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There is a Holy Spirit Fruit Tree on the Xia border.

The correct expression of this statement should be that there is a Space Passage on the border of Shia, and the endless forest opposite Space Passage exists Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

Also, the number of Holy Spirit Fruit Trees is not one as described by Master Switch, but many.

No one knows how many. At the moment, Shia and the Knights have explored them two times in total, one was found for the first time, and three were found around the second time. If you can continue to expand the scope, all Explore around and find ten, 2, 2, all unknown.


The endless forest is too dangerous. There are too many wild beasts and Fierce Beasts in it. Last time, it was rumored that some people felt the horror of Fierce Beast. In this case, I ran 4 places to try one’s luck. Where is Holy Spirit Fruit Tree, an accidentally breaking into the territory of a powerful Fierce Beast, almost equivalent to a lamb in a tiger’s den, and delivering food to your door.

Duanmu Rui popularized the relevant materials of 2nd World for Baili Qingfeng.

Although Baili Qingfeng has the glorious record of killing the Su 1000 line, in the endless forest, I am afraid that no one can guarantee that he can live 100% out of it, except for those Peaks at the top of the world. Qingfeng had to go to the endless forest in order to reach the Xeon Road, so Duanmurui could only tell every detail.

As for getting him to pick the Holy Spirit fruit for the endless forest?

Holy Spirit fruit …

That can make people significantly shorten the Five Qi Towards The Origin, condensing the leak treasure of True Immortal on land, and face this temptation, who can keep his heart and soul after receiving 1000 Holy Spirit fruits Give away?

Even Zhang Lie, who keeps on saying Baili Qingfeng as a benefactor, dare not easily promise.

“Here comes the Buck’s warship!”

At this time, Lu Baiyun said aloud.

The aurora looked around and saw a 3000-ton frigate sailing in the wind and waves from a distance.

The Bucks Kingdom is a first-class power in the world, but because of the many military industries left by the shining empire, the equipment and facilities are not inferior to the Bucks Kingdom. However, when it comes to the advanced nature of battleship, the birds of a feather between the two, so seeing the arrival of this frigate, there is not much envy in the eyes of everyone.

“Qingfeng Sect Master, your safety is of great importance. This trip to the endless forest, whether you can successfully win the Holy Spirit fruit, please be sure to keep your own safety first, if the situation is in crisis, you can give up the Holy Spirit fruit, To ensure that they retire. “

Duanmu Rui cautioned.

“I know.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “I’ll go for 30 hours, and I will return if I can get Holy Spirit fruit for 30 hours.”

Duanmurui is naturally clear about this.

At the moment, I added again: “absolutely be careful!”

Soon the battleship was approaching.

After being docked properly, a middle-aged man in military uniform hanging 2 stars came down from above, his eyes immediately fell on Duanmu Rui: “Leader Duanmu, I haven’t seen you for a while.”

“It’s 3 years and 3 months, General Hard.”

Duan Murui stepped forward slightly and said, “The last time we met, it was a joint military exercise held by our countries.”

Under the pressure of the external environment, the member states of the Knight Alliance communicate very frequently and the relations are close. Therefore, there is basically some friendship among the high-level nations.

“Recently, traces of Aurora people can be seen in many places in the South China Sea. Obviously, this group of Aurora people are just starting to stir up the wind and the rain. Our military has already spoken to King Your Majesty and organized a new The joint exercise, on the one hand, removes some of the exposed points of the Aurora, on the other hand, it can also deter those small countries in the South China Sea and let them understand who is the true master of this Sea Territory. “

“A joint exercise.”

Duanmurui thinks of the Oao Kingdom incident, and is lightly nodded: “I would recommend it to the Prime Minister.”

General Had was nodded, his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng: “This one is a genius in your country. The sword cuts the 8th-level peak True Immortal Su 1000 Legendary star Baili Qingfeng, right? Baili Qingfeng Sect Master looks better than The materials are even younger. I was still meditating in the ivory tower when Qingfeng Sect Master was so old. “

“I am also in school now.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Harder and said aloud.

Harder started lightly and smiled immediately afterwards: “I forgot, Baili Qingfeng Sect Master is still a top student at Shire University and loses respect.”

The two sides maintained a harmonious conversation for a while, and eventually Harder led a team of several people to battleship.

After Duan Murui sent them here, he did not continue to follow.

The battleship set sail and headed to an island in the Sea Territory, 100 kilometers away, on the border of Gia.

Although this Space Passage belongs to the territory of Sia Kingdom, Sia Kingdom has contributed to the Knight Alliance and delivered it to the Knight Alliance. It is currently hosted by the Buck Alliance Kingdom, the Alliance Leader of the Knight Alliance. Sia Kingdom’s warships, but compared to a fleet of Bucks Kingdom, the level is more than a chip.

As Baili Qingfeng and the others came to the island, the Bucks Kingdom stationed on the island soon sent someone to greet them, and at the same time they also welcomed the Brigadier General who was a person Sia Kingdom.

The entire group maintained a friendly and warm atmosphere, got out of the battleship, and took a vehicle to a military camp in the middle of the island.

When they came here, representatives from many countries already waited here.

“Hahaha, is Hea’s friend here?”

With a hearty laugh coming from the courtyard, a middle-aged man with a strong breath that seemed to faintly climb to a higher level of life strode forward.

“It is Commander Qi Rui of the South China Sea Fleet.”

Lu Baiyun spoke for Baili Qingfeng.

And Baili Qingfeng only found out at this time that in the entire group …

Seems to be dominated by him?

Is he still a student?

Let him say hello to these great characters, he is totally unprepared, is it okay?

Fortunately, the commander of Qi Rui is warm and friendly: “This one must be the Baili Qingfeng Sect Master, is it really Dragons Among Humans! If it is not Heaven’s Mystery Building, the various lists are often updated once a year, Among the top ten stars of our Divine Continent, there must be your place in Baili Qingfeng Sect Master! “

“The Commander Qi Rui has won awards. My achievements are insignificant compared to the geniuses in your country. Your Bucks King is the example I am after.

Baili Qingfeng modestly said.

“I am honored to be a role model for Baili Qingfeng Sect Master.”

At this time, a sound full of magnetic charm came from behind Qi Rui and the others.

Immediately afterwards, a man dressed in military uniform, full of a sense of integrity and sunshine came over.

This man seems to be less than 30, in terms of looks, it is better to be incarnation Miro who can be a star debut, but the strong physique, erect posture, and the military-like resilience of his body, but Is enough to attract everyone’s attention.

Recalling his self-proclaimed moment …

The identity of the man has been called out.

“The Bucks King Simba!”

Zhang Lie exclaimed in a low voice.

Those who do not go abroad will never know how high the prestige of the Bucks King Simba and the Polaris Constantine in the East Divine Continent International is among the younger generation.

This is the East Divine Continent’s top ten stars, only 2 broke the limit twice, reaching the 2th level.

If you want to break the second human limit, courage, perseverance, determination, momentum, and opportunity are all indispensable. Every martial artist before breaking the second human limit often needs to use a variety of seemingly to accumulate itself. Invincible trend.

Constantine of the Aurora Empire chose to go deep into the snowy field, to accompany Heaven and Earth in that horrible environment of extremes, to associate with nature, and finally break through myself, sublime life, and break through.

And Simba …

At the age of 25, he chose the traditional path.

Take the invincible road!

With its horrible battle strength, it has swept the Knight Alliance and even the invincible road of all the younger generations of Chiyan Country!

In just one year of concentrating invincible, he challenged more than 20 young geniuses, some of whom were 30-40 years old True Immortal-level powerhouse larger than him, but every time he won !!

Even in the last 3 months of the invincible road, he went to the Chiyan Kingdom alone, fighting all the powerhouses of the Chiyan Kingdom. He was unable to raise the young generation of the Chiyan Kingdom, and there is a person originally located in East Divine The genius on Continent’s Top Ten Rising Stars list, who was challenged by his skeptical life, has not recovered today.

From this point, we can see how strong Simba’s prestige was.

In addition, this kind of character that casts the base of Xeon is very strong. Once it breaks the limit of the human body, it is a well-known figure in level 8.

Right now it has been 2 years since Simba broke the limit twice, and no one knows how much he has been overbearing in these 4 years.

“Baili Qingfeng, hello!”

Simba came to Baili Qingfeng, reached out, and greeted him with a smile.

That kind look …

It reminded Baili Qingfeng of the friendly Big Brother next door.

“Hello there!”

Baili Qingfeng quickly reached out his hand.

Everyone couldn’t help feeling a little envious when they saw the two shaking hands and looking like a hero.

Commander Qi Rui even smiled and said, “Speaking of which, Baili Qingfeng Sect Master and Simba have quite similar experiences. Baili Qingfeng Sect Master has been trained by Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master Baili Changkong since he was young. It was in silent build-up. Before his 20 years old, although he performed well, he was waiting for the opportunity of amaze the world with a single brilliant feat. It was not until the age of 20 that he really started to rise. Uncontrollable, to this day, he has reached the top of Divine Continent, his peers with a smile … No, even our older generations have been suppressed by him … “

Speaking of this, he sincerely said, “The future is the world of your youngster!”

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