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Many people had gathered in the courtyard at this time.

Nearly host-like bucks, they completed the Moro with a strong ability to mobilize uniformly, and later it was Shia, Ghana, Norway, and Beisen.

These 6 countries make up the Knight Alliance 6 Great Accomplishment.

In addition to these 6 countries, big countries like the Bucks and the Moro also have Friends Zhou State. Of course, speaking of Friends Zhou State, it is actually the Subsidiary Country, but the Knight League is not responsible for these Subsidiary Country, and these The host country also took the place of their home country to participate in the Holy Spirit fruit contest.

In this case, there are not only many people in the yard, but also many others.

At a glance, there were 100 people.

Among the 100 people, the Bucks Kingdom has the largest number, there are more than 30, a few other countries have more than 20, and these teams are usually led by one or two land True Immortal. The main members of the team are still level 2 martial artists. , And most of these 6-level marial artists are fifty-sixty.

They all belong to the martial artist who does not fight for a while, and his physical condition will soon decline.

Therefore, head to the endless forest and fight to see if you can get some Holy Spirit fruit condensed and leak-free true body, and achieve longevity after achieving level 7.

“This time the number of people is larger than the last time. The last time, there were only 86 people. This time, it actually reached 109 people.”

Lu Baiyun probed outside and returned to Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at everyone, and said something strange: “If Holy Spirit is so precious, why don’t these countries send powerful teams? Of these 109 people, there are only ten True Immortals on land? And those who break the limits of the human body, Is there only Simba the Bucks and Prince Yao of the Moro royal family? “

“Because the endless forest has Lord Fierce Beast!”

Zhang Lie knew this very well: “The biggest difference between Fierce Beast and Fierce Beast is wisdom. Because wisdom exists, they will consciously invite other Fierce Beasts to use it and expand their territory. , The reaction to any powerful lifeform that enters their territory will be fierce. “

Speaking of which, his tone was lightly paused: “For the lord Fierce Beast, the standard of a powerful living body … is to break the limit of the human body twice.”


Baili Qingfeng glanced at Bucks King Simba.

In him he did feel a sense of oppression of higher life against lower life.

It’s as if a Martial artist below Level 4 stays beside Level 4 martial artist and becomes cautious, even trembling with fear. These are the cultivators who broke the limit of the first human body to face the Bucks, Prince Yao and the others. Have this feeling.

“Qingfeng Sect Master should know that the last Holy Spirit fruit battle fell to 3 terrestrial True Immortal, but the opening period of this Space Passage is not the same as the Holy Spirit fruit’s maturity. It must wait for ten years. The opening period of Heavenly Immortal Realm is only For more than a year, more than ten years after the Bucks royal family got this Space Passage, they sent a total of 3 people to investigate, but to this end, they sacrificed 2 powerhouses that broke the 2 limits … this and the others Any one is a huge blow to the Bucks royal family, so the Bucks royal family hides this matter deeply. “

Baili Qingfeng heard nodded.

Although the Bucks Kingdom has a deep foundation and great strength, it is still worse than the Chiyan Kingdom on the East Divine Continent, let alone the Aurora Empire.

The strong external performance is mainly due to the differences in the country’s political system.

The Bucks Kingdom is dominated by a family, while the Chi Yan Kingdom is jointly controlled by many great families, and the forces are largely dispersed …

It is also because of the various interests of many families in China that it is not possible to consolidate Strength into one. Although Chiyan is a big country in East Divine Continent First Channel, it can still be overwhelmed by East Divine Continent. .

This characteristic is somewhat similar to the Kingdom of Moro and Hea.

For this reason, Chiyan Country lost two 2-level powerhouses. It may be bloodshed, but the Bucks royal family …

However, it may be because of these two 2-level powerhouses that they have affected the Royal Family Strength, so that some forces who did not dare to have any ideas about the Bucks Royal Family have some ideas that should not have, and will eventually evolve into the turmoil that swept the entire Bucks Kingdom. Therefore, the Bucks royal family concealed the death of the two 8-level powerhouses deeply, only to declare to the outside world that he had worked hard in the 2nd world retreat.

Anyway, because of the opening cycle of Space Passage, it is quite normal for many people to retreat to 2 World for 3-5 years.

“Mr. Baili Qingfeng.”

While Baili Qingfeng was looking at the masters, two youngsters, a man and a woman, came over.

Among these two men, the men are handsome and handsome, and the women are also beautiful and full of a gentle and classic atmosphere.

Seeing two people, Zhang Lie quickly introduced: “This is His Royal Highness Ninth Prince Huiming and Ten 2 Princess Huiyun.”

“Ninth Prince, Ten 5 Princess?”

Baili Qingfeng gave Zhang Lie a strange look.

He felt that King Hea’s six children were enough, didn’t expect …

There is actually a better one here?

At least ten or five children?

“I heard that the new star of the Knight Alliance, Mr. Baili Qingfeng, is here. I rushed here and wanted to see something. Right now, I can see Mr. Qingfeng True Master. It really is showing off talent. It is extraordinary.”

The Ninth Prince Huiming smiled and greeted Baili Qingfeng.

“9 His Highness the Prince has won, and I can’t afford to be a rising star.”

“Our East Divine Continent has a new star and many people without a new star name, but these people do not include Mr. Baili Qingfeng. Whether it is Mr. Baili Qingfeng, you frustrated God’s incarnation Miró with less than 21 years of age, or face A level 8 True Immortal’s assault counterattack is enough to prove Mr. Qingfeng’s excellence in Martial Dao. Besides, Mr. Baili Qingfeng uprooted the external forces of the 3 Holy Alliance for his sake. This incredible feat is not anything A peer can do the same. Until the next Heaven’s Mystery Building list is updated, there will be a place for Mr. Baili Qingfeng on the top ten new stars of Divine Continent. “

Huiming said with a smile.

Baili Qingfeng responded awkwardly, completely communicative and chatting with the 9 His Highness the Prince, the whole process …


Huiming seems to see Baili Qingfeng’s perfunctory, but it is very interesting to shift the topic slightly: “I heard that Mr. Baili Qingfeng is very interested in music. It happens that my younger sister has also studied music in depth, I believe you two will Have a common topic. “

After speaking, he turned to Zhang Lie and Lu Baiyun who were accompanying Baili Qingfeng: “Zhang Lie True Immortal We haven’t met for the first time, but Lu Grandmaster, who is not familiar with many of our Bucks, may as well Let me introduce Lu Grandmaster … “

Zhang Lie and Lu Baiyun glanced at each other, and immediately understood the meaning of Huiming.

This is the opportunity to create the ten 5 Princess alone, Baili Qingfeng and the Bucks Royal Family.

Based on the excellence of Baili Qingfeng, it makes perfect sense for the Bucks royal family to use a Princess to marry him, and Sia Kingdom is currently facing a huge threat from the Aurora Empire. If Baili Qingfeng can pull more support from the Bucks royal family Zhang Lie and Lu Baiyun naturally enjoyed it, and laughed at the moment: “I really want to know a fellow fellow so that I can go to the endless forest to be safer.”

“Exactly, let me introduce two people.”

Huiming said, already taking 2 people, and gradually left.

Huiyun also looked at Baili Qingfeng with a curious look: “I have heard about Mr. Baili Qingfeng’s deeds a long time ago. I never thought that a person as powerful as Mr. Baili Qingfeng would still like music. My favorite musician is Baffin. His paradise song has been played every night so far, as well as his love of the sky. The scenes constructed in the music seem to put people in the blue sky and white. Clouds, in the breeze, beautiful, peaceful and quiet … What do you think, Mr. Qingfeng? “

“This … I haven’t heard the song of heaven and the love of the sky, sorry …”

Baili Qingfeng responded a bit awkwardly.

“It seems that Mr. Fengfeng is a person who likes his famous domestic songs. In fact, I know a lot about Shia songs. I also spent a few months at the Blue Ocean Music Academy where Mr. Qingfeng lives. I’ve heard concerts with the show Teacher, Teacher Wang, Qi Teacher, Tree Teacher, Yu Teacher … “

“What about Teacher Wang?”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “I like his songs, too.”

“Really, it looks like we all belong to people who like pop music.”

Huiyun said with a faint smile.

The Teachers she mentioned just now include pure music, rock music, and folk songs. They almost include all kinds of music, but Baili Qingfeng obviously belongs to the level of amateur hobby people. It is impossible to understand such details … …

if that’s the case……

Discuss with him what world-renowned music is to play the lute for a cow.

The next two people had a continuous discussion on the topic of music, and the entire chat process was quite relaxing.

An hour passed unconsciously.

After the two were separated, Zhang Lie and Lu Baiyun 2 gathered around again and smiled, “Qingfeng Sect Master, it looks like a good chat. We will rest here for a day and learn more about the shelter of the endless forest. , And the path to several Holy Spirit Fruit Trees, so you and your Highness Huiyun can get along next. “

“I’m in the chat for the next few days? Can’t I stay in the room and have a good rest? Is this a high-level diplomatic strategy of Shia?”

“Come on?”

Lu Baiyun: Slightly startled: “As Qingfeng Sect Master, who would dare you to accompany you?”

“Then I’ll stay at home and read Martial Practice.”

Lu Baiyun and Zhang Lie couldn’t help but admire them.

Beauty is currently indifferent, and still does not forget the hard work and hard work at all times. This mentality …

Perhaps it is the main reason why Baili Qingfeng can achieve amazing achievements at such a young age.

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