, and when Baili Qingfeng threw him to the ground, the other arm trembled suddenly, and his energy pierced, as if blasting the air.

Cloud Hand!


Next moment, the fist strength formed by this arm hit Baili Qingfeng’s chest, and the penetrating Strength shocked the Yao Jin Battle Armor and blasted into the ground. It actually blasted the ground through a few tens of centimeters. Half-meter-sized boxing marks.

“Pu chi! ”

a mouthful of blood spit from Baili Qingfeng’s mouth.

The fist strength of the Su 1000 line contains special skills that almost ignored Yaojin’s defense, even though his physiology of cultivation Demon Hell Suppressing Physique is still injured by internal organs!

But even so, he still locked Su Su’s body arrogantly, and did not dare to be separated from him at all. His shape suddenly took advantage of the fist strength of the strikes, and threw Su 1000 Su fiercely to the ground!


The line of Su 1000 and Baili Qingfeng who just stood up smashed the ground again, the debris was flying, and the cracks spreading around the naked eye visible spread around several meters.

Two people hit the ground, and Su 2 line immediately got up to get rid of Baili Qingfeng, so as to give play to his Sword Technique advantage.

But he knew very well that Baili Qingfeng, who could not beat him by himself, was tangled again.

At this time, he hugged Su 1000 hands from his back. His feet also locked his feet again, which made him lose his strength again, especially …

His right hand!

His right hand no longer locked Su 1000’s body and shoulders, but his neck!

The violent energy burst out from his hand, perfused into the 2 biceps, and frantically pinched Su 1000’s neck, almost breaking his neck bone.

“Not good !”

The Su 1000 line seemed to anticipate his next situation, struggling madly!

struggle! struggle! Struggling like never before!

In order to get rid of Baili Qingfeng’s forcibly twisted arm, he disregarded the pain, punching his backhand against Baili Qingfeng, and each punch contained enough energy to knock down a wall!

But no matter how he struggles, no matter how he punches out, Baili Qingfeng always clenches his teeth tightly and refuses to be half loose. On the contrary, the right hand strength that tightly grips his neck keeps skyrocketing!

“Hey! Hey!”

Su 1000’s face went red, he opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but he could only send out some meaningless bytes.

Unbelievable death fear shrouded his body. He never thought that he would kill Baili Qingfeng with his 8th-level peak and the strength to be able to retreat in front of the true Level 9 powerhouse. An unbroken kingdom Guardian-level Body Refining flow martial artist, will actually end in this way!

Baili Qingfeng struggled to change his life, using an unheard-of, unprecedented tactic, making him unable to show a powerful cultivation base of the 8-level peak, he has been forced to share with his Body Refining stream martial artist fight.

Internal flow and Body Refining flow melee! ?


He lost!

And the cost of failure …

“I didn’t expect that I didn’t die in Shouzhen’s hands. Instead, I was hanged by a small Junior by Baili Qingfeng based on my physical strength …”

Su 1000 flashed this thought in his head.

At the moment when he was exhausted …


The crackling sound of skeleton sounded.

Su 1000’s violent struggle suddenly weakened, and gradually disappeared.

Feeling Su 1000’s body that has lost the resistance, but Baili Qingfeng still did not dare to relax, until he hung tightly and completely broke Su 1000’s neck, and ensured that he had no sound for half a minute. Only as if he had lost all his strength, he let go of his hand, pushed the locked Su 1000 line aside, and then …

Just lie down like this, lying in stone debris, brick and soil, do not want to move, look at the sky through the rising dust …

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