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“A red night !? Lichen !?”

Fang Baiyun glanced at the dust that had been pierced through his head by a sword hole, and then looked towards As Baili Qingfeng let go, the red night that fell softly on the ground, felt his breath suffocate.

Fear rose for the first time in his heart!

When they received the news from Big Dipper as a tamer, they had overrated Baili Qingfeng as much as possible.

Although according to the information they obtained, Baili Qingfeng only has a 6-level peak. By improving the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, the battle strength of the Kingdom Guardian peak can be reached. However, there is a lesson from Su 1000 lines ahead, and none of them dare to have any small Alas, fully adhering to a kind of mentality of lion and rabbit, he also used Baili Qingfeng as a Level 9 battle strength to deal with it.

Therefore, he not only convened all the masters of Three Great Holy Lands, but also united the two people who originally belonged to Luck Emperor, and they wanted to combine the power of the 2th and 5th powerhouses and the 8th and 9th powerhouses to confront the enemy.

This lineup…

Not to mention besieging Baili Qingfeng. This waits for a level 9 Wargod that has only Level 6 battle strength. Even against the real Level 9 powerhouse, it can be killed on the spot for a little price.

Can be realistic…

Cruelly suffocating!

Although they have hit Baili Qingfeng heavily, Chi Xiao sword almost cut him into two, but the price they paid was also unimaginable.

Five 5-level powerhouses died.

“Baili Qingfeng, definitely has Level 9 battle strength!”

“He broke through to the Kingdom Guardian, and the Battle Armor on him … Yao Jin!”

“Kingdom Guardian … but the strength of his blood is not inferior to that of the Body Refining Stream powerhouse that breaks the limit of the human body twice, will there be an intelligence error, he has …”

“He has just become a Kingdom Guardian in less than a month, and it is impossible to break the limit of the human body twice. It is the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. The performance of his improved Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is so excellent that it is subverting common sense …”

The 9-land True Immortal, Kingdom Guardian-class powerhouse surrounding all around looked at the tragic battlefield, and expression was full of shock.

It was not that they did not want to go up to help.

On the one hand, these Peak powerhouses do not have a cultivation clash, and they are able to siege Baili Qingfeng at the same time. Many of them are the most suitable. On the contrary, they will affect each other due to coordination issues.

on the other hand……

They have to prevent Baili Qingfeng from escaping!

Body Refining flow The martial artist’s amazing physical strength really let him escape. Their internal flow may not catch up, so they deployed a double defense, with 2 people in each direction.

But now…

“Dark black, Dulu, 4 elephants, beacon, you four of you, along with me, gave him a final blow. He was seriously injured and can’t last long!”

Fang Baiyun said solemnly, and at the same time seemed to think of something: “Heaven, you and us, prevent him from dragging another two people to burn both jade and stone with the Refining Spirit Secret Technique.”

Five people called by Fang Baiyun approached.

This includes the heart of the heart and the heart, which has a Refining Spirit 8-fold cultivation base.

Several people adjusted their blood and spirit. Although the fit with Tianxin Spirit is not very high due to the lack of cooperation, they are not weak. The worst ones have a 7-level cultivation base, as long as some people share the burden for them. With some pressure, they can resist Baili Qingfeng’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique strikes by their own will.

“Stranded Beast’s Struggle is the most dangerous and must be careless!”

Fang Baiyun and the others recircled in front of Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng was very injured. Chi Xiao’s sword cut into his shoulder at least ten centimeters, not only cutting off the collarbone, but also several ribs.

But this is not the point. The point is that Chi Xiao’s sword is still chopped on him and stuck in the bone, which will affect his agile action.

Seeing that Fang Baiyun summoned 5 powerhouses to gather around quickly, Baili Qingfeng didn’t care about the pain, and quickly held the handle of this giant sword …


The friction between the sword edge and the blasted Yaojin made a brutal noise, and by the way a cluster of blood flowers.


The pain of pulling out the sword made Baili Qingfeng’s face pale.


Seeing this, Fang Baiyun shouted in a low voice, and the internal force erupted.

The advantage of the burst of internal interest makes him extremely fast when he sends out a sword. A sword is stabbed. He seems to be integrated with this sword light. The sharp friction between the sword edge and the air forms a sharp shout, pointing directly at Baili Qingfeng. Before the sword arrives, Sword Qi arrives first, and the aiming position is that he was cut off with a sword and was severely damaged by the left half of his body.

“My state … at best, I can only kill one or two more …”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes swept away from everyone, and a decision was made in his heart.

Kill 2!



Baili Qingfeng’s body flickered, her feet were slightly bent, her strength burst, and her body burst into a shot. She actually wanted to avoid the edge of Fang Baiyun’s sword edge to break through!

“He wants to run! Stop him!”

Fang Baiyun’s voice sounded.

He didn’t need to order. On the occasion of Baili Qingfeng’s assault, True Immortal, who had originally been involved in besieging his land, 4 elephants, fires, and side by side to prevent him from escaping. True Immortal moved at the same time.

“Profound Truth!”

“Aggression is like fire!”

4 Elephant and Beacon 2 swelled up and down their blood. Immediately operated Explosive Secret Technique, relying on the advantages of internal flow in the outbreak. The sword in their hands turned out to be as good as Baili Qingfeng’s strength. !!


The two-handed boutique Chen Jin battle knife fiercely chopped on the giant sword that originally belonged to the Red Night in front of the Baili Qingfeng rung.

However, at the moment when the swords intersect, Beacon and the 4th Elephant have noticed anomalies.

It stands to reason that the center of the sword, which should burst with violent energy, is just a firelight.

At the next moment, Baili Qingfeng’s body turned sharply. With the explosive power contained in the 4 elephants and the beacon 2 swords, the body suddenly exploded. The target …

Hearts and pulses dominate the heart!

“Be careful!”

“Baili Qingfeng, pick me up!”

Two screams came out at the same time, of which Fang Baiyun, the 2-level powerhouse, was screaming. The sword in his hand skyrocketed, as if beyond time and beyond space, assassinated towards Baili Qingfeng crazy, from sword edge The sword that was shot was so loud that it was enough to penetrate the sword ten meters, tearing any creature in this range into pieces.

“weng weng! ”

Baili Qingfeng clearly felt that his Yaojin Battle Armor seemed to have a sword mark cut, which was a sword 迸 shot from Fang Baiyun’s sword edge.

Unfortunately, this level of sword might not even be able to break through the defense of his Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique, let alone he is wearing the Yaojin Battle Armor at the moment.

He completely ignored Fang Baiyun’s sword edge, which was so violently killed. One with the World was inspired by mysterious. The whole person seemed to be helped by Heaven and Earth, and the sword in his hand was almost to the extreme.

Xinmaizhu, the heavenly heart pulls away and retreats!

But after a moment’s retreat, he had turned pale.

He is too slow to escape!

Attack it and save it?

relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers?

This tactic is of no use to Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng’s sword, Baili Qingfeng’s potential, Baili Qingfeng’s One with the World, all locked on him. The fiery slaying Faith almost runs through his thinking and crushes his will.

Even if the World is destroyed in the next second after killing him, he will not be shaken. He will kill Faith!

All he wants is perish together!

All he wants is burn both jade and stone!

There was a hint of despair in Tianxin’s eyes.

“Crazy! Monster!”

But after all, he reworked the Refining Spirit to an 8-level Awakening master. The negative emotions of the collapse lasted only a moment and he was forcibly expelled from his mind!

Help yourself!

He can only save himself!

There is only one way to save yourself …

“hong long long !”


There seems to be a mighty avalanche behind Tianxin. This avalanche destroys the Heavens and exterminating the Earth dropping from the sky. Strikes madly rushed to Baili Qingfeng’s body, and it seemed to completely overturn Baili Qingfeng’s body. bury!

“This is … Refining Spirit Secret Technique !?”

Baili Qingfeng startled.

The same for Refining Spirit 8th, Tianxin actually attacked him with Refining Spirit Secret Technique! ?

Not afraid of backlash! ?


When Fang Baiyun saw the scene screaming, blood shot out from the pupils, ears, and nostrils.


He performed taboo secrets!

And under these secret techniques, he had already reached the extreme charge speed soared again, sweeping the monstrous intention intention across the distance between Baili Qingfeng and himself, the sword sword shot by the sharp sword in his hand almost tore the void!

Tianxin is not afraid of backlash, but to fight the consequences of backlash and trap Baili Qingfeng with Refining Spirit Secret Technique!

Even if he can only be trapped for half a second, his sword can penetrate Baili Qingfeng’s body!

Although he will pay for the cost of realm’s fall and even brain death, it is the only vitality in his current situation!

It is precisely because of this that Fang Baiyun’s outburst at this moment has exempted everything.

“hong long long !”

“Refining Spirit Secret Technique-Big Avalanche!”

Baili Qingfeng’s spirit World seems to be completely filled with this avalanche like destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

But before this avalanche had time to completely bury Baili Qingfeng, the innate Fiendgod Zuz had already been conceived by him. This Fiendgod from the mythic epic fought against the sky and blasted with the invincible Faith of Fight Heaven and Earth Out, the endless thunderbolt lightning on fist strength burst out, crushing this avalanche to overturn and bury his spirit World with crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

“hong long! ”

Snowflakes blow up!

The whole Heaven and Earth seemed to be clear with the fist of innate Fiendgod Zuz!

Refining Spirit Secret Technique The big avalanche has not had time to show how much it should have been defeated by a boxing!

And at the moment when the avalanche was defeated, Tianxin’s face flashed incomparable pain near him, and before he could scream, his consciousness was like a candle remaining in the wind and quickly extinguished.

backlash and die.

“Heavenly Heart!”

4 The elephant sent out a painful anger roar!


Tianxin’s death is more or less valuable.

His Refining Spirit Secret Technique slightly affected Baili Qingfeng for an instant, making him completely miss the opportunity to avoid Fang Baiyun’s lore.

“Go to death!”

Fang Baiyun, who swept the bloody murderous aura, screamed screaming, breaking the limit with a sword, shocked and killed, and pierced Baili Qingfeng.


The collision between the sword edge and Yaojin Battle Armor burst into flames.

The Yaojin Battle Armor on the back of Baili Qingfeng was torn on the spot, unable to stop the sword from smashing the vanity’s sharp edge, letting it penetrate the heart, and then emerged through his chest.

Blood shot!


Solidified at this moment.


(The next chapter is still under revision.)

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