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Heaven’s Mystery Building, World League, 10000 Commercial Bank, Hunters Association, and said it was one of the 4 neutral organizations in the world.

Among them, Heaven’s Mystery Building is responsible for intelligence collection, while the League of Legends ignores the open strife and veiled struggle between the forces of the World and the 2nd World, and specializes in the related issues of the 2nd World, including culture, history, inheritance, and social structure.

The remaining 10000 commercial banks are the largest commercial organization and the largest trading platform in the world. Anyone who has a demand for materials can get a satisfactory harvest in the 10000 Chamber of Commerce, provided that you can pay the due price. .

The last hunter’s association is similar to mercenaries. It is responsible for hunting burrowers, beasts, tatars, and some Fierce Beasts and other beasts who have escaped from the 2nd World. Many times they will go to the 2nd part-time. World, hunt some high-value prey.

Absolutely neutral forces cannot exist in this World, but when this force is so strong that any family must consider their attitude, they play a neutral plaque to show if others didn’t offend me i will not offend others Interest position, other World Level forces will naturally choose to turn a blind eye for their existence.

Xing Yang, Chaotic Star Sea.


This is one of the three largest islands in the Chaotic Star Sea, and it is also the top ten islands in the Starfall Ocean. The total area of ​​the island is 3 40000 points 3692 3 square kilometers.

Heaven’s Mystery Building is on this island.

The main reason why Baijiazudi is not the Heaven’s Mystery Building headquarters is that Heaven’s Mystery Building has no headquarters at all.

The interior of Heaven’s Mystery Building is operated by the White, Gold, and Ancient 3 Great Sects. One generation is changed. However, 100 years ago, due to the self-determined nature of the two families, the Heaven and Mystery Building did not square up the location of Heaven’s Mystery Building when the 2nd World opened. This caused Heaven’s Mystery Building to be greatly injured. Fortunately, Bai Jia took the initiative to go deep into the 2nd World exploration and rely on the information he had to grow rapidly. This led to the current situation of Heaven’s Mystery Building. Otherwise, there are 2 major neutral organizations in the world today. It’s no surprise that it has become a big three neutral organization.

At this moment in a courtyard on the top of Fengxiang Mountain, the largest active volcano on the island, a silhouette is washing itself.

After finishing cleaning, he put on a white gown, accompanied by his bland and beautiful face, an assaults the senses with a fairy-like ancient charm.

Someone was waiting for him in the hall at this moment.


many people.

There are more than a dozen seniors and a few youngsters, while the old man with 3 white hair and youthful face is standing in front.

If Baili Qingfeng and the Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes moderators have met, they will be able to judge. One of several youngsters is exactly the one who wanted to break the elders ’blockade of Martial Dao books and open up a feat for everyone. Sword God white jade flute.

And the man who changed into white clothed and looked immortal and ancient. He knew the same-he had a relationship with him under the Qingyuan Mountain, and gave him mysterious big brother, Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter, white clothed. Win.

“how about it!?”

Seeing the white clothed win, the three men asked with a strong breath in the eyes of the mighty old man.

Just a small change in mood seems to have caused the Celestial Phenomenon in several dozen meters of Fangyuan to be abnormal, windy and dusty, terrifying white jade flutes, and a few Juniors quickly shrinking their necks.

White clothed won’t speak, but the breath on his body is constantly rising, and he has immediately surpassed the land of True Immortal, and has reached a level comparable to True Immortal, and has not stagnated, and continues to move towards True Immortal to a higher level. Going, it was only when the peak was approaching, that it was worthy to stop.

Seeing this scene, three old men’s faces showed joy at the same time.

“Ok! Ok! Seunger, you really deserve to be the best disciple in our eighteen generations, okay!”

“Unbelievable, the last time Nirvana broke through 2 limits directly to achieve True Immortal, once again Nirvana, stabilize the True Immortal realm, and this time Nirvana, actually pushed the strength to a near peak level, if you re Nirvana several times Isn’t it where water flows, a canal is formed to achieve Celestial !? “

“The kind of Peak method that you got by chance is coincident with the Phoenix Nirvana Technique of our Bai Family Secret, which actually has such wonderful effects? Nirvana once, the cultivation base soars once? If we can promote this method, wouldn’t it? … “

“You try as you try.”

White clothed Seung seemed to have gritted his teeth and said: “However, this Peak method is absolutely overbearing. Unless the Phoenix Nirvana Technique is revised to Great Accomplishment, once it falls into the cultivation deviation state, there will be no doubt. Only the Phoenix Nirvana Technique in the Great Accomplishment stage, Together with this kind of power Law Manifestation, we can realize the human body’s nearly broken and standing process. If we want to cultivate in this way, the inside of the body must have enough energy, otherwise it will hurt the foundation. “

“We naturally understand that breaking up and standing behind actually inspires human potential. It is precisely because the body has this potential that this step can barely be completed. Fortunately, our Heaven’s Mystery Building is not short of Peak treasure. At that time, completely let one person take a lot of Peak treasure before cultivation and other Peak methods and the Phoenix Nirvana Technique, and then use this method to completely refine the taken treasure into its own Strength, so that cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds. “

Speaking is one of 3 old man.

Heaven’s Mystery Building has collected countless Peak exercises, knows a lot about martial arts theory, and naturally understands clearly the pros and cons of white clothed victory over this cultivation method.


The white clothed victory is indifferent: “The standard between level 8 and level 9 is 2 points. One is to strengthen the physical strength to the limit. The other is mysterious one with the World. As early as when I landed on the True Immortal realm, I have mastered One with the World. Now the only difference is the lack of physical fitness. When my body condition stabilizes, I will take some Peak medicinal materials to accumulate energy and try to advance to Level 9. At that time, I can let others to see how I practice That practice and Nirvana. “

“Level 36 at 9 …”

An old man sighed sincerely: “This speed, East Divine Continent is afraid that it can be ranked in the top 3 in history, and Singer really deserves to be the best disciple of our Bai family.”

“Haha, I was waiting for the day when Seunger stepped on the top powerhouse. In the same year, Seunger tried to condense the Xeon Road, and again because of our Heaven’s Mystery Building, he did not let him on any list, but I I believe that the moment he truly achieves Xeon, he will move the world. “

Another old man followed said with a smile.

“Since this method is feasible, then it is time to choose the next batch of people to try. Who in our Baijia family has revised the Phoenix Nirvana Technique to Great Accomplishment?”

The old man said, his eyes fell on those dozen middle-aged men.

A dozen middle-aged man looked at each other, and 3 people came forward and reported 4 names.

White clothed won, and his eyes fell on the white jade xiao behind everyone: “Xiao Xiao is one.”

“He? His Phoenix Nirvana Technique has not been Great Accomplishment …”

The current owner of Heaven’s Mystery Building starts frowns saying during the day.

“Father, Xiao Xiao’s Phoenix Nirvana Technique has not been Great Accomplishment, but last time I talked to him, he was almost on the verge of breakthrough. I would point him again and believe that breakthrough is not difficult, after all, before practicing that technique It will take another month to adjust my condition and prepare for cultivation deviation. “

White clothed winked at the look of white jade flute with a hint of strangeness.

In the daytime, I saw eldest son’s rhetoric, and then considered that this cultivation method was first discovered by his own eldest son, and it was eventually nodded.

Just …

He felt a little awkward.

When does the cultivation deviation result of this terrifying terrifying actually turn into a highly efficient cultivation method?

World is changing too fast. Are they older generations unable to keep up with the times?

Everyone negotiated the list, each and everyone went away happily, and at the same time they created such an effective cultivation method for the Bai family.

As long as the Bai family can be born continuously, the prosperity of the family is bound to last forever.

The white clothed win also called the white jade flute and left together, apparently to point out some of his cultivation.

This scene fell into the eyes of those Juniors, and it made them envious of each and everyone, envious of the white jade flute being so powerful, and still loving his elder brother.

White jade Xiao said that he cares and cares for him. He doesn’t want to at all: “Brother, big brother, my dear big brother, when did I tell you that my Phoenix Nirvana Technique has reached the edge of breakthrough Great Accomplishment? Is it Small Accomplishment! Small Accomplishment! My Phoenix Nirvana Technique is an introduction to breaking through to the edge of Small Accomplishment! “

“I used Nirvana this time for nearly 2 months. You were almost at Small Accomplishment 2 months ago. You should be at Small Accomplishment now? Now that you are at Small Accomplishment, the next step is Great Accomplishment. It ’s like if you have a 100000000 million net worth, earning 1000 a month and earning 10000 a month are n’t all the same. ”

white clothed Said with a smile, a kind of brother harmony.

“But the point is … I haven’t broken through yet …”

“There is no breakthrough !? You haven’t had a breakthrough in 2 months? Think about my cultivation Phoenix Nirvana Technique, from entry to Small Accomplishment … Ahem, not to mention entry to Small Accomplishment, Small Accomplishment to Great Accomplishment, I even have Great It took only a few months for the Accomplishment to Perfection, and even I had a hunch, let me practice for another 2 years, I can even the student surpasses the master, pushing the Phoenix Nirvana Technique to an unprecedented realm! “

“You are a genius……”

“No, there has never been any genius in this World. You haven’t seen the so-called genius aura. I silently worked hard. In the past two years, my cultivation base has grown rapidly, but …”

White clothed Sheng’s tone was slightly excited and exaggerated: “Do you know how I have lived in these 2 years !?”

“I know, in the past 2 years, your big brother’s life must have been broken by the rain and tears …”

“So, we are brother, and I plan to let my younger brother live this experience for you, the Phoenix Nirvana Technique of getting started? It doesn’t matter, I will help you change the formidable power a little, I tell you, like Nirvana. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you get used to it. “

White clothed wins, and pats his shoulder: “After all, the one named Thunder Dominator was introduced to me. We will share it with our brothers. I will teach you with heart. The next genius in the Bai family is you. . “

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