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Space Passage.

one after another silhouette rushed in from Space Passage.

Although the Space Passage is not big, it can be opened for 30 hours. Everyone need not rush to rush, even 109 people, to maintain order, it will not take a few minutes.

“Well, if only the Space Passage in my cultivation cave would last 30 hours.”

Baili Qingfeng stepped into Space Passage with a sense of regret.

Passing through the Space Passage, Baili Qingfeng clearly felt the environment of the high-energy land and the cave people who lived with Thunder Beast completely different.

Wherever you look, there is a big tree of lush and green.

I do n’t know how many years these big trees have survived. Each one is soaring into the clouds, countless leaves are densely packed and intertwined, completely covering the clouds and sunlight above the head. It is daylight, but it can be left in the woods. There is a sense of dawn in the morning.

At their feet, there is also a dead leaf and rotten leaves, which are quite soft when stepping on them. There is no point in fighting with people in such environments, I am afraid they will be very disadvantaged.

“Safety first, Holy Spirit is good, but please be cautious, and finally you will be able to leave the endless forest without any problems.”

When Baili Qingfeng looked at the all around environment, Buck Buck King Simba was summoning everyone, patiently asking everyone to pay attention, and vividly and thoroughly showing a leader’s style.

Compared to Simba, Baili Qingfeng, the unfathomable mystery, was obviously considered as the leader.

“Qingfeng Sect Master, shall we act together or …”

Lu Baiyun asked.

“I want to go to Holy Spirit Fruit Tree and return to Space Passage within 30 hours. Speed ​​is bound to be fast, so …”

Lu Baiyun understandably nodded: “I see. We will carefully avoid many Fierce Beasts and lurk in the direction of Holy Spirit Fruit Tree. Be careful with Qingfeng Sect Master. In addition, we know too little about this World, although There is a map, but the map only shows the approximate location, and the error will even exceed ten kilometers. Therefore, please be patient when Qingfeng Sect Master searches for Holy Spirit Fruit Tree. “

“I understand that I am the least cautious in handling things. I have a few days before my 21st birthday, but I don’t want to die like this.

Baili Qingfeng discreetly nodded.

“Well, I wish Qingfeng Sect Master that you won a lot of Holy Spirit fruits.”

Lu Baiyun, Zhang Lie, and the others arched at the same time.

Faced with the temptation of Holy Spirit fruit, no one is obliged to lead others together.

Even Simba, who is now a leader, will leave the big army after wasting a dozen minutes here, or form a small team centered on himself, searching for the 4 Holy Spirit Fruit Trees.

Baili Qingfeng identified the direction and left quickly.

After Baili Qingfeng left, Zhang Lie, Lu Baiyun and the others glanced at each other: “Are we going on the 3rd line or …”

“Actually these routes do not at all mean anything. Many Fierce Beast territories in the endless forest are constantly changing, let alone ten years. Even in one or two years, the originally safe places will become dangerous because of the migration of Fierce Beast. The originally dangerous place became safe because Fierce Beast was hunted down by more powerful people, so I plan to explore a path by myself. If it goes well, I can find a Holy Spirit Fruit Tree that is not on the map. “

Zhang Liedao.

Lu Baiyun is nodded.

There are 3 Holy Spirit Fruit Trees on the map, which were discovered by the 2nd Holy Spirit Fruit Contest, and they were discovered by chance. Now they are consciously searching for Holy Spirit Fruit Tree in this forest. Maybe there are still More gains.

“We are different from Qingfeng Sect Master, and we are ready to spend 9 months a year in the endless forest.”

“Yes, you ca n’t get Holy Spirit results, and you can do it as a retreat here.”

Several people discussed and soon got the plan.

In fact, there are not many people similar to their plans.

Many people really take this endless forest trip as a retreat cultivation. While ensuring their safety, they are searching for Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

Of course, retreating in a place like an endless forest is naturally a lot more dangerous than other places, but then again, where can the 2nd World be truly safe?

Baili Qingfeng ’s cultivation cave often has cave people wandering from time to time. At night, a lot of wild beasts come out for hunting. Although there are not many Fierce Beasts, there is no opportunity for Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

In this case, Zhang Lie and Lu Baiyun chose orthodoxy instead. Baili Qingfeng’s approach to the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree at the fastest speed was very few.


Baili Qingfeng, a minority, is now running at full speed in the forest.

“The growth of trees is usually with lush foliage on the south and a little sparseness on the north … In addition, on a hillside, there are a lot of flowers and plants on the south, and the north is mostly moss …”

Baili Qingfeng puts what he has learned into practice to ensure that directions can be discerned in this wood that cannot be penetrated by sunlight.


Learn to use a ghost!

Baili Qingfeng finds himself a wild survival expert in the middle of the Oya Forest is lost in the endless forest.

Some of the knowledge of his World can’t be used in this World.

Special Compass! ?

Baili Qingfeng felt that he had rich experience and mastered a lot of knowledge, which was not necessary at all.

Right now, he has paid the price for his arrogance.

“Go back now and ask everyone if it’s too late to get a Compass?”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

But soon he thought about another question, how to find the way back?

Look at the tree rings?

Looking at North Star?

All means are completely confused in this forest World.

“Find the birds first! As long as I can domesticate a bird with Temptation Light, I will be able to find some coordinate locations on the map and find those coordinates naturally.

Baili Qingfeng said, running again in the woods.

I have to say that Refining Spirit is sometimes useful.

Although when confronting Qi Refining and Body Refining martial artist, the Refining Spirit cultivator needs to be higher than 2 small realm to come in handy, and the harder the cultivation will be in the future, in this environment, it can help him accurately avoid Those Fierce Beasts and fierce beasts with powerful blood power, so that in this rush quickly at top speed, he not at all encountered how many Fierce Beasts and fierce beasts sniped.

Even though Fierce Beast and the beasts also smelled the prey and wanted to kill him, as long as his speed is fast enough to run out of these Fierce Beasts and beasts, these Fierce Beasts and beasts will still not chase them.

In this case, within a few hours, he killed less than ten heads of Fierce Beast and relentlessly chased him.

And after a dash, he finally found a large bird nest on top of a large tree.

He stayed for a while under the bird’s nest, and soon he saw a large bird with more than 6 meters of wings spread.

The bird’s eyes were sharp. Immediately noticed Baili Qingfeng hiding under the tree and made a sharp scream at him, seeming to drive him away.

“The 6-meter bird is a little smaller, but the call is so loud and powerful, and full of vitality. Obviously, it’s you!”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it, and the tree was only thirty-forty meters.

This height is called a towering tree outside, but in this wood, it is really short and worthless.

He wore a Yao Jin Battle Armor. It was not easy to climb this ancient tree flexibly. Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng didn’t want to climb the tree and just cut it down.

At the moment, he took a small step and hurled the non-killing sword in his hand. He was inspired by the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. The 180-degree swing suddenly slashed, and the Strength on his body twisted into a wave. The wave rushed into the hands, and then broke out at the moment without contacting the sword and the tree …


The thick tree with two people hugging it seemed to be hit by a hammer, fiercely shocked, and a large amount of sawdust sputtered 2 squares.


This time does not need the urging of Baili Qingfeng. The bird in the bird’s nest spreads 4 meters, but looks like a sparrow-like giant bird suddenly rushed down from the tree, sweeping a choking ominous Fiend Qi, sharp claws Straight down to him.

“Good to come!”

Baili Qingfeng directly imagined the innate Fiendgod Zuz.

Although this giant bird has stepped into the Fierce Beast level, as the Temptation Light condensed by the innate Fiendgod Zuz knocked on it, it was knocked out on the spot, and his body fell to the ground involuntarily. If it is not because there are many dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground as a buffer, it is estimated that this time it will fall.

However, as the giant bird fell down completely, it also lost the possibility of getting rid of the hand of Baili Qingfeng.

As Baili Qingfeng each and everyone Temptation Light continued to fall, the giant bird that had been struggling to fly again quickly drew from the fierce counterattack and gradually stagnated in place. After his Temptation Light smashed down for a dozen times, it saw The fierce magpie was gradually replaced by a daze, and in the end …

Baili Qingfeng’s consciousness was injected into the torn thoughts. It is also like a pet who has been wandering for many years and finally found his own owner. Looking at Baili Qingfeng’s eyes has obviously become intimate, and even got together, use that The smelling head rushed to Baili Qingfeng.

“Very well, give you a name, it will be called Xiaohui!”

Baili Qingfeng took the reins he had prepared from his backpack and put it on this giant bird.

After making sure that he could ride the bird, he sat up.


The weight of 160 kg was pressed on the bird, and the bird screamed obviously.

Fortunately, Fierce Beast is Fierce Beast. The powerful blood and body are far beyond the reach of ordinary birds. In just a moment, it has adapted to the ride of Baili Qingfeng.

With the order of Baili Qingfeng, the 6-meter-wide bird suddenly stood up, flapped its wings, rushed into the void, and flew straight to the general direction determined by Baili Qingfeng.

Speed ​​……

There are 80 kilometers.

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