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Relying on the advantage of aerial vision, Baili Qingfeng quickly found the first reference object that could be used as coordinates, and found the right direction.

After finding the direction, the next journey naturally becomes much easier to handle.

The only small flaw is that many birds have their own territorial consciousness. Even though Baili Qingfeng is whistled past in the sky while riding on this sparrow-like giant bird, from time to time they still attract some birds to be expelled and chased.

Fortunately, these birds are not really powerful. Baili Qingfeng smashed a few Temptation Lights, and they will basically be eliminated from hostility, and then let him leave.

In this relaxed environment, Baili Qingfeng reached the approximate location of the first Holy Spirit Fruit Tree in less than 3 hours.

If it hadn’t been for the sparrow-like bird’s rest during this time, he could have reduced the travel time to less than two and a half hours.

“So, the endless forest is not as dangerous as people think. As long as you can tame a Fierce Beast bird, this forest is still a human being.”

Baili Qingfeng lamented.

At this time, there was a group of birds in front of it, which seemed to be surrounded by ants, with dozens of heads.

But that’s okay, isn’t it just dozens of Thunder Scepters?

He can be regarded as a cultivation of the Refining Spirit realm.

If there are so many good targets to hit him every moment, he feels that his Refining Spirit level won’t take long to rise.

“hong long long !”

In the thunderbolt roar, the aggressive birds who wanted to expel the invaders were scattered.

Baili Qingfeng flew in the sky for a while, and soon, a sparse area of ​​trees caught his attention.

Holy Spirit Fruit Tree will plunder the earth and vitality of all around in order to provide self-growth Holy Spirit fruit, so it is far easier to find the location of Holy Spirit Fruit Tree than it is to blindly turn inside the woods. many.

“Well? All around has 6 powerful breaths …”

Baili Qingfeng controlled the bird’s ash, allowing him to lower the flying height not far from the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

And he is not holding a sword with one hand, and stays down when the height of the ground is less than ten meters.


Stone debris flying!

Wearing Yao Jin Battle Armor, he steadily landed on the ground again.

At this time, Fierce Beast, guarding the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree, seemed to be aware of the arrival of the invaders, and roared in the mouth, shaking the forest, and spreading the terrifying power of the predator.

In terms of qi and blood …

A few bellowing Fierce Beasts are comparable to a ruler!

“Two level 2 Fierce Beasts, four level 9 Fierce Beasts, this camp is very luxurious … but they have grown to 4 Level 8, why still stare at a few Holy Spirit fruits?”

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 are closely related. Level 9 Fierce Beast also has strong resistance to Refining Spirit Secret Technique, but also …

Level 9 Cavemen Baili Qingfeng can smash down, not to mention Fierce Beast, who is less resistant than Cavemen.

It’s nothing more than that’s all of Refining Spirit Secret Technique.

Twenty will be 20, 30 will be 30, and 40 will be 40. They will always be defeated.

How amazing is Elephant’s Strength and Qi?

Not hunted by humans?

It was normal for a human Wargod to hunt Level 8 Fierce Beast against a Level 9 Refining Spirit realm.

As Baili Qingfeng approached the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree, I quickly saw the 6 heads living around the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree …

A bit similar to a bear’s lifeform.

This lifeform 4 has longer limbs than a bear and can even see raised muscles.

In his mind flashed the monster pictorial book that he had just made up for not long ago. He quickly recognized the origin of this monster—bear and wolf!

A Fierce Beast known for Strength and Defense.

This Fierce Beast has extremely amazing muscle fibers and hair. It is not only explosive and scary, but it is also very resistant. Most monsters can’t even tear their fleshhy body defense. This is a kind of battle strength in Fierce Beast. Monster.

Of course, the human martial artist really likes this lifeform.

Because humans don’t use claws or teeth to attack, they use Chen Jin, fine Chen Jin, and even Yao Jin’s weapons to attack!

Bears and wolves have amazing defenses against sharp claws and bites. They can face human weapons, but they are not worth mentioning.

After identifying this Fierce Beast with only Strength and defense, the next battle becomes simple.

Baili Qingfeng directly used the kite tactics each and everyone to slip out the two Level 2 Fierce Beasts, and he was too lazy to arrange the traps. He then smashed the Thunder Scepter, and smashed into a sword after stunning.

After packing 2 Level 9 Fierce Beasts, the remaining 4 heads of Level 8 Fierce Beast were embarrassed and threatened. After he killed 2 heads, the remaining 2 heads yelled and fled to the forest.

After solving the guardian beast of treasure, Baili Qingfeng calmly came to this Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

Although the Holy Spirit Fruit Tree is madly plundering the land and vitality, it doesn’t grow tall enough, it is only 3 meters, the 4 meters canopy, and the leaves are not very dense. One pair supplies all the resources to the top 3 Holy Spirit is the same.

And these ten 2 Holy Spirit fruits …

No one is mature.

“After all, it is almost ripe. Although it is still a few months before it matures, it should have all the effects. It is just worse. The quality is not enough. The quantity comes together. Ten or two fruits close to maturity , How can the effect be worse than 2 ripe fruits. “

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help but pick up all these Holy Spirit fruits and put them in the backpack.

The Holy Spirit fruit is the size of an orange. With the volume of his backpack, let alone ten, and then ten or two are put in with no difficulty.

Picking the Holy Spirit fruit and looking at the Fruit Tree, Baili Qingfeng stopped and suddenly didn’t know what to do.

“The cave Heavenly Immortal Realm should be opened in less than 5 hours, and I have a small sparrow. It ’s enough to fly back for 3 hours. In other words, I have eighteen hours? Is n’t it that the endless forest is dangerous, Is it difficult to get Holy Spirit fruit, I personally feel … still quite easy. “

Baili Qingfeng stood under Holy Spirit Fruit Tree for a while.

Holy Spirit is better for something like this.

His current path to the Xeon has just gone one third, and it’s good to prepare some Holy Spirit.

Moreover, even if you ca n’t use it in the future, it ’s also a good choice to leave it for your family. Maybe you can use these resources to produce 2 grandfather Baili Changkong to level 7 and condense it into a leak-free body. Is 100 years old.

Considering that there were 8 or 1 hours left, Baili Qingfeng turned around immediately and put on Xiaohui’s back.

But he did not at all fly in the direction of the next Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

Since he has already acquired a Holy Spirit Fruit Tree, he naturally has to reserve a little for others. After all, everyone belongs to the Knight Alliance family, and we still need to maintain unity and help each other.

He took advantage of Xiao gray’s unique air superiority to search for a new Holy Spirit Fruit Tree.

This search is an hour.

After dispersing several waves of birds that wanted to attack, Baili Qingfeng’s eyes suddenly lighted up.

A clearly sparse area of ​​forest trees appeared in his vision, and in the center of that sparse tree, there was a vacant lot of grass and trees, the center of the lot …

There seems to be a Holy Spirit Fruit Tree! ?

It is just different from other Holy Spirit Fruit Trees that are 3 meters long. This Holy Spirit Fruit Tree apparently plunders a lot of ground, but it is only 4 metres high. It is even more sparse and hangs 1.5 Holy Spirit fruits. .

“I don’t dislike three of them.”

Baili Qingfeng pats Little gray back, the innate Fiendgod Zuz’s divine sense pass controls it to fly to Holy Spirit Fruit Tree 2 kilometers away.

But at this time, Xiao gray became irritable and irritable, and seemed to notice something faintly, and did not dare to fall.

Seeing this, Baili Qingfeng sensed a little, and noticed a slight anomaly below.

“Is this … One with the World? No, it’s not One with the World, but it feels a bit like One with the World …”

Baili Qingfeng inspired himself in the Celestial realm, a life field that is even more subtle than One with the World, directly popping a ripple, rushing towards the forest below, and quickly understood the principle of this weird phenomenon: “It should be and Forest symbiosis, so that you can perfectly integrate your breath with the breath of the forest … “

“si si !”

Just then, a cold voice suddenly came from below.

With the sound wave spreading, the entire forest was shaking violently, and whether it was Xiaohui or Baili Qingfeng flying in the sky, under the impact of this sound, they felt a kind of unspeakable palpitations and fears, as if The heart was pinched by an invisible giant hand fiercely, and the blood inside the body seemed to stop functioning.

“Infrasound !?”

Baili Qingfeng keenly realized what this was, and immediately adjusted his fleshhy body state to recover from the impact of infrasound.

But he can do this, but the little gray under him can’t stop the impact of this infrasound, even if he is one kilometer away from where the infrasound happened at this moment.

The bird that accompanied him for several hours fell at a very fast speed towards the ground.

“This height …”

Baili Qingfeng complexion changed. The innate Fiendgod Zuz came out. The powerful divide sense quickly drew into Xiao gray’s mind, and finally awakened it before it was about to fall. The sober little gray frantically flapped his wings and panic. Shouting in horror, trying to get out of here.

Not only it, Baili Qingfeng also felt that kind of inexplicable fear was constantly expanding, it seems that some natural enemies are approaching frantically.


Baili Qingfeng’s Celestial realm seemed to sense something, his gaze suddenly looked at a rushing forest beyond 100 meters away.

There, a whole body blue yellow, 30 meters long, with a sharp angle of python, is wandering silently.

Relying on the cover of the forest breath, it is like a death killer in the woods, wandering silently.

And the kind of palpitations and fears that made Baili Qingfeng feel from this Fierce Beast.

Suddenly, Baili Qingfeng seemed to think of something.

Lord! Lord!

The biggest difference between Fierce Beast and Fierce Beast is that the word “Lord” is the word “Lord”, which means the territory, and also the field!

The same special life field as the realm!

The python in front of me …

Its life field is perfectly integrated with this wood …

This is the characteristic of the lord Fierce Beast!

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