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“The key to learning in addition to the above functions is to achieve your own heart pursuit. This is a noble spirit realm! You can also add embellishments in your life to make you colorful, just like when you see a powerful army in our country, The words that emerged immediately in my mind were majestic, majestic, majestic, and overwhelming, rather than lying down, so many people, so powerful. “

Baili Qingfeng speaks attentively.

Mint desolately thought about his chat with Baili Qingfeng …

It seems to always be “Qingfeng little brother is great”, “Qingfeng little brother is amazing”, “Qingfeng little brother is so handsome” and so on …

So she finally realized what.

“I see. Qingfeng little brother said something like a ray of sunlight falling on me in the harsh winter, dispelling the persistent haze above my head and making me suddenly bright. I will study hard and study hard afterwards.”

Mint desolately said seriously.

“Okay! Ok! Now go to class.”


Mint made a stern expression, “Hard, I want to work”.


Luo Ying heard the rain sent an ellipsis.

She felt she couldn’t keep up with the brains of these big men.

Things that can’t be touched at all can be brought together by them, in the end …

Can they achieve their own satisfactory results?

However, Baili Qingfeng didn’t have time to talk to Luo Ying and listen to the rain. Although the Aotian Sword God moderator is not there, the Sword Monarch moderator is relatively reliable, so while they are still there, he quickly proposed that he be online. I just want to ask a question: “Several big brothers, do you have a monster book of 2nd World? I want to know what monsters are upset, and those monsters are not upset.”

“Monster Book of 2nd World?”

Sword Monarch pondered it and said, “I only have a small amount of wild beast and Fierce Beast monsters, and the quantity is not complete. As for the lord Fierce Beast … I have no access at all.”

“Wild beast level, Fierce Beast level, lord level? Is Monster’s rating?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes brightened: “very good.”

“The so-called wild beast, Fierce Beast, and lord ranks are not absolute, just as a reference, like Thunder Dragon and raptors in ancient lifeforms. The two are not a level, but humans can rely on long spear to benefit The spear hunted Thunder Dragon, but did not dare to provoke the raptors. “

“So, it’s okay, it’s better than nothing.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

At this time, the falling cherry tree also heard the rain and said, “I have 430 monster illustrated books about wild beast and Fierce Beast. I will send it to you now if Thunder Dominator wants it?”

“Very good, thank you.”

Baili Qingfeng said happily.

Soon, two people, Sword Monarch and Luo Ying Ting Yu, had sent the illustrations.

There are 42 wild beast and Fierce Beast materials in Sword Monarch’s hand, and 439 in Sakura and Rain. Among them, there are twenty six materials that overlap with each other. In other words, Baili Qingfeng has received a total of 2 wild beasts. Fierce Beast.

The concept of wild beast in the 2nd World is similar to the World where Baili Qingfeng is located, just some wild beasts.

Just affected by the 2nd World environment, once these wild beasts have reached their side, the World will have amazing speed and strength, and become extremely terrifying.

This level roughly corresponds to human levels 4 to 6.

Fierce Beast can be understood as the most beastly beast, or the wild beast that swallowed heavenly materials earthly treasures, barely corresponding to humans 7 to Level 9.

But what does this correspond to not at all have practical significance? Wild beast is less intelligent than orcish people and burrow people. In the case of non-frontal killing, it is not difficult for humans to deal with this lifeform, just like hunters can use traps to kill lions. , Tigers and other Peak beasts.

After Baili Qingfeng got these illustrations, he looked patiently.

Due to time constraints, he specially printed out these pictorial materials and bound them into books, intending to read them slowly on the way to the border.


Due to the privacy of the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree, Baili Changkong does not send it from Law Manifestation.

2nd day Early in the morning, Ye Fusheng, the deputy head of the 9th Division, came to pick him up to his destination. This head of the Division arrived early outside the grove in his courtyard and took him to Southwest.

Baili Qingfeng stayed in the car for a while, and soon saw what he said: “Are we going to the beach?”


Ye Fusheng was nodded, and apologized at the same time: “The order I received was to send Qingfeng Sect Master to Yusha Port.”

Baili Qingfeng did not ask any further questions.

Yusha Port is not far from the city of Xia, only 100 to 40 kilometers. In addition, the road conditions are good. In less than 3 hours, the vehicle has stopped at the port.

After the car stopped, the soldiers who were waiting here came forward, and then Baili Qingfeng came to the waiting room.

Baili Qingfeng held the box in his hand, set the non-killer sword aside, picked up the wild beast book and continued to look at it.

This illustrated book divides the wild beast of 2nd World into 4 categories.

Poultry, beasts, fish, and underground World lifeform.

There are a lot of underground World wild beasts, there are more than 100 of them. Baili Qingfeng’s previously surrendered rhinoceros are also among them. And in this data, I do n’t know if it was collected by the Stargazing Hall or by Heaven’s Mystery Building. A mutant variety-the king of rhino horns.

The king of rhino horns may not be larger than the rhino horns, and may even be smaller than the normal rhino horns, but it has extremely amazing Strength and agility. Under its leadership, the meek rhino horns will be given a powerful attack Sex.

Often the appearance of a king of rhino horns can commander a tribe of dozens of rhino horns and become a party overlord. Such powerful herds, even some middle cavemen tribes, dare not provoke them.

“The king of rhino horns is feasible. When I get the Holy Spirit fruit, maybe I can search for it. If you can’t find it, you can use the rhino horns to practice the Refining Spirit level.”

Baili Qingfeng wrote down this lifeform.

At this time he seemed to sense something and looked up in one direction.

Not long after, Duan Murui came to this port with 4 people.

The four people, Baili Qingfeng, knew one, named Baiyun Lu, Great Elder, a Grandmaster-level powerhouse.

But Baili Qingfeng’s first look was not him, but a middle-aged man above and below 60. If he read correctly, this man …

It’s terrestrial True Immortal.

“Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Duan Murui smiled and greeted Baili Qingfeng and said, “Come, let me introduce you …”

“No, I have to thank Qingfeng Sect Master.”

The man with the land True Immortal realm stepped forward and said with emotion: “Hello Qingfeng Sect Master, I’m Zhang Lie, I have been a long-known name, thank you for everything you have done for the Maria Dao world, thank you for defeating the 3 saints Alliance, beheaded 3 Holy Alliances, 3 territories, True Immortal, a True Immortal, and the Martial Dao Realm! Thank you for revenge for our god Shadow Sect! “

“You … hello, you’re overdone, this is what I should do.”

Although Baili Qingfeng didn’t know who it was called Zhang Lie, he smiled and answered politely.

Duan Murui on the side quickly introduced a sentence: “More than ten years ago, Zhang True Immortal succeeded on land True Immortal, intending to cooperate with me and other resistance to the chaotic rule of 3 Holy Alliances, but we have not yet contacted, but someone has reportedly secretly reported that Zhang True Immortal’s God Shadow Sect was hit by the 3 Holy Alliance thunderbolt, the Sect was destroyed, and he had to travel far away. Zhang True Immortal learned that the external forces of the 3 Holy Alliance were uprooted, to be wild with joy, to return to the country, and immediately needed Go to visit Qingfeng Sect Master, you are just delayed because of some trivial matters. “

Baili Qingfeng listened for a moment.

In the ten years since the founding of Shia, a total of two True Immortal territories have been born. One was forced to leave the country, and the other was killed by the 2 Holy Alliance. Zhang Lie was clearly the former.

“Although I secretly escaped from the pursuit of the 3 Holy Alliance with the help of Kunwu personnel and withdrew abroad, our God Shadow Sect was overthrown by the 3 Holy Alliance and Qingfeng Sect Master destroyed the love of the 3 Holy Alliance. I, Zhang Lie, will always remember in my heart. Although the strength of Qingfeng Sect Master does not require me to help, but in the heart of 2nd World, I must make an all-out effort to protect the safety of Qingfeng Sect Master. “

“I do n’t need this. I can run if I ca n’t win. Moreover, I know about lurking and the Concealment Technique, and I can go to some hidden place to hide, no crisis can find me. . “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“I know, but the Qingfeng Sect Master is not good, but I have to help.”

Zhang Lie calmly said.

Duanmu Rui also came forward to introduce the other 2 people at this time.

The other two are the military master Xiao 2, the grand grandmaster of the year 10000 40, the future True Immortal seed, and the other is the Danmu Elder of Hundred Herb Hall. At the age of 3, his body gradually began to go downhill. You can’t rely on Holy Spirit to give it a try, hit the land True Immortal, it will fade out of the martial artist circle for up to 60 years.

Four of them, plus Baili Qingfeng, are all the people fighting for Holy Spirit in Sia Kingdom this time.

“The channel where Holy Spirit Fruit Tree is located is currently guarded by the Bucks. At that time, they will board the warships of the Bucks. Someone will explain some of the precautions for the World over there …”

Duanmu Rui said this bitterly laughed: “Actually we also went in 2 times. We do n’t know much about the situation there. We only know that Holy Spirit Fruit Tree grows in a woodland and there are a lot of wild beasts and Fierce Beasts. As soon as you accidentally land, True Immortal will fall into it. The last time you opened it, Land True Immortal died 3, 2 of which were determined to have died in Fierce Beast’s mouth, and the other … is missing … “

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng heard Duan Murui’s statement slightly raised: “Should the parties in the Knight Alliance watch and help each other? Isn’t it …”

“Generally speaking, you do n’t need to worry about these problems if you do n’t have Holy Spirit fruit, but Holy Spirit fruit … For those cultivators who have been stuck at level 6 for many years, almost equivalent to level 7 tickets, once condensed, there is no leakage Life, extended life for decades, this temptation … who can resist !? So, run to a crowded place! In some cases, due to the alliance convention, others are afraid to act blindly without thinking, but if you encounter it alone … “

Duanmu Rui said this without saying any further.

And Baili Qingfeng …

I also understood what he meant.

For a moment, he felt a little heavy.

“I thought that the Holy Spirit fruit fight only needs to be careful with wild beast and Fierce Beast, didn’t expect … still have to prevent others? Terrifying! If I really get the Holy Spirit fruit, I will run faster, How far to run … “


(There are only 3 chapters today.)

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